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Pentagon Pressi to Name Manpower Commission Senator Lyndon Johnson (D: Tex.), chairman of the Senate Preparedness Subcommittee, has written Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett to inquire about the status of the Manpower Com- mission, which was first proposed on 7 July. During recent weeks, Tics JOURNAL has reported the difficulty which the Depart- ment is experiencing in obtaining the services of "eminent and qualified citi- zens" to investigate the utilization of manpower in the Armed Forces. The fact that this is an election year undoubtedly has contributed to the prob- lem. Secretary Lovett already has issued a charter for the 11-member Manpower Commission, complete text of which was published in the 23 August issue of THE JOURNAL. Maj. Gen. Merrill B. Twining, USMC, has been named staff director for the Commission, but so far there has been no announcement of the members, seven to be civilians and four to be retired mili- tary officers, a general officer or flag offi- cer of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Undoubtedly, Secretary Lovett will an- nounce shortly the membership of the Commission. A Marine Corps official di rective states that the first meeting of the Commission is expected to occur this month, If this is true, the name of the chairman and members of the Commis- sion will be announced momentarily. Following, is the text . of Senator Johnson's letter to Secretary Lovett:. Text of Letter "My dear Mr. Secretary: "On 7 July the Senate Preparedness Com- mittee issued Its Fortieth Report, in which we recommended that the Defense Depart- ment establish 'a group of eminent and quail- fled citizens' to study the problem of more, efficient and economical use of military per- sonnel. On 15 July you replied in a letter expressing complete agreement with the pro- posal and stating that you would proceed to select the members of the Commission. "It is now 7 October and upon the basis of recent inquiries I understand that no members of this group have been selected or appointed. Indeed, I have run into disquiet- ing reports that strong opposition to the proposal exists within your Department to bringing in 'outsiders' who might change es- tablished procedures. "In fact, it has been reliably reported that an Important group within your organization has said that a manpower study commission will be appointed 'only as a last resort and under extreme pressure.' "Since better manpower utilization appears to hold forth the only hope of reducing swollen defense budgets, I would very much appreciate from you a report on the progress that has been made in establishing this man- power study commission. I am aware of your personal sympathy with this proposal and I trust that we will be able to produce con- crete results in. the near future. "Sincerely, "Lyndon B. Johnson, Chairman "Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee." Retired Pay Computation The Comptroller General ruled this week that the retired rank and there- fore the retired pay of an officer is de- termined by his election or non-election under Section 415 of the Career Compen- sation Act of 1949, as amended, to re- ceive disability retirement benefits com- puted under the laws in effect on 30 Sept. 1949. The official digest of the decision (B- 103063) affecting Lt. Comdr. William A. Leonard, USN-Ret., and others in the same category, is as follows: "An officer selected for promotion whom a clinical board had found to be suffering from a disease prior to a physical examination given to effect such promotion and whose subsequent disability retirement was for the same disease may not, under section 402 (d) of the Career Compensation Act of 1949, be advanced to the grade for which selected and receive the retired pay of that grade, as said section authorizes an officer's dis- ability retirement pay to be computed on the rank to which he is eligible for promo- tion only if the physical disability is found to exist as a result of a physical examina- tion given In connection with effecting a permanent promotion." Changing Station? Notify the Army Navy Air Force Journal promptly to avoid missing any issues. 1I9i l'my Navy Air Force Journal 191 18 October 1952 were traveling on a priority shipment. "Dependents moving on priority travel are authorized air transportation when the family includes an infant between the age of 6 weeks and 5 months. However, dependents on the non-priority basis, with. an infant under 6 months, cannot travel until the in- fant is six months old as travel is by water transportation. Early Application for Passport Urged "The actual port call for dependents to re- port to either San Francisco or Seattle will be issued after the Seattle Port of Embarka- tion has received the passports. Sponsors ap- plying for their dependents' travel are urged to encourage their families to apply for pass- ports immediately upon receipt of travel au- thorization so as to avoid unnecessary delays. The travel authorization is air mailed direct- ly to sponsor's dependent by Headquarters, FEC. "Primary responsibilities for dependent travel and housing at the 29 