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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 SECRET DST-181 OD-948-82-R PT-4 (b)(1) (b)(3) DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Defense Technic Intelligence Report The Soviet Psychoenergetics Research Program (U) 22 MARCH 1982 NOFORN WNINTEL --75EISf ?E4- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020003-3 THE SOVIET PSYCHOENERGETICS RESEARCH PROGRAM (U) DST-1810D-948-82-RPT-4 Information Cutoff Date: 15 January 1982 WARNING NOTICE Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved This is a Department of Defense Intelligence Document prepared by the Nuclear Energy and Applied Sciences Division, Directorate for Scientific and Technical Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency. PREPARED BY Technologica Capabilities Branch (DT-1A) NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: MULTIPLE SOURCES REVIEW ON: 22 MARCH 2012 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 FOREWORD (U) This report reviews recent intelligence on Soviet psychoenergetics (parapsychological) research. It focuses on the results of a high level Soviet commission that reviewed psychoenergetics research in the USSR, and includes details on new research activity. This is a follow-on to the pre- vious DIA publication on foreign research in this field (Paraphysics R&D - Warsaw Pact (U), DST-1810S-202-78; and change 1, 1980). (U) The previous study concentrated on the historical aspects of para- psychological research in Warsaw Pact countries, and included a survey of institutes and personalities that had some involvement in this research. It covered the early research (1921 to 1938) and the known research between 1960 to 1980. Consideration was also given to the Soviet political and sociological environment that may have influenced some of this work. (U) While the topic of parapsychology is still considered a prescience or an emerging science by many, recent worldwide research indicates a degree of maturation is occurring. There are improvements in experimental control and techniques, and better instrumentation is now in use. There is also a trend to working with select individuals over a long period, rather than working with a large number of people who may have little motivation for parapsychological investigations. (U) The DIA considers investigation in this area to have breakthrough potential, and that significant military applications may result. Conse- quently, foreign research in this area will continue to be closely followed, and new studies published whenever significant data is obtained. (S) Very recently, new psychoenergetics research data was acquired from the USSR, China, and other foreign countries. This data is now being evalu- ated, and its implications will be reported as the results of analysis be- come available. (U) The cutoff date for material in this report was 15 January 1982. Information was gathered from both open source literature and intelligence reports. FOR THE DIRECTOR: b~~40k__ JACK VORONA Assistant Vice Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY V I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. INTEGRATED USSR PSYCHOENERGETICS PROGRAM 2 III. TYPES OF INVESTIGATIONS 13 IV. IMPLICATIONS 22 APPENDIX I BIOELECTRONICS SECTION GOALS 23 APPENDIX II BIOELECTRONICS SECTION STAFF 25 iii =RE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 SECRET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (U) In 1975, a high-level commission was officially established in the USSR to review psychoenergetics research. The commission was under the direc- tion of the vice president of the USSR Academy of Sciences and included several institute directors and deputy directors as well as Party officials. (C) After a 3 year review period, this commission's recommendations led to an integrated approach to the study of psychonergetics in the USSR. A central- ized coordinating and review group was identified which had several Ministry of Defense (MOD) representatives. A new psychoenergetics laboratory (Bioelec- tronics Laboratory) was established which reviews and integrates psychoener- getics research performed at other laboratories and also performs its own research. This laboratory has access to many specialists in biological, physi- cal, and psychological fields. In addition, this laboratory also serves a screening function for identifying people from the general population, throughout the USSR, who can perform well on psychoenergetics tasks. (C/NF/WN) This commission, and a previous review commission, identified many problems on how psychoenergetics had been conducted in the USSR. These problems appear to have been resolved with this new integrated research ap- proach, and also as a result of new procedures for disseminating research data and tightening control over people who might access this data. (C) This new effort has MOD backing and support, and for some aspects appears to have KGB support. There is also backing from high-level officials in the Communist Party, probably at the Council of Ministers level. (U) During this 3 year review period, the commission took an active part in psychoenergetic investigations. Numerous experiments were set up at various laboratories for their observation and control. As a result of these direct observations, the chairman of the commission affirmed the reality of psycho- energetics phenomena and issued public statements with that conclusion. (C/NF/WN) The scope of the new psychoenergetic effort includes both the information (i.e., ESP, remote viewing) and the energetic (i.e., psychokine- sis) aspects of the phenomena. Although most of the information available places Soviet psychoenergetics research in a theoretical or phenomena under- standing perspective, it is known through intelligence data that applications oriented research is also being pursued. Application goals are no doubt of high interest to MOD and Party officials who support and monitor this work. Free World psychoenergetic research is of no help in evaluating application potential since all open work does not address operational issues. (C) Some of the phenomena understanding research involves facilities having various physical measurement and sensing devices. This work emphasizes psychokinetic tasks in an attempt to identify energy transfer mechanisms. V SECRET--- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 E (C/NF/WN) There is evidence of a strong interest in applying ESP/remote t viewing phenomena in accessing secure data, in information transmission (i.e., long distance communication), and in locating lost or hidden material or people. Specific details on the results of these USSR investigations are not yet available, although claims of successful experiments have been made, even at long distances. (C/NF) Other Soviet research, which may have both theoretical and applied implications, examines possible large scale psychokinetic influence on physi- cal devices and on biological systems. These include interference with sensi- tive electronic devices, deformation of material samples, influence of growth rates of plants, influence of chemical reactions, and influence of psycho- logical and physiological states of people. Although success is claimed by USSR researchers on these effects, specific data are not yet available to evaluate them. Thus far, known investigations have been limited to a labora- tory environment. (C) Even though the mechanism for integrated psychoenergetics research now exists in the USSR, certain difficulties will still occur. Some leading USSR scientists not in this research field, and some USSR journalists, continue to publish destructive criticism of this area. Fragmentation, faulty management procedures, etc., are not uncommon in the USSR system; these could also have an adverse impact on some research goals. However, the high level scientific support and Communist Party backing for this research should help minimize these types of problems. (S) Although it is not yet clear what advances have actually occurred, it does appear that Soviet officials perceive sufficient progress is being made in their psychoenergetics research. Some basic applications have very likely been attempted, and intelligence and/or warfare applications involving ESP/ remote viewing phenomena can be anticipated in the future. (C) Potential applications of psychokinetic (PK) phenomena cannot be as- sessed at this time since it is not known if these are effective at operational distances. vi SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 sEeR ff-F THE SOVIET PSYCHOENERGETICS RESEARCH PROGRAM (U) 1. INTRODUCTION (U) In traditional parapsychology, the phenomena under study can be gene- rally described as two types: (1) forms of perception that cannot be explainer by known physical or sensory mechanisms (i.e., extrasensory perception (ESP', telepathy, remote viewing); and (2) physical actions, via conscious or su-- conscious mental influence, that take place outside the biological organic- that cannot be explained by known physical mechanisms (i.e., psychokines=_ (PK)). The term, psychoenergetics, is used in this study to refer to Sovie: investigations involving parapsychological phenomena. This term is used L% some USSR and Free World parapsychological researchers. It is general"% broader in scope than conventional parapsychological research, and has a phe- nomena understanding and interaction