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Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Newsletter of the STAT PARAIPSYCII--iOLOGY FOUIe1DAl-I0N, BNC. VOLUME 10. No. 6 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER,, 1463 U. S. SPACE ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL - REVIEWS TELEPATHIC:.- -PHENOMENA AS "ENERGY TRANSFER PARIS.--The possible use of tele- points of empirical evidence which can 1 phenomena of energy transfer-all on. pathic means of communication in be extrapolated to future applications r an academic-scientific level. The re- future space flights, and research done in space." searcher's responsibility, say at Lenin- in this field, were reviewed here by Dr. Konneci summarized his views grad University or at the Institute of Dr. Eugene B. Konecci, Director, Bio- concerning research in the Soviet Un- Neurophysiology, is to investigate, find technology and Hunian Research, Of- ion in this particular field of potential out how it works and devise .means of Tice of Advanced Research and Tech- communication. Avoiding the word practical application. If the results of nology, in the National Aeronautics "telepathy," he said: conducted experiments are half as good and Space Administration. Dr. Konecci "T1+ .u- c--??~-_ts theQ' aooli atinna f as some claim, then they may be the presented this information as part of a mma a'thou h ister' an 'electronic ' first to.put a human -thought into orbit "Bioastronautics Review, 1963," at the no izer'. n . `tho nce or achieve mind-to-mind communica- I Fourteenth International Astronautics over distance'; and to Western scientists' tion with humans on the moon. Federation meeting (September 26 to an- d engineers the results o valid ex- October. 1). - perimeirtation'1rt'irntgp-transfer could Dr. Konecci's remarks were part of .Ie'ld~Ee w""""""ommunrca io rdia and a "Comparative View of'Psychophysio- advanced' emergency techniques as well logical Phenomena' Related to New as - biocybernetical aids for integrating Space Flight Communications Media." with a conceptual design of an ultimate " A concerted effort directed He said: toward a Tugg y interesting irrrmoderu-scienc tITe nature a es- sence of certain phenomena of electro- maZtle-eom nica ion tween liv- ing 6 ani v n er t e-Soviet co rare: 17ntil recently, g have been generally e pI enom? e ignored by Western scientists; however, the many hypotheses involved are now receiving increased attention in world literature." The speaker, who is chairman of the Bioastronautics Committee of the International Astronautics Federation, also said: U.S. experiments in energy ..transfer phenomena ..between the physical feldi:of particles ? '-and die .non-demonstrable?_'personal' psi-plasma jisld,..are .being, carried out Present Study Dr. Konneci confirmed that the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration is. engaged in research in this area, stating: "Such a design could result from. a present 'NASA study on data subsystems and certain astronaut self-contained sensor systems. This vit- ally important OART [Office of Ad- vanced Research and Technology] study involves the function of the psycho-physiological information ac- quisition, processing and control sys- tems (PIAPACS)." Following this technical summary, Dr..Konneci asked the question which, presumably, his audience was framing in its mind, "What does this all mean?" He. answered as follows: "Well, the U.S. understands that the or plan Lunder._various_.advanced Soviet researchers, under the sponsor-! _ "concepts. This approach is necessary ship of their Academy of Sciences, have, in 'or der to test the validity of the established at least eight known re-! theotry Zrd- tts-possibty-reach common search centers specializing with they - "The Soviets further concede' that ?1 their approaches have to be physio- J logical, not psychological, and using everything from electronic apparatus to' cybernetical methods and techniques to' probe and control such brain-mind mysteries as energy transfer phenomena or `biological radio communication. "-i The U.S. space research official added that "no known rational ex- planation has yet been. formulated as to the modus,operandi of these. unique means of gaining information and aid- ing communication." He pointed out that "this vacuum exists because of the inherent difficulties in studying energy. transfer, principally due to the absence of controlled repeatability in the labora- Ivry. Therefore, one of .the principal goals of modem conceptual research in energy transfer or' bio-energetics is to conquer the problem of ' repeat-, albility." "Most Critical Experiment" The speaker then referred to work undertaken by an American researcher, Dr. And ii , ? he ? said, as ` alidly experimenting" with tele- pathic phenomena "for the 'why, what, where, who and when' answers." Dr. Konecci said Dr. Puharich had in- 7-7 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 dic ted that "perhaps the most critical quisition, Processing and Control Sys. e eriment could be performed with tern (PIAPACS). an-in-space and under conditions .?-The speaker also reviewed the multi- where gravity-free conditions could be-- orbital. flights.performed in the Soviet maintained for prolonged periods." He Union by Cosmonaut Lt. Col. Valery added: "For example, in the region -: F. Bykovsky and.Cosmonette Valentina of space between earth and the -moon, Tereshkova' as a Space Team. He then the U.S. finds a null gravitational point compared water control and other sup- where the respective attractions of the port systems; as well as the protective moon and the earth are approximately equipment utilized in the USA and equal. A manned orbital laboratory USSR could be an ideal platform from which The remarks concerning possible to conduct experiments in 'energy utilization of telepathy in orbital com- transfer."' Detailing possible telepathy munication were part ? of the talk's experiments on a man-made satellite in section on communication problems. outer space, Dr. Konecci said: Dr. Konecci concluded his references "In this case the human receiver to research in this field as follows: would be in the space platform, ? and the sender on earth would be sub- jected to high gravitational force con- Editorial Note ditions. Under these circumstances, the neurophysiologist [Puharich) stated, the U.S. would expect to find the most re- markable increase in 'thought trans- ference or interaction of energy trans- fers for communication techniques be- tween humans and/or flight control equipment." Dr. Konecci's talk at the meeting. of the International Astronautic Fede- ration covered many aspects of inter- national activities in Bioastronautics. He described it as-an attempt "to por- tray the peaceful but prime interests, efforts and achievements of the USSR and the USA, thereby stimulating many other participating countries toward the major . challenges and significant tasks remaining for extended manned space flight." He said: "The space accomplishments to date give factual evidence of the needs, the rewards and the vital communications so necessary for the valid and successful exploration and explohation of space by man." NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1963 "In general,. some of the- experi- mentations as conducted or planned in the USSR, the USA and other coun tries are not necessarily new, the pheno- mena represented throughout all their efforts for validation does exist in nature. What is -and will be new is the quantitative approach to the prob- lem areas. The precision and authen- ticity with which each researcher, wherever he may be, carries out his experimentation will determine the