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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 .i~ April 21, 1970 w fyxp12 112: PUTKYr ~; ??~~~,-., ",';-., RI 0.11, L ns :,~.,,C,I covert ~ +i t. :yv 1 P,o tis Vin OSD, NSS, Review Complete ~':.r.~ye,..,+c3. xx p y.1. 1, xttG? ~ e?:.x?..-.I3" ~s~?..?'.l'J ~; :~i~d.t:..S*~2 ~1 L: a:.~1rb970, wLite jwut &a ~: ;e{?1r s". in le'bs~7C~T?3 to viy 1973. 1.11-11 tn1A:' C~ w'4_" @ C}: ~ ?wrpy;r:s.1 k:1,0-11d AA approv0d tin:T iavt7itoro4 in t'':; 40 C ~k~ ? tt~r d s t Afy . t,:;tu ,~ to on t: ?ezie act'kv. ti,,.,a ~ ."e no I will distribute copies of You", t " 'orandalfl an of !;..d .en; to the u,01,2r prL-4ciuals o tL 40 Cc ": Aztec in oz-Oe ' that it 1;Iy b ScLedule1 b 71 Cfur,53.40rat.:X.C.'a at can E'_^+rIy7 ,'U';:T1 ti ~2 1Z 6 HAK:)?Chapin:e'td 4/16/70 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 ? .0 SECR/SENSITIVE 16 April 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR DR. KISSINGEER FROM: Frank Chapin SUBJECT: Covert Operations in North Vietnam At Tab A is a memorandum to Dave Packard which Al Haig asked me to prepare for your signature. At Tab B are two memoranda on which you indicated your intention of taking the action which you are informing Mr. Packard you will take. At Tab C is Mr. Packard's memorandum and attachment. At Tab D is your memorandum of 5 March 1970 addressed to the Secretary of Defense. RECOMMENDATION : That you sign the attached memorandum to Mr. Packard at Tab A, after which I will distribute copies of his memorandum to the other 40 Committee principals and schedule it as an agenda item for an early Committee meeting. Attachments Tabs A - D SECRET/SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 7 nrx a n ..: ~.,... ~..'?~"~ ':. 4 , air t ~,~ C',~+.vy i' wf?i ?~l~`y.+~ ...,~ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON X- No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 Ar-% 1T? A". TlTTAT : . , No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6El THE WHITLI HOUSE WASHINGTON TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE April 13, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR HEN Z" 4,KISSINGER FROM: Al Haig SUBJECT: Covert Operations in North Vietnam Attached at Tab A is DOD's initial response to the requirement for a monthly report on efforts to identify targets and to develop plans for covert operations in the area of North Vietnam not assigned to CiA (Tab B). Althlugh DOD has rejected CIA's suggestion for assaults on four coastal targets by cross-beach operations, the pot has obviously been stirred and Defense has promised a fuller report in the next few weeks. In his memorandum, Deputy Secretary Packard recommends that these matters be taken up in the 40 Committee on a case basis, and that the requirement for a monthly report be dropped. I believe that the 40 Committee is the proper forum for systematic consideration of these operations in light of their sensitivity, broad implications, and the interagency cooperation necessary. The memorandum for the President summarizing the Packard report (Tab A) recommends that efforts related to these operations be moni- tored by the 40 Committee and that the requirement for a monthly progress report be deleted. You may, however, want to discuss this matter first with Director Helms as a matter of courtesy and to insure that moving.these operations to the 40 Committee will not cause serious problems for CIA. See Helms first before putting on 40 Committee agenda and forwarding attached memo to the President. Yes ~~..f Attachments TOP SECRET'/SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 15-E 163 ? THE WHITE HOUSE 0 TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Henry A. Kissinger SUBJECT: Covert Operations in North Vietnam Attached is a progress report from. Deputy Secretary of Defense Packard on efforts to identify targets and to develop plans for covert operations in the area of North Vietnam not assigned to CIA. This initial report focuses on covert maritime capabilities and indicates that: Four fast patrol boats are available for collection of intelligence, interdiction of shipping, fire attacks on coastal targets, landing 15.-man action teams, and intercept and indoctrination of North Vietnamese fishermen. Four coastal targets previously identified by CIA, are not considered accessible from the beach within acceptable risk factors, primarily due to population density. However, other methods of attacking these targets are under consider.. ation. The most lucrative operation appears to be a psychological program directed against North Vietnamese fishermen. Under this concept, North Vietnamese fishing boats would be intercepted by patrol boats and given the impression that a dissident North Vietnamese organization opposing the existing political regime was operating in the area. Both this report and the one from Director Helms which I recently forwarded to you indicate that efforts are being made to revitalize our capabilities to conduct covert operations against North Vietnam. In his memorandum Deputy Secretary Packard recommends that all efforts related to covert operations in North Vietnam be monitored by the 40 (previously 303) Committee, which presently evaluates other missions of high sensitivity. Due to the sensitivity of these operations, their far-reaching TOP SECRF '-/SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6 q TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE implications, and the fact that both CIA and Defense are involved, I believe that the 40 Committee is the proper place to consider such operations. He also recommends that reports be made on a case basis rather than at monthly intervals. I concur that it will be unnecessary to require a periodic progress report as long as activities are reviewed in the 40 Committee. RECOMMENDATION: That covert operations in North Vietnam be monitored by the 40 Committee and that the requirement for monthly status reports be rescinded. Approve Disapprove I will, of course, keep you informed of progress being made and significant developments. Attachment TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/01/06: LOC-HAK-513-1-4-6