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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 Nur ;? MEMORANDUM 11. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ET /SENSITIVE MEMORANDUM FOR DR. KISSINGER FROM: John H. Holdridge SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia Your daily report for the President of Actions on Cambodia through 1800 hours May 29 is enclosed. The reports submitted by State, Defense and CIA are at Tabs for your information. RECOMMENDATION: That you forward the daily report to the President (Tab A EnclosureS NSA, DIA, JCS, OSD, DOS, NSS reviews completed. RET /SENSITIVE _ JUN 3 1970 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-49-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HA-K-459-4-10-7 w MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WAS TOP 'SECRET/SENSITIVE MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Henry A. Kissinger SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia ? INFORMATION The following is a report on actions taken or underway on Cambodia as of 6:00 p.m.,' May 29, 1970. Military Operations -- Seven operations remain underway, generally with only light contacts reported. On Operation Cuu Long I the ARVN units involved continued river and security activities along the Mekong and have raised two sunken ferries. Vietnamese Marine units have been introduced into Prey Vieng and have encountered moderate resistance. Military and Economic Assistance Air Chief Marshal Dawee has returned from Phnom Penh and reports that the Thai are very anxious to start shipment of weapons and equipment of all kinds to Cambodia. Dawee has pressed Unger on the question of the U.S. shipping 30-50 trucks to Cambodia, or to agree to replace an equal number of trucks if the Thai transferred them to Cambodia. He was disappointed at Unger's inability to give an answer, and Unger believes this idea deserves support. General Praphat has promised the Cambodians a first shipment of supplies by mid-June, and has told the press that a Thai division may be deployed to help protect Phnom Penh, and that 50, 000 individual equipment kits will be sent as well as 20 small speedboats to patrol the Mekong. Rives has sent in a long shopping list for military assistance to Cambodia, asking how much of the $7. 9 million Cambodian MAP has been used, and also asking for AK-47 ammunition, TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 WIF TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE trucks, and help in moving aviation gasoline to Phnom. Penh as priority items. In addition, he calls for more Khmer Krom troops from Vietnam, and for use of FY 1971 funds in an organized program' for supporting specific military units to replace the present ad hoc system. He suggests replacement of Cambodian T-28's, A-1's, and C-47' s, and a training program for Cambodian military personnel (air and ground) in the Ti. S., Thailand, South Vietnam, and possibly Australia. CINCPAC has informed Rives that the new B-52 operations about which he expressed concern will not take place without Embassy coordination with the Cambodians. The only B-52 operations in Cambodia are those in accordance with directives and guidance currently provided by JCS and higher authorities in Washington. Diplomatic and International A May 29 Pravda article attacked you in particularly harsh terms, hinting at worsened U. S..-Soviet relations and warning that our actions in Cambodia aggravate world problems generally. Embassy Moscow comments that this may reflect Soviet irritability over the pro- Peking orientation which has taken place in Communist policy in Indo-China, and possibly a Soviet attempt to appear as "principled" as Peking in its attitude toward Washington. Following a Soviet hiatus in reporting on Sihanouk, Pravda on May 28 reported his presence in Hanoi. However, Embassy Moscow has heard that the Soviet Foreign Ministry continues to deal at the Desk level with Lon Nol's repre- sentative in Moscow despite protests from the pro-Sihanouk Cambodian Ambassador. We have told the GRC that we believe it should defer its moves to open diplomatic relations with Cambodia until Cambodia firms up its relations with as many Afro-Asian nations as possible. The GRC has been anxious to set up a mission in Phnom Perth in