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Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 15 i )~h Lr- k t L L ; .eC-Alt tt I- i ~-6:NT IS - 64-85/Iss0:3 :' .cFr. MTIS) Set Items Description 1f5/6 705661 H1J-8064- 900'4 Questionnaire Results on the Prospects for Soviet Develormoent of Parapsychology for 14ilitar4 or Political -Purpose (Plaster's thesis) Bray. James David Naval Postgraduate School. Monterey. CR. UorP. Source Codes: 251456 IJec 8 ?up microfiche copies only. Languages: English Document Type: Thesis NTIS Prices: MF ft l Journal Announcement: GRFt?I7914 this thesis examines the Judgements of experts as to -the potential threat the development of paracs' cho1oga would' clay in the- national securit' of the United States. In order to accord istr this: a? Questionnaire distributed to authors of articles on parapsychology was analy4zed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences: (SPSS). In addition. a section is included S on the history of Soviet studies in -this -field. Recommendat ions are wade fnr areas reQUirIn9Ffurther investi ion. (Author) Descriptors: - Parapsycho i og4i --o-Political science; -*Mi 1 iit ary thte I 1 isence+ Social sciences; National security: Statistical analysis;; Questionnaires; USSR. Data processing; Theses Ieentifiers: MTISDQDXA Section Headings: 5J (Behavioral and Soci aI Sciences--Psycholosy (Individual and Group Behavior)); 156 (Military Sciences--tI erations9 Strategyr anct Tactics): 74& (Military Sciences--Military Operations, Strategy9 and Tactics); 92B (Behavior and Societysycholos) 1/5'7 - 6;$6608 HD-F$O5t 478/6 In kesard-to I. M. Koaan's Articles 'Is Telepathv- Possible.' Tarasenko. F. P. Frreisn Teclhnolo Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Uorc. Source Codes: 14160n Report No.: FTD-ID (RS) T-1437-77 19 Hug 7? 9F? Edited trans. of- Rad? (USSR) v2a n3 P111 1967 b' Gale W1. Weisenbarser. Document Type Translation : 1 NI'l l Prices: PC R02/MF R01 Journal Announcement: &PA4 7812 The writer discusses Kosan's calculation on information transmission While he Points out that the calculations should not be considered as proof of the validity of 'the magnetic nature of teleeathic siwnals nor if the existence of telepathyr he suggests thatw if- telepat-rf exists and- if- it takes place by means of radio waves. then one should look in -the ranee of wavelensths of 300-1000 km. Descriptors: *Paraes' cho logy - Radio transmi ssi on; 'Social communication; Ultralow fresquency; Experimental design; Translations; USSR Irsentifsers. TelePath'e P TISDEIDXR Section Headings: 5J (Behavioral and Social Scie_.__s _:__ logy (Individual and -Group Behavior)); 92B (Behavior and Society -Psychology) Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020025-9 1/S'8 626921 Nil-H940 995/5 Electromagnetic Hwmthesis of the Transmission of?Menta3 Sug tion Hrkad% ev- V. Fired sn Techno lo+# Div I ,Ir z sht-Patrersoff AF31,13., i o Corp. source Codes: 141600 Re,'or-t Mo.: FTD-ID (RS) T-1445 77 15 Sep 77 19p Edited trans. of Zhurnal Pr i k l adnoy. Fi zi k i (USSR) v l- n1_'4 P215-221. 