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ON-FILE NSC RELEASE IN APPLY* No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11 : LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 IP NGA, DIA, OSD Reviews Completed WiMORANDIDA FOR THE PRESIOTNT 111016 Heavy A. Kiststagari 1111131SCT: Soviet ADMOr relArpousts Pialtimil boa hiarvrartiled home ,TylP /fro, na., 7- NI SW 016411111 ASU 4*Plermitale, woadgW. els Ilisese ballads adasno ilageswe Abram* *Chas** attack. silditicast radars sad AIM. win* deptints4, thas syneas would Hinestalattalty biomes Om earability foil Wiese *plait 0411114 25X1 25X1 25X1 X92 111KcAltrui No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 The DIA roaseas that the two radar sites wider eatsi*ct1*s sear China sad the possible sits sear Moscow tarnish a. basis to paittidato that the Soviets aro buildiag as early wars*/ radar setwork agaiast China. This widens* ia wit yet casalsst. hamartrer, fir* the following reassess Cute completod, the two new radars our Chia* wwild sot after complato sewerage of Chiaa. To fill tho gap is coverage, these radars would haw to bate twig* the coverage of lbw eidtr radar. of tits same type. sad one exist's* **Aar would bawl to be doubled ta capacity. DIA believes that this kw:rmo is capability is peosible. liewever, there is Jos yst no evideata that it wIll la fact occur. The posted* sew radar war Macaw could suppleanwat the two sow radars near China if it to of tha type DIA suspects. iioweeor, bowsaw Ow radar has awe bass cosetrected* Its characteristics as. largely wilmows. Moreover, if it ware cosetruetall ea its present *Ito, it aloft would off,* hicecaploto coverage of Chia*, sad it would be partially redundant with the owithars fa*. of a, atroilar radar located newt the sow *its. This radar face has *WM, boos woad by the Soviets as far as as koww, but we do *et kaaw why. I believe that DIA has provided the meet pisusibi. explasaties for Vie new Soviet radar devolepesontsi 1.5. that the Soviets are deplayiag * liattiatic rolosilio early warning system oriented toward Chios. 09011, possible wiplasationa or* that the illaviats aro: adilbss to their apace surveilLiaco pabilitios, ildhig a capability to meatter Claiaoso adsoll. test activities adding as warsing capability spinet tke possibility that 0,,1. Ponablea aubmarises might deploy is the ladlas Ocala .54 .1* the Hos of Okhotsk near Japan. They could of avers*, have sews or all of them& four purposes is mind DIA gee. ta to poetulato that the sidethig AIM system ar *wild be eagissded to cover a Chines* ICShi attack tracked by the sew radar system. Tho extolls* ABM system has, accordiag to DIA, soma fraigT. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 11, Zati oapability agoinat tk. Claws. Tb. Soviets coold burnoose it. ep*bUit by oosoploting portions of diets ASIA network that wow* sesepoodel some rpm sign. There is no evidiesso as yet of additiaaal AIM daployisents Hounworn. &Mot tasting of ABIA fatereepters eastbmissi. Mk notes, howorer. that U air dodoes* ndosilee awed toe ouppliod wit* adequate data by the aro ruler's they might be jibed fignioot Chi Was. Howirror. "tbor capability of the tar defolsoo sideollosj Al$14 role 1. stIll unoloar. Tido OViihrillei ii atrssg oagesgb to suflsetthat the &Mots will probably *germ Iota sot la SALT that both esautrios obould znatiatiiti i1asUe110111111141 ospOility agabast China and third coutrloa. oisosna elorkmaii that all4 Soviets horn a stronger incenthe to build a tight ASIA than we do, fooled as they are with tba Iltritfah asul Trost& etiologic fume asel with the prospect of early Chines* deployment of Moodtens Sang* Salliotie Misolloo which could kit largo areas of Os &rile Ode*. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 dr. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 ? '" ? - TOP SECRET THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 19 June 1969 Honorable Henry A. Kissinger. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Executive Office Building Washington, D. C. 20506 Dear Henry: We have discussed the capability of the Moscow ABM system to meet a CPR threat. I asked DIA to review our information on this system to determine whether we could add to the estimate contained in NIE 11-3-68. Their enclosed brief summarizes our estimate. The principal change to the NIE concerns the latest HEN HOUSE radars at Sary Shagan and Mishelevka. These radars are consistent with a Soviet objective of developing a China oriented ABM system. Copy 59.?,/..L.-- or Copies CROUP1 ...---1.r.luthx1 from autoTaftd -downgTadirts; and deans ction 4- 25X1 ? 5 25X1 44/0114-0 Iv& AA4121'N eh:944A TOP SECRET David Packard 25X1 - .25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 (25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 POSSIBLE REORIENTATION OF SOVIET ABM EFFORTS TOWARD CHINA 1. Summary - While there is no conclusive evidence of a Soviet reaction to the Chinese missile threat, a chronological correla- tion of Soviet HEN HOUSE radar deployment with Chinese missile development indicates, with a reasonably high degree of confi- dence, that the Soviets are building a ballistic missile radar network against the Chinese (see enclosed map). The ABM-1 system presently deployed around Moscow (GALOSH missiles, TRY ADDS radars, and the DOG HOUSE radar at Naro Fominsk) is primarily directed toward the U.S. ICBM and SLBM threats. However, the present ABM launch sites are assessed to be able to defend against an unsophisticated Chinese threat. In addition, comple- tion of the suspect DOG HOUSE-type radar at Chekov and the ABM would substantially in- erease the capability for defense against China. The SA-5 mis- sue system widely deployed throughout the Soviet Union could, if 4...t?has 'a-n ABM role, be used to defend against an unsophisti- - / cated and light ballistic missile attack from China, if provided with adequate radar data from the HEN HOUSE radars. 2. HEN HOUSE Deployment - The Soviets built the R&D at Sary Shagan prior to April 1960. Since then they COPY PAGE 25X1 OF COPIES TrIp No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 HEN HOUSE have deployed 25X1 EXCLI.r.:EO FRO!! REC9AYM:1: 52C: ====m=0=0=111100mmli ? 