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Document Release Date: 
October 8, 2009
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April 20, 1973
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No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 THE DIRECTQR OF CENTRAL .INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, p. C. 20505 25X1 ZO April 1973 MEMORANDI~I FOR: Mr. Henry A. Kissinger Assistant to the t'resident for National Security Affairs SUBJECT: Egyptian Military Intentions ~A~ ~tvC@"Cr i ffOW~ fur current assessment of the Egyptian-Israeli military situation remains that we do not believe that an outbreak of Fighting along the Suez Canal is imminent. For some time,, Sadat has followed a two-track approach of talking tough as a tactic to buttress his negotiating position and to keep up his image in the Arab wand, while at the same time remaining prepared to search far a negotiated settlement. He may have begun to take his own talk more seriously, but we do not think he is at the paint o# decision on a military move against Israel. Attached is a more detailed assessment. It also touches on some related dangers raised by the current activities of the other Arab states, the fedayeen, the Israelis and the Soviets. dames R. Schlesinger Director Attachment 25X1 ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 ,;~ No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 Copy 25X1 25X1 2Q 'Apr.i1 1973 EGYPTIP,N xNTENTZUNS AND RELATED DANGERS We have received a number of reports that Presa,dent Sadat is talking more seriously and more .frequently of breaking the de facto: Arab-Israeli cease--fire. There is also evidence of military activity on the Egyptian side that could be associ- ated with a decision to renew. hostilities with Israel.. Kama a au i a~ntel igence chief, .that~fightingvmust begin sometime within the next few months. Sadat .reasoned. that .this was the only way that the international community could be brought to intervene and procure for Egypt better. terms than those the Israelis have offered so far. Military indicators have been fairly numerous, but to. date not conclusive. They include -- A movement of SA--6 surface-to-air missa.les to firing sites within 2O miles of the Suez Canal. The most recent available photography shows four such sites. -- The transfer within the'past month of jet fighters from Libya (3Q ' .plus Mirages ) and Saudi Arabia (l.p Light-~ Wings) to. Egypt. Iraq is reported to have agreed t?. send similar aircraft. -- Movement of TU-16 bombers from Aswan to the :Cairo area in late March. These aircraft carry air-to-surface missiles, but we do not have evidence. that the missiles themselves have been moved..,from Aswan. TC.P SECRET No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 -- Relocation and reactivation of various Egyptian .'air squadrons. .Some of the sYiuffling may have been in anticipation of the arrival of the aircraft from. Libya and Saudi Arabia. oviet technical advisors have come or ssist in readying Egypt's Soviet equipment. In February, a team of Soviets is known to have evaluated the operational status of .this equip- ment; they .found it in poor condition. We do not find in these indicators a pattern of plannin for any specific military operation at a specific time. If Sadat intends, as we. wool expect him to ate" -has a ser~.ous purpose,. both a .ground action and, an airstrike against Israeli targets across the Canal, we should see eva.elence of further preparation by air forces. Warning time, however, might be short. We probably would not see preparations by ground forces that might be used in an attack, because man units are already in place between Cairo and the Canal Sadat may be in the process of becoming more serious about .the."loga.c" of military action against Israel. There is also, however, a strong element in his current approach of talking tough in order hopefully to strengthen his nego~- position. We do not think he has abandoned all hope for a negotiated settlement with Israel.. we are skeptical that Sadat has yet decided on a specific military operation at a specific time (although there are of course various blueprints on the Egyptian shelf). We believe that at a given time in the near future he would probably weigh the odds and decide against such a specific operation unless his political survival were at stake. His domestic situation is weakening, brat he does not yet appear at the end. of his rope; he can still find excuses to justify de~.ay. R T No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 TOP SECRET. There are other factors than the military, however, that give :cause. for concern, The Arab states anci th'e feda~een, each for their own purposes, ,are engaged a.n a campaign to raise tensions and sharpen feeling against .the. US. This campaign is la.kely to increase. It serves the same purpose as Sadat's talk and maneuvers; to force the US to: reconsider its policy and extract concessions from Israel... We believe that :Egypt is orchestrating this campaign as best it can. The campaign has xn it .the danger that it will carry even. friendly Arab governments fa~'ther than they. me an to go in threatening US interests. The new :turn in Saudi Arabian oil, policy i.s one. immediate example of this; .the Lebaxiese performance at the UN is another.. The Soviets may be helping tha:s campaign, ,despite their. priority interest .in improving relations with ahe US as a prelude to the :summit meeting. The `signs are tenuous but suggestive? -~- Amore militant tone in Soviet.statemerits, in the UN and in a recent Swedish :press interview with:Kv~ygin. --- .diplomats taking the line with third countries---in the Midd~.e East and Australia, for example---that Sadat is serious about military action. With US diplomats: the Soviets have claimed that Sadat. is un~.ikely to resume hostilities. the canar regar ing US parta.cipation in the Israeli raid in Bea:rut :came :first from a Soviet journalist wha fed' it to fedayeen leaders. Soviet media have reprinted the.,Arab allegations. -- ~khat Moscow has promised (but not~c erivered on schc.dul.e) more modern aircraft to. Iraq,. ,including TU.-2~ bombers. TOP SECRET No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 . No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3 The.Soviets certainly would not :urge Sadat to. start fighting; they would counsel against such .action,.parti- cularly it it .appeared to be undertaken recklessly. Moscow nevertheless may calculate that tensions of the kind now developing will set the stage advantageously, from its. standpoint, for summit ,discussa,ons o~ the Middle East.. The Israeli leadersh'ip,.even though :it may have zecei:ved an intelligence assessment .on Sadat's situation that is simi- lar to ours, may believe that:Israe7: cannot affoxd to take. a chance that .Sadat will either .delay or fumble when and if he acts.. As Ambassador Dinitz.has indicated, some top Israelis at .least h?ve:read the indicators to mean that Sada.t does in- tend to strike. The Israelis have repeatedly made clear that they do not intend to ~ollaw Sadat's "logic." If the Egyptians make. a move .across the Canal,,the Ssraeli reaction will be punishing. It the Egyptians or other Arabs. appeared to be readying an air bombardment mission, .and the ;Israelis were not cea~tain that .they. could thwart. it completely, the Israelis would very likely deliver. a pre-emptive strike.. In sum,. we do not believe :that an outbreak o~ fighting along the Canal is imminent. We are entering a difficult period, however, in which. both .Israelis and Arabs. will. be: unusually sensitive to. US actions and policies regarding this area . TOP ~'I'~ No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/08 : LOC-HAK-541-21-4-3