1921 : '.49 by "aril-in Olaechea. Document TwP@: Translation MTiS Prices: PC Rfl2}MF ROt Journal Rnnounceaent= GPA371308 The author provides a mathematical analysis of -the order. of a:asnitude -,r the electric and magnet i r, fields generated' bye animals and' maw and` the possibility` of other orsanisas perceivin+s rhea. Descriptors: *ParaesvchoIosy; Brain waves; ElectrophysioIoey; E:::lectromaunetic we propagation: Perrertion(Psychalogy)G Mathematical models; -,i pott yeses; Translations; USSR identifiers: Thought transaission;' Mental telepathyA NTISD?XA Section #leadinus: : 5J (Behavioral and Social Sciences-Ps choloay (Individual and Group Behavior)) ; 92 H? (Behan ic+r and Soci _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l os' ) 571 (Medicine and Biology--Electroehysiolo9y) 1'5'9 624?24 AD-R040 652/2 We were Assembled to Inuestisates not see Metfiumistie Phanomer+a Volodin- Boris Foreign TechnolovLo.Div Wright'-Pattersvn AF! Ohio Corp. Source Codes: 141600 Report- No.: FTD-ID (PS) T-1236 77 d9 Jul 77 45P Edited trans. of Kh i ai ya i Zh i zn' s Mauchno-Popu 1 yarnv-* Zhurnal (USSR) n 1 O P54-63 1969: by Carol S. black. : Document Type: Translation M f I5 Prices: PC R{'3,eMF ROi Journal Announcement=. GMT7807 No abstract available. Descriptors: *Paraps+cholo,'a Experimental data; Test and evaluation; Translations; USSR Identifiers: +Telerinesis; NTISDQDXF4 Section Headings: 5J (Behavioral and Social Sciences--Ps logy '.lndividua::1 and Group Behavior)); .92B (Behavior and Society-Psychology) i/5/10 622708 ftD--I 048- 233.-,l European Scientific Motes. Volume 3n: I%jmber 11 Bateman, J. B. ; #lewitson! Victoria S. Office of- Naval Research Londvrv (England) Corp. source Codes: 265000 Report No.: ESM-30-11 3u Nov 76 52P MTIS Prices: PC AO4/MF ROi Journal Fh.. we : GRAI7806 ibis is a -aonthlw publication presentir-a brief -articles concernirra recent developments- in European scientific research. It is hoped that these articles (which do not constitute part of the sc ie :-nt if i c 1 iterat ure) say Prove of value. to American scientists by disclosinu interestinf information well in advance of the usual scierrt if i c Publications. Descriptors +6cientific research; gEuop04 Reviews Periodica:lsi B*havioral science; Parapsa,cholooy; -Percept ions Computers-' Enuineerins; Environmental enw!n -ir, ; Mate-isiss I d * ca1. res' ch's Cceanoerar4+4: Physics; Telecommunication; St?at i st i cs; Great Brit : ai n Identifiers: t MTI SDODXH Section Headings: 5) (Behavioral and Social Sciences-Documentation and Information Technology) Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 developments in European scient-if-ic research. It is hopeO that these articles Cihich do rot constitute part of the sCie lrrt if i c literature) #lav Prove of value. to lwerican scientists b' disciosins interesting' information well in advance of tte usual scientific publications. Descriptors: +Scientitic research; +Etjropes Revidress Periodica;is; =khaviOral sciance; Parafchology; -Perceptian; Commuters; .Ensineering; Envi roneental ensineeri nsl: Nateri ai s: M 04"L-81 research( Oegaervx~ar#rw: Phys l cs; Te lecammun i cat i on', Statistics; Great Br it l ai n I dents f i ers= NT1 SDDDXA Section Headings: 5W (Behavioral and. Social Sciences--Documentation and Information Technology) 1'5/11 616620 F HD-f#046 955/3 R Telepathetic Experiment: Necessar++ Re~uirenen[s Bongard, M. ; Smirnovs 1M. F rre-zsrr Tech I no f o r Div Wr i sht-Patterson AFB Efti o 1 Corp. Source Codes: 1416 0 0 Report No.: FTD- I D (RS) T-OA82-77 21 Jun 77 29e Edited trans. of- Nauka i Th i zn' (USSR) n12 P62-70 1967: by Bernard' L. Tauber. 