suc- cess of research with '.respect. to the formulation of laws for energy transfer, general information theory, telergic power and action-at-a-distance on material systems." BACKGROUND TO KONECCI TALK It should be noted that, although he refrained. from using the word, Dr. Konecci, in the' talk reported above, .appeared to be referring to possible person-to-person or even instrument-to- instrument telepathy. Certain sources of the speaker's information on research in the' Soviet Union are indicated by a comparison of his remarks with material that has appeared earlier else- where. - Dr.' Konecci said' "the U.S. understands" that the Russians a "establis at least eight known re- searc "in m is ie , and con- ?c u ed: -"If results of conducted experi- ments are half as good as some claim, then they may be the first to put a hu- man thought in orrbit or achieve mind- to-mind common ion with humans on the moon." Striking similarity exists between these remarks and a report "Efforts for Validation" from Leningrad, b' N~o_r_m_al Lee The talk began with an evaluation 'Browning in the me' ut:h a_go~Tribbune - of the mission of the last manned (June _ saying that Mercury mission, that of MA-9 with Russia had "established at least eight Astronaut Gordon Cooper at the con- known res centers, anc t aat ooi trols for twenty-two orbits. The speaker duct c erim is w c t t a results described the Environmental Control are half as good as the ussians cU m, System utilized by Cooper, and then indicate ! Xtile fit+sT"to detailed the accomplishments and ob u--, .._man ht to orbit or jectives of the National Aeronautics and achieve mi -to-mm com unicafio-r Space Administration, including its use'.' with men on the moon.' of private enterprise in research and Dr: Konecci' talk contained terms production of equipment; specifically, .. that . require. some degree of clarifica- he described the activities of NASA's tion. Thus, he referred, without offer- Psychophysiological Information Ac- ing .definitions,.. to "non-demonstrable 'personal' psi-plasma." This term oc- curs in the book Beyond Telepathy, (New York, 1962), by Andrija PuKa- rich, who states that "plasma" as he uses it does "not stem from" traditional uses of the word. He adds: "My usage stems from the observed fact that the individual experiencing a mobile center of consciousness feels directly and often observes his form as being that of the normal human body. When individuals we an apparition they also see it in the form of the human body. These facts have one thing in common, whether looked at subjectively or ' objectively, there is form. This is perhaps the only level at which we have any idea as to the nature of the psi plasma." There appears to - be an indirect link between Dr. Puharich's use of this term and the frame of reference used by Dr. Konecci. NEWSLETTER OF THE PARAPSYCHOLOGY FOUNDATION published bi-monthly. ? by the Parapsy- si ology Foundation, Inc. Eileen J. Garrett, 1sidenf; Martin Ebon, Administrative Sec- ee3ery. 29 West 57th Street, New York 19. N. Y. Telephone: PLase 1-5940. Joint sub. soriptton to Newsletter and International Journal of Parapsychology, $6 for one year. $11 for two years. Printed in U.S.A. Copy- right 1963 by Parapsychology Foundation, Soc. All rights reserved. 857 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 STAT ALDOUS HUXLEY NEW YORK. - Aldous Leonard Huxley, the renowned novelist and essayist, died on November 23, 1963, in Hollywood, California, after a long illness. He was sixty-nine years old. Almost alone among the leading writers of contemporary fiction, Mr. Huxley probed the psychic experience and its relation to modern life. Mr. Huxley's interest in parapsychology and kindred subjects was expressed in his later literary works, The Devils of Loudon (1952) and The Doors of Perception, (1954), as well as in many articles and essays. He was born in Godalming, Surrey, on July 26, 1894, into a dis- tinguished English family whose mem- bers made their mark in Britain's intel- lectual life: Thomas Huxley, his grand- father, friend of Darwin and populari- zer of evolution; Matthew Arnold, the poet, who was a great-uncle; Sir Julian Huxley, the biologist, his brother; and a half-brother, Andrew Huxley, who won this year's Nobel Prize for phy- versity, . where he took his degree in English literature. . After. a brief career in journalism, Mr. Huxley wrote his first novel, Crome Yellow, (1921). It became an immediate bestseller and established his reputation as a brilliant satirist of modern life. This was followed by a series of satirical novels which included the well known' Antic Hay (1923), Point Counter Point (1928), Brave New World (1932), Eyeless in Gaza (1936) and Ape and Essence (1949). These solidified his position as one of the most witty, erudite, and versatile of twentieth century writers. siology. Brave New World is perhaps the Aldous Huxley had planned to follow most widely-known of these novels. It the scientific vocation of his family. At demonstrated Mr. Huxley's gift for the age of seventeen, however, he was prophecy in its satire of a future civili- stricken with an eye affliction (kera- zation.where extreme forms of thought titis), which forced him to terminate and . birth control are practiced. It his formal scientific training. He later foretold such. contemporary phenomena attended Balliol College, Oxford Uni- as pep pills, television, subliminal per- suasion, and - the widespread use of Photographs on this page were taken by Dr. Humphry Osmond in Stockholm last August; see report on page 7. propaganda. This novel marked the high point of Mr. Huxley's literary reputation. To many modern critics, Mr. Hux ley's didactic tendencies appeared to inhibit the perfection of his craft as a novelist. They noted that his fiction was overburdened by his learned and eloquent discourses. But to others, the encyclopedic knowledge which Mr. Huxley revealed in these novels added to their depth and richness. Most critics, however, appear to divide ? Huxley's works into the early, satiric period of the 'twenties and early 'thirties, and the later, mystical period covering the last thirty years of his life. This distinction, however, appears arbitrary when the early novels are reexamined. Their satire usually scores the emptiness of modern, materialistic life; their skeptic- ism is applied to the hedonistic view of living rather than the spiritual as- pects of existence. His later work may, therefore, be regarded as an extension and a development of ideas which are latent in his early works. In his novel, Time Must Have A Stop (1945) Mr. Huxley dealt directly with the problems of psychic pheno- mena. The voluptuary hero dies of a stroke and enters the non-sensual world. His attempts to communicate with Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 friends through a medium and his after-life experiences boldly extended the limits of the novel's subject. They reveal Mr. Huxley's mature interest in psychic phenomena. At the time of this novel's publication, Edmund Wil- son, the noted American critic, re- marked that "the whole thing has been given plausibility" and that it was "quite a brilliant performance" though one may not be prepared to accept Mr. Huxley's views. Aldous Huxley's interest in science and in its relation to psychic pheno- mena grew deeper with time. He re- gretted the scientific training which his near-blindness had forced him to miss, but he nevertheless undertook experiments with the cactus drug mes- caline, describing his experiences with the hallucenbgenic state in The Doors of Perception (1954). To this book he brought the aesthetic awareness and sensibility of a literary artist, the