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December 31, 1966
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E'.Wr.M :1 R.. .-t
1. Isis- a careful s ;y of r1, ou CIA and r re.-iori;s of Soviet
$P research, the followin, ge ere3. information concerning such
research we d---ived:
a. Bot.-een 1960 and 1966 Rr3sien ESP research bent from a position
of official toleratioz to c=siderable official support.
b. Me research clan of Russian research is reported to be:
(1) Tb fijcd out vbo are suitable subjects for ESP research
(2) To deter-due the proper conditions for 3ucceasfus1 ESP
exile rir: nt.$;
(3) To d 'velo_? the bioph;rsics of E W
(4) To study tha el octrora.:tic spectrum as a possible
tran4ssion aci.rce.
(5) Ta study field cad more theories as they m`ty be applicable
to ESP;
(6) To -dersta^ ESO from the c'r eUvelcs point of vie-d (2)
2. No detailed results o:' ES? e: erimental successes have been
publishes in recent o;,:cn Soviet literature; 1=7wever,, the effort
being e.Ypen,::ed by the Soviets in this field and the range of uses
which they envision for r"a? Indicates that so*...a meant ,l results
have been produced by their efforts. It is interesting to note
that recent Soviet publica-.ions of " recearch have lacked the more
detailed c ality oot the prcfe3asioral report and have tended to be
a:ax'e general and ai=d at pror~ac.?..'zdi?ing:
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030010-4
e. Reeearch e? ort -
'The cunt of a orG beia epees ed by t;^.e Soviets is indicated
by the nr :"per of persozl ensi institutions a_ srently involved in
ESP research; t ese incle:
(1) Moscow:
(a) ?inforr-ation section of Moscov Scientific-
Technicsl Society of Radio En:dz- -
-- Dr. E.K. Navm r (Pies) AM.S. Smirnov, Dr. Prof. SiGershteyn, A.S. Pressman,
Al Potekhin, V.A. IGtmolodov, Mr. M rin W'a&tn (09 scientists in all)
(3) (8) (15)
(b) Institute of Problem of Transmission of Information -
Dr. D.G. M.irea (DIR) Dr. S:ino4. Miss Kisilova, Mr. I.Y. Mlrza { s.
(7) (15)
(e) unWsiemeed - Eu ont Yuddeev and Y.U. Mtkarenso, (7)
(2) Leninmad - L_:'`f ad hive city Ttelepathy Laboratory
(8 rocs);-;
)Prof Va ,illyev (dre) Prof P.V. T rentiev, Prof. A.D.
Alexandrov r,
Prof Perov, Dr. P.I. Gulyaev Prod Dr. P.I. Bull (15
Scientists in all) (7)
(3) Kiev - Biocyben etica Depart .--ant of the Institute of
Cyberr.etica, Ac-4 my of Sciences Lrouinian SSR, Kiev - Dr. Prof N.M.
Aaosov, Director, Dr. B.B.I.Kazhir.3kiv, Prof N.A. Raevs r, p-nysbologist,
Dr. T.A. T ofeaovieh, Dr. Petrov Mr. LI Plushch (12 people in all)
(5) (6) (7) (14)
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(4) - Dr.Z4.v a Valeri (T)
(5) Soc i - (?)
(6) Seratov - Dr. V.V. Safroraov (14)
(T) %rtY - Dr. liv- 3a A%Wmto%-&a (14)
(8) Odd-s" - HMs. S.T. 4 ^-Yna (T)
b. Ra o (Y. Lttaresta - Mn following possibilities for using
ESP ewe being cczsid: red by the Soviets:
(b) Sae Soviet scientist cor.aidt:r tmat ESP could be "acco lishsd
with the help of a still unknown type of en rgy or a factor inherent
cA1y to the hi ::cst fain of dov..lo ut of ratter -- the sastxtncea
and sty cure of the brain. 7 he discovery, of this type, energy or
factor vould be t Z= cgiuivalent of the discovery of atomic energy"
(9) So= of the scientists feel an. tan. ,-vri energy "poF.eibly akin
to gravity and ne, inns in involved" (10) M3ey al ao feel that "in
the Ate , ru cl-.inea on t :e arcaon or in the ocean willl, be controUod
by (10) - S?.t:h ideas am not mcre idle cpceula ticn. 1e
type of enorgy in ccneidc ed eariouniy by such deverie minds a?-3 the
Soviet n.A. IKoc;:vvev e .::d the )reach scientist - yh losoph--r 1''..ilbard de
C'aardin. E:. crir is c .ded out by Julo Eisenbud, M.D. in the
?ti tU Stutea =1 Dr. Laniard Cxxv3 of Camp tend to substantiate
'sa theory that E;.,,h; er.?+ e'*...liets. (11) (12)
- (1) Dr. .. +' ne B. Xonecoi, director of biotocnnolog~r and h= an
seerch'at =S18 office of Advanced Res, march erA ec`hcolo y stated
tug t-:20 14ta eon~~eas Of, the Toter tioual Ant ou utical Federation (1963)
the Soviets are giving top priority toward the study of "electro-
~tic co.:.. t:dcation botween living ar T4....~, ." undix tLair. =,xmcd
pro rem. Dr. Donacci cow that V= is perauina similar
ch (13) (14)
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resin h `....~ r
(2) A rem (Nov 62) stated "i rom the
Wks o.O t:..3 meat scientists I could ,ms s that res'earch in
the :field of tel~,,s~, is being, cars acted from the point, o+ view of
dirbenca quite acti'v ly cul'xr L r In the problem of transmission
of i w:cxr- 1.tion a :d in the problem of guiding the move mat of inter-
ccntineutal roc:-ete (Ming) pigeons." This would be an emergency
pure to counter drag - intctional or unintentional (14)
(3) Pre 3 ' 1y the trans iesion of information mentioned in
p rsgre-ph (2) above could also be concerned with the trtmsnir3sion of
Soviet e6ent cc ications or the interceet of Western defense
(5) 'fit control is another area in which the Soviets are
tayirg to utilize ? tele thy. Nagy modern . ; lc rots end psychiatrists
be3ieve that the u..~onciouese of man (in which ESP operates) provides
pert of the iafo:mtio t w'. ich is used by =n. to make decisions or
f'o * opinions. he Soviets vould like to influence this unconcious
infer:-.tion fill and t . a Influence vorld attitules as :ell as thozo
of their awn citizens.