1locusent Type: Translation 1 : NT is Pr i cgs PC FH 13/MiF R OZ Journal Announce enfa GRPI 780: No abstract available. Descriptors: +Parap_ cholosL4 At-titudes(Psycholo,) Senses(Ph .siology) I Percept z on CPs+scho l osy) ; : Theory; Trans lat i onss USSR Identifiers: +Telerathy# NTISDDDXA Section Headings: 5J (Behavioral and Social Sciences logy (Individual -and Group Behavior) )', 92B (Behavior and Societysvcholoay) 1,-5'12 616438 RD--R046 673/0 Is Parapsychology a Science Kara.rfelovs Ivan Fore i sn Techno lose Div Wrs sht-Pattmrson< AFII 1137i o Corp. Source Codes: 141,60n R+?port No.: FTD-ID (RS) T-089e-?7 1U Jun 77 15P Edited trans. of Priroda i Znaniye (Bulsaria) v23 n% p2-6 1970, b+u Michael J. Olivieri. Document Type:- Translation NT I S Prices: PC A 02'NF RO i Journal Annewunce^ients GRAS 7803 No abstract available. D'crz ptors= .Para-sychol asy4 Theor' - Sci anti ti c research's Revi errs; Translations; Bulsaria Identifiers: NFFISDODXR Section Headings: 5J (Behavioral and. Social Scie log' (Individual and' Group' Behavior)) F 923W (Behowior and Soeisty---Ps'.chalo r) 1/5/13 614101 Hil-f1045 907/5 From Sensational Stir to Serious Research, E, eri rents Confir'--Yes' Ski n `Sight Exits,' Shevalevt R. ; Filatovaw V. P. Foreign Technolosu Div idrisht-Patterson AFB Ohin Corp. Source Codes: 141600 keport No.: -FTD-ID (RS) I-11560-77 27 Hpr 77 10P Edited trans. of- Tekhnikar ftlodezhi (USSR-: 1) n' p8-10 1965, b!+ P. Hantula. Document TAspe: Translation NTIS Prices: PC A2,PIF fOi' Journal An _ : GRRI7802 No abstract available. Descrl ptors= +Pw arw%jew los P& eVisual 'ercerti oriF Co lorsF Deterisi nazi on; B 1 zndnessi Mental ab i 1 it y; Touch; Skin (finest oau) ; Translations; USSR Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 'AWr?cjL rierm; wtwin "isIOn? NI.IN11ULIXH Section Headings: 5,1 (Behavioral and Social Sciences -?syr_hoIo*y (Lndividuavill and Group Behavior)); 92B (Behavior and Societ'Psvcholo 1.'5/14 b14100 M--R045 98&/7 Telepathy in Relation with Science Stanescur S. Foreign Technoloe. Diu Fright-Patterson RFD Ohio corp. Source Codes: 1416 011 Report Mo.: FTD-ID(PS)I-0324-77 24 Mar 77 7p Edited trans. of Stiinta si Tehnica (Rumania) v23 nS p34-35 May` 72. Document Type: Translation nTIS P;:races: PC R02/MF Ft01 Journal Announcement= GRAS7802 No abstract available. Dgrscr i ptors: +Parapspacho l og+4 Percepti on (Pewcho l oe .) i Mental ab i l i t', Emotions; Transmissivity',111 Brain waves! ,Rumania;; Translations I denti f i ers: ePpnr. al to l epar. hy's tEactrasensory` percepti on F h1T ISDUDXA Section +leadznss: 5J (Behavioral and Social Sciences--Ps'scholoay (1ncrividual and` Group Behavior)) 921 (Behavior an:ct Society-Ps~olosv) 1/5/15 6113b5 Ffl)-.045 432/2 Wireless Telegraphy Number 2 Koladnw. Lev Foreign Techno l os%+ Div Wr i sht-Patterson RFD G l hi o Corp. Source Codes: 141600 Report No.: FTD-ID (RS) I-059q--77 9 "ay 77 1 0p Edited trans. of Mog:kovskaya Pravda (USSR) p4 cols4-7s 9 Apr 67. by Marilyn Olaechea. Document Type: Translation Ni 1 S Prices: PC FH.12/MF R91 Journal Announcement: GRR 17801 No abstract available. Descriptors: $Communic_ation and- radia ss stems +Parars 5J (behavioral and Social Sciences--Psychology (Individual and Group Behavior)) 's 57R (Medicine and halo s%_ Ps xJw !logy); 9:P- (Behavior- and Society--Psycho l oey ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 4 35e5b ALP-H005 579/B F 7 e 1 d? Formon? Supersrar. e? and I nce'ti ve C%jbor+. R Parapl'+si cal Theor+, of Noncausal Phenomena! :1 Bearden. Thomas E. Hriu Ilectical Intel 1 i grnre and In"rmariorr Agency Mashinotnrr D C Corp. Source Codes: 409112 Rerort No.: 14IIR-1-74 Dec ?4 52P NTIS Prices: PC R[141MF ROI Journal Announcement: 6P: I I RI75f 8 I In searching for a way to break the deadlock in which ehLisi Ics? mathematicsw and Phi losop rw are all entansled, the author was struck by- the fact t1 at the Process of ehys i ca l perception was the key. to all -three locks. An effort aae made to formulate a basic theory- of the fundamental Perception process. The Pafwr- rerresentc an initial atterrrrt to sketch out a brief theory of noncausal Phenomena. Lescriptor:s: +Pararsycholosyi ycoPi'eicss oPercePtion(Psychalow}I Phi 1 osoph%-#,s Ph+.s= cal Properties, Theor++s Time Inert if iers: honcausal Phenomena; Causality; NTI SDODA Section Headings.