PAN 17 2007
The Honorable Carl Levin
269 Russell Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510-2202
This is a final response to your 14 April 2006 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request for "an unclassified version of a June 23, 1973 memorandum for the record
(Executive Registry # 73-3458 Rep. Nedzi) the subject of which is a June 19,1973
conversation between former United States Representative Lucien Nedzi and Director of
Central Intelligence Agency
CIO/IMS 0453-06.
26 April 2007
Mr. Paul M. Wester, Jr.
Modern Records Programs
National Archives and Records Administration
-8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, Maryland 20740-6001
.This is in response to your letter of 19 June 2006,
.wherein you. ask for. details of .the disposition of records.
associated with a Freedom of Information Act.(FOIA) request
(No. F-2003-00340) dealing with the death of CBS
Journalist, George Polk.
(b) (2) (b) (3) (b) (6) APPROVED FOR RELEASE DATE: MAR 2008 7 August 2003 Investigative Unit American Broadcasting Company 1717 DeSales Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Reference: F89-1770 Dear This concerns your 2 November 1989 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning warnings of terrorist attacks at Frankfurt Airport during the months of November and December 1988. We wish to assure you that we are still processing your request and,