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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 '~ ~, ' '- .,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,-,.Y. ~t,?GDS MEETING WITH PRESIDENT'S FC?REIGN I1~TELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD (PFIA.B) CHAIRMAN I.,EU CHERNE Wednesday, June 9, 1976 12e00 naon`?{,2Q minutes) C+val C7ffice Froxx~.4 Bren? Scowcroft I, - PURPC75E DOJ, NSS, NSA Reviews Completed To discuss with the Ghaarman of your Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), Leo Chern~.e, his reservations. con- cerning (1) pending legislation regarding Electronic SurveiLlarxce, and (Z) recent guidelines provided by the Attaxney General to l~I5A pertaining to such surveillances Il. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS AND PRESS ARRANGEMENTS s A. Bachround: Chairman Cherne wishes to express the Board's concern regarding recent guidelines issued by the Attorney General to NSA -- guidelines which he feels. ? avexl}r restract.legitaxnate foreign intelligence collecti.can and dissemination activities. In addition, Cherne considers the Administrataan's draft Electronic Surveil- lance Act -- currently under consideration by the Senate Judiciary Committee -- a potential impediment to effective intelligence collection as well. Specifically, the Pl~'I.AB Ghaixman is concerned that the Attorney General's guidelines to NSA xnay serf ously ixnpair our ability to identify and prevent terrorist activities. It is his interpretation that constraints on dissemination of individual names to the Secxet Service and. law enforce- ment agencies vrould seriously inhabit effective anti- terrorist operations. Regarding the draft legislation, Cherne is woxried about the possible usurpation by the Judiciary of your Gonstitutional authoxity rei;ardzng control aver national security wire taps. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 TOP SECRETIXGDS - Z - He is troubled also by undue restrictions on dissemination of the intercept pxoduct and by the seeming prohibition of electronic surveillance as a legitimate tool of our counter- intelligence efforts in.the Un`.ted S`~ates. A copy of the Attorney. General's guidelines are at Tab A. The draft Electronics Surveillance Act is at 'Tab B. As you will recall, the Attorney Genexal h~.s met with you on several occasions over the past six months an these subjects and your decisions have been to support some form of restrictive legislation regarding domestic surveillance activities. In issuing Executive Order .119Q5, you have also proscribed certain of these activities. Bath the NSA guidelines and the Administration's draft bill. are xnore specific than the mare genexal guidance contained an your Executive Order. In effect, both the legislation, an,d the guide- lines call for a concerted effort on the part of all agencies involved in electronic collection efforts to insure that collected xnatexial which contains any information about persons or entities protected under the Constitution and its amendments is used on].Y far lts farexgn intelligence value and, if possible, is not collected in the first place