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Appro pl For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP7&W5171A000800030020-7 NPIC/TSSG/PPS-033-70 8 April 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services & Support Group, NPIC SUB31CT: Projects & Programs Staff' Monthly Report March 1970 A. During March, the Projects & Programs Staff conducted staff functions for TSSG (including, (1) administrative, (2) daily repre- sentation to the Production Management Board, (3) frequent working level liaison contacts with PPBS on budget matters, and (4) with PSG on production matters) and also carried out the following additional actions. 1. Prepared for, conducted and reported on the II meeting for. March; conducted Al aspects of the E_____1 visit to U.S. Geological Sur-Vey at Reston. Began preparations for 0 visit to SPPF, Westover AFB in April. 2. Studied and reported on the FY-7l T/0 requirements for 25X1 4. Provided assistance to the Executive Officer, TSSG and to SSD for input to the future Center facilities requirements. 5. Concluded Panel B recommendations for GS-11's and forwarded Composite Evaluation Sheet with back-up data to the Center's Panel. B. During April, the following significant actions are antici- pated. 1. Preaare for and conduct meeting for April. Make Continued efforts on the survey to place an LDX facility final preparations for trip to SPPF, Westover utlu. 2. Panel. B recommendations for GS-10's will be completed. 3. Complete the Third Quarter Fiscal Year 1.970 Budget exercise for TSSG. DECLASS REVIEW by NIMA/DOD II~ Oxs'radlAl saa Approved For Release 2003/08/05 CIA-RDP78B05171A000800030020-7 E 25X1 25X1 ApproFor Release 2003/08/05: CIA-RDP7J5171A000800030020-7 SUBJECT.: Projects & Programs Staff Monthly Report - March 1970 4. Commence the operating Budget Call exercise for. Fiscal Year 19'71. 5. Complete two special staff studies for Chief, TSSG, 25X1 Chief, Projects & Programs Staff, TSSG, NP:[:C Distribution: Original - Addressee 2 - NPTC/TSSG/PPS Approved For Release 200 ~,gA,1b N'CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800030020-7 Appro*d' For Release 2003/08/05: CIA-RDP78W5171A000800030020-7 9 April 19'(0 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services and Support Group SUBJECT Support Services Division Monthly Report - March 1970 LOGISTICS A review in depth o f the Logistics Branch by a representative 25X1 of the Center and the Offi ce of Logistics 25X1 Iw as begun on Monday 30 Mar ch. This review which will encompass all procedures is to study t tern in conjunction with aspects of the Branch he adequacy of the per the Center's five yea fu son r p nctions including nel staffing pat- lan. On their initial visit there were briefings by Executive Director, 25X1 25X1 Executive Of ficer, TSSG, and byl Chief 25X1 Logistics Branch.. The s econd day, they interv iew ed 25X1 Chief, Building Supply S ection and reviewed al l a ctivities under his responsibility as we ll as those responsibi lit ies under 25X1 25X1 Chief, Build ing Services Section. 25X1 25X1 1. During the week 2 to 6 March, eighteen NPIC personnel attended a full time radar imagery training course conducted by in A:Lexandria, Virginia. The course is the beginning of the Advanced Strategic Radar (SLAB) Training Program contracted by NPIC with 2. The contract with was 25X1 granted approval by the Director of NPIC to continue the Infrared Training program through FY '70 and FY '71. The objective has been to institute an advanced infrared interpreter training program for a select cadre of 15 NPIC interpreters, wherein emphasis was placed upon student understanding of state-of-art technology and products (e.g. imagery and analog data). ?an?^,lit I.0+ -i to il Approved For Release 200 ; tAiLIA-RDP78BO5171A000 00 "?Z ' '....d.. Approv For Release 2003/69/65: CIA-RDP78bA171A000800030020-7 SUBJECT: Support Services Division Monthly Report - March 1970 SECURITY 1. Security invited D.C. Fire Department, to visit and conduct fire inspection of the uilding. He also reviewed and approved the fire emergency instructions. 2. Chief, Security Branch met with Headquarters Security representatives who made a physical. security survey of emphasizing protection against bombing. NPIC Security also reviewed bomb threat procedures and Chief, NPIC Security Branch gave a briefing at an area security officers meeting concerning this subject. A new guard post was established at the pedestrian gate in accordance with recommendations made by the Headquarters Security survey team. 3. There were. no reports of personnel harrassment or vehicle incidents reported during the month of March 1970. 