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._ No Objectlon to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 _. ~ ; . ''~ 1vIL1bIORANDUM NATIONAL SF;CURITY COUNCIL AC TIC7N ~TSITIVE ~'une 17, 1870 MEMORANDUM FOR DR. KISSINGER FROM: Jahn H, Holdridge G`~` 'The report for the President of actions on Cambodia through 6:00 p, m. Tune 16 is enclosed, The reports submitted by State, Defense, and ' CIA are at Tabs for your information, That you forward the report at Tab A to the President. NSA, DIA, DOS, OSD, JCS, NSS reviews completed. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 INFORMATTOI~"` TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE MEMORANDUM FOR THE PI~ESTDENT FROM: ,Henry A. Kissinger SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia The following is a report on actions taken or underway on Cambodia through 6: DO p, m, last night, Operations: Kompong Speu was re-occupied by two AR.VN battalions and a cavalry squadron, with three FANK battalions. TANK Military Region 2 has been re-established in town, anal Route 4 to Kompong Som re-opened. The ARVN is engaged in combat at Prey Veng. Foreign Aid: Plans now call for the deployment of the two new Khmer Krom battalions directly to the defense of Phnom Penh. -- Tndonesian General Sumitro plans to visit Washington June 22 to discuss U. S, replenishment of Tndonesian arms deliveries to Caxz~bodia, plus the Tndonesian MAP program itself. -- The State suxximary (tabbed) sets forth the conditions under which we would help support Thai units in Western Cambodia. Diplomatic: The French report that Sihanouk told them that Pharr Van Dong had promised that Angkor Wat would not be touched (thus incidentally under- scoring who is in Charge). He was vaguely favorable to the idea of a UNESCO role. ` Press Policy: The COmrnunists released three of the captured correspond- ents. -- State has developed a press line which makes no secret of the expan- sion of the Phnom Penh Embassy, but plays it down as a normal development in light of the expansion of contacts and notes that it remains ane of our smaller Asian Embassies. -TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 ~z~-~~--~~~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 DEI~ARTM~NT O~ STATE - .. -- . _ - WashPngian, R.C. 20520.. ~.... TOP SECRET/NODTS/KHMER dune 16, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. HENRY A. KTSSINGER THE WHITE HOUSE ,looking into the possibilities of assuring the Thai supplies funded through: Garnbodian MAP could be receipted for directly by Thai although this might require attaching a FANK officer to Thai. There was no real problem in shipping supplies to western Cambadia via Thai ports especially if Thai could be persuaded to undertake charge to Cambodian MAP. Deployment would be overt in all respects. We would expect to assume training casts at the time when casts for training aids, additional buildings or use of U. S, advisors in Thailand were actually incurred. This would not include allowances, salaries or subsistence, for Thai. Na subsistence payments or pay and allowance bonuses would be paid in Thailand during training or in Cambodia after deployment. We had envisaged use of Cambodian MAP to provide for resupply of ammunition and equipment lost in combat in Cambadia. We hoped Thai could be persuaded to handle costs incurred in Thailand for logistic combat and. air support for forces supporting deployed Thai forces. USAF close support would not be available. We.were willing to consent to the use of MAST-supplied aircraft in support of Thai deployed farces. Trade-~ offs or addons could not be offered through MASF FY 71 to Thailand. We were willing to consider a number of future projects which we and Thailand might jointly inaugurate which, might best meet criteria. RTG on RTG military assistance to Cambadia. We replied we would attempt to answer over the next few days as many questions as possible... ~n general, we wanted to take