- :: 5J (Behavioral and- Social Sci logy [individual and 6rouP Behavior)); SF (Behavioral and Social Sci ences-I me"=ties) 1/5/25 41=3U15 RD--fIO01 17412 Scientists "Examine' Sergee'. V. Foreisn Technolosy Div I1risht-Ptterson Lore. Source Codes: 141600 v:Resort No.: FTD-4+T-23-0004-75 2;i Oct 74 11P Edited trans. of Weisenbarger. N T I S Prices: PC -A 02/MF fi O l Journal Announcement: 6RR I7 502 The First International Conference on Psychatranics, held in 1973 in Prague is reported. Four hundred scientists fr I I :: om f ifteen countries took part in the conference. Invited to the conference were two USSR countrymu+! artist Tof i k D acrashev and J nurnal i st Vladimir Ser-seen . who were asked t o share impressions. llpscriptors: oParapmvichalosaiii- llleetinsw; i 15S CMt 1 i t7r%1 Sci !*-at fO/r~r St-rat,ev sod Tact ice) 1/5x40. 108837 811-673 16 0 Foreisrr Science Bulletins Vol. 4s ft_ 8, 1968 (A aont h 1 y review of selected f orei sn sc iant if i c I I ; I and techn i ca 1 literature Library' of Consree;s Yashinston D C Rerompace Technvlo4,- Dim t;orp- Source Codes: 009980 Hug ba 44P Rlso available on subsd_ 'iptionl - $19.O&I'ear. $22.50'year fvreisn. See also;1 flD-672 795. Document- Type: Conference proceeding N T 1 S Prizes: PC fl 03 'MF 8 01 Journal flnnouncement: USGRDR6814 Content st Papers: The present- sta -us of researchr i n t e?l e 1 11 :path'. i n the ovlet Union, *wcent Soviet '?xperiments in t-elepathic communication. Notes: Soviet research on the MHD poser- production problem: New TE(01) erode c onaer-te'rs; Sadko-2 under ester 1 aborat ory; -R sea'111i s her i ca l open resonator for use` in magncti c radio s. Co First Conference on Marine Propulsion. Descriptors: .Parapsacholegys USSR : Communication sistems4 Information t heory; 14asnet ofwdrodwnam i c a I enerat ors: ilauesui des! under..' er vehicles: IRa *oF1e Uffncy spectrnscoP' Resonators: Marine propulsions Symposia( Reviews Identifiers: Mental tolenath'rs Telepathic communicat ion stems Section ' headings: 5J (Behavioral and Sozi ::: val Sciences-Psscholoey (Individual: and Group Behavior)) s 17B (Maaisations Camwunicaticros lietect i on, and Counter :easures-Comuni cat ions) ; 5B Caehavi ora l and Socia l Scievvc~ mentatiorr acid' Information Tedfinolowo) 1/5/41 09900(1 AD-667 953 Mee Correlation Between at Hrsman Subiect and' aF Quantum P chanicst Random Number Generator Sciihsldt! Helmut Boe i ns Scientific Research Labs Seattle Mash P l asses- Ph"i cs Lab Corp. Source Codes: 401049 Report-Mo.: Dl-62-0684 Nov .67 53P MTIS Prices: PC R4# MF 801 Journal An UI:SGRDR6912 t in i s'-genera 11' assumed that exferiMent s involu ins statistical erocesses can al sags be deli gned i n such a say- that the outcome' i s i nderendant of the e xper 1111enter . I n order - t o test this basic 4 : ; assuart i on a series of experiments was performe& with careful 1++ desisned apraratuor whose central feature is a ice uti 1 izing a ?