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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030051-9
SUBJECT: Research Into the Cryptologic Aspects of ESP
This paper together with its appendixes and inciosures is
intended to present the first of a series of contributions
toward a more complete knowledge of certain spedial factors
bearing on threats to COMSEC. In particular this study seeks
to increase our knowledge ' of ? one factor known as PSI which is
presently little understood and could considerably enhence a
human being's capability to guess the correct order of randc!nized
key settings or the relationships between our operations code
(KAC's) groups and their meanings, the underlying plantext of an
encrypted message or to influence an individual's use of keying
material to. a hostile analyst's advantage,
A, In order to make this first study as meaningful as
possible it was decided to:
1. Make an overall survey of. the investigations
presently conducted into the PSI factor to determine:
a, Which aspects of the factor are most closly
related to the problem of the human ability to correctly guess'
randomized cryptographic information at better than chance
expectancy on a continuing basis.
b, Which Anviron octal characteristics enhence
or retard the man-fes it$.Ons of the PSI factor.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030051-9
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030051-9
c. What are the most useful sources of
information available to keep abreast of the latest meaningful
developments in PSI research, with special attention paid to
sources related to Soviet Bloc efforts in this field.
2. To build, under professional supervision, a
PSI experiment utilizing all factors possible which are known
to enhence PSI performance and particularly to build an experi-
ment .which is specifically related to the COMISEC question of
quessing randomized cryptologic information. Such an experiment
would serve a dual purpose.
a. To isolate subjects which appear to be
capabile of demonstrating a more efficient use of the PSI factor
than the average parson. (See Inclusre C)
b. To provide a vehicle for testing such a
subject in order to learn more about the factors Which enhence
or inhibit the operation of the PSI factors. Especially in'the
cryptologi.c ? environment. -
3. To develop a method of training talented
personnel in the cryptologic uses of ESP.
B. To date, the following .steps in the PSI study have
been accomplished on a time available- basis.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030051-9
1. A survey has been made of the work being done
in the field of PSI research (See inclousre A. appendix A, and
inclousre C. appendix A. and inclousre D).
2. PSI factors most directly related to the COMISEC
threat have been tentatively identified.
a. Telepathy (thought transference)-
b. Clairvoyance (ability to observe objects not
available to normal sensory detection) (see inclousre C).
3. With the assistance of professional PSI and
psychological experts within the intelligence cormnunity,* a
cryptologically appropriate telepathy/clairvoyance experiment
has been designed which is intended to assist in the selection
of talented subjects and test such subjects to determine their
degree of dependability of their. PSI performance. The experi-
ment is also constructed .in such a way that it will utilize a
maximum number of performance enhancing factors. (See iriclosuxe C)
It will be noted that the testing method used bears some resemblance
to that of Dr. -Rhine, in_particular. ? There are however, some
notable diferences.
a. The material is?crhptoarauhically constructed
using NSA random generation. -
b. The subject is fo/eed to make a double guess or
target material which thus yields far more perfojmance characteristic s
to subject to statistical and p~sycholoaical analysis. -
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100030051-9
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030051-9
c. The subject receives prior motivational
d. The target material has realistic or
life-like characteristics and can be.itailored to the subjects
5. Current sources of PSI experimental research
have been located and are being utilized to enhance NSA know-
ledge of this field. In particular note Soviet Bloc material
in the inclousre B as well as general material sources in
inclosure A- (Selected Bibliography). It is interesting to note
that Soviet experiments are fund-ad under the ministry of defense
and are mainly of the telepathy coiwnunications variety.
6 At .thepresent time real target tests are being
progrannaed, using individuals isolated by the above mentioned
research tool. II I cryptographic key cards will-be among the
materials tested. Prel5_minary tests already indicated- that: this
may be a more meaningful exploration Mantas originally expected.
7. Research into psychokinesis indicates spontaneous
episodes and controlled experiments have an electromagnetic effect.
An experiment is being designed to test the effectiveness of PK in
j ; ing modern low voltage electronic con=,a nications security
equipment. Some spontaneous PK events have indicated that persons
with a low frustration tolerance and no normal oix :;let for this
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030051-9
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030051-9
van r+c..., ~,: . .
energy are prone to release this pent-up force through the
unusual PK' channel, Being aware of those relationships, we
are designing our experiments around such persons and suit.
able frustrating stimulus, which they can only halt during a
specified period of time by using PK to alter voltage in a
target circuit.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030051-9