information and privacy Coordinator Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 USA -r_ ODY4- 01 09 07/24104 AIJCo5'04 fii 3,57 Dear Coordinator: Under the Freedom of information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552, t am requesting information or records WTC Attack 9/1112001 and 9111 invesgation. as dearly and specifically as possible -for example, all previously released National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) on the former Soviet Union's space program].
2 O~z- d~b~'g (b) (6) CENTRAL INT~:LL~GENCE AGENCY ~. ~ ... r~ THROUGHIFOIAOCOORDINATORIKATHRYN I DYERNOVEMBER 301~~f~~~?.9 .A~j.~~. ~~. WASHINGTON D.C. 205f15 y 1 H ~xz v r*t c ~ m !+l .G1 1/1 ~~~ ~ ~ H P*1 3 Gl ~)-A ~ -~. ~?' Nl r ? -~ > ~ O y aao ~ H H -~ ~ ~ ~~~ a~ n = ~ -i r*~ 0 ~ -s > H T 2 N f*1 -~ -?! _ yC~. a' Eyx r~ - a m ~'7 ~ H C ~ x -i -e x -i v o rt z~a O H ~ H /~i ~ ~? ~ .. . is -~ ~+ -+ j Z C n ~x ~yH ~-: ~ H E >a~; z -~ r*~ ~ H z f ! c~ > c -+ z , n= -~ r~ v -~ x co ~ ~ ;. ,, ,,_ ~~ ~~~ REQUEST .F.OR Gil~,?INVESTIGATION ? - r' ~' . w T . !~!~~~~~~:. ~ .. ....
CentralIntelligcnc Agency 20 November 2001 Reference: F-2001-02236 This acknowledges receipt of your 14 September 2001 letter requesting records under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).