installations throughout Japan are as follows: "Army - Crawford, Haugen, Younghans, Sendai, Drew, Tokyo, Yokohama, McGill, Zama, Gifu, Nara. Otsu, Kobe, Eta Jima, Hakata, Mower, Wood and Chickamauga. "Air Force -- Misawa, Johnson, Yokota, Tachikawa, Nagoya, Bofu, Iwakuni, Mille, Ashiya and Itazuke. "Navy-Yokosuka." Key members of the newly formed Armed Services Textile and Apparel Procurment Agency are shown after Brig. Gen. Robert P. Hollis, Chief of the Agency Staff, activated the Agency at 111 E. 16th St., New York City. Standing left to right: Mr. George M, Clark, jr., Chief, Legal Office; Col. J. F. Howard, USA, Chief, Purchasing Division; Comdr. E. D. Stanley, jr., USN, Chief, Budget & Planning Officer; Mr. Ar- thur D. Baird, Chief, Public Information Office. Sitting left to right: Col. Paul I. Doty, USAF, Deputy Chief of Agency Staff; General Hollis; Capt. H. T. Dinsmore, USN, Chief, Services Division; and Lt. Col. M. C. Martin, jr., USMC, Assistant to the Chief of the Agency Staff. FEC Changes Policy For Dependent Housing-Travel The Far East Command has issued a lengthy statement describing changes in the policy for dependent travel and hous- ing in Japan. The announcement-text herewith- follows disclosure in the 20 Sept. issue of THE JOURNAL that a limitation of 500 families per month has been placed on dependent travel to the Far East Com- mand. A Pentagon official said last month that the wait for availability of government quarters in Japan now extends from nine to 15 months. FEC officials said the basic change in policy is from travel to Japan based on availability of housing anywhere in Japan to a policy of travel to Japan based up- on availability of housing at or near the duty station of the sponsor. In addition to this basic change, the new program provides for decentralization of control to commanding officers of U. S. Installa- tions in Japan. Each Service will control housing at its own installations. Sponsors of one serv- ice who are stationed at an installation of another service will be handled under the same provisions as personnel of the parent service on that installation. In the Tokyo-Yokohama-Atsugi.-Zama area, where many personnel of more than one Service must be housed at one installa- tion, the housing has been divided in proportion to the strength of each service in order to insure equality of treatment for personnel of all three services. In- stallation commanders will soon be able to furnish the approximate waiting time for their respective areas. The statement continued: New Method for Priority Lists "Sponsors desiring to bring their depend- ents to Japan will submit travel and hous- ing applications to their respective camp, post or base commander who will arrange the applications in order of priority accord- ing to the length of separation of the family. Information is transposed to an individual card for each sponsor which is then sub- mitted to Headquarters FEC. Each two weeks the station commander will report to FEC the number of projected vacant houses for which families can be brought to Japan on the next priority list to be submitted. Head- quarters FEC will then publish travel prior- ity lists from the cards which have been sub- mitted In order to bring dependents to Japan for housing at or near the duty station of the sponsor and in accordance with the pe- riod of separation of the family. "Due to the great difference which would result in waiting times at various Army in- stallations because of difference in the num- ber of houses as compared to the number of eligible sponsors at those installations, the Army has allocated a percentage of housing for voluntary interim housing at four Army installations: Gifu, Otsu, Nara and Eta Jima. In order to alleviate the critical housing situation on Hokkaido, personnel stationed on that island will be authorized dependent housing at Camp Haugen and Misawa Air Force Base. At each of the latter two camps, a percentage of housing has been set aside as housing for dependents of sponsors sta- tioned on Hokkaido. The Air Force and Navy have been authorized to establish interim housing at installations under their control if they so desire. Air Force personnel sta- tioned at Misawa are also eligible to apply for Army interim housing elsewhere. It was emphasized that personnel on any priority travel list subsequent to the October B list will be brought to Japan for interim housing only on a strictly voluntary basis. No Change for Eligibility "There is no change in the eligibility for dependent housing. Eligibles continue to be officers, enlisted men in the top three pay grades and authorized civilians with the Armed Forces of grades GS-12 and above. "Personnel who are now in interim hous- ing, or who travel on priority lists up to and including the October B list and go into interim housing, will be moved into permanent housing In accordance with the period of separation of the families, consider- ing interim housing as continued separation. Personnel who arrive for voluntary interim housing will also be brought into permanent housing in accordance with the period of separation from families. It was emphasized that the housing situation in Japan