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~-- - No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 CENTRA INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 113 October 1973 INTELLIGENCE .IM1.EdvMOR.;NDUP1 M].OtLE EAST Situation report Number' 53 (21s of 2230 EDT) THE MILITARY SITUATION State Department Review Completed GENZRIAL 1 Heavy ' fi.ghtthg was reported this ravening between' the Israeli ?task force on the west bank of the Suez Canal. and surrouliding Egypt.i,an units. The .Egyptians Claim that they "are evicting penetrating enemy forces wPiich hav been encircled i n scattered locations." The Syrian front again was relatively .quiet; the viri=ual cessation of air dctiv;.f.y in* the area continued.for ? 1 he' third day. EGYPTIAN FRONT 3, The Israeli,g claim to have .reinforced and expanck d. their west bank bri.dgeklead while beating MORI/CDF - C03223256 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 Off heavy ESYPtian, counterattacks on.'both sides of the canal, About 110 Arab tanks were said to have been destroyed in tho aotions w that it has' 200. of Tel Aviv riow says At least some of thetarmor-was ~Cfloatedeacrossbther Canal.' On rafts, some iri broad daylight. Defehse Minister Da%ran even oj_aini s to have fOrc O on the west bank during. the dayI.eCtc.d his 4. Israeli air aCLivity on the* E +oIZt: tOday was concentrated .on sup gpt~i an AAA activity, I~~?~=ss~.ora of SAM and , although a large nurnbei o.f gr?tand sup-- port mi ssionc; also were flown. in tho.area of the west bank bridgelacad. The port Said area was again the target of n:uiMrous air strikes, with other mis- sions flown along the canal and against some ,lgyp-. ,tiara airfields.. 5. Egyptian air aotjon was limited to defense yatrol s a until the afternoon, when -the Israeli bridge- head reportedly .was 'attacked. Cairo claims to have downed, 12 ]: raeli aircr-E-t d ~ w -sraelis adz iit the l:ose of i ~ I t g aiirca;a f t ground fire x to SAMs ared . r eel claims to have shat dcaa-1a1 27 gY}~ti~`ara aircraft, including three additional Mirages No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 SYRIAN FRONT B. Today was .tile. quietest day of the war on the Syrian fJ:oIlt, wi,tli artillery exchanges being. the only ground actions- of note. The Israelis have made no rlaixns of Arab combat equipment destroyed. Syria, on the other hand, claims that 30 Israeli. tanks and 10 a- ored vehicle6 'Wore dostrayed during an Israeli attack . Air activity over the front was at a low levy 1, xsraoli aircra' ft flew defensive patrols over Syria. and southern Lebanon,, and Syrian MIn. fl ew patrols near Tartus. 10. Radio Jerusalem report. that the commander of the 68th Syria, infantry brigade 'h ,s boon cxocuted by order of pr sx.d ant Asad. The unit commanded by colonel Rafiq Nalawith failed to hold Israeli forces attacking along the Damascusa Qufaytir'ah road. A report yesterd6LV cl tinted that President Asad had relievod three Syrian .genc:rals for lack of aggres- sive~ess, butt tins-,is the first indication of puni- tive measures., No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 LEBANON 14. Late -today an Israeli., military office: re- hat there has been- an increase in the nun.-Lbor of rocket attacks by fodayeen based. in southern Lebanon. The official ; st, ted' 'trhhc-at sooner or later the Israelis will fincl:'the time to take action against the feciayeen, and that this action will prob- abiy . be seven: ~: . 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 SOVIET NAVAL ACTiVITX IN TNE MEDITERRANEAN 16. The deployment, of four.. axriphthious ship to the Mec1iterra.aie?an on 17 October raises the number of Soviet naval ships' there to 73 units-an' all-time high o Norrttally, the Meditorranean force numbers be- tween 45 and 50 sizbniarine and surface ships. The majority of the Soviet ships are in, the eastern Mcd- iterranean. 17. 'The :current force includes' 27 surface com- batants-including amjthibious va s,e:].s and minesweepers-- and 18 sub-marines, four of which carry cruise mnissiles The Soviets ndw have eight amphibious landing ships .in the Mediterranean',. although some of these may re- ttlrn to the Black Seca- over ' the next ' f ew day's. The remaining force is comprised of ?28 logistic support ships and Intel liyenc.e collectors. 