open- minded curiosity of a scientist, and the metaphysical speculations of a philo- sopher. Although it is a pioneer work in the subject, it remains one of the foremost accounts of the heightening of visual perception and the trans- formations of consciousness which such drugs may' produce. Mr. Huxley was extremely prolific and found his craft of writing agree- able, although his health was never excellent. In recent years he wrote essays and articles for leading popular publications, among which were "Drugs that Shape Men's Minds" (Saturday Evening Post; Oct. 18, 1958) and "The Case for ESP, PK and Psi" (Life; January 11, 1954). These helped to give wide publicity and readership to parapsychological studies. "The dogmatists of our own day refuse to accept the factual evidence for ESP, or to consider the hypotheses based upon that evidence. From their own experience or from the recorded experience of others (history), men learn only what their passions and their metaphysical prejudices allow them to learn." Aldous Huxley, "A Case of Voluntary Ignorance," Esquire, October, 1956 In April of 1954, Mr. Huxley pre- "Herbert Spencer's idea of tragedy sented a paper, "The Far Continents (in' T. H. Huxley's words) was a of the Mind," at the Sympisium of beautiful generalization murdered by Philosophy and Parapsychology- and at-.... an ugly fact. Spencer's scholastic soul tended the International Study Group goes marching along, and the tendency of Unorthodox Healing; both confer- ' to prefer the high, hallowed generali- ences were held at St. Paul de Vence, cation to the odd, low, presumptuous France, under the auspices of the Para- datum is still to be met with, even in psychology Foundation, Inc. the most respectable scientific circles. In 1961, he visited the Foundation's In terms of currently accepted theories European Headquarters once more, this the facts of parapsychology `make no time to attend the "Conference on sense.' What is to be done? Should we Interdisciplinary Approaches to Experi- shut our eyes to them in the hope that, mental Parapsychology." if we don't look at them, they will go In 1962, Mr. Huxley suggested to away and leave us in peace? Or should Mrs. Eileen J. Garrett, President of we accept them?" the Parapsychology Foundation, that Aldous Huxley: "Exploring the the Foundation undertake a thorough Borderlands of the Mind," The study of apparent paranormal elements Observer, London, October 22, in hypnosis research during the nine- 1961 teenth century; the project, designed to prompt future studies in hypnosis and parapsychology, is now under way in assisting in the opening up of new various countries in Europe and in the areas of thought. United States. Mr. Huxley lived for many years. Mr. Huxley was always prepared in Southern California, having found to lend his great intellect and prestige the climate of his native England in- to parapsychological studies, uninhibit- compatible with his health. After his ed by popular prejudice or misinter- first wife, Maria Nys, died in 1955, pretation of his views. In this, he fbl- he married Laura Archera, a concert lowed the traditions of his family by violinist, in 1956. S. Y. FOUNDATION PRESIDENT RECALLS HUXLEY'S VARIED INTEREST The following observations were made by 'Mrs. Eileen J. Garrett, in New York: "The soul of- Aldous Huxley was akin to that of Plato-like Plato, he believed in a world of absolute time and essences reaching backwards and forwards, in and out of time and space. Mountain peaks and thunder clouds he met, and studied their mystic light and meaning. He saw clearly into reali- ties that other men with objective sight did not know, and inhaled from each its own mystery. He looked deep down into the mirror of mind and gave us liberally, in the written word, what he saw. "Now he has slipped away from life and the reminiscences, having ex- amined human beings and their frail- ties, without causing strife and comlieti- tion. He was his own man-he was closely in contact with nature, and drew happy informative ideas from his long walks in England, the country of his birth, and in California, where he lived with the sun in later years. Cali- fornia for him had a newness, a vitality in its mountainous grandeur, and also he felt close to the flux of life with its varied conditions and perpetual activities that mark Hollywood. He watched with passion, amusement, and with pleasure to his senses, the dis- proportionate life of California. He witnessed and embodied the actions of the world on himself and others. He was charmed and fascinated, while his other self shrank from the elements of strife and disintegration. "I had met him briefly about 1926. but was immensely intrigued with his play `The City of Light,' produced in Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 1931-not one of his best, but written with tongue in cheek and a little bitter- ness, to rid himself of the degeneration into which psychical research had floundered, especially within physical mediumship. He had, at first, been taken in by the dark room ' seances, which taught him much. At first hand, he saw the fakery and nonsense within the dark seance rooms. "I visited with him often in his California home, since his first wife Maria was close to me, and understood from her own inner reasons much about my own 'ploddings' in the field of psychical research. The vague and un- known region of mysticism compelled him, but it was the existence of the various levels of consciousness, the sub-' liminal of F.. W. H. Myers and the psychical researchers, the race memories and heredity of the biologists, the ec- stasy of the Christian mystics and the samadhi of the Orient that presented an abundant world of cosmic con- sciousness, as well as large tracks of intelligence and activity, which com- manded hisrattention and pen. To enter them, make use of them, and bring them into a permanent relationship with the conscious ego of the world, was his self-appointed task. Always, he desired that the large and harmonious tapestry of life should prevail over the petty and discordant. The root truths, the qualities of persuasion and the un- balance in each and every dogma in- trigued and interested him. He sought to strip them of their deformities and clothe each in harmony, humor and peace. "It was these moments and intuitions of the human mind that caused him to seek me' out through the years. The deeper self of Aldous Huxley has yet to be ? examined and understood-the power and vitality of the. single thought that could multiply itself to produce a new essay, a play, another book. In spite of his limited sight, he was a giant among writers, who understood the basic and the complex, for no sooner did an idea present itself, then, the nimble mind of Aldous Huxley set the springs of his creative self in motion, which will continue to flow down the years from which his visable image has departed." (For other obituaries. please see page 11.) STAT WORLD ACADEMY OF ARTS AND: SCIENCE ELECTS DR. HUMPHRY OSMOND REHOVOT (Israel).-The World the author of The Chemical Basis of Academy of Art and Science has a ect= Clinical Psychiatry (1961). Dr. 'Os. ed D'r-Hmphrv Osmond, Princeton, mond has pioneered in the use of 'psy- New Jersey', f6' e6 come a e ow em- chedelic drugs in psychiatric research. ber 'of its ? 150-member agency. The The present membership of the World ' Academy has been set ' up as a World Academy of Art and Science. in- "trans-national forum where the vital cludes at least three'other'authorities problems of mankind can be discussed whose ideas and work have connected them closely with parapsychological studies: Mr. Aldous Huxley (Berkeley,.' Calif.), author and essayist; Dr. Hein- . rich Meng (Basle, Switzerland), psy- chohygienist; and Dr. Solco W. Tromp ide- N th .