order to assert influence in the large Cambodian Overseas Chinese community. Mean- while, according to Embassy Djakarta the Indonesians TOP SECRET-/SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE Internal would prefer any deep GRC involvement in Cambodia to be deferred while the three-nation committee is lobbying on behalf of the Djakarta conference decisions. A senior Cambodian officer has told the Air Attache' that some of the civilian population who had earlier refused weapons offered to them by the government for their defense now, in areas liberated from VC/NVN, are asking for weapons to be used for self-defense. ? Sink Matak has instructed the Cambodian UN Repre- sentative to thank the people who demonstrated in New York in support of your policy. In a speech in Hanoi May 27, Sihanouk came close to admitting responsibility for providing well known aid sanctuaries to VC/NVN in Cambodia. The official Cambodian press described this as a "criminal confession. " There is a report that Sihanouk received a 24-gun salute on his arrival in Hanoi. According to the editor of Courrier Phnompenhois, these three additional shots above those accorded to a chief of state constitute in the eyes of Cambodians and Buddhists in general a sign of certain and inevitable misfortune. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-WA:K-459-4-10-7 11, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 AA-1-1Sc, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington, D.C. 20520 TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER May 29, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. HENRY A. KISSINGER THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Daily Report on Cambodia No. 34 'Military and Economic Assistance 1. Thai Assistance. Air Chief Marshal Dawee has told Amb. Unger that the Thai delegation's visit confirmed the Cambodian need for weapons and equipment of all kinds. General Praphat promised the Cambodians a first shipment in the first half of June. Praphat told the press in Bangkok that RTG is considering a COG request to deploy a Thai division to help protect Phnom Penh, and that the RTG would provide fifty thousand kits of individual equipment to FA NK in June as well as twenty small speed boats for Mekong patrol. Dawee asked Unger if there had been any decision about his proposal that the U. S. .provide 30-50 trucks to Cambodia, or to agree to replace an equal number of trucks if the Thai transferred them to Cambodia. He was disappointed at Unger's inability to give him a favorable answer. Unger recommended a deliberate effort to support an aid program emanating from Thailand and thinks Dawee's truck idea deserves support. 2. Embassy Phnom Penh's Recommendations on Aid. Rives summarized aid to Cambodia from all sources and asked clarification of whether or not the U. S. has given already only part of the 57. 9 million worth announced in Washington. He reported that as of May 27, FANK needed most AK-47 ammunition, trucks, and help in moving aviation gasoline to Phnom Penh. He recommended dispatch of 350, 000 rounds of AK-47 ammunition as soon as possible and the shipment of 50 military trucks up the Mekong. He said the Thai offer of trucks would be satisfactory provided trucks delivered were in good condition. He suggested provision of additional Khmer Krom troops from Vietnam or at least the dispatch of officers and NCO's who could do training. He recommended that FY 1970 funds be used on an ad hoc basis for urgent needs but that FY 1971 funds be devoted to a more organized program of supporting specific military units. He suggested follow through on replacement of T-28' s and perhaps A-l's and C-47's. He thought U. S. might train a few Cambodian pilots and noted that the Thai have already agreed to train eight per year. He recommended training of Cambodian military TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-H7K-459-4-10-7 11, TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER personnel in both South Vietnam and Thailand. He felt the Australians needed prodding. 3. CINCPAC Clarifies Arc Light Operations. Plans. CINCPAC has informed Rives that the new 13-52 air operations about which he expressed concern will not take place until Embassy coordination with GOC has been completed. Meanwhile, only B-52 operations in Cambodia are those in accordance with directives and guidance currently provided by 3-CS and higher authorities in Washington. 