1. -Q' tastltvta uaee Yb? follovlaj ralws of the laltial perl6ee al titudea Sn
all of our orbital calculations on Ne 3orist 3yutntks:
SRTflfI1C I ;1957 Alert 'I\ro)--an Sn_tlal yertiee
altitude of 225 k'_loaeters.
6F1TiKIK II (1057 11e4)--an Laltial yeripe a1t1-
tude of 240 klloneters.
SATl7fIK IIT (1958 DsIL tiro)--aa Saitlal p+rtpa
altitude of ?4l kilonatart.
2. !? of 1 !bt 58, tLe pertpe altitude for tl+e aputaik III carrlar rocket