11.)( No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 four slightly different configurations. The first type, the "bowed" type, were started in mid-1963 at both Olenegorsk, on the Kola Peninsula, and at Skrunda in Latvia. Both are con- sidered operational and cover the CONUS ICBM and the North Atlan- tic POLARIS threat. The second and third types, i.e., the"THIN BOY," with low elevation coverage and "FAT BOY," with high eleva- tion coverage, were started during the 1963-64 time frame with what appeared to be a the two in combination providing coverage from near 00 to 900. Only the western looking THIN BOYs are assessed to_have emitted signals, while the easterly looking THIN BOYs, apparently completed in 1966, have never emitted. The FAT BOYs appear to have a lower priority in construction than the THIN BOYs, and to date only the westerly FAT BOYs at Sary Shagan are assessed' to have emitted signals. Before the rest of this type HEN HOUSES were completed, a fourth type, similar to the bowed type, were '8tarted at Skrunda in 1967 and, about one year later, ----two new ones were started at The only plausible postulation at Skrunda is that thh?riew type has a 560 azimuthal sector which,- when combined with the older ones ?which-bave'320 will give the Soviets complete coverage from 2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 LoX1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 COPY n P P 1: No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 roughly Gibraltar to 350 East. Extending this postulation to Sary 25X1 and including Modifying the easterly 25X1 looking "THIN BOYs" for 560 sector coverage with the radars at Sary Shagan and Mishelevka, the Soviets would have complete coverage of China as shown on the enclosed map. Both MRBM and ICBM trajectories from likely locations in China were flown on a computer against Soviet targets, Results indicate on the order of eight minutes warning time is available for most targets in eastern USSR. 3. liat_C_c,2E2:e1_._a_,tio_n_aTi.HENHOUSE)2_pm_eloep_tversusChines.? Missile Threat - On 27 October 1967, the Chinese tested a missile- borne nuclear weapon. Throughout 1967, there was apparently a large number of possible troop missile firings. Photographic coverage to date has not revealed a Chinese missile deployment. However, it must be realized that the HEN HOUSE is a long lead time item, i.e., three years, and if the decision to react was made, it would have happened probably in 1967 or 1968. It should , also be pointed out that while the Soviet missile complexes would be vulnerable to a Chinese MRBM attack, the Soviets could not launch ICBMs at the Chinese from these short ranges and, in addi- _Um, they would have to hold a large reserve for possible attack against the U.S. 3 nrIrmrc No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 -2 25X1 25X1 25X1 TriD No Objection to Declassification in 'Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 time three SA-5 sites are located at Sary Shagan and one at Mishelevka. Also, SA-5 sites have been deployed at many areas, such as the highly industrialized center at Sverdlovsk. If this missile system could be provided with adequate radar data by HEN HOUSE radars, it might be utilized, especially against a less sophisticated and light MRBM, IRBM, or ICBM attack from China. 1 Enclosure (map, TSCW) 25X1 9X1 25X1 Jr' nnr.;ce _ ? I COPY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence 21 May 1969 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM Soviets Mark Time on ABM Deployment Summary The Soviets apparently have decided to await the results of further research and development before expanding their ABM defenses beyond the four launch complexes currently being completed around Moscow. These four complexes--comprising a total of eight launch sites and 64 launchers--were all started be- tween 1962 and 1966. Five or six of the launch sites are probably operational, and the last two are ex- pected to be phased into the system in late 1969 and early 1970. Plans have changed several times during the course of deployment. Four additional complexes were included in the original planning but have since been dropped. Two of these were abandoned in 1964, and the other two were stopped in varying stages of completion by the fall of 1967. Now, some modifica- tion of several tracking radars may be under way. The Soviets have moved slowly in providing a 'second acquisition radar in the Moscow area to supple- ment the coverage of the existing Dog House radar. Site preparation and construction of support facili- ties began more than three years ago, but the first footings for the radar itself have only recently been installed. Note: This memorandum was produced solely by CIA. It was prepared by the Office of Strategic Research and coordinated with the Offices of National Estimates and Scientific Intelligence. 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 Meanwhile, ABM developmental efforts are moving ahead at the Sary Shagan missile test center. Con- struction is continuing on large new radars, work has begun on a new ABM launch facility, and an im- proved interceptor missile--probably a modified Galosh--is being tested. The Soviets may still plan some future expansion of the ABM defenses at Moscow. Despite the curtail- ment of launch site construction in the fall of 1967, the Soviets went ahead and completed support buildings at two of the suspended complexes. In addition, rock- et fuel storage at the support facility for the Mos- cow ABM sites exceeds current needs. In contrast to the halting progress on the Moscow ABM facilities, the ballistic-missile early-warning system has continued to expand. Three additional radars for this purpose have been started since mid- 1967. One is at Skrunda on the Baltic Sea coast, where it will supplement the coverage of two existing early warning radars in the northwestern USSR. The other two are in the southern USSR, facing China and a possible Polaris threat from the Sea of Okhotsk. All three new radars probably will be operational in 1971. * * * * * * * * * No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/04/11: LOC-HAK-553-4-7-6 ILLEGIB