as forthcoming an attitude as we could with tkie Thai. In addition, a number of purely technical questions, including availability of equipment, should be resolved in discussions with COMC.TSMACTHAT~. We could support an additional 500 Thai troops for a total of ~, 500, but there was a difference between two regiments of infantry totaling that number and an RCT which might presuppose artillery and other equipment. Time of deployment should be roughly f~om'~'une 3~ until Thai Khmer regiment could be deployed. We were Subject: Daily Report on Cambodia No. 52 Military and Economic Assistance 1. Thai Troop Deployment. A mbassadar Unger dune 15 raised a number of questions which might arise during detailed discussions with TOP SECRET~NODIS/KHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 TOP SECRET/NODIS/KH 2. 2. T.ndonesian Aid. General Sumitro is now expected in Washington June ~2 r~aher than June 3 d. 3. A~stxalian Aid. GOA is not prepared. for GOC mission now expected to arrive in Canberra enroute to ASPAC meeting in Wellington. GOA had expected visit in early July and was developing position for cabinet approval. Diplomatic 1. French View on Sihanouk Line. Jean Sainteny (former French delegate ge,~eral in Hanoi) said at a dinner far General Wheeler in ~aris June 14 that Sihanouk's roving representative Chau Seng was now peddling 8 new line. This was to the effect that Sihanouk had made no commitments to Peking and Hanoi and was ready to return to a completely neutral stance. Chau Seng sought to leave the impression that Sihanouk's attitude toward the communa.sts was as a result, of his recent experiences. In response to the DCM's skeptical reaction, Saihteny said he was not sure what it all meant but he thought the existence of a new line was interesting. 2. ?~ Nation Graup. The Japanese Foreign, Office has told Embassy Takyo that U Thant was receptive to the approach by the Djakarta 3. He told them Moscow had passed his 15 nation conference proposal to Hanoi. Hanoi. consulted with ChiComs who vetoes participation. Snternal 1. ~?oncern_Over Security of Phnom Penh. Rumors continue that VC/NVA plan to take some sort of action against Phnom Penh on June 18, the 3 month anniversary of the dismissal of Sihanouk. The airfield, radio station and electxic power plant are .considered to be the main targets. A meeting of the Supreme National Defense Council scheduled for June l8 was to take up the question of an immediate general mobiliz~a~ tion to replace the present partial. mobilization.. Additional security measures .are being taken to protect critical installations. 2. French Rubber Plantations. Guillaume Georges-Picot and Gaston Ruff called an Ambassador Watson June 15 to discuss French rubber. plantations. Their presentation was mainly a rather formless and internally inconsistent lament over .the situation of plantations in eastern Cambodia. Georges~Picot did suggest that the U. S, might pay an indemnity to GOC (and in turn to French plantation owners) in response TOP SECRET/NODSSlKRMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 TOP SECRET/NODxS/KHMER 3. to 1969 defoliation. He knew getting money out of the Congress for Cambodia might be difficult right now but it would be helpful if the U. S. could at least send out a team for the 1970 follow up recommended in the 1969 experts' report to ascertain the extent of permanent damage to plantations.:. 3: Sihanouk and Historic Monuments, The French Embassy tells us that Sihanouk told their Ambassador in Peking he had received assurances from Pham Van Dong that Angkor would not be touched: NVN pledged "to neutralize" important sites and to shelter them from the war. Sihanouk indicated a UNESCO role in protecting Cambodian ,cultural monuments but was not very precise concerning the nature of this role nor whether NVN had indicated acceptance of the principle of UNESCO's involvement. We have asked Embassy Paris to keep us informed of whatever it may hear about French initiatives in connection with .thee June 17 UNESCO meeting which will discuss this matter. ~~. Three Journalists Released. Saigon reports that Elizabeth Pond of Christian Science Monitor, Richard Dudman of St. Louis Post Dispatch, and Miehael Morrow of Dispatch: rnc. were released dune 16 on Route 1 in Cambodia. They hitchhiked back to Saigon. Preliminary reports indicate they are tired but in good health. 