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Document Release Date:
April 1, 2008
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Publication Date:
February 1, 1982
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Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040006-8
antal Communication #t can be seen that' my interest in
-,our article is based upon my con-
To The Editor: viction of unquestioned realism of
Your article in the January 1932. mental communication. Our gov-
issue of SIGNAL ("C"'"?: On the. ernment had a viable credence in
Strategic Potential of ESP," by. parapsychology during World War
Roger -A-. Beaumont, p. 39) was . I. Edgar Cayce, an intern
read by me with particular interest_ - recognized psychic was assigned in
My professional life has been occu- an official role to General John
pied in electronic communication, Pershing and accompanied him on
the last 20 years, before retirement European -missions. Hugh Lynn
three. years ago, as an electronic --Cayce, his son, and Director of the
engineer at FL Monmouth, NJ. - Association for Research and En-
. a member of the New Jersey. lightenment, Virginia Beach, VA,
Societyf Phl I= haublilttd hi fth
oarapsycoogy. pro- :.s pcy saesaers roe
.posed that the U_S. Army fund a and can be expected to repeat his
research effort in mental communi--- :own experiences in relation to his..
cation, or telepathy. I failed to con-..-'
ince lower echelons of manage
ment to send -the proposal up to
-A command authority. -
=t:r. I have personally participated ins=
:and have witnessed experiments in
`this activity, One of our members;
Dr;;DougIas Dean had traveled to `_'.
`an international symposium-in Rus-
to :observe, parapsychology in- J
terests.: He -recounted his experi-
ences to the hieembership. The Rus-
sians have trained receptor teams
..-to receive telepathic messages. In-
.el telligence,'audio,'video or thought '
I r.. energy is-transmitted as individual
pulses. By use of the teams each
::ry receptor contributes his fraction of .
transmission to all the others.
..~~: the
-1 -The integration forms a -complete
Dr. "Dean,. an adjunct professor
hat Newark!College of Engineering
(now New Jersey Institute of Tech-
SP oloiy)'--became Dii;ector::of the.
Dream Institute at Mamoiade
- : _Hospital;'New York City where he Alfred r. Donovan
meats -with certified results pub-
`~ fished in scientific journals Thc- - -
. U.S.:government granted $25,000
to his- activity- Professor 'Al Shu-
kur; his co-experimenter, I believe,-
x'is-still active- in parapsychology at
.- NJIT_.-The. subject is - offered in
-'=scores of-universities--
Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040006-8
In the early 1930s when I livid in'
the 13oston area, the Boston Herald
.:published in its Sunday magazine
supplement, the results of its ask-,'-`
_ing world famous scientists =what
`. they considered. would be man-
:kind's greatest achievement in the -
20th. century;. Independently, six of
communicate -oy thought -process
would be the event.
1 advocate that the U.S. govern-
:in mental communication. There -
.are--many 'young persons - in this
country who have natural ability'
and interest in this activity.- Those
pragmaticists who cite the lack of a
scientific basis must be challenged
and educated.
-While the Indians were using
smoke signals,- radio was in the
,.wings waiting to be discovered and
developed. So, too, is mental com-'