continues to be acute, with only 40, per cent of the required housing being available; some of this housing is in areas where it cannot best be utilized because of current troop locations. "Present lists up to and including the Oc- tober B list will fill up all housing becoming vacant between now and 31 December 1952. The first priority list under the new plan will be the January A list for travel after 1 January 1953. Spaces for Korea Returnees "Korean returnees will continue to be In- tegrated on travel lists; using experience factors as a basis, each post will reserve spaces on the new priority lists for Korea returnees. "There has been no change in the require- ment that an individual must have 12 months service remaining on his current overseas tour or have an approved agreement for an extension to include at least 12 months serv- ice after the arrival date of his dependents. "No change has been made in the private rental policy. The acceptance of a. private rental to bring dependents to Japan prior to availability of government housing does not affect the individual's position on the permanent housing list. It was emphasized that those personnel availing themselves of early travel based on a private rental or of private rental in lieu of interim housing must have had the private rental facility approved by the installation commander for structural and sanitary standards. "As in the past, dependents traveling on a non-priority basis (those who are to live in a private rental) receive orders to travel at government expense the same as if they Army Chief of Staff Tells Operation Research Mission Its activities long shrouded in secrecy, the Army's Operations Research Office this week received public attention as a result of an address made on 16 Oct. by General J. Lawton Collins. The ORO is known to be having an important influence on major Army pol- icies and it is to be expected that Gen- eral Collins' remarks will prompt fur- ther inquiries about this activity. The Army Chief of Staff told the Carnegie Institute Society in Pittsburgh that the ORO, headed by Dr. Ellis A. Johnson and operated under contract with Johns Hopkins University, now num- bers more than 120 research personnel. The ORO, said General Collins, "inte- grates the resources of many of the- uni-versities and industrial research organi- zations of the United States for direct work on new weapons and for the analy- sis of problems of the training ground and the battlefield." General Collins continued: "Our re- search is not limited to the physical sciences. We are also making the best use of the great advances in the social sciences because we fully realize the im- portance of the human element in com- bat. "The Operations Research Office and its many collaborating universities par- ticipate directly with the officers of our General Staff in the most critical analy- sis of the Army's operations. This honest soul-searching is designed to bring about the utmost efficiency as well as economy In the management of the Army and without regard to military or civilian perspective-the truth is our only aim. We seek thereby to choose the most mod- ern and effective weapons for the battle- field, which at the same time can be pro- duced at the minimum cost and with the least impact on our national economy. We seek also to ensure that our, Army personnel are trained by the most mod- ern methods developed in educational research, and that their morale and psy- chological well-being-as well as physi- cal well-being-are protected and pre- served throughout their service in the Army. Above all, we seek to guarantee that the combination of men and ma- chines for combat makes full use of modern scientific knowledge so as to en- sure victory with the least cost in Ameri- can lives. "This is the general form of our or- ganization for correlating the efforts of the scientist, the technician, the educator, and the soldier in this modern age," Gen- eral Collins concluded. Col. Alford ABG C.O. Col. David G. Alford has assumed com- mand of the 806th Air Base Group at Lake Charles AFB, La., after reporting from the 809th Air Base Group at MacDiil A- FB, Fla., where .he was Deputy Base Com- mander. He replaced Lt. Col. Melvin H. Slate, scheduled for an overseas assign- ment in the near future. Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000500050019-4 Army Navy Air Force Journ( q -IA-RDP5, 384R000500050019 4 18 October 1,952 Maj. Gen Burress Named To Command First Army Maj. Gen. Withers A. Burress, who will be 58 years of age on 24 Nov., has been named to succeed Lt. Gen. Willis D. Crit- tenberger as Commanding General of the First Army at Governors Island, N. Y. General Crit- tenberger w iIl retire on 31 Dec. u p o n reaching t h e statutory age of 62. General Bur- ress, w h o ap- pears certain to be named for a third star, has been Command- ing General of the VII Corps, U. S. Army in Europe. A graduate of Virginia Military Maj. Gen. Burress Institute in 1914, General Burress was commissioned a see- ond'lieutenant of Infantry in the Regular Army err 30 Nov. 1916. In July 1940 General Burress was trans- ferred to the Operations and Training Di- vision of the War