orientation. (U) It is a basic Soviet philosophy to identify the study of parapsycholog- ical phenomena as part of an existing research area, rather then to establis? it as an independent, or "para," topic. There is also a practice of usin; terms for these investigations that have a physical concept or mechanism orier- tation. Consequently, various terms such as psychoenergetics, bioenergetics, bioinformation, bioelectronics(a recent term), and others have been identifier with the study of parapsychological phenomena in the USSR. The term parapsy- chology is also used, but it is not as common and seems to be limited t: investigations at some of the psychological institutes. (U) In the USSR, there is an implicit assumption among most psychoenerge- tics researchers that parapsychological phenomena can eventually be explainer in terms of known physics. Consequently most of the psychoenergetics researc" in the Academy of Science institutes is oriented toward discovering mechanises that explain the phenomena. (S) Psychoenergetics investigations have a long history in the USSR, starting with the early work of L. L. Vasiliev at the Institute of Brair Research imeni V. M. Bekhterev in Leningrad in the period 1921 to 1938. This research was resumed in 1960 by Vasiliev and continued until his death in 1966. Subsequently other laboratories began psychoenergetics research, the main open facility being the Popov Society's Laboratory for Bioinformation (1965`. Research was also initiated at some of the biophysical and psychological facil- ities during this period. Since 1978, major efforts are occurring at the Bioelectronics Laboratory (Popov Society), at the Institute for Radioengi- neering and Electronics (IRE) in Moscow, and at several other facilities in the USSR. (S) Although much of the USSR psychoenergetics research has a phenomena understanding orientation, it is also known that application-oriented investi- gations have been performed since the late 1960's or early 1970's. The recent integrated effort discussed in this report calls attention to a need in the USSR to integrate and coordinate this work both from a phenomena understandin; and an application viewpoint. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 II. INTEGRATED USSR PSYCHOENERGETICS PROGRti% A. Recent Developments (C) An integrated approach to the sychoenergetics is now underway in the Soviet Union. This prograr, -and involves several leading laboratories and institutes unde- - -:===-y of Sciences. It is closely monitored by high level Party offi:- -----view group, composed of laboratory directors and scientific staf= -:)nitors and coordinates specific research and defines over-all reset-:' =='ves. While most of this work is performed in closed laboratories, %..-" " this research is open to the public sector. This open portion is, h.r - :e very tight control and its open activity is closely monitored. (U) A major role in this coordine:e: 's performed by the All- Union Scientific and Techncial Society of =:-_ logy and Communications imeni Popov (the Popov Society)(I) in M::r" -" =978, the Popov Society formed a new department and laboratory, Z =e-e:tronics Section(2), to study various aspects of psychoenergetics. i _ sections have also been established in local Popov Society adminis:-: : various cities through- out the Soviet Union. Correspondence tha: this section is included in Appendix I. (C/NF/WN) It is known that this for Bioelectronics was formed under approval of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Societies, and received sanction by high officials. It resulted from the recommendation of a special rev`e? which had Academy of Sciences backing. The announc d member: r = Bioelectronics Section staff includes four MOD members indi: =.y MOD support. There is (1) (U) Also known as NTORES, a Soviet '"=r Nauchno - Teknicheskie Obshchestvo Radiotekniki - Electroniki Scientific professional societies in the USSR are established ar: by the state. They are created to explore potential advances it =. :;d technology and to aid programs of applied research. The Popov under administrative con- trol of the Ministry of Radio Industries. (2) (U) Bioelectronics, in this context, -ze- __ -sychoenergetics and empha- sises measurement and detection aspects. 'es an emphasis on "energe- tics" (i.e. psychokinesis); however, inv=::':== in this section also in- clude "bioinformation" (e.g., ESP, remote %-a.--- Dhenomena. There is some overlap between this research and conv_-:':'= : ysics and biophysics re- search. (3) (S) See Appendix II for a list of so' ics' Section staff mem- bers. The term "staff" probably refers tc or coordinating members, not necessarily full time members except chief, and some lab- workers. The MOD members are listed as N. F. 4 and 17. Avramenko (No. 5) is a representative of SKB VYMPEL, the missile design bureau. 2 EeR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 also indirect evidence of KGB support for psychoenergetics research in gener- al, although the extent of their involvement is not known. (C/NF) In addition to coordinating all Popov Soviety activities in Bioelectronics, this new section also has a central role in coordinating and integrating psychoenergetic activity of the various scientific laboratories and institutions, and very likely defines joint research efforts utilizing their diverse facilities. The for Bioelectronics Laboratory probably does not have sufficient advanced electronic equipment for comprehensive experimenta- tion at this time, and therefore must rely on use of facilities elsewhere for some scientific investigations. The Institute for Radioengineering and Elec- tronics (IRE) in Moscow is QQne institute where considerable psychoenergetics research is known to occur(1i. IRE's effort is probably closely coordinated by the Bioelectronics Section. (C) It is not uncommon for a professional society in the USSR to perform a research coordinating role. Overall review and approval of their work would occur at a higher level, probably within the Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Radio Industries, or at state planning levels. (U) This is not the first instance of Popov Society activity in inves- tigating psychoenergetics phenomenf. In 1965, a section for "Bioinformation" was established, under I. M. Ko ant2), mainly to investigat problems related to "information transmission" (i.e. ESP type phenomena) (31). Although the Bioinformation Section operated under the auspices of the Popov Soviety, its existence was probably quasi-official and not sanctioned by high-level Party officials. Its laboratory activities were open to the public and staffed on a volunteer, part-time basis by Popov Society members. Nevertheless, this lab conducted man experiments (possiblyy several thousand) before it was either shut down probably around 1975)4), or incorporated as part of the new Bioelectronics Section in 1978. (1) (U) Key members of the special review commission that recommended creation of the Bioelectronics Section are leading scientists/directors in the IRE and have leading positions with the USSR Academy of Sciences. (2) (U) Professor in information theory at the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) imeni Bauman. (3) (U) See DST-1810S-202-78, Paraphysics R&D-Warsaw Pact, for details. (4) (C/NF/WN) Data from one source indicates this laboratory was not shut down at this time; only that some people were barred from it and that it was moved to a more secure location, the same place now occupied by the Bioelec- tronics Laboratory. 3 SECRET- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (C/NF/WN) While this new Bioelectronics Section also has a public sec- tor, one of the main differences between this and the previous Bioinformation Section is the emphasis of strict control of people who have access to research activities. There is evidence to indicate the public sector only has access to a small part of the new laboratories' activities. The main reason for having a public sector at all is probably to provide a controlled avenue for dis- seminating those aspects of the research that meet with Party approval. An- other reason for a public sector is as a means for locating people, throughout the USSR, who perform well in various psychoenergetic tasks. In previous psychoenergetics research, Soviet researchers have demonstrated a clear pref- erence for working with high-talent people, regardless of their social or professional status. (C/NF/WN) Although official documents from the Popov Society present bioelectronics research in purely scientific terms and from a theoretical (phenomena understanding) perspective, possible applications are also openly acknowledged(1). Intelligence data from recent sources indicate, however, that classified aspects of this research also exist which are mainly applica- tions oriented, and reflect military and KGB interests. These would probably be of an exploratory nature. Potential MOD (or KGB) operational issues would no doubt be pursued at one of the military institutes. However, sufficient experimental data are not yet available to form definitive conclusions re- garding application effectiveness at this time. There is some Pp w data on types of investigations which will be reviewed in a later sectiont2e). (C) The most significant result of the recent review commission is that now, for the first time in the USSR, a high-level Party-approved channel exists for psychoenergetics research.. Although destructive criticisms to this field continue to occur in the USSR, no significant retarding effect is fore- seen by virtue of Academy of Science sanctioning of this research. B. Psychoenergetics Review Commission (C) The high-level commission that led to this new integrated approach in USSR psychoenergge ics research began its activities in 1975. It was chaired by Yu. B. Kobzerevl3), and was under the direction of V. A. Kotel'nikov, vice president of the Academy of Science and director of IRE. Its members included (1) (U) i.e., "introducing research results into technology, biology, medicine and agriculture." (2) (U) Some new details are presented in Section III; other data have been presented in DST-1810S-202-78, and change 1 (1980). (3) (U) Member, Academy of Sciences, and leading radar researcher at the In- stitute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE), Moscow. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 directors (1) , deputy dire - --- tutes and laboratories un_~- The composition of this : - - _; ve g t m Problem Council status, c==-= -~-s-ed by the USSR Academy of Sciences or by the State Committee -- - ~- -e:hnology (GKNT). (U) The activitis- - :- =3n spanned approximately 3 years, and resulted in several -=---- t - , ese led to recommendations eventu- ally made public by the ^ _ : resolution that officially estab- lished the new Bioelectro- :- e-c : document that provided additional rationale for that deci:-: -=-in reports directly addressed the validity of the phenomen- This commission was unusual in that it not only reviews- :;so arranged experiments and took part in them as observer: ----Te-;, (U) The main co~ . - - , -y=ew of previous work (mainly from Kogan's Lab of Bioinforrr - s e-3mmendation that work begun there should be continued, bu: T - shortcomings (control of lab access, and management issues) ise-- - ;- s'though the commission appeared to affirm the reality of tr.. -c- =:udy, based on Bioinformation Labo- ratory results, they we- -:? .:i those experiments they observed directly. This was cler- - = s -? __: least two reports. One, signed by Kobzarev in 1978, incluce - "I am persuaoe .- ;-ircimena demonstrated by N. Kulagina (psycno---~_-: - -t '- of objects without con- tact), R. Ku-- .-..- t assistance of eyes), and L. Korabeir:-:= - ~-~:-s of Zener (ESP) cards con- cealed in thick: e--~ -: means tricks but rather the existence : ~-~--- r unusual capabilities in man. My conesr:-- many people including a group of profes_- (U) A simila- _:- --r.- by Kotel'nikov, Kobzarev, and others. This document =-~-s-:z- = reality of psychokinetic phenome- na. (C) In additio- :s, this commission also took part in many others during :r-: =-a -iod. These probably included other aspects of energeti:: .-?-s- and bioinformation (ESP, remote viewing). (1) (U) Such as V. I. S~r-: Transmission (IPPI). -7- itute for Problems of Information (2) (C) Including E. A.. =-~ ` - to the Chairman, All-Union Society of Scientific and Tecnr:;: _ ;tee GKNT representatives are known to be involved in the =mr--7 _ activity. =f members from scientific in ti- Sciences, and Party officialst2). been of Scientific - ht ha i i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 ___SECRE_T, (C) By the end of 1978, this commission had not only reviewed previous psychoenergetics research in the USSR, but had been directly involved with a wide variety of psychoenergetic experiments that were set up by them where high-talent people were examined. They concluded that the phenomena under study were valid, and thus the new Bioelectronics Section, and an integrated pyschoenergetics research approach, became officially established. C. Previous Reviews (C/NF/WN) The science and technology commission chaired by Kobzerov has not been the only high-level review of psychoenergetics in the USSR. There is intelligence data indicating a special commission from the psychological community was established in the early 1970s to review this topic. The Central Committee of the Communist Party formally requested leading USSR psychologists to evaluate the field. They were A. N. Leontyev, Dean of Psychology at Moscow State University (MGU), and V. P. Zinchenko, Professor of Psychology also at MGU. Both were members of the Academy of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences. It is likely that this review committee also included B. F. Lomov, Director of the Institute of Psychology (Academy of Sciences), and A. R. Luria, Professor of Neuropsycholoay at MGU. (C/NF/WN) The initial review of this commission was probably negative in general, and was highly critical of one particular laboratory involved in psychoenergetic research (Pushkin's)(1). However, Party officials requested a second review a few years later; this time the commission's appraisal of psychoenergetics was favorable. Although the commission's report is not available, it is probably similar to a publication that appeared in a 1973 issue of a leading pedagogical journal(2) that has also been known to establish resolution of ideological issues in the USSR. The main conclusion of this article was that "some of these so called parapsychological phenomena actually take place ... psychological institutes of the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Psychological Sciences and other psychological institutes should examine the possibility of rigorous scientific research into these phenomena". The article also recommended "organizing, in one of the psychological institutes, a laboratory for the study of people actually possessing unusual abilities, not merely those that are paranormal". (1) (U) i.e., V. I. Pushkin's laboratory at the Institute of Psychology, Aca- demy of Pedagogical Sciences (not Lomav's Psychology Institute, under the Academy of Science). (2) (U) "Parapsychology: Fiction or Reality?" Voprosy Filosofii (Questions of Philosphy), Vol 9, 1973, p. 128-136; Zinchenko, Leontiev, Lomov, and Luria. 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 7SE6RE-L (U) Zinchenko and Leontiev also wrote a new 4efinition of parapsy- chology for the revised Soviet Peoples Encyclopedia(l) the following year, which expressed a similar conclusion: "The problem is that the concept of parapsychology must be divided into two categories, imagination as claimed by mystics and charlatans, and on the other hand, phenomena that actually exist but are not yet scientifically clarified by scientific psychology and physics. The former require exposure and demystification. Research on the latter should be conducted in scientific institutes for psychology, physiology, biophysics, etc." (C/NF/WN) It is unclear what factors turned the original leanings of this commission around. Some data indicate the second review was broader in scope, and included current research with better experimental controls than those used in Pushkin's laboratory. Other data postulate this favorable leaning was mainly of a political nature, to gain approval of high-level Party officials who were already supportive of research in this area. However, some of the commision members (e.g., Leontyev, L4ria) were very senior, well estab- lished, and did not need political f avors(2). Another possibility is that terms of reference were clarified. Subsequent publications devote much time to clarifying terms and separating possible valid phenomena from misconceptions or concepts that are far removed from traditional parapsychological research issues. (C/NF/WN) It does appear, however, that Communist Party officials were in strong agreement with the commission's second review. Changes to the philosophical dictionary quickly followed, which reflected favorably on some aspects of parapsychological phenomena. On the other hand, there were still many unfavorable aspects identified in the commission's report, centering mostly on controls of research, publication policy, and other issues. Some of the points made public in tha Questions of Philosphy article were also reiter- ated in later actions. (U) The findings of Zinchenko's second review were also reflected in resolutions of a meeting held in 1973 by the Society of Psychologists at the Institute of Psychology (Academy of Pedagogical Sciences). The Society of Psychologists reaffirmed the need to pursue psychoenergetics research and to study people with unusual abilities in new psychology institute laboratories. (1) (U) Bol'shaya Sovyetskaya Entsiklopediya, 1974, Vol 19, "Parapsychology," by V. P. Zinchenko and A. N. Leontiev. (2) (C/NF/WN) Other data indicates Zinchenko was the only leading psychologist who reviewed this topic in response to the Party's second request. However, the official publications and encyclopedia definitions are co-authored, thus weakening the possibility that only one person turned the initial unfavorable report around. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 They also recommended comprehensive evaluation of future experiments be made by the Academy of Science Institutes and that theories for explaining the phenomena be explored by them.