-land-\ bi li l i IT e e oc mato g st on the highest scientific and ethical level, and outside of all group interests." 'President of the organization is Lord J. Boyd Orr, Scotland; Dr. Hugo Boyko is Secretary General. Dr. Osm psyc 1a"'~oppparmacology and parapsychol- ogy whose main scientific contributions lie in the field of psychiatric research, is Director of the Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry (New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute). He has' for several years"been an Adviser- Grantee of the Parapsychology Founda- tion, New York, N. Y.; a number of his articles have appeared in the Inter- national Journal of Parapsychology. Together with Dr. A. Hoffer, he is STOCKHOLM.-Dr. Humphry Os- mond, internationally known psychiat- rist and parapsychological researcher, attended the meeting of. the World Academy of Arts and Sciences here last July. The meeting provided him with an opportunity to meet many of. the prominent members of the -or- ganization, to which he had recently been elected, and to participate in its proceedings. Among the personal meetings and consultations of Dr. Osmond were talks with Mr. Aldous Huxley, the writer; Dr. Albert Hofmann of Sandoz Labora- tories, Basel, Switzerland; Prof. Ernesto Rogers, well-known architect, and sev- eral other participants with special interests in psychopharmacology and and parapsychology. On the last day of his stay in Sweden, Dr. Osmond visited Dr. Sten Martens at the Beck- anlha Hospital. CALIFORNIA SOCIETY ELECTS,-OFFICERS BERKELEY.-The California Soci- ety for Psychical Study has just com- pleted its sixth year of activity, at the same time announcing its newly elected President and re-elected officers. The Society's new President is Mr. Wilson R. Ogg, Legal. Department, University of California. The other of- ficers are: Mr. Irvine Dickey, Vice President; Mrs. Carol McQuilling, Re- cording Secretary; and Mrs. Helene Smith, Secretary-Treasurer. Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 V.1 `11 11 L1\e!r 1 1 `J I \.1 I1 LL articles in the juurnai o/ Parapsychoa ~ogy,as well as to 'other classifications. PLANS., PARAPSYCHOLOGY UNI ;:~ : -- Different types of dreams and related SANTIAGO, Chile. - The State University of Chile is planning the establishment- of a Parapsychological Department within its School of Psy- chology Although basic policy decisions in this matter have ? been made.;--a parapsychological chair was established on September 1,? 1962, and remains available-administrative details re- main to be clarified. If - the project of a Parapsychology Department comes to fruition, direction of the unit is expected to be in the hands of Dr. Brenio Onetto-Baechler, at present Research Assistant at the Psychiatric Clinic of the State Uni- versity. Dr. Onetto has spent some time earlier. as a visiting researcher at the Parapsychology Laboratory, Duke University; he has been par- ticularly interested in experiments in- cluding the use of chemical compounds, .as well as in psychokinesis. Dr. Onetto has been instrumental in establishing the Parapsychological Society of Chile here. The group was officially established November 10, 1962; it now has about forty members. It is an organization of scientifically- oriented individuals that hold meetings twice a month. To become a regular member, one must have university de- grees and a parapsychological paper is required. The Society's rules resemble those of the Parapsychological Associa- tion in the United States. Information on international activities is presented at these meetings and research methods are discussed. Lecture on Trance States A recent lecture, on August 24, by Dr. Julio Dittborn (Associate Professor, Psychiatric Clinic, State University) dealt with "Trance States and Dif- ferent Types of Consciousness." Dr. Dittborn gave a preliminary or "opera- tional" definition of trance as "a pure psychological status, spontaneous or provoked," which "eventually allows the appearance into consciousness of unusual or suggested elements which may lead to alteration of the sense of reality." He also' referred to studies in "spontaneous trances" id-the waking state, to neurophysiological 'studies- and to various . hypnagogic and hyena.' pompic types of trances. Dr. Onetto gave a lecture on "Classi- fications of Paranormal Dreams" on. September 28. He referred mainly to Dr. Louisa E. Rhine's classification of dreams in her book ."Hidden Chan- psychoanalytical and anthropological work were mentioned. The speaker .urged 'collection of spontaneous cases. * * The Chilean Society is closing the year's 'activities with a meeting on November 23, devoted to the planning of bibliographical material, and with a year-end dinner on December 7. Activities will be resumed next March. MONTHLY MEETINGS IN ZURICH ZURICH.-The Swiss Parapsycho. logical Society (Schweizer Parapsycho- Iogische Gesellschaft) is continuing a program that combines qualitative and quantitative research with lectures and conferences. At present, the Society maintains a schedule of between two and four an- nual conferences, with the participation of scholars in such areas as biology, theology, mysticism and psychology... Monthly meetings offer a forum for talks on a wide variety of subjects. Among those who have spoken at membership meetings are Dr. Gebhard Frei (Beckenried, Switzerland)', who lectured on "Phenomena of Posses= sion"; Dr. Kurt Trampler (Munich), "Spiritual Healing"; Prof. Hans Bender (Freiburg i. Br., Germany), "Con- temporary Parapsychological Studies";' Mrs. Aniela Jaffe . (Zurich), "Parapsy- chology and Analytical Psychology"; Mr. H. N. Banerjee (Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India), "Parapsychology, East and West"; Dr. Karl Muller (Zurich), "The Spiritualist. Position"; Dr. G. Kronert, "The Bible- and Para- psychology"; P. Cyrill v. K. Krasinski, "Notes on Tibet"; . Ania Teillard, ? "Dream, Vision, and the Beyond".; Prof. Richard Weiss, "Ethnological Aspects"; Alfons Rosenberg . (Horw- Lucerne), "The Role of Symbolism." Other speakers were: Dr. Gerda Walther, Munich; Prof. Peter Hohen- warter,.Vienna; Pastor Werner Meyer"" (Kiisnacht, Zurich); Dr. Karl Daumer, Munich; and Dr. Friedemana Horn. Dr. Hans Naegeli of Zurich is Presi- dent of the Swiss Society; Miss Eleo- nore Barth, Secretary. Dr. Peter Ring- ger, founder and, for many years, Presi- dent of the Society, has retired. The Society maintains a library of some 200 volumes; its address is Fraumun- sterstrasse 8, Zurich 1. THREE LECTURES IN VIENNA VIENNA.-The Austrian Society for Psychic Research has concluded its summer holiday period and began a new lecture program in October. Talks scheduled will cover reviews of para- psychological studies in Austria and abroad, notably in neighboring Ger- man-speaking countries. Earlier in the year, the Society's President, Countess Zoe Wassilko- Serecki, delivered a "Critical Appraisal on Reports of European Spiritualists." The speaker reviewed a variety of cases, evaluated investigative controls and suggested improved research methods. Dr. Peter Ringger (Switzerland) lectured on "Psychic Experiences dur- ing Personal Mescalin Experiments." His talk dealt with the apparent stim- uli .which psychedelic substances may esaert on extrasensory impressions. .Prof. Hans Bender (Freiburg i.Br.) lectured on "The Sociology and Psy- chology of 'Hauntings." The talk con- tained a number of case histories, in- cluding recent Swiss haunting phen- omena, with special reference to ele- ments of interpersonal relations and specific social settings. The Austrian Society for Psychical Research maintains an active Library and a Secretariat. Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 NEW: RESEARCH ?FOUNDATION? -- DURHAM, N.C.-Functions and as- sets of the .Parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University are being trans- ferred to the Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man. The transfer began more than a year ago, when the Foundation was established; it is sched- uled to be completed in the autumn of 1965, coincident-with the retirement of Dr. J. B. Rhine, the Laboratory's Director. Financial assets have already been absorbed into the new Foundation, while other Labo.- atory property has been transferred to the Foundation's research affiliate, the Institute for Para- psychology, whose Director of Research is Dr. Louisa E. Rhine. The Labos:i.- tory's collection of over 10,000 spon- taneous case histories, as well as its quarterly journal of Parapsychology, have thus been transferred. Dr. J. G. Pratt, until July 1 the Laboratory's Assistant Director-and often regarded as Dr. Rhine's most likely successor-was officially separat- ed from the staff of the Parapsychology West Duke Building, Duke University, Durham, N.C. Home of the Parapsychology Laboratory Laboratory on that date. Dr..' Pratt is understood to have favored retention of a small parapsychology center within the framework of Duke University, stating that such an arrangement "would not conflict in any way with plans for the new Foundation." Dr. Pratt left the United States in mid-October, following a visit to the University of Virginia (Charlottesville) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge), for a two months' tour of Europe. Dr. Pratt's itinerary called for consultation with parapsychologists in Western and East- ern Europe, including research activi- ties with Dr. Milan Ryzl, Prague, with whom Dr. Pratt had collaborated in the past in his capacity as a staff member of the Duke University's Para- psychology Laboratory. Dr. Pratt has completed a book, Parapsychology: An Insider's View% of ESP, scheduled to be .published in the spring of next year; a second book, now in preparation, will deal with parapsychological researches in the United States, and in Western and Eastern Europe. 4?~.w ' ,,fj~~`.Y?'X?.ik"r1`#+.eyi ,?:'itii;?t ? ~..: ..... . sU:r'!~i~~?~''~c,.~ceo~.gs_rir~'?:~::,%~ i~S.nG3ii`~~'_S. 3M e'.y:.~.:,? J. G. van Agtmaal Utrecht University, 'Main Building (Sea Report on Page 8) Commenting on current and impend- g changes, Dr. Rhine has stated that in "our center has long ceased to be an actual Duke center, adding that it "has progressively become connected with workers elsewhere and has withdrawn from its former ties within the Uni- versity." Speaking at Duke University last May 7, Dr. Rhine referred to the transfer of the Laboratory as a "gradu- ation" after "thirty-six years of para- psychology on this campus." Dr. Rhine pointed out that' the `larger, world-wide responsibilities" of the Laboratory could not readily be undertaken. by the University admin- istration, particularly as "there is no way of assuring that future administra- Itirns.would accept them if the present me did." In September, Duke Uni- swasity was placed under the direction of its fifth President since its founda- tion in 1924. He is Dr. Douglas M. Yaight. ? Newsweek, reporting on Dr. Knight's appointment and the University's scho- lastic: standing, noted that "its para- pychology lab, headed by Dr. Joseph IL Rhine, is a famous pioneer in the Sold of extrasensory perception, and the Duke Marine Laboratory is a leader in the specialized field of biological oceanography." However, the editors Fm__ A yam C Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 8 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1943 added, "to praise a school for ESP a trust fund of $100,000; stock valued tion. He has stated: "It seems likely and oceanography is, in terms of status, at $101,200 has been received from that this plan to build here in North like praising a socialite for his minis- the W. Clement. and. Jessie V. Stone Carolina a strong cen,.ral organization' ture golf instead of his polo." . ? Foundation (Chicago)., A . to help workers around the world In an interview with the Durham Dr. Rhine views the role of the new through the difficulties they face, will forward - with vigor and .Morning Herald (September 4), Dr.- organizational framework for his work be carried Knight said that he would "look very in terms of a future international posi- confidence." . ? ? . carefully at the administrative structure of the university and' see how it best fits my way of working and the way REORGANIZATION PLANNED I like to operate with 'other people." he said he would favor the university's "In answer to still another question, continued support of Dr. J. B. Rhine's research work in the controversial field of parapsychology. However, he noted that Dr. Rhine is "a very enterprising man (who) is out raising his own endowment for his own enterprise right now," and added that 'if that comes along, as I fully expec it will, he'll have the independence that I think he and his workers really want." Two trends appear to have coincided in creating a situation favoring the transfer of the Parapsychology Labora- tory outside the Duke University frame- work. First, there is the apparent feel- ing on the part of certain University officials that the Laboratory, as an independent unit, tended to overshadow in its appeal to public interest some of the more standard academic features of Duke University. Second, there is Dr. Rhine's desire to direct a Labora- tory enjoying fully independent and permanently secure status,- allowing free cooperation with, and assistance to, other workers in parapsychology around the world. Such independence would seem to be assured within the framework of the Foundation for Re- search on the Nature of Man. (See Newsletter, July-August, 1962, "New Foundation to Study the Nature of Man".) According to the Laboratory's Para- UTRECHT, Netherlands. - The forthcoming retirement of Dr. W. H.. C. Tenhaeff; Director of the Parapsycho- ogiT carTflstitute in the State University of Utrecht, is expected to bring about a realignment in the organization and structure of parapsychological studies in the Netherlands. Prof. Tenhaeff has, for many years, been an outstanding figure in psychical research in Holland; he has pioneered in many fields of parapsychological studies, and will doubtless continue to be active in para- . psychology beyond the date of his formal retirement as the Institute's Director. Prof. Tcnhaeff, who will celebrate his 70th birthday next January 18, is a psychologist by training. His doctoral thesis, in 1933, was on the theme of "Clairvoyance and Empathy," and was -thff-firstthesis on a parapsychological subject in the Netherlands. The Tijd- schrift voor Parapsychology, a leading journal 'in its field, was founded by Prof. Tenhaeff in 1928. His interest in psychic research goes back to his stu- dent days, when, at the age of seventeen in Rotterdam, he became interested in spiritualistic phenomena. He has lectur- ed in virtually all parts of Europe, and the number of his books published and also, translated into various langu- ages is extensive. psychology Bulletin, the Foundation is The status of the Utrecht Institute engaged in raising funds that would is indicated by Prof. Tenhaeff's own match an offer of $1,000,000-this role in it. In 1951, he was appointed amount would be forthcoming if, from lecturer in parapsychology at Utrecht other sources, the amount of $3,500,000 University'.at a . salary provided by the is raised by December 31, 1967. The State; prior to this, from 1933 onward, Foundation