25X1 25X1 Chief, Support Services Division TSSG Distribution: orig - addressee 2 - NPIC/TSSG/SSD Approved For Release 2G d : i : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800030020-7 Appro For Release 6"W: CIA-RDP7 05171A000800030020-7 TSSG/ESD--18/70 3 April 1910 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services & Support Group, NPIC THROUGH : Chief, Projects & Programs Staff, TSSG Executive Officer, TSSG SUBJECT : ESD Activity Report -- March 1970 1. Noteworthy Events -- March 1970 a. Project Activity: (1) Preventive and Emergency Maintenance - The Equipment Performance Branch EP_B received 77Yrequssts for emergency main- tenance and serviced 170 instruments under the preventive main- tenance program. (2) Equ_ipment Design s Modification and Fabrication - The EPB completed fourteen tasks in support of Center components. (3) Acceptance Tests - Four production models from the 0 contract for Dual Viewing Microstercoscopes were tested. One was found unacceptable due to color in the optics of one viewing side. The Contracting Officer is taking action to have this problem. corrected. (4) "Green" Light Tables - Two O MIM-47 Light Tables have developed a green discoloration in the cooling oil. Several additional tables appear to have the same problem to a lesser degree. Tests are being conducted by TEB/ESD and ATB/RED to determine the cause of the discoloration. (5) Light Table Oil Leaks - As of 31 March 1970, ninety-two Riff-47 and nineteen MIM-115 Light Tables have been modified to correct the oil leakage problem. (6) Digitized Measuring Light Table - Test and evaluation of this Table, now functioning properly, continued. (7) Twin StageCoMarator - The Interim Test Report for this On-Line P.I. Comparator was issued. The Comparator is in TEB awaiting the manufacturer's proposal for modification. 25X1 25X1 ~y EXC!U!ed t; JU) aslamafc rr% Approved For Release 200 8m5I~CA-RD ,.7.$ OSi74AO? 0800030020-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/5: CIA-RDP78BO lA000800030020-7 (8) FT4A 15)40 Light and Table_ - Acceptance testing was completed in 27x'13 open. aI ona] evaluations started in IEG. The 22;13 test report is in preparation. (9) 1540 Light Table - Acceptance testing was completed in ThE an operational evaluation started in IEG. The ThB test report is in preparation. (10) Advanced Stereo-Rhomboid Mod. II - Acceptance testing completed in ThB an _ d the Rhomboid was delivered to lEG for operaas tional evaluation. The test report is in preparation. (11) 2Etical Testing Study - Development Objectives were prepared for a Study to provideinformation on methods and equipment to be used in the evaluation of optical systems. b. Personnel Activity: tour (o ) student co-on p, TEB, completed his current (2) student co-op, TEB on 30 M , , started his second tour (3) tour on arc . Istudent co-op, EPB, started his initial L, evmpiete( the Offutt P.1. Course 2_6 M'T___,_ ti A n cipated Events -- April 1970 a. Project Act ivit -L V, H Distribution of Memorandum Test Reports .for both the and 151+0 Light Tables. (2) Distribution of,Memorandum Test Report for the Mod. II Advanced Rhomboids. (3) Initiation of test and evaluation of t Eyepiece' he Wide Field Filar b. Personnel Activity __ None, Engineering Support Division, TSSG 25X1 25X1 Approved For Relea kcf '1 5 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800030020-7 5X1 pprobai For Release 2003/08/05: CIA-RDP76665171A000800030020-7 25X1 25X1 a. Exploitation Support (1) Photo-interpretation (a) Special reproductions of several passes using a new high contrast film (SO-369) were made for the interpreters, who reported improved interpretability. A briefing was presented to the IEG on the enhancement potentials of SO-369 and 6+51 films. An outline of a study designed to determine a technique to automatically dic- tate the use of these films was presented to the NPIC PMB. (b) Tests are being conducted to determine if special reproductions of the red and green layers of SO-242 color film will improve interpretability. r? (c) The "revised" NPIC Photographic Reproduction Specifications were disseminated - 25X1 (d) TORID, a histogram model to provide density distributions from various films, has been documented. (e) A briefing was presented to IEG on the functions of APSD. 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Projects & Programs Staff, TSSG/NPIC ATTENTION: SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for March 1970 1. The following items of significant interest occurred in APSD during March 1970: E C! !isI rch 8t!!di a;iC da;ri;r 2iiig and Approved For Relea 1 11 0. Q `1 lA-RDP78B05171A00 pproW For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP7h05171A000800030020-7 SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for March 1970 (2) Photogrammetric Analysis (a) A Chi square statistical model has been prepared to test hypothesis of the independence between observed and hypothetical frequencies. (b) An investigation of the X, Y image pointing errors on. the point transfer device reveals that the best (2c1) estimate of operating pointing error on is 5 microns. (c) POREG, a least squares method of estimating the coefficients of a polynomial has been documented. 