(1) (U) In addition, the Society was quite stern in other aspects and directed that parapsychological research not be published in the scientific- popular press, and that no independent contact with foreign parapsychology researchers be made. The Society of Psychologists also recommended that public organizations be prohibited from involvement in this research. (C) This commission severely criticized the few publications that had been released thus far. This might have been justified. Some articles in Soviet popular journals tended to exaggerate research claims, or were destruc- tively critical. In addition, some articles and books by Western journalists on Soviet research were also sensationalistic and misleading. (C) Thus, the approach by which psychoenergetics research had been conducted in the USSR up to this point was dealt a harsh blow. On one hand, aspects of the phenomena were affirmed; on the other, research would either be severely limited and even curtailed (i.e., the public sector). The resolu- tions seemed to leave open the possiblity of a new centralized effort, although its leanings for this role were with the psychology institutes. (C) On the Academy of Science side, the Popov Society must have been a target of some of Zinchenko's .charges. A review, called by the Praesidium of the Popov Society led to a resolution, in 1975, to close Kogan's laboratory of Bioinformation. After a positive review and appraisal of the accomplishments of Kogan's lab, the Popov Society report concluded: "As a result of the work undertaken by the section's re- searchers on questions of bioinformation, there developed a system of concepts on this sphere of phenomena, in the con- ditions under which the appearence of bioinformation was most likely to take place; elements of its theoretical pre- mises of bioinformation and views on possible perspectives of its practical use were taken into account. The Praesidium of the Moscow Directorate of the A. S. Popov NTORES considers that the work of The Section for Bioinfor- mation has reached a level at which further progress in this (1) (U) The Institute of Biophysics, and the Institute for the Problems of Information Transmission (IPPI) were specifically referenced. B. F. Lomov was president of the Society of Psychologists at this time. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 area, based only on public activity, and without a carefully planned research financed at a level of the central govern- ment, is impossible. A continuation of the work of the Section for Bioinformation under these. conditions, without the availability of modern instruments for physical and physiological, experimentation, will remain without perspec- tive, will lead, and in part has already lead, because of this, to the appearance of arbitrariness and a lack of di- rection in the day-to-day work of the section and can only spread illusions with regard to the possibility of solving complex scientific problems without paying serious attention to them, and leaning only on the individual enthusiasm of the society's workers. The Praesidium further considers that the Section for Bioin- formation has successfully fulfilled the tasks that it was presented with and has to all intentions and purposes ex- hausted the possibilities it has at its disposition as a public scientific organization with no systematic support from any state scientific institution. Under these condi- tions, the further existence of the Section for Bioinforma- tion is without perspective and, in this connection, any continuance of the work of the section and its laboratory is not expedient. A restoration of the section's work can again become expedient, if it, as a public form of scientif- ic activity, will function within a systematically organized responsible state scientific. institution." (C/NF/WN) While this document would appear to leave no question as to the closing of the Bioinformation Section, there is intelligence data indi- cating the laboratory nevertheless continued to function. It was moved to a new more secure loction, and continued to work with talented subjects in various psychoenergetics experiments. Some people, those who had considerable open contact with the press, or with Western researchers, were suddenly barred from its activities. This official document may have been released, in part, to provide a rationale for keeping such people from accessing laboratory re- cords and activities. This document left open the possibility that a new "public sector" might again be set up in the future. It seemed to appeal for an integrated and better funded or supported approach, at least for theoretical or phenomena understanding issyeg. Effort that was continued was probably of an application-oriented natured ), which would require only a small staff and a few high-talent people. (1) (C/NF/WN) This is considered a strong possibility by a recent source who was involved directly with experiments in this laboratory until about 1978. This same source also indicated a portion of the work was probably monitored (and even subsidized) by the KGB. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (C/NF/WN) The Zinchenko report set the stage for Kobzerev's review commission. As previously discussed, Kobzerev's review helped re-establish the Popov Society's public sector and set up the mechanisms for an integrated psychoenergetics effort via the Popov Society's new Bioelectronics Section and the various institutes and laboratories of the Academy of Sciences. The role of the Academy of Psychological Sciences is not clear in this effort, although the influence of the psychological sciences is probably through Lomov's new Institute of Psychology (Academy of Sciences). There is data that indicates some aspect of psychoenergetics research is performed there, although details are not known. (U) Psychoenergetics activity probably slowed down in the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences Institutes due to the Zinchenko commission's recommenda- tions. In a meeting at the Institute for Psychology (Pedagogical Sciences) in 1976, the institute director, V. Davydov, apparently in reaction to some of the earlier Zinchenko criticisms and to criticisms in the popular press, reaf- firmed the need to continue objective research in psychoenergetics. He also addressed terminology, preferring "parapsychology" to other terms. Parapsy- chological research at this institute (Pushkin's lab) probably continued func- tioning, although specific details are not known on recent research. (C/NF) There have been other official reviews of psychoenergetics research from time-to-time in the USSR. None have had the impact of the Zinchenko and Kobzerev commissions. These earlier reviews were usually called by local officials, probably to help them decide how to handle some of the popular press articles that occasionally reported favorable aspects of the research. (U) One such earlier review occured in Leningrad in 1970, which exa- mined a well-known subject, N. Kulagina, noted for psychokinetic abilities. The results of this review probably did not receive wide circulation in the Communist Party, and were not noted in any open scientific journals. (U) This commission set its own controlled experiment in a medical facility 1 (in Leningrad. The object was to evaluate Kulagina's apparent ability to "project images onto sealed unexposed photographic paper" under strict controls. The commission report states that "the tests indicated Kulagina possesses the ability to produce exposures of photographic materials, upon the commission requests, using a method which is unknown to the commis- sion." In essence, though in guarded language, the commission reported affir- matively on Kulagina's effects. Kulagina was also evaluated by Kobzerev's commission in 1978, and similar conclusions were reached. (1) (U) A. L. Polevov Institute of Neurosurgery. T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO0790R000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (U)'As can be seen, psychoenergetic research has come under high level examination in the USSR in recent years. Even the most unusual phenomena (i.e., aspects of psychokinesis) have been investigated directly by various commissions, and validity of at least some of the phenomena continues to be affirmed by those who have performed direct investigations with high-talent people. Consequently, the psychoenergetics research area now appears to be growing, has high-level Party and Academy support, and the mechanism for an integrated effort is now established. There are both public and closed aspects to this research, and there is evidence that application-potential definition is as much a goal as the openly stated purely scientific one of phenomena understanding. (C) Although these various reviews have led to some severe criticisms, it now appears that many if not most of these problems have been resolved. The major problem (though not a scientific one) was in how psychoenergetics infor- mation was controlled and disseminated. This was corrected by establishing tight controls over laboratory people and activities. Another problem (in scientific methodology) was corrected by involving more laboratories with di- vcrse backgrounds, and in setting up review teams. Thus, these reviews appear to have had a highly beneficial impact on status of psychoenergetics research in the USSR and could have a significant impact on future achievements. D. Party Interest (C) Reasons for the favorable high-level Party interest in psychoen- ergetics are unclear. Some Party members have shown nrigh interest in psycho- energetics which was probably politically motivated (11. Recently, some Party members have also shown ostensible non-political interest in this area. Popu- lar