bas stated "B.B. iazbin3kr
b%s evolved a s;rtem of using telepathy in education not only for
.nr^orbira 1~i. led, , but also for s''Yjncfornt^.3 ch nactero. (5)
states that "The Soviets have extended Pavlovian experiments
? individual bu an be'inja to groups and even to societies. M%ey are
ilizixig electronic cc-2ut-er s in ter exp :nts at giving them
rtsol of entire popct'latiorrs." (6)
Recent 2evea o .ants in Soviet ESP re on include
1. A s cress ul taleD :tb f " j,ssion of 32 out of 25 pictures
3,404cow to :.ovoaibjrsk (6 of waich were satiaf`actorily received
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030010-4
e 3 o f ..A) -: 9 Oct 19
b. A snt s"-.*, tai thY e;QwMT*,mt in Vzich the bypnotizad eub? ect
Vto ,3 to ia3.t 231002 or a& *.-a in four art of tive U-100
9 Oct l
A n -tien'.ride t 1o MVq rire~t is to be carried out uithin
t next few ss ?2ts. All Soviet cities bane bees a3.erted to ti3iz
teat vbich %rm c "r-to tale;&tby ~,,:. t siona from um m at
ac3a3ed +.=.a. this test bas been ch--a-a,?-terized by C3'? as a
oa#.cml-viCs tai.:' bimt. (2)
). Bc _..'C. .r - art visv of t -j prior-i ty of tte Soviet =3
zee rch e s , t'r t cescea c1ai :d or indicated, a tt t'3e cc i-
ecr t vole a of most of research, it is ire t *= PEA to
daX`vt:: !ie t:' C..::=t a nlcatiot 3 sm=ity treat posed
by' Soviet E ? cz abilitis as velx. c3 their cc u . ceu= M2te i ce
il*.Cavic= . An U.3, x ?zt2 ch wAich 1 a ba ; on tbic y obi.
sb d also be r'ric:md. As irdi?c *ced in iaia 3.b.(1) I :T. B. Lfcz Cci
it '.3A 33 bveivcd in a c:;eciel e:Mrt to da' e .o, a ==uicaticna.
TatL..& far U.S. aztxonr'...~a. (16) (i 1953 Dr. ., eer C;:stzucc o of
e sip so az.ittea to CC, W3 r', iii++ib.r. rese= Cit. is
x it~3ic :t::ca t:~.:t u t.Ls~` rib ,Za et : y`yi cii, lets. R. ' itzsch
W- 1 etMorel d a "c.,=~patio: bird on bier xy ta:-t;e& G
set?'t:gAtta3. ea.~ ?.i ," - (":m Ltbro r).
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(15) CIA into Mw t, subject: Parapsychology in the Soviet Union
oaaaaizstia:sal interests (E re3.uatio 30 Nov 62
(1) Excerpt - Prepared 14 Feb 67 (CIA) CM
(2) E,ocsrpt - PXCP=ed 14 Feb 67 (CIA) (C)
in Parapsycha1o y 13 Sep 65 Nr ?
(3) Excerpt - LMM NA1L Affairs (c L) 10 Oct 66
(4) - CIA +o Reports Subj: Added Coa=ts on Dr. S?irnov's ]hterest
(7) CIA info r'o,~~ort Parspoycbologists P pOrt on Visit to
E ensios of Pavlovian E pe to to Nbole Pulations Nr.
3L .ally 62
(5} Pas-apsyeho1o y F u 6393 (CIA) 9 Ajpr 65
(6) CIA into report, Subject: Heavy Eupbnais on Parapsychology ftoSram/
(8) ? CIA Scan/66/461, Title: Fiev Tb1opatby Research Section 25 Feb ?1966
(9) Studies in rental telepathy, Leonid Vastlayev, Gospolitizdat
Pi'btishing Eouse, Moscow, 1962 ; pgs 1-160.
(10) CIA Scan 66101, Title: French Estimates of Soviet Science
12 May 1966.
30 Jan 62 Mr
Biocybernetes Lab., Personnel involved, and Programs Encountered
(11G The "Laying On of Hands": DWIicatians for Psychotherapy and
the placebo Effect, Corrective Payrbiatry and Journal of Social' '.therapy
Bernard Grad Phd Vol 12 Nr. 2 March 1966 p. 192-204
(12) "Me Nan With the Cams Brain", tbru Ma.y Jule Ei senbud M. Jon
1967 p 37-124.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030010-4
(13) ' ouz' t tzanae, ce". Aviation 3 Welk and Space 1 cinolog ,. oat
(14) ciA Apt. Subject i'r a y ho1osy In the soviet vnianjorganii atfons/
nt pg. 30 Nov 62
(13) Westinjicuse Scientists try to Karns, ytal Zb1epat y. New
Yank Herald Wlbune - Robert C. Toth 3 Nov 1958. `
L?.M- ..fir/may ?' - ~~1 1
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