unless there is a xeadily appaxent and legitimate reason for doing so. . The Senate Judiciary Gomnnittee hopes to xepart out the Electronic Surveillance Act this week. The IVSA guidelines issued by the Attorney ~G eneral on May 7 went into effect on . June 1. It is therefore with some urgency that the PFIAB seeks to discuss their xeservations with you and to make clear the lasses that may accrue in our intelligence effort. B. Participants: Leo Cherne, Stephen Ailes, William Baker ' Edward Bennett Williams, Wheaton Byers, Phil $uchen and Brent Scowcra.ft. . C. Press Arrangements: The meeting will not be announced. No press coverage. - a , .TOP SECRET/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ~ -- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 , TQP SECRET/XGDS -~ ~ - ISI. TALKING P?.IlVTS . 1. I am glad to see that the Baard is taking an actives interest in this matter. As you know, this subject has been debates thoroughly avex^ the xaizonths and we are now iri the first. stages of implementing new guidelines that rxzust meet much. mare careful congressional scrutiny. . 2. I understand you and the .Baard have some specific concerns xegarding both the proposed legislation an electraxsic surveillance and the Attorney General's guideline s fox NS?.~ which he recently issued. Before we get into the specifics, hawev a r, I want to paint out that I am also interested in any general observations you may have regarding this whole subject area. I am well aware that practical pxoblems can develop in imple~n.enting necessary safeguards. Far Use As Appropriate) 3. Da you think we have sufficient flexibility under the proposed legislation to meet emergency requirements? I am thinking now oi' something like the sudden outbreak of hostilities in the Middle East, or perhaps tke development of a significant texrarist threat to our nuclear power facilities.. 4. What is your view an the constraints an .the Executive Branch regarding the protection of iziform.ation an U. S, persons gathered incidentally which xnay. ar may not have same intelligence value, but which is perishable and would be of little use unless quickly disseminated? ?. 5. I would appreciate your making an effort toward specific corrective language, bath to the bill as well as for the guidelines. 6. I can assure you that I share your, desire to provide our intelligence analysts and dux policy makers with the best and most up-to-date intelligence upon whx~ch to base sound, informed judgxnerxts. We cannot afford in these times to be caught with our guaxd down. I hope you will continue to consult r~vith m.e an this"' important matter. TQP SECRET/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ~~~~t~ :~~ ~~7t. ~t~ux~~~~ ~~~rrc~~I ' ~zt~~~ngtan,~_C~_~~SS3 x~iay~.7, 3976. . ? ~I.F.I.~17~5'...6L4 a..v ~.....~~..... ,~ ~~__--_.. _. v r- .??a. ? ?. ~ r.,,nte1~! 3ge~tve and coz~ur~.catiers sev~~.ri~y operations ' _ ? ?' ~ . ?~ ar~i ~encZvsir_g procedures I b.ave rapprcived, I.t _ Gen. ~ ~i,~w AIZexY, Jx. ? , . , .. ? . _~ ~ire+c for .. ~;a~iozta~. Securi~ Agency ~'t~rt George G. ~~Ieade, 2raryland 20755 '. u ~,exz ~ o s - _ General, ax~.d NS~._ 'ihe procedures are' to be e~.