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Document Creation Date: 
January 11, 2017
Document Release Date: 
September 6, 2012
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Publication Date: 
June 7, 1976
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PDF icon LOC-HAK-509-5-17-3.pdf57.17 KB
r TS. 14K- / 7 *4L3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-509-5-17-3 ., "y`~ ~rtjrtwl' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON PRESIDENT'S FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD June 7, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR GENERAL SC6WCROF.T_ Wheaton B. Byers Executive Secretar , PFIAB OEOB 340, x2270 SUBJECT: Meeting with the President NSS, NSA reviews completed. The import of these discussions raised such deep concern amongst the members that the Chairman was instructed to seek the earliest possible meeting with the President. With respect to the draft legislation on the use of electronic surveillance, it is seen to exceed the restraints imposed by the President's Omnibus Executive Order and to be of questionable constitutionality because of the trans- ference of Presidential authority to the Judiciary. It appears to preclude the testing of electronic equipment in the U. S. , to eliminate electronic surveillance as a counterintelligence investigating tool, and in many cases to render the positive intelligence product worthless. These restraints are also seen to have a longer-term debilitating, effect on the initiative, creativity, and dedication of the analysts on whom the adequacy of our intelligence ultimately depends. - To be responsive to the members, Mr. Cherne would like to meet with the President on Tuesday or Wednesday-of this week, 'since he departs.. for Europe on Thursday (10 June) and will not return until 25 June. Mr. Cherne anticipates asking Dr. Baker, Mr. Ailes, and.Mr.Williams. to accompany him to this meeting. Tt r r1t t to/.`:,c__ . iaj{r4iiw aia d, tlrCAl. It Wl~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-509-5-17-3