Department General Staff. In October 1941 he was named as- sistant commandant of the Infantry School, Ft. Benning, Ga. and in April 1942 was assigned to headquarters of the Puerto Rican Department. General Burress was appointed in Sep- tember 1942 commander of the 100th In- fantry Division, which he activated and trained at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. He moved with it to the European theater in October 1944, where under his com- mand, it was in continuous combat from 1 Nov. 1944, until V-E Day. After V-E Day, the 100th Division was assigned occupational duties. and was de- activated in January, 1946. General Burress thereafter served suc- cessively as Acting Commanding Gen- eral, XXI Corps, 1 to 21 Sept. 1945; Com- UNITED STATES ARMY manding General, VI Corps to 28 Jan. 1946; Inspector General U. S. Forces, Eu- ropean Theater, to 28 Aug. 1946; As- sistant Chief of Staff, G-2, USFET, to 15 March 1947; Director of Intelligence, Eu- ropean Command, to 1 May 1947; and Commanding General, U. S. Constabulary, until his return to the United States in May 1948. General Burress assumed command of the Infantry Center at Fort Benning, on 1 June 1948. He was named commanding general of the VI Corps, with headquar- ters at Camp Atterbury, Ind., in January 1951. The following June he assumed command of the VII Corps which, in No- vember 1951, was assigned to United States Army, Europe. Engineer OCS Fourteen men of Class 25 of The Engi- neer Officers' Candidate School were graduated at exercises 14 Oct. at Ft. Belvoir, Va. Class 25 originally numbered 56 candidates. Brig. Gen. Robert G. Lovett, division engineer, East Ocean Engineer Division, addressed the graduates. Col. Philip Y. Browning, TEOCS commandant, pre- sented the SAME award to the honor graduate. Co. D, TEOCS, of which Class 25 a part, is commanded by Lt. Robert Mangones. Those graduated were : Andereck, Edwin L Angulo, Henry C Bucko, Robert J Bryner, Norman K Cook, Thomas L, jr Dayan, Maurice Evans, Donald C Hansen, Edwin L, jr Hardy, Leonard Y Lynn, Charles E Mallonee, Benjamin S Millies, Robert H Owl, David L Riddell, John F Medical RTC Chaplain Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Wayne M. Dauben- speck has been assigned as Chief Chap- lain of the Medical Replacement Train- ing Center at Camp Pickett, Va. A PORTFOLIO OF IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Space for keeping the Io- cation of your safe de- posit box, your insurance policies, and other per- sonal papers. Mutual li feflnsupanEp Company GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Dept. J 505 East Travis St. San Antonio, Texas I am interested In having further Information about GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL MUTUAL'S New "SIXTY SPECIAL" policy for officers. I understand most officers are eligible for $10,OOD and there Is no obligation. 2. A list of benefits to which widows and children are entitled. 3. Letters to be mailed in applying for payment of Insurance, gratuity pay, unclaimed or arrears of pay, etc. Write today for your port- folio. It's yours without obli- gation. NAME .............................................. .. Mo. Day Yr. RANK ................................................. (Blrthdate) ADDRESS ............................................... (Post-Camp or Station) (Telephone) (Ext) j Election Returns to Troops The Army Signal Corps' vast commu- nications network will carry up-to-the- minute election news to U. S. troops throughout the world, beginning imme- diately after the polls close 4 Nov., Secre- tary of the Army Frank Pace, jr., an- nounced this week. This will be the Army's first attempt to provide simultaneous news coverage of a national election to the entire Army through Signal Corps and Army Troop Information and Education facilities. U;,ing the services of the three major American press associations the Army wil. send election returns to 212 news- papers and 72 radio stations which it operates in overseas areas. Commands Airborne Bn. Lt. Col. Willis F. Lowery has been named commander of the 508th Airborne Regimental Combat Team's Second Bat- talion at Ft. Benning, Ga. He replaces Maj. Wesley D. Harris, who is enrolled in the Air Ground Support School. Colonel Lowery was formerly public information officer for I Corps in Japan. He later was aide-de-camp to Maj. Gen. R. B. Woodruff and commanded the Third Battalion of the 31st Infantry Regiment in Korea. Major Harris will be attached to the Air Force Northeast Command, St. Johns, Newfoundland, following gradu- ation from the Air Ground Support School. 