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Document Release Date: 
December 1, 2011
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Publication Date: 
February 16, 1981
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030048-3 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: PSI WARFARE ARTICLE r 6 FEB 1981 1. At 1020 on E February 1981, -r.I lof D4 called by phone on behalf of the Director who was concerned about the accusations aimed at NSA in the Jack Anderson column of 5 February 1981. Radi1 station WEEM called and asked if Mr. Anderson's comments about the Agency wt-a correct. In order to draft an answer for the Director, Mr. 0 called Mr. of R74 and myself, which is normal procedure in these matters. 2. I first assured Mr. that the Agency was not engaged in using astrologists and palm readers. Ma Martin Gardner referred to in the column was most likely the instigater of this attack. Mr. Gardner and several other "Humanist" scientists were cited to the National Security Council in 1979 as a group of "spoilers" who have for years used any tactic to belittle, discredit, and prevent serious PSI research. Through their powerful positions, they pre- vented any PSI articles from being published in either The Scientific American or Science Magazine. Their campaign of lies, smears, and distortions against the SRI research effort is notorious. Their latest effort is probably aimed at preventing the continuation of the research into the new administration. Mr. Reagan has already read some of the work of Dr. Puthoff and Targ at SRI. He was interested in the research. Senator John Tower has promised to support the work in PSI. (b)(1) (b)(3) 3. Mr. ~ was informed that substantive and profound research was actually being performed by some world class scientists like Dr. Brian Josephson.- The recent heavy involvement of physicists is caused by the fact that PSI struc- ture and functioning is fully consistent with modern advanced Reletivity and Quantum Physics models including The EP? Paradox, "Bootstrap" Theory, and S Matrix Theory. The respected Soviet scientist Dr. Tuamserman reported that the Central Committee of the Cornunist Party, USSR, considerc.d PSI research to be at th:? highest priority in the 1970's. 4. N3A's involvement ;.reser.tly is .::tcca....erir.E'd by being aware of compart- mented efforts under DLA c utro1 . S,;mt' j'170.JOct4 suci{ :1s t&LOS2 ?nvolvinp have t'ery sericuc implicrcions. Currently, NSA 's participants a::e Lry in., ca assess the implic:itirus to both SICtiiT and LON EC. We are _ormulutii:p a CONSiC Threat and Volunerability model and a STGINT exploitation model. Both will be used to help us ask the proper kinds of questions of those currently doing DOD research. Prl-zipally, we plan to "piggyback" on existing research to acquire answers to NSA ;aestions. Find- ings would then be assessed to determine future directions and impact. Infor- mation on this response was provided to f:r. SAf/DDC (who approved --- ~ stated that he would of it), Dr. Si, and Mr. -, 511. Mr. F probably be ca ing back to assure the reply to tie t+iEEM question was properly framed. DLSTR BMION: Mr. 502 u ect 5022 Daily Y -" ! ~':~:'.~ :i.... 4 ;.. ,, . ..,, s . ?, ~:: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030048-3