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Document Release Date: 
November 26, 2012
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Publication Date: 
August 12, 1969
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/26: LOC-HAK-492-7-6-2 'Tor EDCREVEENSITIVE/ITODIF ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY Dr. Henry A. Kissinger Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Henry: United States Delegation at the Paris Meetings on Viet-Nam American Embassy Paris, August 12, 1969 DOS Review Completed. As a sequel to my letter of August 9 I submit the following: Thuy went into greater detail regarding a political settlement than ever before, particularly as to a provisional so-called "coalition government". As the record stands now, his position on political settlement is thus, at least superficially, more explicit and more elaborate than ours. His poeition is, to be sure) unacceptable. But I believe we should evolve a counter-idea which goes into at least as much detail. In this strange business, you can sometimes start moving towards a deal by matching up details. We should have at least as.many details on the table as he has. I do not press for a "counter-proposal" but for authority to discuss and to ask questions. The GVN would not be asked to produce a new program full of more proposals. We, however, must produce more specifically what is involved in our present proposals. For example: Just who does organize the elections and under what laws? How will the election commissions be chosen and TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/NODIC MORI C05407147 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/26: LOC-HAK-492-7-6-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/26: LOC-HAK-492-7-6-2 IIP TOP-SECRET/SENSITIVE/NODIS`. what will be their authority? What sort of elections are we talking about assembly, presidential or what? What will the armed forces (including police) on both sides be doing? These are only some of the details which need clarification. And that means careful consultation with Thieu. We should not approach these questions hypothetically with Thieu. We should, rather, have a specific point to raise with him and then decide together what we can say to Hanoi on whatever this point might be. Doubtless we must wait for Thieu to form his new cabinet. If you think that this approach has merit, -'we'might,tfidetriw- it'.'when .*Seth e' i'resident-and:7:you next week... With warm regard61. As ever yours, P.S. In addition to the matters I mentioned to you here, I hope to have a chance to talk to the President about what should be done in Paris before November 1 and what should be done in Viet-Nam? in the United States and in East Asia immediately after November 1. TOP SECTM/SENSITIVE/NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/11/26: LOC-HAK-492-7-6-2