4. General Pok Sam An Visiting Saigon. General Pok Sam An, Chief of FANK Taint Operations, will remain in Saigon until the night of May 30 conferring with MACV headquarters. Diplomatic 1. Pravda Attacks President.. A ,May 29 Pravda article attacked President Nixon over Indochina in particularly harsh terms, hinting at worsened U.S. -Soviet relations with a warning that U. S. actions in Cambodia affect and aggravate world problems generally. Embassy Moscow comments that the attack may in part reflect Soviet irritability that Moscow's Southeast Asian interests are under threat from a Peking reorientation of Communist policy in Indochina. It is also possible Pravda is attempting to balance the current Soviet attack on Peking policy by showing Moscow as equally "principled" and out- spoken in opposition to "chauvinism" both from Peking and Washington. 2. Pravda Comments on Sihanouk and Cambodia. Pravda May 28 reported Sihanouk's presence in Hanoi, this being the most attention accorded his activities in some time. Embassy Moscow increasingly hears reports that the Foreign Ministry is dealing at the Desk level with Lon Nol's representative from the Cambodian Embassy in Moscow. Pro-Sihanouk Ambassador Chea Son has reportedly complained to the Soviets without satisfaction. Embassy Moscow comments that the Soviets may indeed bumaneuvering to induce Sihanouk to come further away from Peking. 3. Indonesian Reaction to GOC-GRC Relations. Embassy Djakarta believes Indonesians would prefer that GOC and GRC delay any formal relations and any deep Chinese involvement while the 3-nation committee pursues its diplomatic lobbying in behalf of the Djakarta conference decisions. Indonesia, while recognizing in principle valid reasons for establishing relations with the GRC, is purposely delaying action itself in this regard in order to avoid jeopardizing other more immediate policy requirements. TOP SECRET/NODISJKHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 , No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HA?K-459-4-10-7 mINIF TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER 3. 4. Sapanese Position on Cambodia After Djakarta. Ambassador Meyer discussed Cambodia with Prime Minister Sato May 28 and concluded that while Sato's version of Djakarta and Cambodia, like Aichils was somewhat tailored for our consumption, the fact remained that Asia's leading economic power is increasingly becoming involved in Asian responsibilities. Internal 1. Attitude of Population. A senior Cambodian officer has told the Air Attache that some of the civilian population who had earlier refused weapons offered to them by the government for their defense now, in areas liberated from VC/NVN, are asking for weapons to be used for self-defense. 2. Sirik Matak Thanks Hard Hats. Sink Matak has instructed Cambodian -UN Rep to thank the people who demonstrated in New York in support of the President's policy. 3. Sihanouk's "Confession?. In, a speech in Hanoi May' 27, Sihanouk came close to admitting responsibility for providing well known aid sanctuaries to VC/NVN in Cambodia. AKP described this as a "criminal confession." 4. 24 Guns for Mang . There is a report that Sihanouk received a 24-gun salute on his arrival in Hanoi. According to the editor of Courrier Phnompenhois, these three additional shots above those accorded to a chief of state constitute in the eyes of Cambodians and Buddhists in general a sign of certain and inevitable misfortune. Ifie4,444",:fifei ? /_..4, Theodore L. Eliot, Jr. "If L Executive Secretary ,,,---e., TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-H-AK-459-4-10-7 air No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 , No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 wir NM. EYES ONLY THE SECRETARY OF OEFENSE WASHINGTON. D. C. 20301 29 May 1970 MEMORANDUM ?FOR THE PRESIDENT Attached is the daily report you asked to be pro- vided on the status of activities related to the situation in Cambodia, Copy_ Page Tn of 6Clpe qrtel r% fl 1E EYES ONLY She. npf Pnnt Nr. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10:T, ,TERIAL ? 