5. Codel Cowper Meets Students. During a meeting with university students and faculty members, Congressman Cowper was told that groups represented by these people were one hundred percent behind the Lon Nol government. Asked about ,the peasants the students said that .they were beginning to~ realize Sihanouk had asked VC/NVA to help and that he was losing what generally passive support he had had previously. The group was emphatic that Sihanouk would not be accepted again by educated people. They made~it quite clear they wanted and needed training and that they would like to have U. S. or Australian advisors. They made an impassioned statement to ,the effect that Cambodia"did not go to war, war came to us. " Press Briefing Department Spokesman's Comments. On dune 1.6 the press spokes- man said in reply to questions that he had no information on GRC or R,OI~ aid to Cambodia. Asked for details on Thai troop movements to Cambodia and on what costs the U. S. would pay, he gave anon-committal answer saying arrangements would have to be worked out between Ca~ odia and Thailand. ~J .~ ~~ ~~: Theodore L. Eliot, fir. Executive Secretary T(7P SECRET/NODISfKHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 .. ran rr~ ~`49A i1 !f ~ ". ~~ ; .=_ -.: _ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 ~~~7~,~~' TWE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WA5HINGTON, D. C. 203!51 lb June 1970 ~QP~ GROUP' 4 DQ~ngraded ~t 3 year intervals; Q)gc],essiPied after 7.2 ysaxs. ~ D~.r. b~00.14 ~C~~ SE~~~~1~ ~ 5es# Deb' E ..,..._~..r~, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 MEMORANDUM ~'OR THE PRESIDENT I have reviewed the attached report and' have concluded that the intelligence information is not, up-to-date. I am looking into ways to make this aspect of the report mare timely. ~ I under- stand from Admixal Maurer that he has briefed Dr. Kissinger on the cuxrent status of activity in Kompong Speu. .YES Oi~IV S~i'f1TIVE ~HiS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SPECIAL. INTELLIGENCE MATERIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 _ . ~'~"A.\ ~'~ v,~v~.a+~--vx_+ivu.1.1.1 vi.~-L' 1..Gr.? jai v i r`S"va...' l4~"~.-y~-~'~~ WASHINGTON, q.C. 40301 ~~ ~une-~~70 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Subject: Daily Status - Cambodia (U) 1. The Special. Assistant to the President in a memorandum of 25 Apr~.1 1970, requested t=hat a daily report be provided on the status of actions related to the situation in Cambodia. 2. The attached report eovez~s the 2~4-hour ending 7,600, EDT 7.6 June 1970. It cantiains sensitive information and is supplemented by stat~.stics extracted from the "Special Report nn Cambodia," and by the attached report, "Air Operations in Cambodia," both published by the National Military Command Center. A spec~tal DIA report (code ward) is attached. .' MCPHERSO CoP Usgr^ L~.eutenant Gener ]., USAF. Assistant to th Chairman Attachments a/s GROUP ~ EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWN- GRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Copy. ~ of Copies TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE MATERIAL Far the Chairman, JCS: No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 TOP.SEGRET--SENSITIVE--EYES ONLY 161500.FDT Jun 1970 ,A~. MILITARY C3PERATIONS 1. ' US Support to k~VNAF S. Ground. The following artillery support (all. calibers) was provided in Gambodia during this period:, Toan Thang 42 (BA 367f706) 22 rds Toan Thang 43 (BA 352/353) ZI.30 rds Toan Thong 45 (BA 351) 0 rds Toan Thang 46 (BA 350) ~ ~0 rds .Cuu Long I (Riverine, BA 704/709) 0 rds .Cuu Long III. (BA 704) 0 rds Binh .Tay b. Air III (BA 740) 0 rds ~(l) The'follawing tactical air sorties were pro-- vid.ed in Cambodia: This Period Cumulative Toan Thang 42 0 104- -Toan Thang 4 3 - ~ _ 36 1 650 . X Ivan Thang 45 & 46 18 ~ 539 Cuu Long I 0 0 Cuu .Long III a 0 Binh Tay x11 ~ ~ 0 265 t2) The following ARG LIGHT were provided in Cambodia: This Period Cumulative .. Toan Thang 42 p Toan Thang 43 6 321 Toan Thang 45 ?