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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 12, 1954
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Approved For Release 2007/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004800510012-3 CLASSIFICATION SECRET COUNTRY East GeMany TOP!(; Chum 3r inz Area of the 10th Gds Tank Div EVALUA-ION J_ECE OBTAINED DATE 0= CONTENT MT E Oi3 TAINED-, DATE PREPAR REFERENCES -~-- PAGES 4 ENCLOSURES REMkRKS- 3etween 14 June and 25 July 1954, the Kavallerie Schule (2161) in Krampnitz appeared to be occupied to capacity. Soldier's observed enter?n;~ and leaving the installation wore red-bordered black epaulets with %ank, artillery, signal and motor transport insignia. A civilian who previously acccn.Danied the units to a ?ummer camp stated that they would not transfer to a ssummer caip this year and that he would move to Thuringia in 1955, :.ather than Letziing Heath as previously. 1 Trucks and tanks engaged in driving practices on the road and in the terrain north of the ?Q.. T-34 tankcs On.< Four JSU-1 _ guns~ 22 Jana Six ;tanks, presumably S?3s, .ie as Six T-34/85 tanks Between 19 and 24 June, the Kavallerie Schule in Kreunpnitz was occupied as previously by 69000 to 7,000 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets. ?3e ;ween 27 June and 14 July, the strength figure of the installation could not be determined o Only a few windows in the east section of the installation were lit at dusk. Elements of the traits stationed there .ppeared to be a 2, the Doebe% tz troop training grounds for exercises and -training in the instellatiogt decreased considercbly. 3 Basic trra::ning of 30 to hO ;soldier? was observed west and north of -'she installation on a _pew days.' On 12 July, abort 12 trucks and 5 srrr o "heel armored personnel va.erie:rs were seen .1-n the area on u1' on i xa eel. `..he vehicles carried a total If% SS.E0).Er Approved For Release 2007/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004800510012-3 I ~ "`" Approved For Release 2007/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081OA004800510012-3 90 Between 24 June and 22 July, the Kriegsschule in Potsdam was occupied by 800 to 1,000 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with ,artillery,, tank and motor transport insignia. No training was observed in. the yard during the period of observation. On 22 June, the 120-mm mortars and trucks, which until then had been parked in the barracks area, were observed in three newly erected sheds on the east side of the installation. At noon on 8 July, about 15 of the trucks with guns were absent. 5 . On 14 July, it was determined that the sheds were fenced in and could no longer be obsert. . On 22 July ntmerous fresh imprints of tracks led from the cats on Kirschall. toward Bornstedt. 4 1. C t,, The informtion on a transfer to Thuringia of the 10th s t Div in 1955 is forwarded with great reserve. The iinidcation of the abandonment of the summer camp of the division near Colbitr, in the southern portion of the Letsiing Heath is reported for the first tea 3. ens. According to previous inforution, tank units from the Kevalleri.e Schule transferred to the south section of the Doeberitz troop tra,i grounds for exercises in late Juns. 4 ~C Ater the winter of 1953/54, the two installations haw- been carried occupied as fo1his< the Adolf Hitler serne (2287) by the 63d Gds Tank Ragt of the 10th Gds Tank Div, and a driving school unit of rear services of the GSFG; and the iegsschul.e (2288) by the 299th Gds Mort Regt and the 359th Gds ?.A Rest of the loth Gd.s Tank Div, The present information does not indicate any changes in the occupation of the Adolf Hitler .se e: prior `6 ~ the vtmmar of 1954 Approved For Release 2007/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004800510012-3 Approved For Release 2007/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004800510012-3 The occupation of Kriegsschule appears to have changed. The 359th Gds AAA Regt believed stationed there has not been confirmed there since the winter of 1953/54. It presumably transferred to the Kavallerie Sehule in Krempnitz. In addition to the continually confirmed 299th Gds Mort Regt, the installation apparently also houses the unidentified artillery regiment of the 10th Gds Tank Div.. This assumption is supported by the observation there of field howitzers. Small elements of the 63d Gdo Tank Regt may also be stationed there. . On 8 July, elements of the 299th Gds Sort Regt of the 10th Div moved from Satzkorn to Altengrabow. They stayed at the training area until 22 July,, - Approved For Release 2007/08/29: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004800510012-3