has been deeded a 50-acre he had been an unsalaried lecturer in tract; Duke University has transferred parapsychology at the University. In $200,000 originally earmarked for re- 1953, Prof. Tenhaeff was appointed search in parapsychology; Mr. and extra-ordinarious' Professor of Para- Mrs. William Perry Bentley (Dallas, psychology and'- Director of the In- Texas) authorized the later transfer of :..stitute.. However, in spite of the increased acceptance that parapsychology has en- joyed in the Netherlands and elsewhere during the past decade, the Utrecht Institute has thus far retained only indirect links to the operational core of the University. As a respected and tradition-oriented institute, the Uni- versity of Utrecht has apparently used the ten years' of the Institute's ex- istence to examine ' the . potential ac- ceptability of parapsychological studies within the confines of its own academic structure. Although plans are still fluid, there are indications that parapsychology may become formally integrated into the established organizational pattern of the University of Utrecht during the coming year. If_this should occur, a_ chair might be established within the University in _ the: _uW n_oL.1964, either specifically for parapsychological studies or, at least, for research in a wider field-such as, possibly, inter- personal communications-of which parapsychology would form a major segment. At present, the Parapsychological In- stitute in the University ?of. Utrecht is one of three major areas of para- psychological research in the Nether- lands. The other two are the Nether- lands Society for Psychical Research, established in 1920 by the late Prof. G. Heymans and at present under the chairmanship of Prof. J. Kistemaker (this Society continues publication - of he Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie) ; and the Parapsychological Study Coun- edils of Amsterdam, the Hague, Haar- lem and Rotterdam, which work closely with the academically-oriented Amsier- %dam Foundation for Parapsychological Research (publishers of the bi-monthly Spiegel. der Parapsychologie). BY' UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT . ::,'"i?Y.. _l ?x?74. Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 ? ' Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 ~STAT NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1963 SOVIET PHILOSOPHY .JOURNAL EXPLORES "EYELESS' VISION" MOSCOW.-Soviet scientific dis- cussion of alleged "eyeless vision" on the part of Miss Rosa Kuleshova (Nizhniy Tagil, Urals), which has con- tinued for nearly a year, has just re- sulted in the publication of a hypo- thesis concerning these phenomena in froprosy Filo.so/ii (Questions of Philo- sophy), a monthly issued by the In- stitute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Science. The author the paper dealing with the Kuleshova data in A. S. Novomei- sky, Magister of Pedagogical Sciences and member of the Pedagogical In- stitute of Nizltniy Tagil. Miss Kule- shova has been credited with "digital vision," the ability to distinguish colors and read -texts with the tips of her fingers. Mr. Novomcisky, one of the scientists who have conducted experi- ments with Rosa Kuleshova, believes that, like eyesight, the tactile sight is an electric, or electromagnetic pheno- menon. Degrees of "Resistance" In distinguishing colors by touch, both Rosa and other subjects, with whom (after the discovery of Rosa) experimentation has been carried on, unanimously stress that, as their fingers glide over differently colored surfaces, they experience different degrees of re- sistance. For instance, they identify the yellow color by its "smoothness, light- ness and softness"; sky-blue appears to them as also "quite smooth," but "harder than the yellow"; red is "cling- ing," and it "draws the fingers to its surface," etc. This leads Novomeisky to the tenta- tive conclusion that "under the influ- ence of exposure to light, surfaces of different color become electrified, but the electric potential of each one of them is different; accordingly, as they come into contact with the electrified skin surface of the fingers, they produce different sensations. Hence, the hand glides easily over some colored sur- faces, while being 'resisted' by other ones (even if they are covered with a glass plate.") . That theory, Novomcisky points out further, "appears to. find confirmation in that the identification of color tones .improves if, from. time to time, the subject rubs ' his ' fingers on a woolen cloth. Moreover, there are - subjects completely unable to distinguish color by touch unless they do so." Novomeisky believes that his hypo- thesis of the electromagnetic or electric nature of the dermal-optic sense is cor- roborated by the fact that "the [tactile] perception of colors has improved whenever we have put the sheets of colored paper. on a stand resting on porcelain insulators. When, on the other hand, the subject's hand was grounded, the tactile identification of colors first became less perfect and then ceased." The author of the article then adds: "Dermal-optical sensations arise as a result of the stimulation- of skin receptors by agents inadequate to these receptors. As a result, images kindred in type to tactile ones, and not the light and color sensations, arise in man's mind. It is on the basis'of these images that he decides on the color, without any direct perception of it. Thus, the dermal-optic sense allows him to dis- tinguish colors by indirection." [Although detailed accounts of the Kuleshova experiments have been lack- ing, a number of Western observers have expressed skepticism concerning the validity of the phenomena and have questioned the quality of control conditions under which these experi- ments have apparently taken' place. Prof. W. A. H. Rushton, Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge (England) writing in dj~ ~' ~J'.JrSW.r.i-nit~w'ra.~.?.w~.+?:'zr.?d'r43a.. . Rosa Kuleshova, engaged in "cyapcss reading" -of a newspaper. Sovfoto Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 the journal-of the Society for Psychical Research, London (September 1963) states.that Miss Kuleshova's fingertips would have to embody a "remarkable mechanism" in order to produce the phenomena wt ich have been reported. Prof. Rushton writes that, in order to receive and record appropriately, the "little nerve twig that runs from the finger tips" would have to act as' the equivalent of "a lens, three normal cone pigments and a computer which ex- tracts from the living image Just 'those space-time features that the retina ex- tracts, and encodes them in such a way that eventually the brain. receives just that information." He adds: "Only one such mechanism is known and only one is likely to exist; it is a normal eye."