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I - -Ts-Nit q ~ ,1~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 liU~ L J,L.u .71.LL' lY 1 AtLD r]L'.rJ~ ME o~.ANDV MAY 21 1970 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHZNGTON MORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT INFORMATION May 20, 1970 FROM: Henry A. Kissinger / SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia The following is a report on actions taken or underway on Cambodia as of 6:00 p. m. last night. Military Operations There were 55 tacair and 6 ARC LIGHT missions, and 859 artillery rounds fired in Cambodia. U. S. personnel in Cambodia remain almost unchanged at 14,041. - - An.ARVN.helicopter/armored force attack was planned in Base Area 740, in Mondolkiri Province in the Northeast, for May 19/20. It will last two weeks. NSS/NSC, OSD, JCS, DOS reviews completed MORI/CDF C03319164 ARVN forces in the south are west of Kam,pot, but have appar- ently not taken the town itself (it is 35 km. from the border). Other operations reported limited contact with the enemy, the most important (reported underway yesterday) resulting in fifteen enemy KIA, 15 tons of ammunition and 15 tons of rice discovered. -- In Operation Cuu Long I, a cumulative total of 19, 750 refugees have been evacuated to SVN. In the Parrot's Beak, ARVN forces are partly on a mainten- ance stand-down but are keeping Route 1 open and conducting local sweeps. -- In the Fishhook and Base Area 351, U. S, forces have uncovered two caches of rice totalling 85 tons. TOP~?CRDT ~AFSITIV No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 w w TOP'S EGRET /SENSITIVE Military and Economic Assistance -- As of May 17, 475, 584 pounds of cargo had been airlifted to Phnom Penh, including 80, 413 pounds of resupply for 1787 Khmer Krom troops. (180, 272 pounds including initial supply. ) 6018 AK-47s with 347, 050 rounds of ammunition. 15, OZ5 M-2 carbines with 1, 900, 800 rounds of ammunition. 52, 697 pounds of uniforms and 216, 000 rounds of carbine ammunition were delivered May 18/19. --. Cambodian aid requests. DAO is relaying Cambodian requests for 2400 bombs, napalm tanks and rockets, plus 50 caliber ammunition, rocket launchers, and spare parts for T-28s. Only five T--28s are presently operable. Aside from these "official" requests, General Pok has asked for 1000 rifles for personnel who are to be moved into the delta following ARVN sweeps, and for 2000 more Khmer Krom. -- During and after the Djakarta Conference, Yem Sambaur continued to press the participants for military aid, including troops. Thanat was cool as to any material assistance, and said-"we cannot possibly send combat troops. " GVN Foreign Minister Lam said the GVN would "try to respond. " Choi said the ROK would consider aid for Cambodia. Aichi has indicated that some humanitarian assistance will be forth- coming, part of it at least for Vietnamese refugees from Cambodia. We understand the GVN military mission to Phnom Penh will be headed by a Colonel Loi, currently head of the GVN rnili- tary delegation to the Paris Peace Talks. Loi will also serve as Vice-President Ky' s personal representative to Lon Nol. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 w . w TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE - 3 - One ship of the "Mekong flotilla" sent by the GVN to take out refugees has stayed in Phnom Penh and is to act as -communications channel for Cambodia/GVN liaison. -- Rives has reported (Phnom Penh 938) that, with the growth of direct FANK/ARVN contacts, we must address the ques- tion as to how much of a role the U. S. plays in vetting and supervising the arms deliveries to Cambodia. He also notes that there is widespread distrust of the GVN except among the very top leaders, and that this can be allayed if the USG is seen to be exercising some control. By implication, he suggests that he may need more staff. Diplomatic and International Assessments of Djakarta Conference. From Djakarta, Can- berra and Wellington, the reaction has been favorable to the ability of the participants to work together for a consensus, to Australian/New Zealand acceptance into the "Asian Club", and to the re-emergence of Japan in an important Asian poli- tical role. Our Djakarta Embassy expects Indonesian and Japanese prestige to rise in. the area, and that India's star will