25X1 25X1 25X1 (b) an NPIC technical advisor to the Disaster Committee, furnished extensive support in satisfying committee requirements. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 (3) Operational Activities (a) APSD arranged for NRO to brief IEG on the KH-4 and, targeting procedures. (b) A close continued surveillance by APSD of operational mission activity resulted in a saving of time and money by eliminating the film duplication of 1 71 (c) Support was provided NRO,.DDS&T, and TOPOCOM on a variety of operational problems. b. Collection Systems Support (1) Systems/Films underdevelopment (a) A simulated weather/quality analysis using material was con- ducted for the Satellite Operations Center. Approved For Release 2003/08/05: CIA-RDP78BO5171AO 25X1 pproef For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP75171A000800030020-7 SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for March 1970 (c) A series of ~reproductions made to show. resolutions from 1..0 to 30.0 feet were furnished to DIA and the Executive Director, NPIC. (2) Operational Systems (a) The initial phase handling of 25X1 was accomplished. (b) One One was evaluated) 11 (c) APSD representatives participated in the PET'meeting for 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 (d) Work on satellite Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs) consisted of KH-l (published) 1.(published), 90: ~':C::o lete 1(5% complete) and (reproduction), and 70o complete . (e) Reproduction and publication support was provided NRO and DDS&T. (f) A briefing was presented to the Committee on the data flow required for satellite mission breakdowns. (g) A briefing was presented-to APSD Tiger Team functions. II 2. The following significant action items are anti- cipated for the month of April: 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 on 25X1 a._ Briefing to DDS&T/OSI and the Executive Director, NPIC on photographic processes. b. Initial phase handling of 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 CIA-RDP78BO5171A00080 25 X1 25X1 Approv or Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78171A000800030020-7 SUBJECT: APSD Activity Report for March 1970 c. Distribution of the NPIC technical evaluation report on color prepared by APSD - and (supplement). d. Attendance at the following meetings: (1) PET meeting at NPIC on (2) SENIOR PEG meeting at NPIC. 25X1 (3) Tour of facility at P&E. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Chief, Applied Photo Science division, TSSG/NPIC Approved For Release.2003/08/05.: ;CIA-RDP78B05171A0~ 25X1 Appro d For Release 2003~D ~Q -RDP71005171A000800030020-7 NPIC/T SSG/RED-107- 70 3 April 197 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Technical Services & Support Group, EPIC 25X1 ATTENTION : I TSSG/PPS SUBJECT RED Monthly Report on Significant Events (March 1970) A. Significant Items of Interest for March 1970. 25X1 1? Presentation. I presented. a talk, film and demonstration of DYLUX material to EPIC personnel. Two of their latest materials, as well as some full color possibilities, were presented. The loan of a DYGUX 25X1 processor from 0 is being arranged so that EPIC PI`s can give an 0 erational Evaluation of the various materials marketed 25X1 by .2. Calibration Device. The Calibration Device for the High Precision Stereocomparator has been presented to EPIC personnel. I was briefed on 26 March. The Staff Study has been forwarded. 3. Computer TCore Memory. The Staff Study for the Additional Com- puter Core Memory for the High Precision Stereocomparator has also been forwarded to the DDT for approval. 25X1 Ii. High Precision Stereocomparator Program. II Project Manager is at nd expects to start the acceptance tests on the optics on 31 March 1970. If all goes well, the tests will be completed by 17 April, and the optical system shipped to Q on 28 April 1970. 5. Basic Research in Precise Measurement. Proposals have been evaluated; the briefings and paper work are being prepared. 6. PI Scan & Search Station, Phase T.I. Proposals and cost break- downs to fabricate the PI. Scan & Search Station have been received. The proposal information has been presented to the coordinating committee. 7. Step & Rcat Contract Printer.? A proposal has been received for the preliminary design of the Step and Repeat Contract Prin- ter. This is currently being coordinated with PSG. Approved For Release 2003/08/05: CIA-RDP 1`00030020-7 c Excld tram aefnmall bawn;.rrCin; artl i SEC rR ET v a~....inr^'Lr~ 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved F Release 2003/08/6' 1 4P78BO1A000800030020-7 SUBJECT: RED Monthly Report on Sign.if:Lcant- -Events (March 1970) 1_2~.0 Lj h Tab1,e , The pro botype -models of the 1 1. have been delivered by and The 1 tablee L.'re .