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Publication Date:
August 8, 1973
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100030004-1
I L-1
%r- ftep(LPT6
Chapter III
8 Aug 73
Telephone call from
Subject volunteered to attempt to locate a facility in the
USSR comparable to the underground installation previously described.
Found it, gave its exact coordinates (not mentioned specifically,
but said to be in the Ural Mountains). Subject described external
features, including helicopter pads, rail spur, and, some miles away
(30 to 40 miles?), large dish antennas. Subject said the antennas
were used for intercepting down link telemetry from U.S. satellites.
(Also for receiving down link from Soviet satellites?)
found such a facility at the
coordinates given by subject. Photos
show large dish antennas.
The number of antennas was different from that counted by subject,
and their dimensions were slightly different
In a double-blind experiment, subject was fed the coordinates
of a small Soviet-occupied island in the Indian Ocean
The island did not show on the map used by the
experimenters. In fact, the latter assumed the subject was being
targetted against open ocean as a test. Subject began drawing a large
scale map of an island, following its periphery. He soon ran off his
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Exempt From GUS, EO 11652, Cat-
.,Qeclas Date Cannot Be Determined
4 a ~-
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sheet of gaper, continued on another sheet, and continued this process
until several separate sheets had been filled in, and subject had
returned to his starting point. When the pages were joined together,
the result was an exact match and an absolutely accurate topographical
map of the island. Subject also described exactly what was going on
on the island.
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Chapter II
23 Jul 73
Telephone call from
Subject has made a second visit to the underground installation.
This occurred at 1930 hours on 15 July 73. Price's description -
Surprised at the number of government personnel working on
a Sunday evening.
Two military officers having a conference. They were
COL R.J. Hamilton, Chief of Security (probably newly assigned)
and MGEN George R. Nash. Nash was upset about a security leak and
emphasized that it must be stopped.
The name of the underground facility is HAYFORK or HAYSTACK.
Other "code words" on papers and documents in the facility
On the north wall of one room are a series of gray, locked
cabinets. Inside the cabinets are a number of folders marked with
ad BACKUP. On the outside of a cabinet is the word, POOL.
subsequent actions:
as been with USAF Security Service for many years. (I Know him
onally.) ,
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Found nothing close, Sr, either rank or
Found that FLYTRAP, name to MGEN George MINERVA, CUE R. Nash.
cadewards &qZ , POOL had been
mythological desi used as
gnators, nicknames
and In , and vo,iCe radio,
the Past but not since about 1966 ca 7.l
No record . (Borne $o back to
of current assignment the ,0 s.}
or usage.
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sr> .1 f=hOJEC11ION C1 'Eh
17 Sep 73
A brief summary of new developaieni,s, findings, and some obseri atior,s:
1. We have received copies of two SRI reports containing more
details of the initial, Price and Swan visits to the
location. 0nt of the reports states that Price was
given the target coordinates by phone, that he mailed his response
back to SRI, and that he took about 24 hours to begin writing his descripiion
of the area. This leaves his performance about as solid as a chuck
of Swiss cheese. There was plenty of time for him to look at a map,
refer to aerial/space photos at a library, etc. -- perhaps even to
confer with Swan.
2. The SRI reports contained the coordinates of the "Ural
Mountains" and "India Ocean" targets. These were passed to Sll,
with a request to checc them out. The result:
a. available to NSA does not show anything
within a 25-mile radius of the target in the USSR. We have not
tried to reconcile this finding with oral report of CIA's
finding. (We have asked S11 to expand the search area to a 50,-mi,3e
-adius. )
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4,QLP- tLr
Chapter IV
Visit to C4DR George Long, NIS:
By way of background, on 14 Aug 73, 1 briefed Cmdr Long generally
on this caper and asked him to personally determine whether the
bore any resemblance to the sub-
ject's description of the so-called underground installation. I provided
Long with a copy of both the Price and Swan narrative descriptions and
the two maps drawn by Swan. Long visited the facility and the following
are his general comments (written details to be furnished me in a day
or two) -
There is an "astonishing similarity" between Price's narrative,
coupled with Swan's maps, and the real thing. The general physical
layout of
is almost identical with the Swan Map Nr. 2,
acluding the "depression of some sort," the "something round," the
'.agpole," the road, and some of the buildings.
There is an underground facility a consisting
;o floors. The first floor is "unclassified," while the one below
a classified records storage area. The dimensions of this latter
same as given by Price, There are a large number of gray filing
in the room.
Classified by DIRNSA (NSAM 123;
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Dectas Date Can
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There are not now -- and so far as Cmdr Long could determine --
never have been people assigned to the facility with the names oi'
Hamilton, Nash, or Long, as claimed by Price.
No one Cmdr Long contacted at the facility admitted to
recognizing any of the so-called code words seen by Price.
A guide escorting Cmdr Long on a tour of two of the buildings
volunteered that "this is our HAYSTACK facility."
The results of some independent actions I have taken over the past
several weeks to confirm/deny the validity of the Price/Swan information:
employed at
was called the ' YS ACK-;'installation. It
robably is still used by the Navy but, presumably, NSA doesn't know
rat for. - ; ,
There was an NRL experiment run t
could be tracke
a, rno r1-
circa 1969, to see
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b. There is, indeed, an iu- and at the Indian Ocean coordin es.
It shows prominently on a map in a commercially available atlas in
S13. Its name is Kerguelen Island and if, belongs to France.
outline of the island, as shown in the atlas, does not bear much
resemblance to the Price drawing, reproduced in one of the SFJ reports.
We seem to have both hits and misses, here.
called again, stating that he and others in CIA
were so concerned that hey
had briefed the Director of Securi.y
on the full details and reconuuended that there be a "high-level" meetir,,v
between CIA and NSA an the matter. I advised him that Mr. Tate would
e the NSA point of contact for such a meeting.
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