--A detailed review of published Russian data on the Kuleshova case will be published in a forthcoming issue of the International Journal of Parapsychol- ogy, New York.] "NAUTILUS" HOAX EXPOSED NEW - YORK. - Unconfirmed French reports that the U.S. atomic submarine Nautilus had engaged in highly successful ship-to-shore tele- pathy experiments in 1959, have been described by the magazine This Week as "unfounded." Under the title "The Great Nautilus ESP Hoax," the Sunday newspaper 'supplement reprinted. excerpts from a 'best-selling French book, Le Matin des Magiciens, by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier. The excerpts gave al- leged details, including direct quota- tions of dialogue, 'concerning sixteen days of experiments with Zener cards between a "Westinghouse Special Re- search Center" at Friendship, Mary- land, and the Nautilus, stationed "1,200 miles away and hundreds of feet under the ocean." The authors of the book also quoted' Ansel E. Talbert, a military writer of the New York Herald Tribune as com- menting on telepathic communication with submarines and interplanetary vessels. Pauwels and Bergier made the claim that "in less than a year, these influential laboratories have obtained greater results than in all past centuries in the realm of telepathy." "Fascinating Story" Side by side with these excerpts, This Week (September 8, 1963) noted that the "fascinating story" that the U.S. Navy had "successfully com- municated from land to atomic sub- marine through the medium of extra- sensory perception" had "been circulat- ing with wider and wider acceptance here and abroad:" The magazine said it had checked with Pauwels and Ber- gier, who admitted that they "had elaborated on reports they had heard, but not verified." Specifically, they had "given the submarine a name." The magazine quoted Pauwels as writ- ing, "It couldn't be just an 'atomic submarine,' but the Nautilus, which is best-known to the French public." The Nautilus' first skipper, Capt. William R. Anderson, now retired from the Navy, provided this comment: "Al- though the Nautilus engaged in a very wide variety of activities, 'certainly these did not include experiments in mental telepathy. The report by Messrs. Pauwels and Bergier is completely false..- ... On July 24, 1959, the date these gentlemen allege the Nautilus put to sea ... she was in fact high and dry in dock at Portsmouth, N. H., under- going her first major overhaul." "... Never Took Place" The authors had also named Col. William H. Bowers, USAF, as being engaged in the experiment. Col. Bowers stated that: "the experiment in which I was alleged to have participated never took place ..." Further, the "quota- tion" from Mr. Talbert "turned out not to be his words, but the authors' interpretation." Talbert, according to This Week, reported that U.S. scientists had "not overlooked the national de- fense possibilties of ESP." The maga- zine added that the Nautilus story, "widely accepted as true, is unfounded and puts ESP and our defenses in a bad light." When the reports on the alleged experiments: first began to be circulated, NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1963 the Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., undertook an investigation into the origin and possible factual basis of it. -It appeared originally in the French popular science magazine. Science et Vie (February 1960) in an article by Gerald Messadie, entitled "The Secret of the Nautilus." Inquiries were ad-' dressed by the Foundation to the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, the General Electric Company, the Bell System, the U.S. Department 'of the Navy, the U.S. Air Force, and various private companies and researchers whose names, in the article and in the Pauwels-Bergier book, were juxtaposed with the Nautilus report. The alleged experiment was also mentioned in a reference work . Histoire de la Magic, by Frangois Ribadeau Dumas, pub- lished in France. The author, upon inquiry, stated that his source had been the article in Science et Vie. The reports emanating from Paris, concerning the Nautilus experiments, aroused the interest of Russian re- searchers. In late 1959 and early 1960, a prominent member of the ' Institut M6tapsychique International in Paris, Raphael L. Khdrumian, sent clippings of the Science et Vie article, and of an article by M. Bergier in the monthly magazine Constellation (December 1959) to . Prof. Leonid L. Vasiliev, Department of Physiology, University of Leningrad. In his book Experimental Research in Thought Suggestion (Len- ingrad, 1962), Prof. Vasiliev acknow- ledges having received these clippings, summarizes the alleged experiments, but states in a footnote that such re- ports must be treated with ' caution, having been denied in Washington and by other authoritative U.S. sources. Source Unknown The magazine Science et Vie did not receive a report on the alleged Nautilus experiment from its regular New York correspondent, nor' from the news Feature syndicate Science Service, to which it subscribes. Its editors have not disclosed their source. Meanwhile, U.S. Government agencies have re- ported in detail on such experiments as actually did take place; see, "U.S. Air Force ESP Experiments Use Elec- tronic Equipment," Newsletter, March- April 1963. Approved For Release 2008/04/01 NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 IN MEMORIAM BARBARA McKENZIE TUNBRIDGE WELLS, England.- Mrs. Barbara McKenzie, who, with her husband J. Hewat McKenzie, estab- lished and administered the British Col- lege of Psychic Science, died on Oc= 'tuber 20 shortly after reaching the age of 93. Born in Elgin, Northern Scotland, on October 17, 1870, the daughter of George and Barbara Hendry, she mar- ried Mr. McKenzie in 1895. While living in Wood Green, a London sub- urb, the McKehzies became interested in spiritualism, while also devoting time to the Quaker-sponsored Adult School Movement. By 1900, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie had joined the London Spiritualist Al- liance. Barbara McKenzie was instru- mental in helping found the Girls' Club (originated by the Women's Adult School Movement). The McKenzies also became active in the Labor Party. They moved to London in 1914 and increased their psychical researches. However, while deeply interested in her husband's work, Mrs. McKenzie was also active in causes of her own. She lectured in favor of women's suf- frage; at one time, following a mine disaster, she visited the deepest coal mine in Wales, and afterwards worked for better mining conditions. It was in 1920 that Barbara Mc- Kenzie helped her husband in found- ing the British College for Psychic Science. A 25-room house in Holland Park, London, was set aside for the College's activities. Mrs. McKenzie was its first Secretary. In 1929, Hewat McKenzie began to withdraw from the direction of the College. On his sudden death in August of that year, Mrs. McKenzie- took over its direction as Honorary Principal and guided its af- fairs until 1930. That same year, she retired to the Tudor Estate at Han- worth, although she retained her inter- GIOVANNI SCHEPIS, President of the Italian Society for Parapsychology, died in Milan on De- cember 1; his life and work will be reviewed in the next issue of the News- letter. logical Laboratory of Uppsala Univer- sity, Bjorkhetn engaged in some 30,000 tests, between 1933 and 1940, with about 3,000 subjects, most of them in the hypnotic state. In 1935, at the 5th International Parapsychological Congress in Oslo, Bjorkhem reported on his findings con- . ceming nerve irradiation (Nerostraal- niagens Problem, 1940). In an introduc- tiam to the German translation of The Search for Bridey Murphy, he present- ed his views on reincarnation. A de tailed report on his experiments with rejuvenation, psychometry, ordinary and "traveling" clairvoyance, positive (including the rope-trick, and - the .. .. .. ~ . .' .+:.i~~:.? .. _. .;j..-. ... qtr' STAT been- connected within the , ' field of psychic research. If Hewett McKenzie had the dream for the College : of "'Psychic Science, it was his wife, Bar- bara, who built the edifice with. the. - smooth but granite stone of her per-... sonality. She had the' tranquility and comprehension to deal with the - prob- lems that related to each sensitive who worked there, and I know that-through the years, she retained the respect, devotion and admiration of all those who knew her. Her words, calm, com forting, and sustaining were like a flash of inspiration in my young and highly motivated days at the College. `Use your intuition,' she advised, 'it is more conducive to psychic manifesta- tion than all the solutions in mathe- matics, besides it cannot be forced.' In common with all those who worked beside her, I owe her a debt of grati- tude." ests in the British College for Psychic Science, the Edinburgh Psychic Col- lege, the-London Spiritualist Alliance, and other groups.