111Lia a . " I.... 4% 11 11111111W V L V IAIIL .."111" , "? TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 CM-,5239-70 . 29 May 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Subject: Daily Status - Cambodia (U) 1. The Special Assistant to the President in a memorandum of 25 April 1970, requested that a daily report be provided on the status of actions related to the situation in Cambodia. 2. The attached report covers the 24-hour period ending 1600, EDT 29 May 1970. It contains sensitive information and is supplemented by statistics extracted from the "Special Report on Cambodia," published twice daily by the National Military Command Center. A special report (code word) is attached. For the Chairman, JCS: Attachments a/s Copy 1 of /17 Copies ES G. SH Al-IAN igadier C neral, USA eputy Director for Operations, NMCC GROUP 1 EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWN- GRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE MATERIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 . No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HA-K-459-4-10-7 _TOP SECRET-SEIVTIVE-EYES ONLY "T91600.EDT May 1970 A. MILITARY OPERATIONS 1. US Support to RVNAF (280400 - 290400 EDT May 1970). a.-Ground. The following artillery support (all calibers) was provided in Cambodia during this period: Toan Thang 42 (BA 367/706) Toan Thang 43 (BA 352/353) Toan Thang 45 (BA 351) Toan Thang 46 (BA 350) Cuu Long I (Riverine, BA 704/709) Cuu? Long III (BA 704) Binh Tay III (BA 740) 228 rds 296 rds 0 rds 72 rds 0 rds 0 rds 116 rds b. Air (1) The following tactical air sorties were pro- vided in Cambodia: Toan Thang Toan Thang Toan Thang Toan Thang Cuu Long I Cuu Long III Binh Tay III This Period Cumulative 42 0 93 43 23 1,116 45 0 19 46 8 , 142 189 (2) The following ARC LIGHT sorties were provided in Cambodia: Toan Thang 42 Toan Thang 43 Toan Thang 45 Toan Thang 46. Cuu Long I Cuu Long III Binh Tay III ? TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 1 ? This Period Cumulative 0 24 280 2 69, 3 69 0 0 0 0 o 23 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19 : LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 41'?? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-H-AK-459-4-10-7 ler TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 291600 EDT May 1970 -c. Sea. The surveillance group off the Port of Sihanouk- ville reported the following ship movements: (1) French ship CYPRIA departed Sihanoukville on 270315 EDT. No response to flashing light query. (2) Cambodian ship TONLE SAP departed Sihanoukville on 271025 EDT enroute to Singapore without cargo. 2. CAMBODIAN (KHMER KROM) a. Troops in Cambodia: 1,787. b. Total Supply of Special Items: 197,072 pounds. B. MILITARY ASSISTANCE 1. Total Military Assistance a. AK-47s: 6,018 rifles 347,050 rounds.of ammunition b. M-2 CARBINES: 15,025 carbines 2,116,800 rounds of ammunition 25X1 25X1 d. UNIFORMS: 114,904 lbs delivered e. AIR MUNITIONS: 300 incendiary, anti-personnel, and napalm bombs; , .45,000 rounds of 50 caliber ammo; 400 2.75 inch rockets; and appropriate fuses, initiators and igniters. ? f. MAPS: 1,100 pounds g. TOTAL WEIGHT OF ALL CARGO AIR LIFTED (including special items for Khmer Krom but not including troops): 736,695 pounds. ? TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY - 2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 Nier, IP TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 2-91600 EDT May 1970 C. PRESS POLICY 1. Major news stories today resulted from meetings with newsmen in Saigon and placed particular emphasis on the growth of the enemy's supply efforts along the Mekong river corridor. We will continue to point out that as the Secretary of Defense has told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee we retain the option to interdict enemy supply lines should they endanger US lives or operations in South Vietnam. ? 2. There also were significant editorial columns today making the point that increased ARVN morale and capabilities exhibited in the sanctuaries is a major plus factor for Vietnamization. D. CUMULATIVE TONNAGES: 'Cumulative Tonnages of Captured Enemy Material as of 290400 EDT May 1970. ? Category Tonnage *Food 5043.0 Weapons 113.8 Ammunition 1398.2 Grand Total 6555.0 . ctncludes 37 tons of miscellaneous foodstuffs, such as salt, sugar, corn, canned goods, etc, in addition to rice. TOP SECRET,-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE Date Opn Base Started Area (EDT). Date: 29 May 1970 Date as of 29.0400 EDT Max. No. US No. US Involved Involved in Actual or in Cambodia Date 1st Date All Planned Cambodia This US Units/ US To Be Termination This Opn Opn Now Pers Out Out Date 367/706 28 Apr 352/353 . 