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Document Creation Date:
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 3, 2006
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Publication Date:
March 3, 1952
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'41ELLURA to
Apprigv VA F-~4gAse.2469104
COUNTRY. rn'+'#731} ~f;t~triP,t Qn,a
la bet7.-ioe31 21 January and 13 February 1952, no Soviet troop trains vaent through
the bo.,der station of 3cheunem
TOPIC - ovener.?s of boviet ^roon Trains
REMARKS .,---- ?-
the 6th Oubd.istrict Office of the i.3erlin railroad dis?-
tri t, contained orders that the following; three shuttle-trains wore to be
asse,ab:Led fo M'n ice pub)oscs : t the Prenni tz railroad station on 25X1
3 i obrzary; t the Oranienblroad station; and=at the ,.ildpa.rk
raza lro ac? sta 10 R ebruarl; aoh shuttle--train was to consist of 1 fully
cgt~i pe boxcar; 1 flatcar vritia wooden sidowalls; 1 flatcar with iron sido- 25X1
walls; 1 5SL_t,;7pe flatcar with 3 rails of equal length, 200 rail spikes,
1 ::pile. driver and 1 spike puller; 2 gondola cars carrying 260 ties each, 50
percent of which had to be serviceable; 1 car with 300 iron cramps, 1 kitchen
car; and 1 ;:.30Y-type flatcar of 80 tons, the shuttle 25X1
trains were probably assembled to practice the unloading and loading of tanks
between stations. A tank on a ; ;Y tme flatcar can be unloaded or loaded over
a ,.~akoehift side ramp made from ties and rails fastened together with iron cratps..,
The rails of equal length and the rail spikes may be used for possible emergenc,,y
repair jobs on the track. i"
1 1 obr~zar y
2 'obr aary
3 i 'obr zarl
4 ea~rzar;~.
3rd Subdistrict Office of the Derlin railroad
district, no troop trains passed through the subdistrict between 1 and 10
brua:.-y. Cm 11 Fobr,.zary, a train of 2> boxcars and 3 flatcars,
-wont fro:. Lucicenvialde to .:oeni :sbruecks
trains in Frankfurt/Odor between 1 and % February:
The following numbers of .soviet military personnel were observed aboard leave
Date To Brost Litovsk Frot:t Brest Litovsk
130 and 190 170 and 130
170 and 1;0 160 and 200
200 and 150
190 and 200
Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : Cl
190 and 170
I'MUM" itt IIG- -----
111!% r,.: fla .7 a
Date: -
Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200170009-4
L to
5 i' cbruary
6 1"ebruary
,3 rebrkmj
To _rent Litovsk. '2rom 3'rest Litovsk
190 and 200
27.0 and 180 210 and 190
190 and 210
200 and 130 is*
Cornent. The three shuttle trains 25X1
the co.ipositionn and. 'Load
o ne Trains in ica a is we trains were so--called roadbed construction
trains -faich may be used for the training of Soviet troops' possibly rail--
roaad on girteeg?ng in track construction under sir .ulatod co::ibat conditions,,
such as repair work and chani :e of f~augesa The equipment mentioned in perm
graph 3 is unauited for the loadin or unloading of tanks bet Teen stations.
Fo: this purpose, there are special ramps made of U-shaped from,
u:r :[Col ,tent the volume of daily leave traffic in both directions during,
the period from 1 to s February 1952 slightly exceeded that of .7anuar /- 1952,
Approved For Release 2006/04/20 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200170009-4