wane further as a result of its non-participation. Thanat expressed disappointment at the lack of practical action, but was pleased at the joint effort. The Cambodian observer (Yem Sambaur) expressed gratitude for the moral support. ROK/Cambodia relations. At Djakarta, the ROK and Cambodian Foreign Ministers signed a joint statement to open "permanent missions" immediately, with an exchange of Ambassadors to follow at "an early date. " (The two-stage formula on recogni- tion apparently reflects continuing ROK fears that Cambodia 25X1 has not broken formally with North Korea. ) The Cambodian National Assembly May 9 passed a resolution expressing sincere gratitude for your "just and courageous TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 I 1W 1W decision. " It appealed to the American nation, Congress and youth to support you. . Cambodian Sim Var, in Japan since May 6 to solicit aid, is quoted in the May 19 Tokyo press as expressing the personal view that U. S. troops will remain in Cambodia past June 30, and that he would welcome the prolongation. He did at least make the point that Cambodia did not expect extensive military and economic aid from us. -- Our Embassy staff in Phnom Penh on Monday totalled Z5 employees (including 10 on TDY and 2 construction super- visors), plus 7 dependents. -.Sihanouk has previously stated that three of his Ministers are in the "liberated zone" in Cambodia. NCNA on Monday published two intriguing letters from the trio to Sihanouk and Penn Nouth. The Ministers mentioned that they had been empowered by Sihanouk "to manage all affairs of the country in the name of our Government", and that "the people' of the liberated areas have elected committees of the FUNK and organs of power at different levels. " They appear to be re- minding Sihanouk, almost contemptuously, that they are creating the new system in Cambodia while he languishes willingly or otherwise in Peking. (These three are the, identi- fied hard-core pro-Communists who fled Cambodia in 1967. To further confuse the situation, - Phnom Penh has unearthed a Radio Peking report of 1967 that Sihanouk had killed the three, and is making the apocryphal claim that they are now simply a VC/NVA fiction. ) Sihanouk's Prime Minister Penn Nouth told AFP that Ambassa- dors to Peking and Pyongyang have been announced, with others to follow shortly. He claimed three-fourths of Camb odia already "liberated", and made the observation -- interesting though hardly authoritative -- that Phnom Penh "would have fallen two weeks ago had it not been for massive intervention .by the Americans. " He spoke of the possibility of a trip abroad by Sihanouk. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE - 5 State, is exploring a statement allegedly made May 7 by the Polish Foreign Minister, that Poland would not oppose an international conference on Indochina if a majority of states favored it. - Large numbers of French dependents are leaving Phnom. Penh on "early leave. -- Kompong Som port activity is higher than previously thought, suggesting a greater continuing level of export activity than had been assumed, and 'some possibility that congestion of the Phnom Penh-Kompong Som road may be a problem. On Monday, five ships were reported in port with ten waiting in the roads. Four ships departed over the weekend, with two entering. Our naval surveillance has not reported significant vessel activity elsewhere. Press Policy The Cambodian Information Ministry has put out a new maga- zine, Cambodge Nouveau, to replace Sihanouk's old magazines. The first issue paints a grim picture of Cambodia's problems but goes on to describe that the enemy has problems, too. Defense notes that major attention was given to Cambodia in the 50 major Armed Forces Day speeches given by DOD officials. It observes that the most difficult public affairs problems in coming weeks will. be the level of U. S. casualties, the disposal of caches discovered, and the rate of withdrawal of U. S. personnel from Cambodia. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 r~r{_LU - AAv No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 y NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ACTION TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE May 19, 1970 FROM: John H. Hold ridge SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia Your daily report for the President of Actions on Cambodia through 1800 hours May 19 is enclosed. The reports submitted by State, Defense and CIA are at Tabs for your information. RECOMMENDATION: That you forward the daily report to the President (Tab A). TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 f' c- U V__--AAiZ1 GZ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington. D.C. 20520 TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER May 19, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. HENRY A. KISSINGER THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Daily Report on Cambodia No. 24 Military and Economic Assistance 1. No Indonesian Military Aid Commitment Yet. As of May 18 there was no known commitment by Indonesia to provide military support to Cambodia. Embassy. Phnom Penh feels this may. change in the period after the Djakarta conference. 2. Cambodia Request for Air Force Ammunition. DAO has forwarded a Cambodian request for 800, 250 lb. bombs, 400 napalm tanks, 1200 rockets, 180, 000 rounds of 50 caliber. machine gun ammunition, 16 multiple rocket launchers, 60 rocket tube clusters, and 32 350 round canisters for 50 caliber machine guns. He recom- mends delivery of one quarter of the total now and the rest at 5-day intervals. 3. T-28 Spare Parts Lists. DAO is forwarding to CINCPAC lists of T-28 spare parts required. Only five Cambodian T--28's are currently available for service. 4. Cambodians Request 1000 Individual Weagons. General Pak. Sam An has asked AIRA and MACV representatives for 1000 individual weapons for military and law enforcement personnel who will move into the delta border area following completion of ARVN operations there. 5. Cambodians Want More Khmer Krom. Pok Sam An also asked for the arrival as soon as possible of 2000 additional Khmer Krom said to be forming in South Vietnam for duty in Cambodia. 6. Possible Japanese Aid. Tapanese press reports Sim Var said the Tapanese had made no commitment for economic aid, but he thought they would provide Cambodia "with some materials such as trucks, medicines, jungle shoes and raincoats. TOP SECRET NODIS HMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31: LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 w TOP SECRET/NO/KHMER 2. 7. Possible Thai Aid. Bangkok Post May 18 reported inter- view with Yem Sambaur in Djakarta. Story indicated Cambodia was as ing Thailand for military instructors and advisors and would eventually ask for combat troops to help drive out NVN/VC forces. Diplomatic i 2. Cabodian-ChiCom Diplomatic Staffs. It is expected that a Swiss Air charter flight will fly the ChiCom staff to Peking and return with the Cambodian staffs from Peking and Pyongyang. The North Korean staff and the caretakers from NVN and PRG Embassies are scheduled to depart with the ChiComs. 3. French De endents Leaving The French Embassy has authorized dependents of the French military mission and Embassy to depart "on early leave. " It appears that a large number are leaving. Internal 1. Vietnamese Refugees. MACV estimates that between 10 and 30 thousand additional Vietnamese are waiting evacuation from Cambodia.. The spread in the estimate is due to the fact that many are afraid to indicate their desire to depart until the last minute. 2. Lon Nol Appeals to Chinese Residents. Lon Nol has assured all Chinese residents that the government recognizes their rights as residents in Cambodia and guarantees to take the necessary measures to protect their persons and their business. In return, the government asks only that they respect all laws. 3. Mystery of the Three Sihanouk Ministers. Khieu Samphan, Hou Youn and Hu Nimhave allegedly written letters broadcast by the ChiComs. However, radio Peking had reported in 1967 that these three had been killed at Sihanouk"s orders. Furthermore, a Phnom Penh newspaper reports that the younger brother of Khieu Samphan spoke on radio Phnom Penh May 17 and said the three had been killed TOP SECRET/NODISIHMER 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 . 1W w TOP SECRET/NDIS/KHMER by 'men of former Interior Secretary Oum Mannorine, two of them at Kirirom and the other at Bokor. Until Sihanouk can produce' these three, doubt will remain that they are alive. 