[`g evaluated in TSSG/ESD. Technicl s are being pared for the follow-on productionsmodelscations are being pre_ 9. Advanced Stereo Rhomboids 11, The Advanced Stereo Rhomboids 1E have been delivered by and evaluated in TSSG/ESD. Technical specificationsbhave beened prepared and turned over to TSSG/SC&PS for the production models. 10. 940 Light Table . A Project Approval of the ~. pproval Request for a vibration 9i0 Light Tables has been prepared and forwarded to Chief, TSSG. 11. Low Power Objectives. A proposal to determine the feasibility of providing low power objectives for the Advanced Stereo Rhom- boids II has been evaluated. The approval memo has been forwarded to Chief, TSSG. 12. Retrofit Film Transport Kit. On March 26, the Retrofit Film Transport lit was acceptdat kit (mounted on a GEE M1M #LI. U The NPIC in early April. ght, a ?e will be delivered to 13. Wide Field Filar Eyepiece. The Wide Field Filar Eyepiece for the High Power Stereoviewer was completed by and was delivered to NPIC on 30 March 1970. 14. Improved Lamp Performance Study.; The contract Lamp Performance Study with for proved signed on 6 March 1970, was 15. Eyepiece for Zoom 240. A proposal for a Wide Field Filar Eye- piece Set for the Zoom 211.0 was evaluated. received from ed. 16. 10'1 p` Stage Stereocomparator, A revised proposal for a YO -IT 10 Stage Stere ocomparator was received from the 17. Measurements of Threshold Targets. were held wit On March 20, discussions o-F 1 End representatives from regar ing the study sponsored by on Measure- ments of Threshold Targets. The study will be beneficial to NPIC; EPIC will gi.le limited support to the task. Approved For Release 2003/0?/05 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800030020-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET ApproWee . For Release 208 05 : CIA-RDP7 O5171A000800030020-7 SUBJECT: RED Monthly Report on Significant Events (March 1970) 18. Image Quality. On 12 March a conference was held between Drs. anri ATU -nrrgnnnel is coordinating efforts may be able to assist NE'TC. I in this area. 19. OMS Assistance. On the l6th of March, nd of OMS PPS met with 1 1regard:inS UYIS assistance to ATE in several areas. l'tat Tmage Manipulation System. On 21E March, 2 D' 0 . zg decided from several alternatives to install the Digital Image Manipulation (DIM) Input/Output System in Room 1EN807. The system will be located with a 11 X 11 foot portable laminar t at flow clean room. The completion date is presently se 30 May to accommodate the receipt of the equipment from 21. 9110 Light Table. have een performing spectrographic and chromatographic analyses of cooling oil in 0940 Light Tables. Preliminary results indicate the oil may be changing color due to W and thermal breakdown problems. Continuing tests in conjunction with ESD are aimed at isolating the effects causing such color changes. 22. UV Emission. ATB has received the final results of a test performed by the National Bureau of Standards on UV emission from a 0 91+0 Light Table. These indicate no significant emissions below 3650 9 and approximately 1 micro-watt 1 cm2 at that value. Further data can be obtained from ATB memo 072/70 dated 26 March. 23. Contact Lens Acceptance Survey. has analyzed the results of a Contact Lens Acceptance Survey conducted in IEG d t e thru ATB at the request of Results are.tabula in ATBO61+/70 of 26 March. 21+. DDS&T Support* I uis continuing on a full-time one=month. project species sup ort to DDS&T in the area of Image Manipulation. 25. Behavioral Sciences. On 25 March,1 visited Chief of the Technical Analysis Division, Na-iona ureau of Standards. division contains several elements of interest to ATB, including a Behavioral Sciences Group headed by 3 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800030020-7 S F 'T 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ? 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approv,For Release 2003/08165.9bI1- DP78aJ5171A000800030020-7 SUBJECT: RED Monthly Report on Significant Events (March 1970) to our roblems . Fol:l_ow-up actions are pi_annea w:i.1il llc;~ between and the F -1 personnel` Division also possesses resources in A The T . . ,T,.'i ~r . and onerat:i_on research which may be appl:i 77 25X1 26. Image Comparison Microsterc o5cope ? Final alignment of all four optical paths has started; however, concurrent check of the anamorphic subassemblies has just revealed the presence of astigmatism in 3 of the 4 paths. is checking 25X1 the anamorphic prisms against the specs and refabrication may be necessary. This would delay delivery a number of weeks. The Project Officer will visit =on 13 April, with our consultant, I and rev:i.ew the problem.. 27. Automatic Stereo Scanner. On 26 March 1970, a briefing was u U o 25X1 given to recommending an Engineering Audit by in lieu o con-inu~. g the development. It was decided 1o pursue both the Engineering Audit and a 0 test-and simula- tion on the High Precision Stereo Comparator, as preludes to 25X1 completion of the Automatic Stereo Scanner. Meetings were held at NPIC with I in preparation for 25X1 this test proposal (expected in early May 0). Arrangements were made to discuss with 0 their proposal on 7 April 1970 at NPIC. We are working towards starting both efforts by 1 June 1970. 