~ective no ? ~ _? 3s.ter lrhau June 1, x.976. ~ ?. ~~~ :a .. .s _ ':r` ~. :~:s , ?ieop - five cor~itiwee cixare,d .by the ?So~.ica.tor ~ - ~ :: '' ~- ~ ~ ed as 'a 'resu3t of discussions bettaeen a Depart-- ~~ b ~ r ~ S~.~xc2re~.y, . - .' . - ~~Cicarard H. I.ev . Attor`xey ~ General. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 praccclure . ~.pproved by the A.ttarhey General, tinder E_ O. 11905 ?r y ? No Objection to Declassification in_ Part 2012/09/0.6 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 . . ? ?F , ~, Cj~ ~~ ~~'~~~'~I~Iay 3, I.97f~ ? w` ~.~ ? -, ~ Sec4 ~.., ~ 7E'oae the purpose, of these ?proced,ures : ~ _ . ;'r;. ? ~ ? - `Y ?; _ (~a) .."United States person" means anycitizen. ~ ~? ~ - ~ted:~ . -~.... :~.-. . ' .. ? of t~ze United States , any alien lawfully' admi ~`' ~~ " ~ ~ `~~~ ,~ ' . ~ for. per~xariexa.t zesidence in .the ~S,nited Sates, ox ax~,y . ?.-s . _ . _~ ? - ? ? any group .~ ether alae~.x ?in. the United States.; of suc~i, ~ _,_ . ?. dace of business in the Un? ted States . ? Provides ; .. _ - _ ? s~_diary, ar ether leaz~. entity. haviri its ~azincipal '~ .hot~zver,'~ that ~.t -shall. not ine? u3e (i) any alien ` ~ `-1 ~. - ~= ~= .; - _ entity which as a matter of o=ficial zeeard ass ? o~med rar ? ~` any corpoxation, corporate subsx.diary., or othex legal. ?~'_ . ? f'oreigtx powe=; ~ (ii) any gx?oup of such aliens ; . ox (~.ii}' _ - - _~; . .. ... .. ~off~cer employze or accredited representative of 'a Y~esi~d.ence) who as a matter of official record . as an ; `:_ +_ :..- _ . ... _?~ (vt=her than. an zl,ien la~~filZy aa~.i.~teci far permanent "_ =. ~=' ~:- contrarl7.ed_ direct7v or indir.ectl~, b~~ a forexzn mower. 'TGIF SELF. .. ~ ~~ classified, y t e Attorney General ~tandle Via COx;.-til.~l~T Channels Only No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ~c~ "Co~nunicaut" mear~.s t~ze sender or. ax~.y irz~~nded ~ . - xecipierzt cif a coxr~:+:unicatioxx . svbj zet to these, 'procedures .! +~d) "roreig:x co:~c:.nication" means ~.`ion ~. : . ~7~L1Ch, haS at l.eaSt one com~,t~.s;.xicant located outside the united States. w, ?? .. . ?: - ?: ' , - ~ ` __ . '? (ij iz~for,~ati.on. relating to the ability of-- ~" .'~: ~ ~ ~- ? ~,. _ vx' potential attac'~ or ^other hostile acts of a for ~ ; ; the' United States to protect ztse"lf_ `against actual;, ~ its agents ; potaer or ~~,~ "Agent of a fore:;,gn pozrer" means ~i~ ~-t person t~rho, pursu.arct tv the clxrec-- . . ixc~tell~:gence ac-~ivities, s3bot~ge, or terrorist ti~on of a foreign po;aer, ~.s engaged in tlarzdestine activities, ar who conspires t.Tith, or. knaw~,-ngly ai.ds~ and--abets such a person, in engaging ~.n sue]. ~ ~ -_ . C~i? axx al%en (other azx ali~ ' . - admitted for pexran.ent residences or any group .~; -? `~. .: or suczz. ,a..~x.ens, t7txo .~..s an oz.zzcer', employee, or ~ _. -... . , . ? ?. ' ? ~~~,~.) a c?rporation, corporate subsidiaz-g yr _? ? .' othex Iega~ e~r.titX that is owned or eontrc~l3~d,- _~' directly or. ~.ndirectly, by ~. :foreign power. " 4 ? ~ ~QP 5,~..C~! ? Classified b,y`~Attorney General.. - . .; .r' .~~ _ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 3 .- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ? ~ essex~, zo the securaty o~ ttae united Mates ~ii~ ~ ai,nforrn~tion, with respect to ~ States person, foreign po~t~er, or agent v~ a ..p?wer_ . a~ - fig) "Foreign power?? means any foreign. gove~mgnt ~ ? ` ~ .; ? foreign political party ~factiort,? military , force,' f r ? _ _ ? ~ t ~;' : o -- .~- ezgcr terrorist groin,, ar any org~.nx.2a:c~.on ~compos,ed, a.~ _ ~?~ ,- .. u:ajor Bart, of any of t'ne aUove entities. ..~ ~~ , Y,;?=: ~. ? fix) "Irc~ercep tion'? . xnea~-.s t=ie . a.cgt~~.s~.t~.o~, by ~75~ ? ? ~ . - ~_~~-~ tnrvug,~. electronic rseaxzs of a co~runic~:ti.v~z ~ta wnic~x ~it . ~ - _~- --~:.. is? x~ot an itxtex~.ded part~? and tlxe processing of the cox.-~ ' ~ 1s- tents of tTctat commun:~cK~~tion ixxto an iritelligi,ble ~for~c "- . ~. . intended far hu~an ixas~zct3,on ' . ? ? '.,;;, .; ? .: . ~ S ? a . cation which has as a, concrcurzicant v United States gersar,~~? w 4 ..~ r.f t"~a 7Tni ~!^nrZ Ct?~~heac ~-s?- ?nrr~fi?~i+:+ ~ i-?ro"1~ .~.,..?~..~e.4..` ..?,t r.. ' (a.x.i) ~.a~ztor~ta.orc to it~he ty :.. . trhich ?does~ ncit fall the ~.ef~.nition. ~of a t7na~1~ed~ th.e activities of foreign ixztellige-xce services "~: = '~~~ -=`?` ?- : eft "Fe~rea..grL organi2atior_?' means any organa,zation ~ ~~: ??~ ?~: ~, _ 'a. .- _ ? Classified y t e Attorney Genera. "'~ `~ foreign poc~ers or non--tTnitccl States persons , - , Yahic].z. because of ~.ts impori axxce ~s ~c~eemed ? .: i~ .. ? or to the conduct of its, foreign. affairs ; . yr -. _ . . ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 x'4~' SSCP.~'? w ~r w D No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 S~ea_ ~a ~ I~SA s'kaall intent~.ona1.~,;~ a~x~.tercept only ~arezg~. co~a;.~ic~.t~,oas . 'TGP' SECRET ' C.lass~.~ied by the ,attorney General ,__..,__._~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ? ' No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 , 25X1 Rp ,'M ~~? y _. ?~k M?~ v ~. - ~? ~~Io~?eover, ?att ~ntercep~ed forei .~ ' ~ ~'~ ? 0 25X1: "~~'~-ch ~. algid to have a U,,,.7..ted S w ..Y ~ry c1 a ''ms~s yrev~ (-~ + - s'-~ ta`es ~aer~?xz as a. co~'~,. ,~~ "~, ; 4+r ;i1,i~ti~..:~1, .i. r~ ~er5? ~o ~ 11 ~~~ ? ? w + ~ * ? ? ~''r ?,,~? t ... C ++~.. 47 . estes ~ersoxs. x~cay .be used a.x~~loz z~-~ --" - ; a~a ed ~;~ithir I~IS ~ i i - . . ~ . rs ts ?~-?ir~al fc ~"he f'oziota~in~ limZt.ed cizcu.~stax:ces . ,is de~.eted },ux?suaZt to Sect~.o~. 6 {k~) ~ ? ; .. _ ,+~.' ~ - ` ` .`.?`'? .. _ ~^}I ~1~~ ~t~, Li'+:.i~:b_+~.. ~.2.:,..Z ~+y 'jam ?~ o~ ?J..."!~,r +cip~l.w~~C. off ~e S O ~ '~P . . Gr. E s _ - _ ? ?, ~ah~y ?be~ieved to cor~.taixa secret meaxzin,~- :-l? __"' ? ., ? .. _ . _ 4 _ '~c~ ~:ixe rete~xLi.on o.f the c?~.t:rticatiort ~.s 7neces-. ? . - ? _ _ sorry ? ~ . '~ ~'IIe ~nite~ $~.3te5 p`~T~JI!' ~' ..?:._ .. .fo~? the maix~tenaxice o.f Lecho.ica~ the ~o~c~zical~ion. euidenrces safety of azay person,- ` data. ~]25P5 i . ~ - ' : `-: ~~e ~c ?tlireat ~t,o the"_ ~. =the c. o:ts~;ur~zeatiort is~ evzdexrce that .the: 7Jn~ted States person. may be zn agent of a foxe~.,~n. pocyer; TOP? SECFc.~ ~I~,ss~fz.ed b}~ t ze ~.~ ~o~xey +Cenesa~, ?~ ? ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ? 2 - ~, ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ' (f) the co~nuni,cation is ev~,c~ence that the United States person. rrtay be a target of ~.ntelli;ence of?? a. foreign power; ; - Egg 'the tTnited States d~.sclasure of ~irxforrie.tioxz; C~) the ~. xe ter~.tion co ~ . uni.catiot~ is ev~iclence that-' the ? . ? A ? ? . ~ Berson. is engaged in the unauttaor3.zed properly classified natioxcal. security Urt~,.ted States pets?x~ Izas consex~,ted- to the ~ use of com~txaicativns in trhich. he ~.s~'a" ? Caz~rcursicant or ?~yhzch xef er to hizu; . ' ?r ~ - ? ~ij ;the selectiorc of co~~icatians in~ralvin,g~ t'r:e United. States person has been approved pixrsuan~ t? . (,~) the ~.den,ti.ty of the ~Jni~ted States per~on ~.~; ,th;e eith'e~ Sectior~ 3 oz Section. 4- vx b' . ~ - .-." . ~ ..- ? '? ', - -- conte~rt of the messzee is si~r_ificant. ~cireig,~t..intelli-~` "~`: gQrece _ YTcxere t"c~= s eycep tivrc ~.s ar~~li.ed~, s-~ ee-i z~,.? care ' znzsi be taken by the L1Mputy }7irector, ?+~peratzcans, 'to ?ex'~sure .that domestic goliticai or. persana~. ~ ixzfvzr!at~.on,~ - is ~zot reta~.ned oz disse;nzxczted under the' m~.stakez~ belief ' that it ?is significant foreigxr intelligence.'. ? ? ? _ "1- .Sec. 6. ~a) Then the ~.dentity o:E a United~.States -persc~x~ ~~_ =~ ? ._-. ?~.s raves`! ed in an intercepted foreign cor~nun? cation, no rep art or tz?anslat.~.on d~,sclasing th.e ~.dentity 'of the United .States person. ~ Z a.n tn,at co~uaication shall be disve?inatecl outside NS~L un~.ess one ? 'T~F SECP.~ ~ . Clas~s~.fied ~-y t e AtCoxcxey general ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 No Objection_to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 , . ~ o?f tT~ze criteria of section 5 td3 - (~ ): is met : a~i.-c~yzcled, .that-, ~t~~here .Section 5 fig) zs applicabXe, the ~.dent~ty o~ Che ITn~.tec~ States person shall not be disci.?sed outside i~1Sx'~ un4i~. the er~t:.:ty thzt has classified tiie info ., zt%orz. has cezt.ifiecl that~ the ? a xrrfc~r~atioz? is in' fact prope~7.y ,classified natx.onttvrney Genera. . No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 . . 25X1 ? See. z4. ? '~.'he Direc~:ox oaf +ts"i';::L:,% ~~,is~ re rem ? - p ~.entative, may at any .tit.e seek ar~? irztez~retation: ar clarif%cation, a_ f. these PrQ~ -~ .; _ ceduzes fxo:3 the Attorney General., ? T%ie pirector may ?x~r~ues ` ?the , - At~oxn~y General .to ruvd~,f}r ? these guidelines t,yl~err' ~.n? the bireCtQx.~ s. a ? ? judgwent'a mod%ficatian ~.s ue.cessaxy gz desirable: . ?- -Tai s~c~,~T :.. Classi~~.ecl by the ACtvxYZe}" General ? - --~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5F18-2 ~~ ? _ ~..-.~.~. Y,.r .rtrr x-rT(~C"??X'Y' f:~~'i':a~:~AY. ~l:nLFe No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 )p,,'r ~. C3. ~..~..905 C..UtiC,."..'ct~::.Ll~t~ ~,t?L:,tik~4a .i4. L:..,...,.. ............. _ T ~~ LT_5. ~1Z~f,? ~'LL'LYEO IxXLIiA~':~ E~LE[.C~S'E CO~uL?1idD AU~:~OF.xT~ES CC1i~TFIDF?~.~ZAL _ ? ., Handle Via CO~~?fIL~T .,Channels dn~.~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06 : LOC-HAK-509-5-18-2 ~,_,;~,,; ~~ " ~ ~ ' z ~' ~ r: ~?i~