4. New Magazine Appears. Cambodge Nouveau went on sale May 17 replacing Sihanouk's former magazines Kambuja and S angkum. Three French holdovers are assisting the Information Minister and the editor in putting out this publication. It paints a grim picture of strategic and domestic problems but notes that the enemy's supply lines are seriously extended, he lacks infrastructure and the intellectuals are against Sihanouk. 5. School Names Being Changed. AKP reports that names of all secondary schools associated with the Royal Family, Sihanouk, his entourage., and Sangkum are, as of May 9, to be changed to names with a more traditional association. This is the first evidence of .suppression of the Sangkum, Sihanouk's Buddhist/socialist political party. 6. Censorship. Incoming international mail has been censored for several weeks. Because of the volume, however, the Embassy understands that the end of the envelope is slit, the envelope stapled together without the letter having been read. It is then stamped with the "censor" stamp. wzt-A f- Executive Secretary TOP SECRET/NODIS/(HMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 ~d ~'. , N r 1:a, u, Y 4 J d EYES ONLY THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20301 1.9 May -1970 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Attached is the daily report you asked to be pro- vided on the status of activities related to the situation in Cambodia. Attachment . . sac Dot 9011-t No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 724- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 TOP SECRET WNSITIVE-EYES ONLY 191.60EDT May 1970 A. MILITARY OPERATIONS 1. US Support to RVNAF (180400 .. 19;0400 EDT May 1970) a. Ground. The following artillery support (all calibers) was provided in Cambodia during this period: Toan Thang 42 (BA 367/706) 108 rds Toan Thang 43 (BA 352/353) 0 rds Toan Thang 45 (BA 351) 0 rds Toan Thang 46 (BA 350) 0 rds Cuu Long I (Riverine, BA 704/709) 0 rds Binh Tay I (BA 702) 593 rds Binh Tay II (BA 701) 158 rds Cuu Long?II b. Air (BA 704) i 0 rds (1:) The following vided in Cambodia: tactical air This Period. sorties were pro- Cumulative .Toan Thang 42 8 79 Toan Thang 43 28 932 . Toan Thang 45 0 19 Toan Thang 46 -0 36 Cuu Long I 0 62 Binh Tay I 10 .?04 Binh Tay XI 1 47 Cuu Long II 8 . 36 (corrected) (2) The following ARC LIGHT sorties were provided Cambodia: This Period Cumulative Than Thang 42 0 Toan Thang 43 0 167 Toan Thang 45. 6 58 Toan Thang 46 0 44 Cuu Long I 0 0 Birth Tay I 0 71 Binh Tay XI 0 58 Cuu Long II 0 12 TOP SECRET--SENSITIVE--EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 .TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE--EYES ONLY 191600 EDT May 1970 . . c.?Sea. Naval surveillance off the port ofKompong Som reported no significant sightings during.this period. 2..Cambodian (Khmer Kroms) a. It is planned to move Khmer resupply. of peculiar items (16,800 pounds) and 216,000 rounds 30 caliber carbine ammo on 20 May. b. An update from COMUSMACV indicates that there is no change in the number of troops, AK-47 weapons or number of M-2 carbines delivered as previously reported. AK-47 ammo increased to 347,050-rounds and carbine ammo. increased to 1,900,800 rounds. To date 180,272 pounds of supplies have been delivered to Khmer troops, in addition to above. B. MILITARY ASSISTANCE 1.,52,6.97 pounds of uniforms and 8,700 pounds (216,000 rounds) 30 caliber carbine ammunition airlifted to Phnom Penh 18/19 May. This completes. movement of uniforms'. TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 V TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 191600 EDT May,1970 C. PRESS POLICY ,l. No new major public affairs difficulties are evident today. Major reporting of the activities in the Cambodian sanctuaries and their significance continues to come from the correspondents on the scene. 2. We also devoted major attention to the matter during the 50 major Armed Forces Day speeches throughout the country by Department of Defense officials. 3.-Special film continues to be taken of refugees relief operations and will continue to be released both here and in Saigon. 4. The most difficult public problem this week, and perhaps for a few subsequent weeks, will be the level of U.S, casualties. In addition, close attention will be paid to how the caches are disposed of and how fast U.S. personnel leave Cambodia. 