- `From 1953 until her death, Mrs. McKenzie lived a very secluded life in Tunbridge Wells. Although suffering from arthritis and defective eyesight, she maintained her interest in national and international affairs, as well as in all aspects of psychical research and modem parapsychology. * * Mrs. Eileen J. Garrett, President, Parapsychology Foundation, stated in New York: "I respected Barbara McKenzie more than any woman with whom I have MARGARET MURRAY ? LONDON. Dr. Margaret Murray, noted authority on witchcraft, arch- eology and folklore, died here No- vember 13 at the age of 100. Born. in Calcutta, India, Dr. Murray studied at University College, London, and became a junior lecturer in Egypto- logy in 1899. She retired as assistant professor of Egyptology at University College in 1935 but continued her writing and lecturing. She published her autobiography, My First Hundred Years, on her birthday, last July 13. Dr. Murray did first-hand archeo- logical research in many areas of the Near East. Among her works is the book Egyptian Elements ?of the Grail Romance. Her studies in witchcraft led to publication of two books in the field, The Witch Cult in Western Europe, which included a detailed study of the life and death of Joan of Arc, and The God of the Witches, published in 1952. JOHN BJOERKHEM STOCKHOLM.-Dr. John Bjork- hem's death here last March 29 was a severe loss to parapsychology in all of Scandinavia. He was born into an old Swedish peasant family in Jamshog on July 20, 1910. While serving in the Air Force, in . 1930, he suffered the heart illness which eventually caused his often-expected death. Bjorkhem obtained his doctorate in theology at Uppsala University with a psycho-historical dissertation on the Flemish mystic and visionary Antoinette Bourignon (1616-1680). His later stud- ies reflected these early interests. With the help of a grant left by Sidney Alrutz (1868-1925) to the Psycho- Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2 JOHN BJOERKHEM mango treee) sand negative suggestions in hypnosis, is to be found in his book Dc Hypnotiska Hallucinationerna. His book Det Ockulta Problema (1939), combining a general introduc- tion to parapsychology with data on his own experiments, was translated into German, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish. Some of his shorter writings have been published by the Swedish Society for Parapsychological Research, including the pamphlet Parapsycho logiska Arbeitsuppgifter' (Parapsycho- logical Tasks; 1950) and Hypnos och Personlighetsforvandling (Hypnosis and Personality Change; 1959). In 1952, Dr. Bjorkhem visited the Parapsychology Laboratory, Duke. Uni- versity, in order to study methods used there; however, his delicate health did not permit him either further extensive travels or a crowded research schedule. Among his writings 'on personality and social problems is Livet och dtdn- niskan (Life and Man; 1959, seventh edition). His articles in the British Journal of Medical Hypnotism include "Psychological Problems Concerning Hypnosis, Hysteria and the Hysterical Type of Reaction" (Summer ? 1953), and "Alcoholism and Hypnotic Thera- py" (Summer 1956) ; in La Tour Saint Jacques, "'Le d&eloppement et la situation de la parapsychologie en Suede" (Vol. 15). LETTER FROM DENMARK COPENHAGEN. - Following the summer hiatus, the lecture season of the Danish Society for Psychical Re- search began on September 25 with a talk by Mr. Niels Laub Faaborg, who spoke_on the subject of "J. C. Lavater and Spiritualism in Denmark about 1800." The lecture was a review of the life of Lavater, minister of the Re- formed Church, born in Switzerland in 1741, who was instrumental in de- veloping spiritualistic circles among prominent members of the Danish Court; including Crown Prince Fred- erik, who later became Frederik the Sixth of Denmark. Lectures have been programmed by the Danish S.P.R. to take place month- ly throughout the fall season. The Society looks back upon a busy lecture schedule, earlier in the year. On February 20, Mr. Peder Moller, electrical engineer, spoke on "Oint- ments ? and Incense used by Witches and Magicians." He offered the thesis that witchcraft had its origin in pre- Christian civilizations and that the "witches' sabbath" of later periods was' a hallucinatory experience produced by ointments and incense. The Swedish psychologist and para- psychologist Martin Johnson spoke to the vanish Society on March 20, re- porting on a ? three-months' visit to Holland, where he studied the work of Dutch sensitives under the guidance of Prof. W. H. C. Tenhaeff (Utrecht). Dr. Johnson is a lecturer at the Uni- versity of Lund, Sweden. On April 17, Mr. Aage Slomann, President of the Danish S.P.R., read a paper on "Pascal Forthuny, One of the Great Clairvoyants." The lecture was based on experiments with Mr. Forthuny, reported in the Revue Meta- psychique, Paris, by Dr. Eugene Osty. On April 22, a group of about ten persons met to discuss Mr. Moller's earlier paper on witchcraft; a discussion along folkloristic lines took place. On May 21, a second special meeting was held, this time dealing with astrology. Various viewpoints were expressed, ranging from endorsement of astro- logical claims to considerable skeptic- Mr. Slomann 'gave talks outlining general parapsychological activities be- fore several groups. Oee. February 4, ..he addressed. the Conseil Spirituel Mondial; on February 18, he lectured to the Soroptimist Club' in Elsinore; on May 16, he delivered a talk before the Swedish Society for ' Parapsycho-. logical Research in Stockholm. The talk before the Swedish audience dealt with "Divination and Omens: in the Light of Parapsychology." The speaker categorized methods of divina- tion, in accordance with their suit- ability for extrasensory perception. He divided omens into two-groups: natural events or circumstances which are re- garded as auguring well or ill for the future; and events which apparently cannot be explained by natural causes, and which seem to augur ill or well for the future. TWO ASPR. LECTURES NEW YORK.-Two.recent lectures sponsored by the-American Society for Psychical Research dealt with research in, and criticisms of, various aspects of parapsychology. On October 28, Dr. Bernard Grad, Department of Psychiatry, McGill Uni- versity, Montreal, spoke on "A Scien- t 's Experiments ' with Psychic Heal- ing." His talk dealt with wound heal- mg in mice, as well as with experiments apparently ? indicating that certain ac= flans of a "healer" are capable of in- fluencing the development of plants, notably barley seed. His ' lecture was Ill istrated with graphs and provided both a qualitative and a statistical ap- praisal of the data offered by his rperiments. On November 18, the Society of- fered a lecture by Dr. Robert H. Thouless,' Emeritus Reader in Psychol- ogy of Cambridge University and a former President of the Society for Psychical Research (London), as well as of the British Psychological Society. His subject was "Critics and Experi- menters in Psychical. Research," a re- siew of some of the methods employed and apparent successes recorded by psychical researchers, and of the critic- isms of some of their techniques voiced during the history of psychic studies, mainly in Great Britain. Approved For Release 2008/04/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100040002-2