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No Objection to Declassification in~Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 ? ~ ~. U~FSIVSr IN't'ELLIGENCI i1G~NGY WA~f~IfVGTS~k, 4.G. z~1II~ GENERA71 ~~fER~QC]`; a4JQaEC'f;, Middle East Host~.lities the IDE repcarts hav~.ng s?z~te 5.00 i;anks "taut. Qf use" ~.tt0 in the Gc~3.an and 400 an the Egyptian ~'xox-t? thus far , .T`C3ut of use" includes any which cannot be returned to , t;oml~at vtithin one weak. Details are not available 're- ?, gard~.r~g the armor ?battles an eil:her th+e Syrian front or the Egyptian. It is not. clear ~h4w~many of the tanks. h offered combat damage rather than mechana.cal break- s v' a e downs, nor da we know wh$t types of tanks are nonoperat~.onal. The T1]F reports, however, that they aye exflerienc~.ng heavy. lasses to ant3.tlnk m3.ssiles? ~ A re~.ated prob~.em 3t~ a ,de~ veloping~ shortage of 105-mm tank rounds. The non?per~tional tanks like3.y are organic to tlae unit~a which had b+een~ occupy-~ .3,ng the Sinai 'and were probably the first to be acammitted agaa,nst the Egyptians. ~n any event, the lots of 5d0 ~ , tanks from ar- inventory cif some x, 90+p with a devel~apinq ammuna.tion shortage of nec?ssity will cause a heav3.er . reliance on the air to assist in reducing the Egyptian force east of the Ca.nal? 'trrith the Golan s3.tuat~.on grad-~ ua1~.y coming under control and the app~-rent desire of the Egyptians to xemain under the SAM umbrella, the IDI~c ~~~>~~~~a ~r: p#S~R{~ltiiOQ': .? ?' ~ 1f~t{A.1CY f? 1,; ~..! .`~.,: jam"-~,,Y "~ I.LtJ~'>~ A. au~w Ca1on~#, EiSR Chief, Wes~ec'et area Div~sIOR lairectcsrata ~a? lnta;l~ge~nca , 25X1 8RC Def ~ ~tRC (NMt:C Rep) I]ep SUC Deb CSA sec Army t:NQ fiec 'Navy ~ CSAE Sec Air force ~ CMC - Chairman, J'CS (4 cys) ACSI (rsti) Asst: SQL Def, Intel CiOb tNaP-0o9,IP) Aeat Sec DUf, zSA AF/TN ti#IexC .Cffl?icer) (Tuba) .Asst Sec Daf, PA JCS fACST~Ta} Room 1A829 1J~.r, JUint 5t~t$f Wlzite Iiouse Sit Roans tLD.w'.3 t3ir, J-3 (;IA (23i+9 R~. ;~?,:? ~?r."~ rt ,~ ~ D3.x, J'~-~ Iv1 ~ .. ? ,~c?_'__. f1G~+1L't_.~~.I~nr,4''9f'^ '' `" No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 &@~ . 73 _ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 MIDDLE E3~ST EI?STIL2TIES ~ SITUATx4N ~MEPt~.i~T #x8 ina~r be able to destroy those forces, ~.n a few days. G+Iitihout. that air support, due tv the effeeti.ven~ss vi the EgyQtian SAMs . particularly the SA--6s, an early end ~ to the f i.ghting is xtr~t in view, SCIE~ CANAL ~"R~3NT (~/'P3FD) Israeli Maj Gan Xariv has stated that Isratrl has evacuated most of the Dare-Leav. Line. A~,so, along ? the Cana3.,, the UN .t}bservation Post Copper: has xtat beep heard from since 6 October. The observers, including .one IgraQli ls.aison officer, were 'possibly k3.lled or ' 'captured by the E'gygtians? GOLAN EiEIGHTS SYRI.Ai3 FRONT r (iJj Israe~.i Mai Gen '~'ariv stated tonight that the Israeli. Ar~~y has not yet broken the Syrian fvraes a].ang the Gaxan Heatghts , While. not giving specific auntbers, he also ,said Israeli tanks are outnumbered in the area.' (t7)~ Press rs~aarts"'ou,t of Damascus state the Sa~vi.et .Cu~.tural Center, the Doctors' Association bua~.ding, the Al Shark Ziospxtal, and the Teachers Tra.inzng Institute in that city were damaged or destroyed by -:.~.~ ~:~ u. ~~ ~~ ra 25X1 n No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 _ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 _ ~.; ter..: r:- :: MIDDLE EAST HOSTxLITIES -- STTUATIOi,I ~CF~:I'QRT ~~.8 Israe~.i air raids today. An oil refinery. in hams also was destroyed. ~Correspondent~ reported that the Damascus-Ilorns road z,~as choked with tank transpnrters, ' ADA guns, and army trucks al]. head~.ng south into the battle zone. ~ `~ OTHER ARg1B ACTxVZx'Y ~RAQjEGY~T 25X1 ~ ~ SAUDI AItAEIA (S,1i~FQy Ten Saudi LIGHTNxNG .~st fighters, armed frith E~SR'laS2REAt~ .air-torah m~.ssil.es, are standing by to .deploy. They would probably be moved to nar~hwestern " Saudi city of Tabuk. (S/~1FD} Syria a+skod Jordan to enter the battle by sending J?rdanian forces north to the southern tiepr of Lake Tiberias to cut oft that particular xsraexi route to the ~Goxan k~eights.~ Jordan apparently responded negatively. 3,EHANC3N ~ . .--_.,..~.._...,.,._ s is/~uFn~ Thy Lebanese .Jabal Farouk radar station was destroyed today by 3CSraeli aircraft. Nine Lebanese solda.ers were wounded. Lebanese sources state the station had been inoperative for several months. (C7 Eour or five Israc~l~. halt--tracks cross~es3 into Lebanon at the Natqurah border post at lI4gZ. .They sgent two hciursc in at futilo search for feda~reen, and th?n departed ' (C/i3FD} pres~.dent Nimer?3. ~ stated that Sudanese troops had departed for Egypt; It is bel3.eved that one infantry battal.ian was airl~.fted to Cairo Qri 8 October for rear echelon. dutz.es. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/05 : LOC-HAK-542-17-21-8