5. Of course, the obvious tactical success will ultimately be bypassed by assessment of the strategic benefits which will be measured by the public in terms of continued U.S. with- drawals and lower U.S. casualties. D. NEW OPERATION. It is planned to attack Base Area 740 on the night of 19 May EDT. Subject operation will be conducted against a major enemy logistics and troop staging area which has had a relatively high level of activity in the recent past. TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 'OP SECRET-SENSITIVE Date'.19 May 1970 .Date as,190400 EDT Base Area 367/706 Date Opn Started (E DT) 281Apx Max. No. US No. US, involved Involved in in Cambodia Cambodia This This Opn Opn Now 930 10,700 2,300 352/353 30 Apr 354 5 May 351 5 May 4, 800 350 5 May 19 702 4 May 3,869 704/709 8 May 2,313 (Cuu Long I) 701 13 May 83 704 16 May . 86 (Cuu Long II) - 8,400 Date 1st US Units/ Pers Out .338 **NA 9 May 8 May Date All US To Be Out #NLT 30 Jun NLT 30 Jun.: 14 May (Opn terminated) NLT .30 Jun .4,800 **NA **NA. #NLT 30 Jun 12 13 May 13 May 83 **NA @@16 May NLT 30 Jun 27 May (Estimate) 86 **NA 30 May (Estimate) Date Opn Terminated *20 May 70 ##29 Jun 70 14 May 70 *30'Jun 70 @12 May 70 .@16 May 70 ##k30 Jun 70 * 27 May 70 *30 May 70 * Date based on planned operation. Duration date subject to prevailing tactical situation. ** Will be provided when reported by COMUSMACV. # Recovery of materiel located in caches during the operation may require personnel to remain after tactical operations are completed. ## As reported by COMUSMACV. . @ COMUSMACV reports operation is continuing. @@ US participation in this operation has terminated. TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 V No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 .M THE JOINT STAFF i 14EMOBANDU 1 FOR THE RECORD WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 19 May 1.970 1451 EDT Subject: Special Report on Cambodia 1Attached are the reported results of US and RVN operations in Cambodia. Information is as of,190400 EDT. 2. All Cambodian operations are progressing as planned. Searches in the Fish I-look and Base Area 351 continue to be productive with 86 tons of rice discovered in these areas since the last report. In operation Cuu Long II, an air- mobile assault put ARVN forces in the Kampot area. Other .units, afterhaving secured assigned objectives in this operation, are now conducting-searches in areas by-passed in their initial. drive. 3. More detailed information on -included as the final item in this I Atch . a/s .Distribution: 1'I{-ISI: . SECDEF DEPSECDEF ASD/ISA ASD/PA CJCS (5) Acting CJCS (5) DJS (3) -CSA CNO CSAF significant actions repor':s.~.: MMES. G. SJANTAHAN Deputy D:rector for Operations, NMCC BrigadieriGeneral, USA J-39 ADDO CCOC PAC DIV 'PAC DESK (N:MICC) PA REP (5) NSA REP CIA REP DIA REP STATE REP P&A DTI', J-3 CIC. ANMCC .STATE OPS? CTR NEACP J-S ADPLO J-30 (7) M;'?MCC J-31 J-32 J-33 J-36 3-37 (LDX) (NT,?1CC) (3) CAMBODIAN SITUATION ROOM (2) is ~- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31: LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 K 6 n t r? O W. - H 0 H r1C~ n N . H ON H ?P CJ+ tr/1 W W CO O C7 to Y?W H~vl V Q W O O O .W~ FA O R? C W Pt 6 W O V; . R 1 V W N 0 y H . to Co H Co V V rit p~ Co P. ? to W O N C7 ? Co N - C] P- 'c1 ?i H ,z 9 a' H N H CT W H C] N Pf Co w V H CD CJ W W W C v A Co O 4 Cn Ch N~c)b 'n ?-I C DI W t I y Vi rte. 0 G [t. r H ' N d O O C m m 9 h ro O a. r a n F: b n m a m 0 V1H H Co N tD ?? 4t W N to C7 fi? CT Co O V to G1 CA to C7 H C, C? to to . to V'1 tO to A V C? tn O+ 's7 A H d H J? C/1 d N F-' N C4 to H to V . Cn N CD W CT F--' V fi- n1 0 d k-4 Lo N C? N C~ -1 W to H' N N a W W N CD C) V V H W Co H I W R+ F-1 M CO G1 H CO (- - . ? d H o H Co H Co CO to H W F' C d C7 to N C% tD CT to N to C7 C) G1 H W G] r N ? 9 N H H d N H t0 l0 d O d A Co to V F 0 o? H -a H CA 4~ H N H Co W Co N -J r4 y CJ q to N N? P. C' C) 1 W N C=) 0 V y - d C 0' N V N N N V t-' C7 4 O Co Q. to d w CS 0' O to fi? C) . ? 0 00 H F' W P. H H N N G1 N- fi. 10 01 CJ to CO %0 Cn N 41 0 V' G' H b Gl to A H A C? (0 t+ A V .7 d] , CA CY A W W H W_ H H O+ O t14 -J In C4 C, d A O ~1 V Co lD t+ 41 Fn ~t C' 01 to N en to .1 C- t4 A n. O ~ F-' W No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 7F r '.d 7d 7y 'Y y C1 s - m .