- uantum w-ocess to generate random 'rtuwbers modulo 4. The random number generator- is connected' to four 1saps acrd' four corresr'ondinw -pushbuttons. Pressing any one of the f I our buttons triggers a quantue process a d produces a. random- r,u bwr-s shi ch i s' indicated' by the 1 1 sht ins of one of the f our lamps. Tt ke system is 1 I desisned such that -there Ihould be no correlation between the number- (1..4) of the' button pressed and the number (t ..4) of the' lamp` l i shted'. and thewompew nv carrel ar ion between 'successively generated random numbers. f; large number of txanan ub iects were asked: to press the' buttons mans a l.1 } with- the ob i ecti ve i n mind of obtaining a hish? nrm>ber- of coincidendars (hits) r i.e. s events when the lamp next t o the pressed button l iaht s. v from -tiw -result ss it i s tentative1'- coneIudrd, thaw there exists?,a- weak but significant correlation between the statist( cal proses raper-ative in these ex i mente and" t'he exaeramenter who initiates -the Processes. W. }?Q11CrW_" Descri 'Experimental demises Rccurmwd~ ` Statistical processes s estati WT-IL'C~& 'A A 16:1- - . , .. . . ,:;.. , ?f*erf 0r mane (Human)s Corre i at son t: .. : I igllbw"si Sara s~+t : ca) rw be9w 9lnlral $Ct*? `~_ ~q+P Q_-rfdei nUml7l~ ~7lra"ons Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 :NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020025-9 I:' i.? ?~ `! ` ~,~cFr1 >_,r?r-v ur ~lar'lri'_-~I,r r?PT~ta~tk 'r."?.,' ?':f1" the Pr sse - yfeak k, the{~. a'PerIMenIrs a, the 1 amP flext 1:0 rhp P e"Xi rst Sr tlf~ ?i: P in tPntat=wel~ concluded that r npprati+) t istI cal Processe_ ?Far' s`'cho2 o".a sca betn+een the Fracessr:s- Rc'~-Ir Maasuren. k t ax tweeter mho initiates the design' rrocess1es= Variable, a Dlsc>fyLPtamw''' iwe~+t tatisti cal p~?obabi 1 t~+ R andom t...?' an _ ,~ _ ._ _ - , cnrpc--F's"r?rl c?l 07: r ce :..:etc ?~111r.~ rV~a~=//~ 1 B rM.a'C tleI, I1~-?sI ..._a ~ sir ~1ra"'r ~cc z rr+cRs---'lat h~rnat ~ ~~ :yeti ;r't r+t 1 St I r-5 ! - ^ro"ar.w-nowscai C1--4,4II54 14LI-* 61 '9 1 PT.-+srer1ous Ph-nnrPna .,= i 1 e% '' L . L - -~'olan Techflr1o3p+ Di.' IrIr-i -t--P9trQ~ .-or F. OI lrre Pp4mnrr_ 1i. r^ ti, r? 1=' Tr ar'S, of mono, ;~.- -} s=', -1t'=. 1'rnont I - a:::: TranSlat1r.n r+' 1 I--r 1 cm's: F'i : 1=I I'9 MF F101 Journ a 1 f+r.nnuncement : IJ--bPDP6P Oc-' I_ onrer?t = : M'4~= t' r 1 ous -s,4ch 1 c *~,nenortl,?r.a a- a source OOf cIJPer=t it l nr, ::lee= 3r.rt 'fire,:Ims; I4'?~4vnr,57s and sI'9est7or.; -IJ9'3ostinn and aeIt"nSL19gi' tiOn in the '1+aa,?in9 :tats; *1,.itoTT, tic mc''.PemF?nt is tr-'ere a ' mental ra!lic' ; blriat can 1'' be tr.3nsIR1 tteft at =.=. 1 ?y .abrnit ' ems, tr a-ensrrr-+ PercePr 1 on' ; Can muSct,1 ?=#r force 3 71='t r1 Leatrl and siJPerstit_ions as?=r'=1ar`?r4 hilt:r, it. T1?=?scri Ptors: *Par aPs-echoI oq%1; Ther.r -. Psytln111otr i c-s+ Tra7 ni n?: r% = . -, TotroF 7' a'-.t c; Ha 1 11-1c 1 no9c?rlc; 1??I+:4 I-rso5 3 = + =? l ePF i~syrnoPt-,'asl o 1 0'3'??; 1=1.ient7f7erg: l!IPersr1 dons; rirP.3 c on r--W.11n9s 5 I 'P.ehai'ior, .a1 .anti c.clal :3?-fences-PS'fchr_+1oiy 1n'y1'.!1'ylLal air.M 6r r'_,G Br-t- '.'.or . . 1 5 4:: 1 P *. hy. H- orhvsms? ?;nr1 nbtervat7 onf .I'r I-''Ibll'-atlnn_r Pe-eyrr-h `eru!1r-e, i.I.ashin ter. D. C. -.~.~'3:ir?_-- ties: 1": -'':i '' ,rs. _'f M;UHa 1 T.='I-hni ky ' L?='t!!I yn ? ? R~ r'4 p-:5-6 iq57. 1.:_'=LITE-.- r4F?c: Trani 1at1?,r. "fl:. Prices: P1' !=tt%P MF 1401 _Inurn+=r 1 FirnouncPm nr: J`'GPDP6i iO 1 -Ientif'?_ ln'.'e tigati?_r', ?_'f trio Proolems of biolnforratIon '..lncl!Idlnci Farap t.r-r7oir_.s'+ andt in Partlrsolar te1 eP.arh'- re' Tres the combined~ fnrres of many cF?c'=13115x= of a -trems1'~ '?'yrie1 art of k'now Ie Ise. Mart' various S I;r$9eSt ions hale ben = er forth in t hp e- tremel'. broad literature on F=6ryPs-cho1?_s