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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC _H?PowomempippAK-558-13-4-4 ? ? ?S-ECR-ETtrENSITIVE EONTAXNS CODEWORD MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT; INFORMATION April 4, 1972 GENERAL HAIG TOM LATIMER Evidence that NVA has Directly Crossed the DMZ General Pure Icy has sent the attached DIA memo to HAR on the evidence we have that NVA units have directly crossed the DMZ into Quang Tri Province. Although there is no series of ARDF Axe* showing the north. south movement of NVA infantry units, there is abundant indirect evidence that both men and material have moved directly across the DMZ. Among the best piece* of evidence are: -- One intercepted North Vietnamese message which stated: "At the Ben Hai River we have finished building a bridge. Our vehicles are crossing freely." ? On I April a string of sensors near Route 606 in the DM7 detected 27 instances of activity associated with the movement of enennirkehicles and armor. -- Finally, the position of friendly bases immediately south of the eastern portion of the DMZ, the speed with which they were overrun, the absence of any evident* that they were attacked from the flank or rear, all indicate that the enemy force came directly across the DMZ. ?6EGR-EINSENSITIVE/CONTAINS CODEWORD TL:nm:4/4/72 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 rnnrinm nuoernA I No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 IP 1 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 SI-S-3015/DI-4A2 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 3 APR 1972 SUBJECT: Evidence of Enemy Attacks across the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone (C) (C/NFD) The following developments could have a significant bearing on military and political developments in Southeast Asia. North Vietnam - Republic of Vietnam The absolute confirmation of the passage of enemy infantry elements through the DMZ provided by a series of north-to-south APDP fixes is lacking. Units have, however, been noted preparing for activity on both sides. of the DMZ. Although only one artillery element has been fixed south of the DMZ by AMP, the heavy shelling of Quang Tri Combat Base, beyond the range of artillery fired from north of the DMZ, indicates that some NVA artillery has deployed south. Previous locations of 308th NVA Division elements committed to combat make it likely that they too deployed through the DMZ. An unidentified enemy element has also explicitly referenced crossing the Ben Hai River. Sensor activations provide further evidence that the enemy has crossed the DMZ. Finally, the speed and direction of the enemy attacks south of the eastern DMZ indicate that he came directly across the DMZ. 1 Enclosure DIA Intelligence Appraisal, Subj: Evidence of Enemy Attacks Across DMZ (SCW) cc: Deputy Secretary of Defense REGRADED er/i.riINNEN SEPARATED FROM cus,sqp ENCLOSURES. (Sgct) D. V. Bennett EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC REGRADING; DOD DIR 5200.10 DOES NOT APPLY D. V. BENNETT Lieutenant General, USA Director 205153 APPENDED DOCUMENTS CONTAIN SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE MATERIAL DIASO ASSIGNED COY71`10 2- OF SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 COPIES. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 ' IP SECRET SPOKE 111 DIA INTELLIGENCE APPRAISAL Evidence of Enemy Attacks Across the Demilitarized Zone 1. (SS) There is substantial intelligence available indicating that the enemy has moved both men and materiel directly across the Demilitarized Zone in support of the current offensive in Quang Tri Province. 2. (SS) In the case of infantry units, absolute confirmation in the form of a series of north-to-south ARDF signal intelligence plots indicating passage of these units through the DMZ cannot be established. However, the 27B and 31st NVA Infantry Regiments have been noted in activity on both sides of the DMZ while in the process of conducting reconnaissance, stockpiling supplies and ammunitions, and preparing staging areas for future activity. 3. (SS) In the case of artillery units, elements of the 164th NVA Artillery Regiment, long confirmed as operating north of the.eastern DMZ, has been detected by ARDF in new locations south of the DMZ. Additional indirect evidence of the staging of artillery through the demilitarized zone is noted in the fact that Quang Tri Combat Base has been subjected to heavy incoming artillery fire. As this base is beyond the range of artillery fired from north of the DMZ, it is very probable that some NVA artillery has been deployed through the DMZ to new firing positions to the south. 4. (SS) While unable to establish their presence by either ARDF or MRDF fixes, the National Security Agency has reported that their analysis of the communications of the 36th and 102d Regiments of the 308th NVA Division indicate that these units have been tactically committed to operations _in. the Quang Tri area. Last identification of these regiments in the vicinity of Dong Hoi makes it unlikely that thesc units were deployed via NVN and Laos rather than directly through the DMZ. 5. (SS) Hard evidence of the use of the DMZ as a direct route of passage was noted in an enemy message intercepted at 020517Z April (021317H). An unidentified rear service element reported: "At the Ben Hai River we have finished building a bridge. Our vehicles are crossing freely." 6. (S/NFD) An examination of recent sensor activations in northeast Quang Tri has positively identified one corridor used by enemy. forces. On 1 April sensor string 40-200 (see map attached) detected 27 instances of activity which can No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 6, No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 be associated with movement of enemy vehicles and armor. This sensor string is located one mile from an abandoned ferry crossing of the Ben Hai River and one-half mile from Route 606. It is likely that other entry corridors for foot troops have also been used. The eastern DMZ area is generally flat with numerous trails and roads, many not monitored by sensor strings. 7. (SS) In addition, there is overwhelming circumstantial evidence of a, direct thrust by the enemy across the DMZ. The position of friendly bases immediately south of the eastern DMZ, the speed with which they were overrun, the absence of any evidence that these positions were attacked from the flank or rear, all indicate that the enemy force came directly across the DMZ. Approved by: J. F. BARLOW, CAPT, USN 4% Senior Duty Offloor Date Prepared: 2 Apr 72 2 PCR PT qP(11? F No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4 : - 44k NORTH VIETNAM .GULF OF. TON KIN. DMZ 0 SENSOR STRING SOUTH(VIE,TNAM CONFIDENTIAL NO FOREiGN oitsEivi 28 IVSAR 72 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/12/30: LOC-HAK-558-13-4-4