28. Stereogram Printer Optical Development. =is continuing two optical _ approaches --one approach with prismatic anamorphosers and another utilizing cylindrical elements. It is anticipated that a selection can be made in;April. Relaxation of magnifi- cation and anamorphic specs was considered, but will be reserved as last resorts. A draft of the revised statement of work was reviewed, but has not yet been received in final form. 29. Briefings. s Stan ar , p on 10 March on Color Perception in the Center Auditorium. an RED consultant from the National Bureau of resented a briefing to interested NPIC personnel d d briefed ten R&D personnel from on Image Manipulation on 18 March. On 19 March, 1 er.sonnel briefed nd Group Chiefs on the Mid-70's PI Workstation. Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800030020-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET ApproFor Release 20031ObkrDP7}5171A000800030020-7 SUBJE'C'T: i.ED Monthly Report on Significant Events (March 1.970 On 9 March, 0 presented a brief:.:. proposal for study of Electronic Tmage )lays S. On 2I March, presented a brie; on the Adage pro-- posal for Interactive isplay System. l':lJ.lowing this, on 23-27 March, r.~ showed a movie of )E-RD's Adage demonstra- tion to several NP.I.C personnel including 01 illtlj) On 27 March, bowed this same movie ` age demonstration to DIA personnel in On March 31, Ipresented a briefing to I TSSG, and PBS, on the Viewing Systems Study. 30. Training. ttended the Offutt PI Course from 2-6 March 1970. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Deputy Chie , EesearcH Engineering ivision, NPIC Distribution: Original - NPIC/TSSG watt. 2 - NPIC/TSSG/RED w/o att. Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP78BO5171A000800030020-7 S _ C I' 5X1 Ap jrou%For Release 2f)60/0&/QS : iA-RDP7>J5171A000800030020-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Research E Engineering Division, TSSG/NPIC SUBJECT Reconnaissance Systems Branch Monthly Report March 1970 Copy 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 G19UP 1 .Aodad from aafaraafic >ia:ra~radia; and ds~~iassitlcatia7 Significant Events for the Month of March 1970: 1. 0 attended several Color Task Force meetings- which were held for the purposes of organizing information and data, identifying problems, initiating. plans and actions, and documenting pertinent matters. In accordance with directive set out in NPIC Instruction Number 51-3, he attended several meetings of NPIC and community representatives with the purpose of coordinating color matters. 2. prepared preliminary negotiations and tasking requirements for Ito provide the cali- bration of camera . arch 191 3. is preparing exploitation system requirements and specs Tur ing SLR systems to include the contingencies of near-real-time transmission and storage in t)-ie event that NPIC may be required to receive and process SLR imagery in any of several possible forms (taped signals, doppler phase history, etc.). These matters need to be addressed in the advanced planning phase and in determining what the responsibilities and task of exploitation facilities will be. 4. briefed a number of groups on the program, including: IAS, IEG, APSD, RED, and PSG. 0 improvement S. During the week of 8 March, attended extensive meetings on the west coast concerning the program. The sessions dealt with target indexing, software interfaces, stellar index require- ments, camera alignment and calibration requirements, calibration re- porting procedures, software interfaces between the taped telemetry data and the technical analysis group at STC, flight plans for horizon sensors and star trackers, and a number of items concerning the ephemeris. Approved For.Release 2003/08/05: CIA-RDP78B05171A00 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 pbm Apo ro For Release 20 3/0A/0Y : CIA-RDP7 B 5171A000800030020-7 TCS-6627/70 SUBJECT: Reconnaissance Systems Branch Monthly Report March 1970 25X1 6. The first can of II test material was received and Mr. 25X1 I Ihas prepared a plan for the test and calibration of the formats an o her exploitation factors. 25X1 25X1 7. Ten rolls of 0 dupe stock was received for NPIC use in developing test material and test imagery for instrumentation and materials evaluations. 8, has arranged for a special meeting of the MCF?G Working Group to be held the first week in April to discuss the stellar/terrain ephemeris requirements. The completed ephemeris content and format will be presented to the subcommittee for approval. 25X1 25X1 Chief, Reconnaissance Systems Branch, RED/TSSG/NPIC 25X1 Approved For Release 38 H A-RDP78BO5171A0