30 Apr 354 5 May 930 10,700 2,300 338 8,400 0 12 May 9 May. 8 May NLT 30 Jun NLT 30 Jun 14 May (Opn terminated) *20 May 70 29 Jun 70 14 May 70 351 5 1,13T 5,300 ,300 23 May NLT 30 Jun .30 Jun 70 350 -5 .144Y 19 11 15 May .NLT 30 Jun *12 May 70 702 4 May (Binh Tay I) 3,869 9 13 May 24 May. (Opn terminated) 24 May 70 -701 13 May (Binh Tay. II) 83 0 26 May, 27 May .(Opn terminated) 27 May 70 .7140 . 19 May 70 **NA 2 June 2 Jun 70 (Binh Tay MY (Estimate) 704/709 8 May 2,313 392 13 May NLT 30 Jun 30 Jun 70 (Cuu Long I) 704 ?16 May (Cuu Long II) 86 0 22 May 214 May(Opn terminated). 24 May 70 704 24 May 49 27 28 May NLT 30 Jun 30 Jun 70 (Cuu Long III), * Date based on planned tactical situation. .** Will be provided when TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE operation. reported by Termination COMUSMACV. date subject No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 to prevailing No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 A. LEVEL OF EFFORT (Personnel) In Cambodia: RVNAF .23,166 US 14,538 In RVN: RVNAF 2,959 US .10,329 B. CUMULATIVE :RESULTS (As of: 290400 EXT May 70 -) Cumulative totals shown include PARROT'S BEAK (BA 706/367) FISH HOOK !BINH TAY III GIONG TO (BA 352) (BA 740) (BA 351) ? .Enemy RI 2,274 2,158 64 714 Enemy PW/DET 1,055 267 3 44 ARVN KIA 208 63 20 0 ARVN 'IA 943 321 48 0 US KIA 9 86 0 70 US WIA 65 #333 7 '18'5 Individual Wpis 1,404 4,04 567 1,242 CZ3ptured Crew-Served Wpns 373 131 208 Captured .637 'Rice (Tons) 760 ? 2,307 309 601 Rice (Man/Months) 33,440 101,508 13,596 26,444 Bunkers/Structures 852 3,611 157 160 Vehic/ei 24 202 .20 67 Boats 0 0 Radios 137 0' eel ton of rice will feed 1,333 NVA/VC for I day *(1,.5 lbsinsn/DaY) I HAC MA ? (BA 350) 22 13 33 0 0 ? 265 224 57 2,508 176 2 0 0 previously .unreported 'adjustments. . CUU LONG I (BA 704/709 ** CUU LONG /II TERYZXA.TED (BA 709 OPERATIONS GRAND-J.2 TOTAL: r 707 22. 2,430 8,391W 96 29 346 1,846: 57 5 126 ? 492:: 218 23 583 ? 2,169- : 6 0 56 227 4 1 249 #844',. 735 .15 3,395 12,127 11.4 0 441 2,128. 43 3 926 5, 006 1,892 132 40,744 220,264 2,384 7,340 ? 6 329. 0 0 40 40 1 tr. al t-b o -'O ,CD cf) 0 0 1-3 ? **Operation ROCK CRUSHER IV, TIA CHOP (BS 354), BINH TAY I (BA 702), BINH TAY II (BA 701), CUU LONG II (BA. 704). fiThis amount is lower than previously reported and denotes field adjustment. CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 1-6 1)) CD cl) ?? Po 011 'HQ-?-?-? ct N.) cr-o 0 'c5 X \o c-t- ?..o o o _itrictI0 P. c? DO PPO n C. AMMUNITION BY TYPE --*Small-Arms Atmunition Rifle Rds (less than .50 cal) Machinegun Rds (.50 cal or larger) Grenades-' Antiaircraft Rds Mortar Rds Rocket Rdsv(107-mm and larger) Rocket Rds (3-40/13-41) ReCoilless Rifle Rd P. Mines No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 PARROT'S BEAK (BA 706/367) FISH HOOK (BA 352) BINH TAY III (BA 740) GIONG TO (BA 351) ? BC MA (BA 350) CUU LONG I ICuLT LONG II .(BA 704/709 (BA. 704). 2,475,360 3,495,813 ' 2,400 3,187,280 17,800 25,000 0 ... . 1,.389,010 3,154,007 2;400 1,523,2.35 17.,800 15,000, 1,086,350 342,806 1664,045 ? - 10,000 8,845. .. 3,715 13 12,194 283 . 502 0 . 0 . 25,22.2 0 109,079 , ? 0 0 0. 20,716 6,.203 10 6,074 .2,222 630 ' 22 34 V 220 3 480 0 0 . ' 10,498 1,116 0 5,926 ' 595. . 500 , - 1,890' .6,711 9,342 1,090 . 4 . 0 . ? ' 918 1;695 ' ? 0 5 256 150 0 ##20 ##17 V V ##1 * * ITERMINATED. I :GRAND OPERATIONS TOTAL r- 313,422 239,111 74,311 1;778 0 .8,248 370 5,711 1,978 925 ##90 *Figures are the sur of rifle rounds and machinegun rounds. **Operation ROCK'CRUSHER IV, TIA CHOP OM 354)BINH'TAY I BA7O2),BIN1 TAYIIcBK7O.Y,UU LONG II (BA 704)... 3.1.This amount is lower than previously reported and denotes field adjustment. NTons of ammunition - no breakdown reported. CUMULATIVE TOTALS SHOWN INCLUDE PREVIOUSLY UNREPORTED ADJUSTMENTS CONFIDENTIAL 2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/19: LOC-HAK-459-4-10-7 ? 9,517,075 6,340,51i 3,176.512 27,332 134,301 44,125 1,107 ? 24,346 21.010 3,949