-. t m n o n Cr- In No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 - .1 11 N t1 -+ Orr r rr n r?. r1 U M1 rh p H ~"' G r. W rt n rEPT .Y t7 N H r. f ' L* t!l W N n 0 t"l 2 rt ')7 7d 0 N d O V. I rA 1D rt. . rr /'n O h 17. OQ Cu O. 1 n 1 ;l 0 W ri W. N . N F to m? m N m OQ A ro aw n 'T1 O 3 }-' N 0 HI ': W FL M tD 1, Cv H P. O. O P 0 y ~, ry w v v M n K h' r~ `-' a Cn -4 C6 A 0 CC,, No 1 N E 3 p rCIFJ GG N t/iC L'j rT Fr? 7y ro No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 w rr r. 0. 0q go-- M M N go r v h p `C -t ?1y A bc1 CL o g V W F-. 'n W W tO O C) rt. N tT 1--' O~ 0 ?A C1 W M -' M N W Co W n Qt N tJl W 07 O O C? ? p (D G 0 V w too oOS co A w to O to _ O h{ la d pH en , w ca E n A .f? W W t!r w ? CO W C? W to w O N A N ON M IO N W ? ep A O t!1 CA Co c CD N M to -J r en r D. N CO trl w H :d i . . w c, . N H N L7 N M V -J Ct V tO O' rC 01 N N M' N W W' CO H A W V to trt O o. 1' N - N H N CO of W Nr V N W N CO d 6 O o Ch O O to 4 d t7 o H H N o1 -. 1' . tri A 'A tO ~a ' . Co - W rW " M tO tp to z _ W V A 00 i -r a1 Lh W F, A - d 0% N N to tD ~' O d A Co to tO V V w - d 1/1 M M 0 hr H - V 1 h N "J W 1D N. Co Co M to A d O A d C. p Ma O . d O d f3 O c1 a ~ N a n' t .l. C P r r ?. 41 y.. tJl A - d d CD V W / d ..M N O .^7. ' d ~-+ GO d A d d D 4 p '.0 Old o ` H . H N N l3 S ? N to A W 0' W CT D H O` W d O? Go A N ~'.. N tft /11 to W 5 to d b - d V 1 H Y V 4t W -4 C7 C. C. t J'' N M - N tll -^~ C? H 1?--? W C. 6 =O T N CJ W C t'~ 1M .C` d+. 'lf N tpi 2. Oo W. m r.t tf N Qt A N C+ tl1 % O No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 (1) In the Parrot's Beak (Base Area 367/706)?, ARVN Task .OTHER SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS: Forces 318 and 333 are conducting a maintenance stand-down; however, Highway #1 security and local search operations' continue. Task Force 225 continues search and sweep operations with only light contact reported. (2) In the Fish Hook (Base Area 353), the 1st ARVN Airborne Battalion discovered a 20-ton rice cache at XT 4398. (3) In Base Area 351, the 1/8 Cavalry discovered 65 1/2 tons of rice at YU 2045. . (4) In Operation Cuu Lone II: ? (a) The'ARVN task force engagement near VS 5788, reported in-progress yesterday, has terminated. Fifteen enemy soldiers were killed and a cache containing 34 weapons, 15 tons. of ammunition, and- 15 tons. of rice was discovered. (b) 9th ARVN Division forces, reported contacts with the enemy at VT 7010. and VS 7473 and the discovery of two caches at VS 8468 and VS 0389. These actions resulted in 13 enemy soldiers killed and 10 tons of rice seized. Search in the cache areas continues. (c) In actions around Kampot, elements of the 21st .ARVN Division conducted an airmobile assault at VS 1.869 with- out contact with the enemy. Linkup forces, however, fought an enemy unit at VS 2665,..killing 12. ARVN forces are currently reported to be west of Kampot, but with no confirmation that the town has been entered and/or secured. ' (d) In the 44th STZ area of operations, a CIDG Mobile Strike Force battalion,during the conduct of an airmobile assault at WT 1408, made contact with the enemy. No results were reported.- .At WT 0406, Regional- Force units discovered a 3-ton ammunition cache. SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 OTHER SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS: (1)In the Fish Hook (Base Area 352) Several small caches were uncovered in the area. The largest cache was uncovered in the vicinity of .XU 249016 by a US infantry battalion. Principal items found were-60 pounds of documents, five (one crew- served) weapons, and 4 tons of bagged rice. Additionally, miscellaneous other equipment and a small amount of ammunition were seized. The cache will be destroyed. (2) In Operation Cuu Long ?1 (Base Area 704/709) As of 18 May 70, 19,750 refugees have been evacuated. from Cambodia to the Republic of Vietnam. NOTE: Extract from "Special. Report on Cambodia" published by the NMCC, 0715 EDT 19 May 1970 for the period 180.401 to 182000 EDT May 1970. S No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 : LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31 LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 19 May 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Assistant to ?the President for National Security Affairs Daily Report on Cambodia We have nothing significant to ,report. Richard Helms Director l,cr.?rani < t' 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/31: LOC-HAK-459-3-7-2