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February 23, 1974
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.-.I- . i . J AA /C i R.,. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL TOP SECRET/ SENSITIVE EYES ONLY INFORMATION February 23, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARY KISSINGER FROM: A. Denis Clift ~'. SUBJECT: Your Meeting With UK Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home; London, Tuesday, February 26, 1974, 9:00 - 10:45 a. m. Your principle purpose in meeting with Sir Alec will be to consult on the Middle East and to provide him with a review of the steps you are planning to take in your upcoming round of Middle Eastern negotiations. Background papers and talking points on these issues have been staffed separately by Hal Saunders and are already in your books for the trip., with regard to the next EC approach to the Arabs, you have received/eagle at Tab A conveying the message from Sir Alec: "Not to worry, the UK will veto anything that might injure U. S. interests or efforts in the Middle East. You will also wish to touch base with Sir Alec on: -- Energy Conference Next Steps, -- Diego Garcia, -- US-NATO and US-EC Declarations, JCS review completed. 1. Energy Conference - Next Steps The Energy Conference follow-up meeting of the international coordinating committee will have convened on February 25, just prior to your meeting with Sir Alec. The British are continuing to play a positive role; they are sending a strong delegation to the follow-up meeting headed by Sir Jack Rampton who, as you know, worked with the United States on the preparations for the Energy Conference. The President on February 18 sent a Cabinet TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY MORI/CDF C03345770 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY Office message to the Prime Minister expressing his appreciation for the constructive role played by the UK delegation during the Energy Conference, and you have sent a message of appreciation to Sir Alec. You may wish to make the following points: -- You greatly appreciate the strong delegation the UK has sent to the February 25 coordinating committee meeting, -- You attach considerable significance to this meeting as it is important not to lose momentum in implementing the decisions of the Energy Conference. -- You recognize, of course, that there will still be problems ahead, but you are confident that a good work program will be developed, and the United States will continue to press hard for concrete, tangible results. -- You are hopeful that the French will eventually decide on some form of participation; however, in any event, we will move ahead, as it is essential to develop cooperative solutions to the international energy problems. IL Diego Garcia On February 20, UK Charge Sykes was given the President's reply to Prime Minister Heath's letter of February 5 regarding the US-UK private understanding on Diego Garcia. In his reply the President accepted the Prime Minister's assurances that ?- he will give rapid and sympathetic consideration to any US proposal for use of the facilities, and the President, in turn, assured Heath that he would r`-kf #.' consult with him at the earliest possible stage should we have to make some ery 144 T,. -1 cl - w r-_- - ~.~...ti+~.. a u aaa rla 4.i~r.1a4 - t,I LAUYl . ~y4 .L - standing, a DOD/State team will have arrived in London on February 25 to negotiate an exchange of notes constituting an Executive Agreement. You eov -- the President's reply to the Prime Minister has been delivered to the British; -- we greatly appreciate the positive spirit in which this understanding was reached; -- you would again confirm, as did the President in his letter, that the United States will plan on early consultations with the UK should they be required; TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 ' TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY -- the decision to expand the Diego Garcia facilities is important for its contribution to strategic stability; -- On the rated L1K-US strategic issue of Super Antelope, you are pleased that the United States has been able to give the UK a positive response on proceeding with the Polaris improvement program. III. US-NATO and US-EC Declarations There has been some forward movement with the French on the NATO Declaration as the result of Rumsfeld's recent talks with DeRose. We are still waiting for the EC to take the next formal step by providing us with their revised text of the EC Declaration. Acting on White House instructions, Ambassador Rumsfeld has privately informed Secretary General Luns that the United States believes April 25 would be a good date for the signing of the NATO Declaration. Rumsfeld has also indicated to UK Ambassador Peck that we think London would offer the right site for the signing of the Declaration. In response Peck has advised us that the UK has already raised this with Luns who says that Belgium must be given first choice. Luns has confirmed this to Rumsfeld saying that "at this date it would be impossible to hold the signing ceremony in London because Belgium would be so embarrassed". The British plan to pursue this with Luns after their February 28 elections. You may wish to make the following points: -- We seem to be making some headway on the NATO Declaration, although the French still want explicit reference to the US-USSR nuclear agreement which we cannot accept. - You also believe it is important in the NATO Declaration to remove the reference to a differentiated threat to the United States and Europe. In this regard, the Canadians have tabled a useful formulation. -- How does the EC calendar look at this point, in terms of the next round of consultations on the US-EC Declaration? (Current indications are that the EC may provide us with its revised text on March 5, and the next round of consultations may take place on March 14 in Bonn -- this timing would mesh with the March 13 reinforced NAC meeting of political directors.) In this declaration, the recognition in someway of the spirit of US-European partnership is important to the United States. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/ EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 TOP SECRET[ SENSITIVE/ EYES ONLY -- It is important to have Japan associated, with the Declarations; accordingly, you hope the UK will agree with us on the desirability of an EC-Japan-US trilateral.declaration. -- You will continue to consult with Sir Alec. on the site for the NATO Declaration signing. IV. SALT You will wan t_olbring the Britisl~to speed on our SALT proposal, in particular th ,~MIRV throw weigh, concept. (The NAC has not yet been briefed.) You should explain that our main emphasis is on trying to control the new Soviet ICBMs and to forestall the need for a U. S. buildup. Additionally, you may wish to make the following points: -- The other key elements of our approach are: - Equal numerical aggregates of central strategic systems at 2350. - A program of phased mutual reductions over a 10-15 year period. -- At the same time, we do not yet have a clear Soviet reaction to our proposal but we have agreed to make every effort to conclude an agreement before the President's visit this summer. A copy of State's briefing memorandum is at Tab B. Hat Saunders, Chuck Cooper and Jan Lodal concur. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/12/05: LOC-HAK-474-1-11-2 :: ;:~ I ?1Lmi46? FE? 4 SECRET 2/21/74 w;:T. ~44Q4 C: HS ON NENF E,._ . S/S - MR- LUERS IMMEDIATE MEXICO CITY Scow rnC. I `~2ccl w~a~ ~z) deizs NODIStLkc iZO TOSEC E-0?. 11652; TAGS: PFOR SUGJECT: FOR THE SECRETM Y FROM SONNENFELDT SYKES HAS JUST PEEN IN TO SEE ME ON INSTRUCTIONS TO CONVEY AN ORAL i]ESS.Y TO YOU FROM ALEC HOME IN REGARD T O Y +j : BRbAKIV- ASr ON THEE EC. APPROACH TO T :'. ti:n:i i ? OF HOME'S FOLLOW-UP COM,IENTS IS NOT 70 WORRY AND T .. Ti E. BR TISH DILL VETO ANYTHING THAT U'OULD INJURE OUR E : i E'ES T S OR EFFORTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST 3ADE NO OTHER THAN TO THANK SYKES IN AND TO 5?`.' Y A `ID DID NOT THINK YOU HAD QUESTI N t~ E I.VTENTIO: F THE BRITISH OR THE OTHERS BUT WERE C0NCE: ED ABOUT THE O 4ECTIV.E EFFECTS OF WHAT THE NINE WERE P' A