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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 19, 1979
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PDF icon NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020016-9.pdf435.17 KB
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/31 : NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020016-9 )(1) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/31 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020016-9 TOP SECRET RUFF ZARF UMBRA DETACH PRIOR TO RELEASE TO NON CODEWORD INDOCTRINATED RECIPIENTS -------------------------------------------------- CIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES Trends in Soviet Fsychology Introduction (S) The Soviet Uni)n is conducting creditable and sophisticated resESrch in the behavioral sciences and has been doing'so for the past 10 to 1.5 years. The main areas of emphasis are in the fields of psychopharmacolog psychobiology, parapsychology and human factors. During this period there ias been a significant shift towards a multidisciplined EDproach in their research efforts. Th= most obvious examrles are their investic;ations of the synergistic effects of multiple drugs, drugs combined with physical stir.ili (such as ultrasonic and electro- magnetic fields), and team efforts in parapsychology by engineers, psycho:igists, and medical in.-vestigators. Telepathic commun)-ation and psychokinesis have potential in highly sensitiNe and political areas. A great deal of effort is also be:ng expended tD borrow Western ideas an3 expertise in this field. In psychopharrracology their research into the biochemistry of memory and emotional behavior in human subjects may produce significant break- throughs. (S) The Soviets mi jor goal in the Overall area of be- havioral research is to make significant breakthroughs i+ the fields of psychopharmacologi, and parapsychology. Another area of significance is refining and enhancing the .fief;: of humai factors. They have since recognized the problem of polr equipment design in both critical military and industrial man-machine interfaces. Politic- ally the Soviets lave little experience in dealing with noncapti-re populations. Their hierarchy traditionally has dictated poli(y, but this approach is not effective in motivating ind.viduals or groups. To resolve this sledgehammer approach, the newly found "social psycho- logists" are very busy incorporating Western ideas in the remotivation rid control of alienated subgroups. (S) In the milita y sphere their most significant goals are to (1) improve their man-machine interfaces, (2) find quick and easy ways to demoralize, influence or debilitate the entmy, and (3) find more effective method: L-------------- -------------------------------- DETACH PRIOR TO RELEASI- TO NON CODEWORD INDOCTRINATED RECIPIENTS TCS-565655? ?9 16 ? HANDLE VI x TOP SECRET RUFF ZARF UMBRA CONTROL SYSTEM! CO'.': YT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/31 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020016-9 I 1 ~.r. ~ -` j,/' ~ .; I J Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/31 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020016-9 TOP SECRET RUFF ZARF UMBRA DETACH PRIOR TO RELEASE T O NON CODEWORD INDOL TRINP rCD RECIPIENTS t) mold, influence and control the vast mi'iterry forces F. )litically at their disposal. A coro3larN effor ::, a'. e much smaller scale, is the develcpv'en t of more s)phisticated means of surgically, cheirica3 ly, or p ;ychophys ical ly ccn tro i i iriq behavior iii a nondeb i li tat- iig or overtly detectable manner. D _scussion (J) In the USSR, psychology is defined as the study of mintal "psychic" activity viewed as a finction of the brain determined by the conditions of 1 ife, reflectinu o?)jective reality, and regulating the i :tera::tion between man and- his environment. It in,orp?rates the dialectical materialist concept of the znity of the p';ysical and the mental and the insepar ihi] ity of the m nd from the physiological processes of the brain, and t',.e vital role of the mind. Man's cons -ioL-sness is r. -garded as the product of a prolonged ii sto.r. ical develop- m?.nt in which a decisive rcle was playeri by -nan's work a:.d by verbal communication. (") The results of psychological resear-:h are considered t have a theoretical and a practical s gni.F .cancc . The s -ientifie kncwlerJie cf the mind con=ti .ute an irlportant c