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October 17, 1973
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?. . ? /4.21 ? ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 ' State Department review completed ? ' ; ? MO R I/C D F C03223249 ? eTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGE4iNCY 17 October 1973 INTE3:41'0X:GTINCE 4EMORANDLIM MIDDLE EAST Situation Report Number 46 (As of 0530 1p)'.0 THE MILITARY SITUATION ? GENERAL? f' 1 Both !fron t$ were quiet over tho evening but fighting resumed at dawn. ISrael reports a large .armor battle under way opposite Ismailia in the cen- tral sector. of the canal. There have been no further reports on. the status of the .Israeli -raiding party that crossed the canal yesterday and elements still may remain on :the wost bank.. Fighttng reSUmed this morning. on tho 'Syrian front in what appears to be an attempt to 'eliminate some gains Syrian forces made yesterday. The Israelis may, also be attempting .to outflank' Syrian positions :at Sasa. EGYPTIAN FRONT ' 2. .Therel was little activity on the Egyptian Front last night.but the ISraelis .reported heavy fighting 'opposite, IsMailia at da4n. fsraeli aircraft' were striking ground targets abbut 20 kilometers ?east . of Ismailia?generally ' in the area of the last- re-, ported positions .of the Egyptian Front lines. - raeli. aircraf again this Morning attacked in the Vicinity of ?ort ? Said where the reportedly believe that the E9yp4ans have deploycd Scud missiles.. ? ? ? . . No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 SEW 4.-? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 :.LOC-HAK-543-3.-8-7 . ? t 3. h small'ISraeli %force?.crossed the canal yesterday to raid tgyptian posl,tions on the west bank. Israeli" situation reports state that the force including 20 .tanks was 2erried across in the vicinity of Deversoir. The Egyptians claim to have ? destroyed three Of seven tanks that they, say crossed the canal and ,to be closing in on the remainder of the force. The apparent: discrepancy between the size of the raiding force reportod by both sides may indicate that some Israelis romain on the west bank, but there were no reports of continued action behind Egyptian. lines over the evening. , ? 5. .The Egyptians' are also reported to bo com- mitting more of their airforce to combat. They have been flying -defensive.fighter patrols over Egyptian territory and this morning attempted to intercept Is- raeli aircraft :striking 'targets near Oantarah, an area that is well covered by surface-to-air missiles. If the more ag4ressive tactics are being adopted, it may indicate a? .husbanding of SAMs aS well as a desire to contest theHcontinued" Israeli air superiority. ? - 6., The .1.o1i3 also reported the capture of 18 4gyptian commandos in .the southern Sinai. Throughout :the war there.-haVe been continued Egyptian' commando operations against ISraeli'positions along- the Gulf of $uez 'coast from Ras' Sidr to .Sharm ash Shaykh. Some .successes havebeen reporteC, but mot of the raids have.been thwarted. " ? : ? ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 ? ? 1111 ' ISRAEL i ? *. 14& AccOrding to a US k:mbassy report, top Is- raeli economic. officils claim Israolis economy is operating at reduced speed, but at a level sufficient to keep the population supplied with basic necessi- ties. The longer term outlook was deemed more prob- lematic should the war continue for more than a few .weeks. The officials said that most of the present difficulty stems from internal distribution and man- power problems Available motor transportation is now strictly-controlled by the government under a system giving!Military industry priority over food distribution,!' ? - : ? . No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 , ? 1 r ? ? ? ?? ? 4 . . 15. IndUStiial produC'tion'is down. The Director-GeneraILOE the 14inistry.of Commerce and Industry was unable to state.hyhew much, but esti- mated:the ,figure,was somewhere between 20-80 per- cent.Industries:employing.mainly women, such as the electronics industry, have been least affected.. The uS EmbaSsy says that press reports.now say that men employed .in.key.dcfonse industries such as metal-working; Will be released. from the army. . ? ' *, . " *26. :Exp6rt.S.are &win sharply and imports less so. According t: the Israeli ports Authority, ex- ports during the'. eight days Of 7-14 odtober were diminished more 'than 80:percent.from that normally ? expected-9,000 tens a.s compared to 50,000 tons. Imports, on the other.hand, showed a decline of only 15 percent.7 Again,* motor .transportation'proh lems are presumed. to'haVe imped'ed exports and the :same problem is..xpected to cause difficulty in , .moving the imPo#s from .the .docks 'inland. Shipments ' tisuaily sent by &r ,air 4neving normally.. . . ? . . 17. .Attheetai1 level,:Shelves are still somewhat sparselY..stocked'asa:reSulf. of a wave of buying during the first:few:days of the war and sub- sequent distribution.problemS. . However, shortages .of feedgrains, sugar,: arid especially soybeans are deel,OPing, with stocks or the :latter sufficient for only two weeks becauSe Some foreign. ships en route to 16rael have refused to enter Israeli ports. In general, buying hAs. decreased, 'except for purchases ofmenia access45ry .items?fdr shipment to the front, .TV sets and, radios _for following news of the war, and tranquilizers. '?, ?? ? V i ? USSR-ISRAEL'. ? . ? 18. kiddl4 East hostilities-have not so far . . affected the f16W of .JeWish emigrants. from the So- viet Union .to.israel. .According to a Dutch consular the?D4tch .EmbaskIr. in Abscow processed ? ? .? ? -j- I . , . *-m-ffinalm".71-1-.--' No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 0..42Ezio.i..Enwi210,00,5607. 25X1 25X1 ? ??? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 , . 1,700_emigrantS?from 1-15 October. The official .. stated that at;this rate, the Odtober total will bg.only slightly'.below.the record 3,659 emigrants processed by the DUtch. Embassy. ?.in September. . ?? . . . LEBANON.-,.5"Y.RIA ? . , . -19. According?to its leader, the Jewish ?cem- munity in Lebanon has experienced no significant change in its Status there.since?the oUt_preak...of, the war; ? the .'euish.leader? further told .a.. US Em- bassy official tha:t although. he had no word .from his. sources on the fate of Syrii0s JeWish.. community, he assumed 'it was Alight, as word of severe harass- ment or persecUtion would .otherWiSe have reached .him. FRANCE . - . .? , . 20, AcCording to a highleVel French Foreign . . . . :Ministry official; Paris believes that Libya is abiding by the: terms under which it bought French Mirage jet fighters which would :preclude their par- ticipation in Military actions other than i'legiti- .mate defense." He went on to say that?TelAviv has now dropped its previous assertion that two Libyan Varayo?.fighters were shot down Over the Sinai on. 14..October.? . ? ? ? . , . 21. The official also stated that the French arMs embargo aPplies only to the immediate battle- front states ? of Isra:el, Syria,:aordan, and Egypt. ?Other states which have joined the fighting, such ? .as Zraq ariA SaUdi 'Arabia, remain-eligible for ? -French. arm shipments. . ..... ? ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-3-8-7 25X1 ? 25X1