3d Inf. Div. History Publication of a 400-page history of the "3d Infantry Division in Korea" is sched- uled for 15 Nov. The book, consisting of 50 per cent pic- tures, will include 30 pages of color plates, a brief history of each 3d Division unit, color reproductions of all unit in- signia, numerous maps, and a record of the operations of the division in Korea. Those desiring copies should send their order with four dollars in postal money order, personal check, or military pay- ment certificates, for each copy to the Custodian, 3d Infantry Division History Fund, APO 468, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Col. Snodgrass USAREUR JAG Col. Edgar H. Snodgrass, former staff judge advocate of the Seventh Army, has been named Judge Advocate of the U. S. Army, Europe. He succeeds Col. Damon M. Gunn, who left for the U. S. for new assignment after serving as Judge Advo- cate Eucom, later USAREUR, since Apr. 1949. From July 1947 to June 1950, Colonel Snodgrass was assigned to the U. S. Mili- tary Academy's Department of Law as an associate professor. He was next ordered to Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., where he served as Staff Judge Advocate of the Fourth Army until coming to USAREUR 15 months later. TRAIN JAPANESE Some 5,000 Japanese supervisors employed by the U. S. Army In Japan have completed special management training courses. Army Def a Ls Dartmouth The Cadets meet Pittsburgh at West Poi:lt today after bouncing back from their loss to USC to take an amazing 37-7 win over Dartmouth last Saturday. C Talking up 450 yards-almost equally divided between the air and ground- Army cracked across the goal line five timos, completedfive perfect conversions, and added a safety for good measure. Sophomore quarterback Pete Vann scot ed the first Army touchdown by div- ing )ver the goal, and Lowell Sisson took a 1C-yard pass from Vann to add the sec- ond Army score. In the second period, Mario Delucia ran 13 yards to tally, and Fred Attaya made the final two Army scores--the first on a 66-yard pass play fror.l Vann. Attaya caught the ball on the Dartmouth 25 and ran the remaining dist.Lnce. His second score came after an 18-y ),rd gallop. Slain was responsible for all five of the Cadets' extra points. TI e Army lineup: Left ands-Sisson. Lapchick, Chance. Left .ackles-Wilkerson, Lincoln, Hicks. Left cards-Lunn, Krause, Paulekas, Harris. Cente. s-Ordway, Stephen. Kramer, Megion. Right guards-Ziegler, Ryan. Right tackles-Doremus, Weaver, Kovacik. Right ends-Mischak, Chamberlin. Quart, rbacks-Vann, Fuqua, Shale. Left I alffbacks--Attaya, Bell. Right halfbacks-Wing. Hagan.. Manus. Fullbs eks-Schweikert, Lodge, Delucia. N(xt Saturday, 25 Oct., the Cadets play Columbia at New York. Do able Compensation Ruling TI e Comptroller General ruled this wee]: that the double compensation re- striction does not affect a retired Army offlc(r employed by a private corporation seized by the Government under the Trad- ing with the Enemy Act of 1917, as ame: ided. TI a official digest of the decision (B- 1104111) follows : "T ie term any corporation' as used in the t louble compensation restriction provi- sions of section 212 of the act of June 30, 1932, as amended, contemplates corporations which properly may be regarded as Instru- ment Llitles of the United States and does not smbrace wholly private corporations whicl. have been seized by the Government under ? the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended, and therefore, said sec- tion :!12 Is not applicable to a retired Army office:' who accepts a position with a cor- poration which has been seized and Is being operated by the United States under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended, at a salary In excess of $3,000 per annul n." Heads Benning Unit Lt. Col. Edward Bourke of Fayette- ville, N. C., has assumed command of Ft. Benn ing's 320th Airborne Field Artillery Batta Ilion, part of the 508th Airborne Reg- imen :al Combat Team. Co. onel Bourke was an Instructor in 1945 in the former Airborne School at Ft. Denning before going to Duquesne University as head of artillery ROTC train ng. 'Copters Arrive in Europe A :lumber of Bell H-13E helicopters, the f rst supplied to the U. S. Army in Euro;)e, are now being sent to U. S. Tac- tical Units in Germany. The H-13E is one of the types of heli- copters used successfully in combat by the L N Forces in Korea. ARMY & AIR FORCE UNIFORMS Superior Quality Stork Sizes A COAT, 51 Dk. Elasffque, 19 or, 2 Ply .............. ................ $62.00 R TROUSERS, x#54 Pink Elastique, 19 oz. 2 Ply ....... BATTLE JACKET & TROUSERS, 18 on. 2 Ply Serge, C 1D ##33 . . .. ........... 26.00 EXTRA TROUSERS_ ...................... 19.00 ... .............. , .......................... 4 00 Y SHIRT, Poplin, S a forisedt~Q... #33 COAT & TROUSERS, #84 Blue Gabardine ...................................... $72.00 A RAINCOAT ................................................................ 19.50 CAP, ##84 Blue Gabardine-$12.50-with Colonel War .......................... 22.50 F Officers Dress Trench Coat, all Wool Worsted 2 Ply Gabardine, zipper detachable wool lining, a superior garment. Army #79 Tape or AF #84 Blue ...... $69.00 MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLEII When ordering state: Height - Weight - Chest '- Waist - When size - Collar & Sleeve - "Helpful in, determin ng cost sleeve length CHRISTENS0N Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000500050019-4 Officers of the Armed Services Fill in the coupon below and we will send you without obligation a handsome port- folio in which you can place all the vital information your family needs and should have during your service life. OPEN SAT. TO 12:30 286 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK 1