18. Before the Middle East fighting began,, . the Soviets had 14 major combatants in the. Mediterrnean. Thc-:re are 17 there now, but two of the recc-nt arrivals had been .scheduled. several months ago to visit Italy ,at this time, :which ? they are now doing. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 o Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 19 . The war started Burin t17G Semiannual So- . Vitt Submarine t ur.nov ro ' A 'relief group of nine sub- ma Ines 3:rorrl t11 P3oi therm, ''1eot entorcc1 the Xle iter ' 'raxlean on 4 and 5 October. Turnover usually takes about tern days., but thus far only .thxrea- Eu}amarines are known to have left the Mediterranean. Although the remaining .-SIX units probably rill leave soone they may have been ordered to stay on patrol because of the wak, THE KO:4c:IN MISSION TO CAIRO 20. The .Midd ,e East News Agency announced .to_ night that'=c;:,i.dent Sadat had three lengthy meetings with Soviet Premier K6sygin in Cairo. Moscow has .not b=et .admitted that I osygth is Vi siting Egypt. 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21: LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 LEWD !,RN- FRROR? ;TS '23. The tera-c~r a.s't~s who set, zed ,the Bank of America }.buil,2ing ill Beirut today continue to hold an estimQzted' 29 loo stagos, ixlcluding '19 or 20 'bank employees, Ncgot? odors betwcen the ?terrorist.s 'and the Lebanese Goverrnrc nt negotiators are in abeyance until dawn tc ir;c~rrow . As negotiations ceased for the night, the terrorists were demai aeliilg a ?-re.1ea,e . ?a: seven ?'?political. prisoners'from Lebanese jails; --cu,.cody of .every new hhostages, including senior Bank of ~Wier.irt officials in Beirut, in exchange fay relc,a4e of host ages now being held; --safe conduct; for hostatiyes', e'rrorists and the Algerian ambassador (who has been attempting to mediate) to fly to Algiers; and 'e'"ran om pay; nt of ,$,10 million. . FET)AYI,,'h',Tq -EGYPT 24. The Palestine Liberation Organization is ex- trenmely unhappy with Egyptian P esside't aadat's recent. speech-on the middle East conflict, according to an Agency sours , : The Palestinians fear both Egyptian, and Syrian leader; would forsake Palestinian interests .in an effort to regain territory lost in the 1967 war. Sadat's spt:ech tended to confirm thea.r fears in that he called f.or a ret.urzi to?the 1967 boundaries but was silent on the feday'een.,claims to the territory'-of Is- rael proper. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 NORTH KOREAN ASSISTANCE 27. Pyongyang's public announcornon't on 18 Oc-- tobor that It is -pre)~ared to supply Military assist- ance e to Egypt; and Syria, i.s clear?ly ; intended to under score North Korec 's solidarity with. the Arab- cause and to .rzcrOa,r, the North's 'support in the third world as the crucial vote on the Korean question in the UN nears It also provides a convenient means of ex- Plaining and capitalizing on the military assistance Pyongyang has: alrea.dy,.,eG etly providcde .28 a North Korea currently has at least 33 pilots in Egypt whose presehco it has thus far veh-ementJ.y doniec o Pyongyang's, statement now ~ ill 25X1: No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 bjection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 permit it to acknr waeclge the pilot' presence and reap the propaganda benefits of assisting the Arab cause 25X1 30. while somewhat cautious in it propaganda at the outb'): as of the war, Pyongyang has , stepped upa the volume. of its public ? trea,tm nt as" the Arabs have demons :rated their fights ng ability. It has now begun to stage, ' the mass-rallies which character- ized its supraort for the Arabs in 1967. AFGHANISTAN 31. . Deputy Foreign I ,in'ister AJbdulleah is being sent. to Washington. by-President Vaud to' deliver what Abdullah' termed "a' very, important message on the Middle East crisis" directly to PreAidan t Nixon, Abdullah will leave Kabul for tl-LQ US on the 3.9th and hopes to see the Pre s:i.dent shortly after his arrival a He told the US Chaaxge" in Kabul that 'the message Was the sole, purpose of 1'-i.:~ trip lout docl.ined to reveal its contents. 