- 0 Toan Thang 45 6 129 Cuu Lang I 0 0 Cuu Long III ~ p 0 .Binh Tay 11I ~0 23 TOP SECRET--SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY - 161600 EDT June 1970 c. Sea. The surve~.llance group off the port of Kompong Som (S~,hanoukville) reported the following: fl) French ship GODAVERY detected'e'ntering at 151645 EDT. Enroute from Saigon. 'Cargo; rubber, ,jute, and timber, (2) Greek ship LELAPS detected entering at 151700 EDT. Enroute from Mani.~.a. Tn ballast . 2. CAMBODIAN (KHMER KROM): a. Traops in Cambodia: 1,7$7 b. Total Supply of Special Items: 197,072 pounds D.. CUMULATIVE TONNAGES Cumulative tonnages of captured enemy material as of 160400 EDT: S. MILITARY ASSISTANCE On 13 June 1970, a message from COMUSMACV was distributed to the White House and the Secretary of Defense which summarized iri detail all the military equipment provided to Cambod~-a. A listing of add~..tional. equipment will be included in this report as received from COMUSMACV. 1. No mayor public affairs problems ~to report. '2. On behalf of Secretary La~.rd, Assistant Secretary of . PRESS POLICY Defense for Public Affairs Daniel Z. Henkin, ~.ssued at this morning's news conference a statement expressing our pleasure over the release of three captured newsmen. He also expressed the hope that there would be additional efforts towards the ~_ release of other and military personnel .being held as .POWs. - Cate~or~ Tonnages Food . 6,607 .Weapons 161 Ammunition ~ 1,604 . GRAND TOTAL - 8,372 TOP SECRET--SENSITIVE--EYES ONLY 2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 T.OP .SECRET-SENSITIVE ~ Date as of 16000 EDT .. . ax. No , US ~ No. US Involved _ Date Involved in Opn in Cambodia Date Date All _ Base Started Cambodia This US Units/ US To Be Area. (EDT) This Opn Opn Now Pers Out Out 3s'T~7o6 28 Apr 930 210 12 May (TT f!2) .~ 352/853 30 Apr 10,700 ~I-;200 9 May (TT t{3) .. ~ ' 35~ 5 May 2,300 0 8 May (TT 4~1) 351 ! 5 May 6,200 5,500 23 May (TT u5) - , .(TT ~6) 5 May 19 ~13, 15 May 70~ ~{ May. 3., g~9 - 0 13 May (Binh Tay .X ) - 701 13 May (Binh Tay xx) $3 26 .May, 7~a ~.9 May (Binh Tay TII) 7o4/log 8 May ~ 2,318 (Cuu Long x) 70x1 ~ 16 May $6 .:(Cuu Long LI) 70t{ .. 2~I May 59 (Cuu Long xXx) . Actual. or Planned Termination Date - NLT 30 .Jun X20 May 70 NLT 30 Jun 29 Jun 70 lu May (Opn lt4 May 70 terminated) NLT 30 Jun 30 Jun 70 NLT 30 Jun ..~ 12 May 70 2~4 May (Opn 2~4 May 70 terminated) 27 May (Opn 27 May 70 terminated) --~`~12 Jun NLT 30 Jun ~~ l2 Jun 7q 321 1.3 May' NLT 30 Jun 30 Jun 70 22 May 24 May (Opn 2i> May 70 terminated) .2$ May NLT 30 Jun 30 Jun 70 ~ Date based on planned operation. Termination date subject to prevailir tactical situation. ~ -' ~~ Phase I of Binh Tay Ilz~terminated. Planning for Phase II 3.s continuir~ ~- - TOP SECRET--SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 June 1.970 , No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 A. LVEL OF EFFORT (Personnel) ' < In Cambodia; RVI~AF 23,358 . US 10,569- In RVN: RVNAF Q, 344 US 15,757 B, Cu:~[TLATIVE RESUL TS (As of; 1b0400 EDT Jun 70 ) Cumuiative totals T PARRQT'S BEA FISH HOOK BIh'H TAY II { e BA 70b13b7 352 BA 740 Easmg ~CL# Enemy ?W/DET ARVU RIA BRVN WIA L' S Rid ' L'S TdL4 Individual Wens Captured Crew-Sawed Wpns' Captured +~Rice (Tons] s Rice {:;anlr:oaths) BunkerslStructurea Fehicies "" GIOATG T4 BA 351 HAC MA BA 350 CW LOhG I' ' CUU LOA'G III BA 704I7O9 ~ 704 ** TERMI,I`ATED OPERATI4:3S -GRAND ~ -TOTAL 2,558 2,455 137. I,-022 .' S8 1,333 X302 2;430 ~10,3Q5 1,338 .283 ?3 50 9 177 201 34b 2,2i~7 253 104 24 '0 17 ~ 124 30 126 b7$ ` : ,. 