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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21: LOC-HAK-504-5-21-3 15'95 1 5620 10 ? : T_"J Y ,?S' N S H 0 ?0519452 EYH zF'F-.i ZFF-4 F^' THE ~ WMITE HOUSE TO ' AMtENBASSY 9AAqGKOK ZETA T 0 P S E C R E' T qE w1 S IT I VY' E YT: S 04L Y 67N1~'S03 ', , 1971 flE1IV1ER 00n JULY 9 , ., TO: DAVID 4ALPERT!J FOR HENRY A. KISSI,NGER rR'Y1 t ALEXANDER '79 MAIGR JRr S IT T 0- 30. cn w I*T A~at~THER DEVEL"~Pif''UTs 5T?RIwS HAVE ,BROKE IN TEL AVIV .T3 TA r Er 'ECT THAT A REQUES'T' Fm', sISCO.TO;'VISIT ,ISRAEL, HAS AEF1 RErEIVED WITH A T)ISTI%ICT LACK OF EMTHUS:IASN BY THE ISRAELI r,0VERN1ENT.. STORIES ALSO SU3 -ESI' .THAT RA3IN HAS SEEN INSTRUCTED '3Y HIS tSOVERN?MENT TO ASK STATE TO CON SIDER' ALTERNATIVE ARRANGEMENTS. TO A 'ISt,O VISIT. 'CONCURRENTLY RABIN CALLEDAE'. AND STATED THAT 4IS GOVERNMENT BELIEVED IT MIGHT BE MORE SUIT`A13LE AND GIVE LOTH SIPES BETTER CONTROL IF WE WERE TO, ASK ASBA ESAN TO VISIT WASHINGTON TO. EXPLORE WITH STATE THE DETAILS OF ISRAELI. POSITION ON. THE INTERIM CANAL PROPOSAL. I THANKED FAWN BUT INTEND TO TAKE NO ACT 104 ON THIS UNLESS EVENTS ?SIJG3EST WE NEED AN URGENT FALLSACK IN ORDER TO PREVENT THE OTHER COURSE OF ACTION. AT THE PRESENT TIME I BELIEVE .THE SITUATION - IS WELL. UNDER CONTROL AND THAT IT CAN BE -MANAGED WITHOUT THE EBiN ALTERNATIVE. YOU M1TQHT WISH TO GIVE NE.,YOUR :VIEWS THE EBAN VISIT AS AN ALTERNATIVE. THERE FOLLOWS THE TEXT OF A 'MEMORANDUfM. OF CONVERSATION BETWEEN OUR DC-4 IN PARIS,, PERRY CULLEY* AND THE SOVIET DC's DATED JULY WHICH GENERAL WALTERS FORWARDED TO. NE? UJS: R 'MINISTER OBEREM KO ASKED .FOR AN 'APPOINTMENT YF STERDA.Y AFTER NOONN FOR .. II' O'CLOCK THIS HORNING. HEM SA IJ T HAT 'AMBASSADOR Z OR IN HAS ASKED' HI's .. ?C,IFI.CALLY ~ TO SEE ME TO S Y T HAT THE US 7 SUPPORTS IADA . 9INH` S . P'ROPOSAL$ AT` YESTERDAY'S TALKS " lE. AID~t,T.HA,Tf?SOVVIETS CONS!DEW HER"' R 7='Q.TRTT 'RTIPQSAL AS"'A STGi OP GOOD'WILL..AN ?AN' NDICATION THAT THE DRY IS READY TO 41,%03DUCT Spins, -DISCUSSIONS LEADING TOW PEACE. INISI'ER 'OSERENKO?: SAIDTHAT.'IT" IS THE '.RUSSIAN VIEW THAT THESE PROPOSALS ; 940ULD 9E TAKEN SERIOUSLY.-- HE SAID; HE,'.?BIAS DELIGHTED TO' SEE THAT THEU,INITAIAL REACTION OF THE. STATE DEPARTMENT WAS. NOT NEGATIVE AND, "ALSO THAT THE DEPARTMENT CONSIDERED THERE WERE POSITIVE, ASPECTS TO THE PROPOSALS. I ALSO POINTED 'OUT WE SAW .SOME UNACCEPTABLE A 5PE fl S. "ORFRE'I KO SA TD T MAT HE AND THE. AMBASSADOR COULD NOT ELABORATE ON THE PROPOSALS. HE SIMPLY 'WANTED (iS TO. KNOW THAT THE USt THINKS THAT THEY SHOULD BE TAKEN SERIQUSLY AMD THAT '9E HAVE A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE. PEACE IN VIETNAM. "MINISTER O3EREI O ARCED THAT I ''PASS THE USSR VIEWS ALONG TO THE DELEGATION AMD THE DEPA?ITMENT. OF STATE." S.IGMEDt CULLEY. 701 , 1595 AYES ONI-Y State Dept. review completed ` MORI/CDF per C05147540 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21: LOC-HAK-504-5-21-3 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY DELIVER OOB July 6, 1971 TO: FROM: HENRY A. KISSINGER ALEXANDER M. HAIG, JR. V July 5, 1971 In another development, stories have .broken. in Tel. Aviv to the effect that a request from. Siseoto visit Israel has been received with a distinct lack of enthusiasm by the Israeli government. Stories also suggest that Rabin has been instructed by his government to 'ask State -to consider alternative arrangements to a Sisco visit. Concurrently Rabin called me and stated that his government believed it might be more suitable and give both sides better control if we were to ask Abba Eban to visit Washington to explore with. State the details of Israeli position on the interim. Canal proposal. I thanked Rabin but intend to action on this unless events suggest we need an urgent fallback in order to prevent the other course of action. At the present time. I TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE /EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21: LOC-HAK-504-5-21-3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21: LOC-HAK-504-5-21-3 TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE /EYES ONLY believe the situation is well under control and that it can be managed without the Eban alternative. You might wish to give me your view: e Eban. visit?a.s a.n ait ix attve. There follows the text of a memorandum of conversation between our DCM in Paris., Perry Culley, and the Soviet DCM dated 2 July which. General Walters forwarded to me. "USSR Minister Oberemko asked for an appointment yesterday ternoon for 11 o' clock this morning. He said that Ambassador Zorin has asked him specifically to see me to say that the USSR supports Madame Dinh's proposals at yesterday's talks. He said that the Soviets consider her 7-point proposal as a sign of good will and an indication that the DRV is conduct serious discussions leading to a peace. Minister Oberemio said that it is the Russian view that these proposals should be taken seriously. He- said he was delighted to see that the initial reaction of the State Department was not negative and also that the Department considered there were positive aspects to the proposals. I also pointed out we saw some unacceptable aspects. "Oberemko said that he and the Ambassador could not elaborate on the proposals. He simply wanted us to know, that TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21 : LOC-HAK-504-5-21-3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21: LOC-HAK-504-5-21-3 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY - 3 the USSR thinks that they should be taken seriously and that we have a good opportunity to secure peace in Vietnam. "Minister Oberemko asked that I pass the USSR views along to the Delegation and the Department of State. " Signed: Culley. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/03/21: LOC-HAK-504-5-21-3