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June 11, 1952
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Approved For Release 2006/12/27: CIA-RDP79SO 1057A000100080.
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11 June 1952
1,,O.-,ORM1DUM FOR: Deputy Director (Intelligence)
SUBJECT: Status of Problems Being Handled by OIC
For your information, as I depart on my vacation, I am submitting
the following notes covering the major long-term problems on which OIC
is working.
OIC will discuss with and will coordinate a
report with the various offices and agencies prior to the 1 August
1. NSC 11+/2 - Status of Intelligence programs:
area in order to provide more support for p ychologiical intelligence in
accordance with the statement of the House Appropriations Committee that
it expects the Department to make provision for its additional intelligence
functions within the total funds provided for State for Fiscal Year 1953.
3. (Land Coordination of External Research:
Proposals from IAD's for the program for F.Y. 1953 have been
disseminated to the AD's for criticism. DD/P proposals will follow.
We are coming up with a recommendation for putting coordination
of all external research of the Agency in OIC. (DD/P offices concur.)
2. Psychological Intelligence Support:
State is disturbed about its financial inability to provide
psychological intelligence support to the community. We had an informal
discussion to explore alternatives and pointed out the hazards of send-
ing a request to the DCI asking for subsidization. We have informally
recommended reallocation of funds within the Department and/or the "R"
This subject is in abeyance awaiting the conclusions of the
scientific and technical ad hoc committee. Depending upon the results
of that committee's work, consideration might be given to the DD/I
convening from time to time the directors of production in the several
agencies for discussion of major production problems in support of
national intelligence.
4. Authentication of Facts:
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Agreed procedure now exists whereby 01\!E, upon the conclusion
of its work with the agencies in determining intelligence deficiencies
and gaps, will turn the matter over to OIC for follow-up with collectors
as necessary.
6. Requirements
AD/IC has been attending the IPC on covert requirements and
has held discussions with offices recently in order to make sure that
there was adequate understanding of the existing arrangements and to
clarify problems which were raised. ORR is proceeding systematically
in cooperation with EIC and the State Department in getting
coordinated economic intelligence requirements for overt collection by
the Foreign Service.
All IPC requirements are also made available to ADO for use
by his divisions. This is considered helpful to 00 in alerting them for
similar materials.
Requirements of the Agency on FDD are being studied in connection
with the general study of foreign literature as a source. There are
favorable developments here in getting clarification of the office needs
and there are recent indications of an improved relation between FDD
and the State Department. The EIC subcommittee on requirements is
embarking on a study of the use of foreign economic literature, which
will be submitted to OIC. In general, requirements with respect to
FBID have not caused serious difficulty. OCD's recent proposal for
establishing overtcollection of certain types of materials overseas
is under consideration by the offices. This office recommends approval
in principle and that it be worked out with the State Department.
7. Biographic:
An analysis of the jurisdictional problem between OCD and State
in the processing of information and servicing of requests on political,
economic, social and cultural personalities has been completed and
recommendations will be made shortly for eliminating the current
extensive duplication that exists between the two systems.
Study is being undertaken to determine the necessity and
feasibility of establishing a central register of military person-
alities. At the present time none of the three Services provides a
central biographic register, files being maintained by individuals
and by separate offices within each of the agencies.
r so
8. Foreign Language Publications:
OIC has been working with FDD and some of its customers
(especially ORR and OCD) on numerous aspects of the use of foreign
language publications as a source of intelligence. Indexing of Orbit
literature is the priority problem. Other pieces include: translation
service, custody arrangements, procurement, requirements for exploita-
tion, special problems with scientific and technical literature, and a
possible NSCID.
9. Dissemination to Foreign Governments:
For the time being this matter is in pretty good shape as far
as we have gone. Remaining unanswered questions or spots where refine-
ment in procedure is necessary include:-
a. Clarification of the U.S. attitude toward dissemination to
various governments.
b. Tightening up procedure in dissemination of NIS material
and of Agency intelligence to foreign governments in keeping with
existing policy.
10. Review of travel requests:
Results of our discussions, particularly with ORR and OSI,
show improved justification of travel requests and modification by them
of some of their expectations. Criteria, to be examined in submitting
travel requests are being made available to the offices to facilitate
the preparation of requests. Nothing new has been done regarding OCI's
proposed familiarization tours since we are awaiting to observe some of
the results of this type of travel. ONE is eager to develop its own area
familiarization scheme along the lines of OCI's. Cooperation from State
has been satisfactory obviating the necessity for contact with DD/P overseas.
personnel where this is undesirable.
11. Liaison with other agencies:
In general, this seems to be proceeding satisfactorily.
There have been no security questions raised to my knowledge during the
last year. Liaison is strongest in ONE and ORR, most difficult in OSI
and OCI. In some respects OCD (particularly through the efforts of
with their response and cooperation. "
Approved For Release 2006/1
has assumed a stronger role in working with the other
related offices and agencies. 00 has improved its liaison with the other
.err ci-r'1 in the nourse of the last year. 00 and OSO receive evaluations
Approved For Release 2006/12 ? 'I -RDP79SO1057A000100080025-4
12. Scientific Intelligence:
This office is taking no action until called on by DD/I.
13. NSCID-10:
In accordance with Park Armstrong's memorandum of 3 June 1952,
a review is being undertaken in conjunction with the interested offices
to determine if financial support of the overt scientific collection
functions of the State Department under NSCID-10 might be appropriate
and justified.
14. Current Intelligence:
The problem of OCI vis-a-vis ONE seems to be dormant due in
part to the fact that OCI has reduced the number of intelligence
memoranda, using instead the vehicle of the Current Intelligence Review.
Much remains to be done, in my judgment, with respect to OCI's
posture toward the rest of, tbP though this has been improved
in some degree because of
There remains the sensitive question of the relationship of
the efforts of this Agency and of the State Department in the current
15. Watch Committee: 25X1
Major effort at the moment is confined as far as this office
knows, to the informal efforts of o strengthen the
Watch Committee secretariat, improve practices o the meeting, and
develop further the preparation of trends on certain important
16. Publications:
Since the issuance by the DD/I of the study on publications
prepared by OIC in collaboration with the other offices, no major problem
has arisen. Details of implementing the decision of the DD/I are
gradually being worked out. There have been some cases where the
publications reflect a lack of critical judgment with respect to what
ought to be published and these points have been discussed informally
with the offices concerned. This office believes the articles in the
CIR would be more useful if issued as separate current intelligence
17. NSC-29:
Since the recent NSC discussions on this subject there has
only been one request for a survey from the State Department, specifically
on Portugal. A reply is now being prepared by OIC in cooperation with
OSO and I&S.
Approved For Release 2006j27 : CIA-RDP79SO1057AO00100080025-4
18. JIC Proposal for a Counter-Intelligence Committee:
OIC has discussed this question with 080 in order to develop
an Agency view. OSO has a very negative initial reaction on the use-
fulness of such a committee. A paper will be forthcoming.
istant Director
Intelligence Coordination