1,052 ?659 ~ . b5 ' ~D .100 442.. 145 .583 3?,U46 . ' 9 111 0 248 ~ 0 b 0 56 290 i b5 b95 7 2$4 ~ 0 ~ 4 '1 249 1,305 ' 1,831 4,6b2 586' 2,455 318 2,705 4,083 3,395 20,335 4b7 T21 133 360 3I -155 b0 441 2,368' 867 2,908 4i1 , 1,227 b8' 38 ? 17 ' 926 ~ b,4b2 ' , 38,148 227,952 '18,484 53,988 2,992 1,672 748 40,244 , 284,328 852 5;814 316 583 17b 0 0 '2,384 ].0,125 25 ,2~6 22 99 2 8 0 b 398 '~ 0 0 0 0 0 '. 50 0 40 90 52 i37 8 0 D '2 ? 1 38 238 _. _ _ ~~i ton of rice viii feed 1,333 ;~'VA(VC for i day (1.5 lbs(Man/Day}. _ ._ __ _.____ **Operation ROCK CRUSHER IV, TIA CHOP (BS 354), BIh'H TAY,I (BA 702), BIRTH TAY II (BA 701}, CUU LOnG II (BA 704). ' 'ibis aaount is lowzr than previously reported and denotes?fieid acTjustment? _. -~ CO:CFIDEI"?1.9L. shown include previously unreported ad3ustmentsS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 _. _. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 Rifle Rds (less than .50 cal.} ~Iachinegun Rds (.5D cal or ?~~ larger} ? Grenades A~tisircraft Rds :?Ea_?tax Rds CO~FID~ENTIAL? . Cumulative to~ais shown-include previously. unreported adjustments, ~'AItROT' S BEAK ~BA 706/~fi7 Fi5?i HOOK (BA 352 BI?~H TAY III BA 'T40} GIC~NG TG Bp. '351... I I-IAC AL1 1 .(BA `350 'Ci]U LONG I ~ BA T04/709 3,228,15Q'?: ? 3,748,666 ---- 2,400 f 5,625,755 .1.7,800 ?, ,25,000 ~ 340,000 2,II7,2DD 3,357.,142: .2,40f3 ~ 3,218,330 17,800 15,000 340,400: 239,111 9,305,98: ' ~,I00,950 391,524: 0 j; .. 2,407,425 I' '? 0. 10,000 0 74,311:- 3,981 ' 13,542 ? 4,541 13. 33,313 432? 5.02 34~ ~ D ; ~ a 5,352 ' .. ~ 0? .. 140,304 0 .. 0 697' '~ ' 28-,954 7,?527 ?10:. 13,37 2 f222 ? ?30 . I,T84 f 152 695 '3:. ~ 695 ? 0 ~ 0 19 . ?16,598 6,939 0: 8,711 592 ~ ,617 '? 0 5,712 39,16 ! ~ . 2,832 10,223 ~ 0:? 10,961 1,090 4 207 I 1,978 '27?,x95 1,208 ,2014 0 7T0 ~ 144 . ~ :350 19 ~ .~ 925 I 5,23C I #OZO ~ ~~18 ? d~~2 x#30 ~ C * Figures are the suta of rifle rounds and machinegz+n rounds "* .'- . Operation ROCK CRUSHER IV, TIA CHGP (BA 354), BINH TAY I ~~ Tons of ammunition - no breakdown reported. (BA 7132}, BI11'H TAY Ii.(BA CONFIDE\TIAI, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 xt CUU LONG IIIfTEr.~.I\wTED ~ G:?;;:tip ~i3A 704) OPER~TIO\S } Tv:'?L 701), CUU LONG'II {BA 704}, ~~~rcr i . ~~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 ~~~`~'~?"'-~'?`~}?'~~ THE NATIONAL MIL{TARY COMMAN^ GENTER '~ 1436 EDT ~a r" ti"~ .~;.`~~ wAS~ tiNGrc7rv, p.c. zo~oi ~: ~.~_~y _ MEMORANDtJM POR THE RECORD Subject: Air Operations ~.n Cambodia The attached information on Cambodia Air Operations far the period 141201. to 151200 EDT June 1970 is provided. 2 Atch a/s .Distribution: Do ADDO - CCOC - PAC' DIV, J-3 (28) PAC DESK JAM~.`~'~1ANAFIAN Bri~a~General, LISA Deputy Director for Operations, NMCC SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 ?' =~L?'f No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 AIR UPIRATIONS .7une 7.70: TACTICAL INTER- r. t' ~ m t' ~ ~h CAS?. * B-52 (ARC LxG11T) }ZE.SULTS ~}3DA) STRUC'I'URL-'S ~a>3 L C IZA>~'T GUNS . TRUCI`S RdAD/TRAILS C~1VI;S/'1'UNNL-'L5 STORAGE ARL-'AS I]AI LY TOTAL 1. 4 3 18 ~ 0 . ~ 24 CUM TOTAL 1,662 368 S 33 33 45 8 DESTROYED llAILY GUAIULATIVE CAS: INTER 248 o~ 13 o. D 0 0 2-, 2 '0 TROOPS KBA .. 5ECONDARY FIRLS 1XPLOSI ONS "CAS" = Close .Air Support 128 6,800' llAA4AGED DAI L~~Ct1MULA'1' T VE C:A NTLIt CA~ INTLR GAS I~~i'I'LR 8,182 85 78 ~ 0 1', 426 21 95 27 0 D '18 10 147 ~ ~ 1 2 0 10 1 . 25 -- m.12 _ . D _ _ . ~ 0 ~ ~ $9 1 0 0 1 D S5 5 .o o ~ .D o~ 61~ '12 0- 0 Q 0 0 0 DAILY CAS INTER. . CUI~tULAT I VIA CAS ~INTER~ ].,456... ~ ~ D 2D8 ].5 284 _ 16 ' *$amb Damage Assessment (DllA) is not. included. in this .report. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 -,~~.. . 9 I ~ :~r'. ~~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 ~?. , ? ~ - b"NCB N~:i SlAiii ,l3AN 6A~.. CAMBgDIA SECRET FOREIGN OISSEM lb June 1.970 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-6-1-5