1,1a did-state that the message was "good news." 32. It is difficult to prodiot what the message ? from President. Dau4 w.L-11 contain. The Afgha'als are strongly behind their ?fel.low Muslim* ' in the conflict with Israel. They have good contacts with most Of the Arab states but in particular with the more conservative ones such as Saudi ' Arabi a , Possibly Ditud believes the can, perform some in?t6r^mediary role No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 CHINESE REACTION 35 ? PeYizxg s a n i. i~aa]. public reaction to US of forts to resupply Israel has been mild. An N(;NA article de.Alt with the situation .in a factual manner, mainly quoting :from the McCloskey briefing, So fax: , Chizlese, media hhavo not pui)licizGd Moscow's resupply of the Arabs . 3G. Peking has continucd t critjcize the US and USSR for "Contending and colludii,g" in. the l~1iddle East to the detriment of Arab intere is . An NC NL A article on'15 October avows that US-Soviet detente will. "m iacle" the Arabs and leave them at the mercy of Israel. It blame, an "in 4er'natioiial conspi'racv" }7ac}r d 1- e the Arabs are not momentous. l the superpowers for the Araba defeC-at. in 1967, The article aciaed i:hat temporary 1ocaJ. setbacks ;for 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 $7. Peking's Propaganda line suggests that it may fo s4e ovc:ntuaZ iritervc'n? jon by Moscow and Wash? ington Ito arrange: a cease-fax?e. By 'accusing the ~~~erpca;,rers of doing t'he~r utmost to x'eimt~os a "no war, no peace l.tudtioz~'on the Arab , the Chinese appe r to be I?osita.on nr themselves to take advantage rofy any Arab disappojiztm :zit about the outcome of the REIkCTIM 39. During a Nat .rnax Assetd)ly' debate on the Biddle East. yesterday, French Foreign Minister Jcbert delivered a speech which was generally critical of Israel and of Soviet-Aitierican efforts to end the hos- tilities- Jobert said' if the' wa rinq parties are not ready for peace it is Up to the great powers to pre them-towards a ,settlement . The present o said, could be stopped'by the USand,USSRiflthey Tiess wished to do so. No oi7e in iaarla.ament challenc ec him on this point, but Jobert was - sub-jetted ' to heavy crossfire over the implementation of ;the French arms embt rgo to the #?iddlc East. Jober answered these Challenges by, simply repeating the French. policy of differentiating' between battlefield countries (Israel, Syria, Jordan, ~ y'pt). to which the eritbargo applies, and non-,battlefield, countries, to 'wlhjch arms can be sh?ppsd despite, their sending forces Into the present conflict. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9 I 4P W 1. ANNEX I Economics of t111., t Qrsi~an Gulf or'BC / Price Increase 16 octobar 1973 (See Sit Rep No. 47) z-2?,an' le;"Ied? L~I`LIelm bit 1913f, 1 0et 7.33 P7 t?7 DeMaild ($/k a~rrel) Percent or Increase 1, Rostnd Price)?/(Saudi Arabian 2 right 34?) I 3,011 5.11 69.7 ? . + ' Oy ; Ity. (12,% of ' .376 .64 . 4 , . ?rothuction C ost .10 ado . Ta pcfere.3)cr "Profit" 1-(2a3) 2.5:.35 4,37 5. Tax (55% 0 -,4) 1.394 2.40 6. 7 0var n' CI RevonUo (2+$) 1.77 3.04 Iba cY . fl Cost to oil Company (3+6) ~ 3..F37 3.14 67.9 . ~ ~ima?t:cd C.+i 1. Corr, ?any Profs .35 .35 9. t`:utimated Sales Prjca ('ob) 7 +3) ( 2.22 3.49 10* t tjmated Transportation C v ;/ (to US Gulf Coast) 1.48 1.48 11. US Import r+ut~ .105 ,105 12, Esiatii,a~;cd Sa1e~ )'rasa (cic i US Gulf Coast,,) 3.805 5 07 acr . 5 33.4 e ~ I. oa 01-d ,7- 2540 01l Company Purchases o GOVCr,'Men t'--Owned (22.5t) 2.30 3 65 Government oil Sali~^ t O Third Parties (2 . .5 ] 3.12 3.65 17.0 The Per:uian GX71i' vC-1TLbi2r;; Of OPEC arC r TC~Irve~xt, ~nf?.~ar Abu rrhabi, 2r cn, Sxaq, r and Saudi 'Arabia. o Ild-Z zncrabor of OPEC are Algeria 't xndonesiOL' I+t~1y , rvl,cjC~xc7p aI1[T Venezueli. The _ _ Zation of Aral) PetrOle=,' Expor'tiri.7 Countrjes arlea~ Abu nrhahi,, Algeria, Da.hrain, rr.'a,q, Kuwait, Libya, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. b. Posted price :and tax- reference price are t ynonymOUS `terms. C. Calculation baud on tanker rates of Slorld celc 100 which is a repre:~"ittative avr~ra.rt , although spot tanker a'at.es are currently much highs x; the- account: i:or only'a Mall fraction of the oil beiz g tran.,- ported. 0XA/O1~R e-, e 4- 7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-543-3-15-9