press articles in the USSR have on several occassions described Party Chairman Brezhnev's affiliation with a healer, Dzhuna Davitashvili. Other Party members have also made favorable comments regarding healers, and high officials from the Soviet State Planning Committee (GQSPLAN) have also acknow- ledged their interest and participation with healers l(2)) (1) (C) An example occurred in 1960, when L. L. Vasiliev, chairman of the Phy- siology Department at Leningrad University, was rather suddenly given an addi- tional parapsychology laboratory. This action was probably in response to a Party philosophy of not falling behind in any research area no matter how little understood, especially if it had military implications. This occurred at the time Vasiliev's early ESP research became public information, and when rumors of US research (ESP communication with people in submarines) were preva- lent in the USSR. (2) (U) Healing is described in the Soviet encyclopedia (under parapsychology) as "paramedicine: a domain related to parapsychology including healing by hand-placing, mental suggestion without the use of speech and without imme- diate contact, and sometimes from a great distance." Healing is also known as "bioenergy influence" or "bioenergy therapy" in the USSR. T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 ~ECRE~ tC/NF/WN) Interest in paranormal healing appears to run deep in the Soviet culture and there are many accounts of healing, and paranormal medical diagnostics, in the Soviet popular literature. Since it is usually difficult to separate paranormal healing phenomena from psychological or psychosomatic effects, most Western researchers do not address this area. However, in the USSR, people with suspected paranormal healing abilities are also tested in the various psychoenergetics laboratories, not only for possible effects on others, but for the more conventional parapsychological tasks (Zener ESP cards, psychokinetic effects on instruments and biological specimens, etc). ? Research with healers is known to have taken place in the Bioelectronics Laboratory, at IRE, and at other laboratories in the USSR. (C) High level Party members' interest in healing phenomena appears to sanction other aspects of parapsychology, directly or indirectly. Thus, Party interest in healing phenomena may also have military motivations, since "healers" are claimed to perform well in psychoenergetics tasks that could have military implications. (C) However, overall Party interest in psychoenergetics is probably broader than the healing issue. Some Party members might simply be interested in the military potential inherent in this phenomena; others may tolerate, and even endorse, such research if only to help resolve whether certain claims made by people in the general population are valid or not. Others may endorse such research in order to find ways to express possible valid phenomena in terms compatible with Marxist doctrine to refute interpretations for the phenomena that are too idealistic. (C) Thus there may be several diverse reasons for Party support. What- ever the case, the Party appears to have little to lose and much to gain by endorsing such research if it is adequately controlled and presented in the proper perspective. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 III. TYPES OF INVESTIGATIONS (C) In this section, some of the types of psychoenergetics investigations known to have taken place in various Soviet facilities are reviewed. In most cases, not enough laboratory data is available for detailed evaluation; thus no firm conclusions can be reached regarding the validity of the investigation or of the stated conclusions. However, the investigations can be examined in an attempt to assess the nature and possible direction of this work. The fact that this research continues, after a high-level commission review, and is now endorsed officially, indicates that in some cases positive results were achieved under laboratory conditions. (C/NF/WN) Some of the leading research facilities, and the nature of their known investigations are: A. Bioelectronics Section of the Popov Society, Moscow (C/NF/WN) As discussed in Section II, the Bioelectronics Section appears to perform an integration role in USSR psychoenergetics research. Al- though it does have laboratory facilities, it is not yet clear to what extent its investigations involve part-time or full-time researchers. Some intelli- gence data indicates this laboratory may have 100 to 300 people associated with it (probably not as many on a full-time basis). It does have several sub- groups which include a biological group, a physical measurement group, and a psychological group, among others. (C) As part of its overall psychoenergetics research effort, the Bio- electronics Section performs (or coordinates) research to identify what "sig- nals" are normally generated by people, various biological systems, and select materials. This research no doubt overlaps into some of the current biophysics and sensor development research. The Bioelectronics Section probably pursues this aspect so that paranormal effects can be separated from normal or back- ground conditions. This would be consistent with one of their research goals to identify properties (transmission mechanisms) of "biofields" responsible for the phenomena. Specific interest has been shown in instrumentation for detecting physiological correlates (e.g., electroencalogram data) and physical signals or fields (e.g., low frequency EM)?,) that m occur during psychoenergetics tasks. `:1 C, (1) (C) Other portions of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum and other signals (infrasonics, ultrasonics) are also of known interest to Soviet psychoener- getics researchers in general. However, it is known that at least one Bioelec- tronics Section staff member suspects that not all of the phenomena can be 1, explained in terms of known physics. 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (C/NF/WN) In addition to the measurement and theoretical aspects of this section, they are known to have a strong interest in applying parapsychol- ogical phenomena. It is likely that both aspects are investigated concurrently whenever possible. Even if desired explanatory signals are not found for some of the phenomena, the pursuit of applications would no doubt continue. (C/NF) The broad scope of this Section (Appendix I) could lead to an overemphasis on conventional biophysics research. However, the applied para- psychological portion would very likely not be affected. (S/NF/WN) The statement of overall goals in Appendix I is probably intended for release to the public sector, and consequently is intentionally vague on the parapsychological phenomena investigation portion of their work. This aspect would no doubt be on classified documents available within the Bioelectronics Section. It is known through other Popov Society correspon- dence, open publications by the Bioelectronics Section chairman (Spirkin), and from intelligence data that direct parapsychological phenomena investigations are in fact a major concern of this section. (C/NF/WN) Some of the parapsychological investigations known to have taken place in the Bioelectronics Section include: 1. ESP/Remote Viewing Phenomena (a) Concealed Targets (C/NF/WN) Typical experiments include attempts to describe concealed data, such as words, numbers, symbols, or pictures. It appears that a "sender" (beacon person) is present in these experiments. Some have been conducted over long distances (several thousand kilometers). In these experi- ments, physiological (EEG) correlates between the subject and a sender were claimed to have been observed. One of these had a "sender" in an unidentified physiological laboratory in Novosibirsk, and a "receiver" in the Bioelectron- ics Section's laboratory in Moscow. In other long distance experiments, the targets were ideas (concepts, symbols, etc.) held in mind by the sender. Successes have also been claimed for these experiments, although laboratory data is not available for examination, and the criteria used by the USSR investigations for their own evaluation is not yet known. (C/NF/WN) There is intelligence data that indicates some of these experiments serve as a screening function to identify people for further testing. One source indicated that people who do well in these types of tests are then passed to another section where investigations of an applied nature s occur. Details on the nature of this phase are not known at this time, although some of this work may relate to the location of lost items or people. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (b) Locating People (C/NF/WN) In these investigations, a typical experiment would be to present a subject with a photograph (or possibly a name) of the target person to be located. This person could be anywhere, even outside the USSR. Positive results were claimed for a few subjects in this task; however, it is not known to what detail the target person had to be located (i.e., general vs specific place), nor is it known who else in the experimental session .knew where the target person was. If others nearby knew the person's location, then this experiment would be similar to those discussed perviously, and would not necessarily be a long distance location task. (c) Locating Objects or Minerals (C/NF/WN) The possibility of locating hidden (or lost) ob- jects, and mineral or fuel deposits, has also been investigated in this labora- tory. This type of effect has been historically referred to as "dowsing," and recently in the USSR as "the biophysical effect." The Soviet researchers generally view it as a form of subliminal sense perception, probably involving subtle low frequency electromagnetics, acoustics (infrasonics), or other sig- nals, as responsible in part for this effect. In the Bioelectronics Section, people with suspected dowsing ability are tested to see if they are effective in real geophysical exploration problems. They are also given conventional ESP tests, and have been tested on their ability to locate concealed objects. People with suspected dowsing ability are probably prime candidates for work in psychoenergetics laboratories where a variety of signal generation and detec- tion equipment are available. 2. Psychokinetic (PK) Phenomena (C/NF/WN) This topic is new to the Popov Society which has been investigating ESP/remote viewing phenomena since 1965. However, considerable emphasis has now been placed on this aspect of psychoenergetics. It appears that psychokinetic phenomena are considered by the Popov Society to be more meaningful for phenomena understanding. At least sensitive instrumentation can be used in an attempt to isolate phenomena transmission mechanisms, and any effect should be straightforward to observe and document. In addition, poten- tial applications might be easier to identify and pursue, given that people with repeatable psychokinetic abilities can be located or developed. (C/NF/WN) Although details are not yet available, it appears that people with psychokinetic ability have already been examined in the Bioelec- tronics Section. This would be suspected on the basis of Kobzerev's statement involving success in psychokinetic tasks with N. Kulagina. There are also intelligence data that identified Kulagina, as well as other people with simi- lar abilities, as subjects who were investigated in the Bioelectronics Sec- tion's laboratory. Kulagina has also been studied in other laboratories in the USSR were psychoenergetics research is taking place. 9 r-Gn CT . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (C/NF/WN) Types of investigations with Kulagina at the Bioelec- tronics Section have included influence of sensitive instruments, and possibly influence of light-sensitive devices or material (photographic plates, etc.). However, results on these investigations are not known, but are probably simi- lar to those performed in other laboratories (discussed later). These experi- ments may have also included large scale effects, such as attempts to perma- nently deform material samples.(.) (C/NF/WN) Another aspect of the Bioelectronics Section research is the investigation of possible psychokinetic influence on organic specimens by people with suspected psychokinetic ability, or by "healers." There appears to be a view among USSR researchers that healers may have a basic psychokinetic ability, and they are tested for such effects. Types of experiments include the influencing of inanimate and biological objects (move materials, affect growth rate of plants, etc.), as well as the ability to influence the physiolo- gy and psychological state of target people, at close and at long-distance. Healers, such as Davitashvili, have been studied in this laboratory. People with healing inclinations are also examined for ESP/remote viewing abilities, not only in the context of healing (i.e., medical diagnosis), but also in standard ESP protocols. (C/NF/WN) As in the experiments involving ESP/remote viewing, it appears that the Bioelectronics Section, through its public sector, serves a screening function for locating people from the general population that may have some degree of psychokinetic ability. B. Institute for Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE), Moscow (C/NF/WN) This basic research facility became actively involved in psychoenergetics research in 1977 or 1978, around the time the Bioelectronics Section of the Popov Society was established. Since that time, IRE's main research has been centered on psychokinetic phenomena. IRE researchers, the principle one being Deputy Director Yu. V. Gulyayev, have used a wide variety of instrumentation in an attempt to isolate possible psychokinetic energy transmission mechanisms. Sensors used have included acoustic, electromagne- tic, optical (UV, IR), and other instruments. (C/NF/WN) Some of these experiments, with Kulagina and with healers (probably including Davitashvili), have been stated to be positive. That is, (1) (C) This type of investigation may have been similar to those referred to as metal "softening", or "bending", which has been performed in several Free World research laboratories. Most significant results have been reported by French metallurgical researchers (in 1978), and recently by researchers in a U.K. physics laboratory. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 T some of the various sensors indicated "signals" coincident with the psychoki- nesis attempt, even if the desired effect was not observed in that instance.'1) The type of physical activity usually intended during these experiments was to cause non-metallic objects to move in specified directions, to influence other material objects in some prescribed manner, to influence the output of a surface acoustic wave (SAW) device, and to cause images to appear on sealed photographic plates. Observable effects were reported to have occurred during some of these experiments. However, specific details are not yet available. (C/NF/WN) There have been other psychoenergetic experiments at the IRE involving attempts to influence the physiological and psychological state of a "target person." Measurable effects were reported. There could be an overlap with ESP-type phenomena in this case, or effects could be due to psychosomatics (i.e., target person self-suggestion). This is an inherent problem when examining possible paranormal effects on people. (C/NF/WN) IRE has also shown a strong interest in remote viewing. In 1977, Gulyayev visited a US parapsychological laboratory and claimed that remote viewing phenomena would also be examined at his facility. However, no data is available to verify this claim. It is suspected that some ESP/remote viewing research has occurred at the IRE, probably in conjunction with the Bioelectronics Section. Some of the people studied at IRE (especially Kulagina) have expressed interest in this type of phenomena. C. Institute of Psychology, Moscow (S/NF/WN) Since the death of Pushkin (in 1979), the status of his psychoenergetics laboratory is uncertain. However, some of the research he pursued probably continues. There had been considerable backing of his work by the institute's director (V. Davydov), and there is evidence suggesting a KGB subsidy existed for some of his work. (C/NF) Pushkin's main orientation was in psychokinesis-related tasks, where possible PK interaction between people and animate or organic objects were under study. Since some of his work used polygraph instrumentation, R Pushkin may have been investigating remote interrogation techniques, which would be of KGB interest. Since this institute is under the Academy of Pedogo- gical Science, other aspects of his research probably involved examining physiological correlates during ESP or PK tasks. (1) (U) Some researchers suspect that "signals" detected during PK experi- ments are not necessarily due to the indicated radiation. The display portion of the instruments may have become the "PK target," instead of the intended nearby target, and other forms of radiation may have led to the observed effects (e.g., body-generated microwaves). 17 --SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (U) Pushkin is also known to have worked with healers. In one in- stance, a well-known Moscow healer (V. Safonov) was reported to have influences the mental and physiological state of a target person in a distant room in the prescribed manner. The intent of this influence was supposedly unkown to the target person. However, data is not available for further evaluation. D. Institute of Hi her Nervous Activity, Moscow, and the Institute o' Physiology, Baku (C/NF/WN) There is recent evidence indicating active psychoenergetic- research has been conducted by these two institutes, probably some involvinc joint experiments. This would permit distance effects to be examined, an.: would simplify experimental protocol where sender and receiver pairs are used. In distance experiments, the possibility of subliminal influence would be eliminated. The Institute of Psychology, in Moscow, may also have been in- volved in some of these joint experiments. (C/NF/WN) It appears that the main thrust of this work was to stud% electromagnetic fields of both sender and receiver before, during, and afte- telepathy sessions. Instrumentation used included electroencephalogram (EEG). magnetoencephalogram (MEG), and various electromagnetic field sensors. The main conclusions were that the data indicated a direct link of some type occurred between both subjects during telepathy attempts. There were correla- tions between the measured physiological processes of both people; however, n: further data is available at this time for analysis. (C/NF/WN) There is intelligence data indicating that this researc" was probably directed and monitored by Y. A. Kholodov of the Institute "I"Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow. Kholodov is well-known for his extensive research on elec~tromagnetic field influences on biological organisms. including NIEMR( ) research. He has had a long-standing interest in ESr research, and is also one of the staff members of the new Bioelectronic~ Section of the Popov Society (see Item 3, Appendix II). E. Institute of Problems of Information Transmission (IPPI), Moscow (U) Some researchers at IPPI have been interested in psychoenergetic~ research since the early 1950's, and were involved in some of the early wor'. with I. M. Kogan at the Bioinformation Laboratory (Popov Society). Thee interest has centered on ESP-type phenomena, and in the past was probab;' pursued as a hobby by these people. (C) However, the role of IPPI in psychoenergetics research may ha', increased recently. One of the officials involved in preparation of till (1) (U) NIEMR: Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. 18. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Bioelectronics Section charter was V. I. Siforov, director of IPPI. In view of this association, some of IPPI's resources might be brought into the overall psychoenergetics research effort. IPPI has a wide range of specialists, in- cluding physiologists, psychiatrists, neurophysiologists, information theo- rists, physicists, and others. F. Kazakh State University, Alma-Ata (U) The biophysics research facility at Kazakh State University, un- der the direction of V. M. Inyushin, continues to explore a wide variety of biophysics problems, including issues in psychoenergetics. Some recent PK work explored various psychological states and training techniques that en- hanced PK performance. PK effects have been recorded and observed on optical sensors(l), even when the sensor was secured in a light-proof metal box. Inyushin claims this effect is repeatable; however, sufficient data is not available for closer evaluation. G. Institute of Molecular Genetics, Moscow (C) This institute is known to have a few researchers who are inter- ested in PK phenomena, particularly from a "large scale" viewpoint. Specifics are not clear, but could relate to techniques for enhancing PK effects, pos- sibly by use of several people with PK ability on a single task (at the same time), or by use of some type of device that might enhance the effect of a single subject. Additional data is required before any speculation can be made on this aspect. (C) One of the researchers(?) involved had been associated with I. M. Kogan at the early Bioinformation Laboratory, where his work centered on ESP tasks and on investigations of healers. It is possible that healers are examined at this institute to study large-scale PK effects. However, details of this work are not known. H. Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow (U) Some of the research at this institute examined psychoenergetic attempts to influence rates of certain chemical reactions. Data were reported to support a possible PK influence. Although the results observed were similar to those achievable through ultrasonic radiation, sound generators were not used in this experiment. (1) (U) May also include electro-optical devices (e.g., liquid crystals). (2) (U) This individual, B. A. Ivanov, is also a staff member of the Bioelec- tronics Section (Item 11, Appendix II). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 (C) It is not known if additional work of this type continues, or if this was a one-time investigation. However, this indicates the extent to which a high-talent subject (in this case Kulagi'na) can "make the rounds" in various research facilities. Such contact was probably facilitated and approved by the Bioelectronics Section's coordinating activities. 1. Institute for Control Problems ('ICP), Moscow (S) Some interest in remote viewing has been shown by L. N. Lupichev of the ICP. In 1976 he visited a US parapsychological laboratory, along with cosmonaut V. I. Sevestayanov, to discuss remote viewing research. He may have been on a fact-finding mission for the Kobzarev review, which was getting underway at that time. Alternatively, some Soviet cosmonauts have been known to have strong interest in ESP/remote viewing phenomena. (C) It is unclear what role ICP has had in psychoenergetics research; however, they may be involved in future integrated research efforts. J. Institute of Biophysics, Moscow (C) The Bioelectronics Section is known to have worked with the In- stitute of Biophysics on at least one research project. This involved at- tempts, via PK, to alter properties of certain liquids. Results are not known. (C) It is very likely that considerable psychoenergetics research occurs here, since this institute had been identified in 1973 by Zinchenko as a candidate for study of such problems. K. Scientific - Research Institute for Optic-Physical Measurements, Mos- cow (C) Some researchers at this institute have investigated possible PK influences on optical devices and photographic plates. This research probably involves people like Kulagina, and explores "image projection" phenomena. L. Moscow State University (MGU), The Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU), and Lenin rad State University LGU (S/NF/WN) There is recent evidence of psychoenergetics-related re- search at these Universities which is of high interest to the Bioelectronics Section. This research is very basic and concentrates on developing sensitive instruments and on theoretical issues. (S/NF/WN) The Biology Department at MGU is known to be associated with the new Bioelectronics Section and probably with Y. A. Kholodov of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity. This Department probably has a role in investigating and developing new biological sensors for the Bioelectronics Section. There is also interest in parapsychological phenomena in general at Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01 : NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 MGU. Since 1979, lectures have been given on parapsychology and some very basic parapsychological experiments have been performed there. (S/NF) At LGU, the former parapsychology laboratory(1) of L. Vasiliev was taken over by P. I. Gulyayev and subsequent research drifted into sensor development for biophysical experiments. Research at MVTU is probably monitored or conducted by I. M. Kogan (or F. Vagner) and probably continue to examine extra-low frequency electromagnetic and information theory aspects of ESP/remote viewing phenomena. (C) Coordinating relevant University research is apparently another aspect of the Bioelectronics Section's overall activity. (C) There have been several other facilities and institutes in the USSR that are known to have investigated ESP and PK phenomena. While many of these investigations were probably performed by a few researchers, on a non- official basis,. some of these may also have been encouraged (and possibly funded) by a central coordinating group. These latter experiments may have been part of an effort to evaluate fruitful research areas and to formulate long-term research plans. Even if they were independent efforts, results of this varied research have probably come to the attention of groups like the Bioelectronics Section, which now has a major integrating role for this re- search. (C) While it is difficult to assess the full scope of psychoener- getics research in the USSR, the integrated approach that is now emerging will probably draw on a wide variety of resources, as needed, from anywhere within the Academy of Sciences and its various institutes and laboratories. (S) Psychoenergetics work'on ESP/remote viewing that is only for ap- plication tasks would probably not require an extensive research facility. Only a few high-talent subjects would be required for some initial application goals. These people could be housed most anywhere, and need not be associated with any of the known psychoenergetics laboratories, other than for initial screening and evaluation. Consequently, the pursuit of applications would not necessarily occur at these facilities, and would be very difficult to identify. (1) (U) Now the Laboratory for Physiological Cybernetics. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 IV. IMPLICATIONS (C) Considerable attention has been given to psychoenergetics research in recent years by several Soviet review commissions. The net effect of these reviews, starting in the early 1970's, has been to: (a) affirm the reality of psychoenergetics phenomena; (b) affirm the need for pursuing study in this area; (c) tighten control on release of psychoener etics research data; (d) tighten control of people involved in this research; (e) improve overall quali- ty of the research; and (f) establish an integrated psychoener etics program. This new program has support from the Ministry of Defense (MOD)?, and possibly the KGB. (C/NF/WN) Although the USSR researchers openly discuss phenomena under- standing, there is intelligence data indicating an applied interest that cen- ters on ESP/remote viewing phenomena (e.g., information access, long distance communication). Numerous long distance experiments have been claimed success- ful. Psychokinetic effects on sensitive instruments and biological systems (including psychological and physiological states of people) have also been examined; however, it is not known to what extent these effects can be applied to operational tasks. (S) This new integrated psychoenergetics approach, and the accompanying high-level Party sanction, should provide the environment for improving the status of psychoenergetics research in the USSR. This will probably have a significant impact on potential achievements and could lead to new and novel intelligence and warfare applications. Some of these may not require long-term development, depending on the specific talents of the people located during the screening process, and the techniques developed that might enhance such abili- ties. (SECRET/NOFORN/WNINTEL) (Review on 22 March 2012) Sour__cp: For further information, contact DIA project officer DIA/DT-1A, (202) 694-5860. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 APPENDIX I BIOELECTRONICS SECTION GOALS 21 December 1978 To Chairman of the republic (kray) and oblast (city) directorates of the A. S. Popov Scientific Technical Organization for Radio-Technics, Elec- tronics, and Communications (NTORES) By a decision of the Praesidium of the Central Directorate of the A. S. Popov NTORES dated 31 October 1978, a Section for "Bioelectronics" and a Central Public Scientific-Research Laboratory for Bioelectronics (CSRL BE), under the Section's direction, were founded, and bylaws for the section and laboratory approved. The Section for "Bioelectronics" has as its principal aim the all- encompassing development of the creative initiatives of the society's members and the working out of solutions to problems in the study of the biofields of living organisms with the utilization of all achievements made to date in radiotechnics and electronics for the acceleration of scientific-technical progress. In order to realize this aim, the Section for "Bioelectronics" formulates the following basic tasks: -- The attraction of the scientific community to the problem of working out the basis of a theory of the biofield and the study of its characteristics; to the construction of sensors and transducers of bioradiation; to the design of electronic devices for the study of the physical characteristics and struc- ture of the biofield, and the introduction of the results of such research to technology, biology, medicine, and agriculture. -- To offer methodical leadership and consultative aid to analogous sec- tions of regional directorates and originally established A. S. Popov NTORES organizations on problems of scientific methods for studying the biofield and the improvement of specialized training for scientific cadre in bioelec- tronics. Inasmuch as the topic under discussion is attracting more and more interest in scientific circles, the Central Directorate considers it expedient to recommend that regional NTORES Directorates promote the development of creative initiatives in bioelectronic research and, where necessary, support the initiatives in the scientific community for founding analogous sections and groups. 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 ___9ECREIT, At the office of. the Section for "Bioelectronics", a permanently active theoretical seminar has been established at which the research of students of bioelectronics can be discussed. We ask that the Central Directorate of NTORES be informed of the existence of specialists in bioelectronics, the possibility of the creation.of sections or groups in your area, and also on those reports on bioelectronics .which should come to the attention of the Central Directorate's theoretical-seminar. In order to assist the setting up of a section (laboratory) in any region, copies of by-laws of the Central Laboratory may be sent to the organizers of a regional laboratory. Correspondence with the Section for "Bioelectronics" should be routed through the NTORES Central Directorate. /s/ V. I. Siforov, President of the Central Directorate; Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. /s/ A. G. Spirkin, President of the Section for "Bioelectronics"; Cor- responding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 APPENDIX II ANNOUNCEMENT BY RESOLUTION OF THE PRESIDIUM CENTRAL OFFICE OF THE A. S. POPOV SOCIETY FOR RADIO-TECHNICS, ELECTRONICS, AND COMMUNICATION (NTORES) PROTOCOL NO. 14, p. 9 from 31 October 1978 STAFF BIOELECTRONICS SECTION BUREAU OF THE CENTRAL OFFICE OF THE A. S. POPOV SOCIETY FOR RADIOENGINEERING, ELECTRONICS, AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Aleksandr Georgievich Corresponding member of the Academy of Spirkin (Chairman) Sciences of the USSR Member of the Scientific Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on complex problems of cybernetics 2. Michail Ivanovich Candidate of the Technical Sciences, Kuznetsov Reader (Vice Chairman) Senior scientific worker on the all- Soviet scientific research institute, information branch 3. Yuri Andrevich Kholodov Doctor of Biological Sciences Laboratory chief of the Institute of Higher Neural Activities of the Academy of Medical Sciences in the USSR 4. Valentin Alksandrovich Golovin.(apprentice secretary) Senior scientific worker, MGU Labora- tory 5. Roman Fedorovich Avramenko 6. Lev Vladimirovich Venchunas Candidate of the Technical Science Senior scientific worker of the Central Scientific Industrial United "VYMPEL" Physicist, Chief of the Laboratory of Bioelectronics of the A. S. Popov Society for Radioengineering, Elec- tronics, and Communication Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 7. Aleksandr Petrovich Dubrov 8. Roman Lazarevich Dvorkin 9. Valentin Fedorvoch Drozdovskiy 10. Evgeniy Sergeevich Zharikov 11. Brois Aleksandrovich Ivanov 12. Ian Ivanovich Koltunov 13. El'vira Valentinovna Morozova 14. Col. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nosov 15. Nikolai Nikolaevich Sochevanov 16. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Sokolov 17. Col. Mikhail Anatol'evich Sykhikh 18. Petr Ivanovich Zudkov Candidate of the Biological Sciences Senior scientific worker of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Reflexotherapy Candidate of the Technical Sciences, Reader Chief designer, Special Design Bureau "Mosgidrostal" Doctor of the Technical Sciences Professor, worker at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Senior Engineer; Institute of Molecular Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Senior scientific worker, Ministry of Defense Candidate, Biological Sciences Senior scientific worker of the All- Union Scientific Research Institute of Standardization Senior scientific worker, Ministry of Defense Candidate of Geological/Mineralogical Sciences; Senior scientific worker Superintendant of Institute of Minera- logy and Geology (All Union Insti- tute of Mineralogical Resource) Doctor of the Technical Sciences Chief of the Moscow Energetics Insti- tute Laboratory Candidate of the Military Sciences, Reader, Ministry of Defense Vice Chairman of the Central Governing Body of the A. S. Popov Society for Radioengineering, Electronics, and Communications 26 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 DISTRIBUTION BY DIA/RTS-2C (PAPER COPY) DOD & JOINT AGENCIES ARMY A024 DEF NUCLEAR AGCY C030 CH RD & A A115 OASD ISA C043 USAMIIA (2) A125 OUSDRE (2) C045 USAISC (3) A205 DMAHTC CODE SDTSD C204 TCATA A353 JSTPS C245 OPPOSINGFORCTNGDET C303 4TH PSYOP GROUP C309 500TH MIG C464 ACADEMY HEALTH SCI C470 ARMY WAR COL B003 DIA/DR (PROD REV) C505 AMMRC B004 DIA/DI-1 C512 DARCOM B053 DIA/DT-1A (30) C513 ARRADCOM B058 DIA/DC-4B C515 CHEMICAL SYS LAB B060 DIA/RTS-2A5 PENT C517 BENET WEAPONS LAB B080 DIA/SWS C523 ERADCOM/FI-A B131 DIA/DE- C538 WHITE SANDS MSL RG B134 DIA/DE-2 (2) C539 TRASANA B150 DIA/DT C550 ERADCOM/FI-M B155 DIA/RTS-2A4 PP C569 MERADCOM B159 DIA/DT-1A1 C588 DUGWAY PRV GRD B161 DIA/DT-1C C591 FSTC (6) B162 DIA/DT-1A2 (3) C605 JFK CTR MIL ASSIST B248 DIA/OS C619 MIA REDSTONE B351 DIA/RTS-3A4 C646 CACDA B486 DIA/RTS-2A3 ANAC C715 ARMOR CTR B515 DIA/DC C755 902D MIG B525 DIA/DC-4 C763 HQDA DAMI-FIT B539 DIA/AT (2) C768 USAITAC (LIB)' B541 DIA/DB-4E1 B571 DIA/DB-4G1 B573 DIA/DB-4E B580 DIA/DB-1B3 B586 DIA/DB-4D1 D008 NISC B597 DIA/DB-1G1 D202 NAVWARCOL B615 DIA/JSI-3 D216 NAVWPNSUPPCEN B633 DIA/DB-4G3 D220 ONR B645 DIA/DB-4D3 D246 NAVSURFWPNCEN DAHL B722 DIA/DB-5B D248 NAVSEASYSCOM B737 DIA/RTS-2B (LIB) (2) D258 DTNSRDC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 NAVY (CONT'D) U & S COMMANDS (CO T' N D) D261 NUSC NPT K314 IPAC (CODE PT) D263 NOSC K505 FICPAC D447 NLONLAB NUSC D491 NAVLIAISONU MUNICH L005 CINCSAC D505 COMNAVSECGRU L040 SAC 544 SIW/DAA D560 NAVMEDRSCHINST D700 CGMCDEC D900 NFOIO OTHER P055 DOE/ISA/DDI AIR FORCE P055 CIA/OCR DSD / /SD (14) P085 STATE (5) E017 AFIS/INSA (W) P090 NSA (5) E020 AFIS/INOZA E046 AFSAC/INOC S030 FRD LIB OF CONG E054 HQ USAF/INER E403 AFSC/INA E404 AEDC/IN E405 AFRPL/IN E408 AFWL (2) E409 AMD/RDI E410 AD/IND E413 ESD/IND (3) E420 FTD/NIIS (18) E427 RADC E429 HQ SPACE DIV/IND (5) E437 AFIS/INOI E451 AUL/LSE E460 AFOSR/XOT E706 HQ ELECT SCTY CMD U & S COMMANDS TOTAL DIA DISTRIBUTION: 200 COPIES DIA STOCK: 50 COPIES TOTAL PRINT: 250 COPIES G005 CINCAD H005 USCINCEUR H300 ODCS IN(USAREUR) H522 649TH ENGR BN(T) K005 CINCPAC K100 PACAF 548 RTG K300 IPAC (LIBRARY) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96XO079OR000100020003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020003-3 DISTRIBUTION BY DIA/RTS-2C (MICROFICHE) B331 DIA/RTS-2A2 B352 DIA/RTS-2A2C STOCK (10) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/12/01: NSA-RDP96X00790R000100020003-3