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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 relating to Cuba and the Do inican Republic for the period and reviewed all records. of he National Security Council SECURITY COUNCIL rGroN. b.C.. 20506 In response to your letter of April 17, we have collected 1960-64. A list and copies of the item are- at Tab A. which might be considered, although quite indirectly, to bear on the issues of domestic intelligence or of assassination. As a result of this review, e have identified seven items With the exception of these i hems, there is no material in the Dominican Republic pertaining NSC records on Cuba and the in any way. to the issues of c mission. We have no files belonging t Richard Goodwin. We unde Libraries ? have files identifi the Kennedy Library has fil In addition, we understand t the Dominican Republic in t these collections is, of cour instrument of conveyance. the Libraries concerning th list of Presidential Library Oncern to the Rockefeller Com either McGeorge Bundy or stand both the Kennedy and Johnson d as coming from Mr. Bundy, and s identified as those of Mr. Goodwin. ere is some material on Cuba and e Eisenhower Library. Access to e, subject to the terms of the ou..may wish to enquire directly of availability of this material. A ontacts is at' Tab B. The question of access to any pertinent material from the records (continued) No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 pecial Group Augmented is still No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 CONFIDENTIAL TOP SECRE'T' ATTACHMENTS under review. We will be in torch with you on this aspect of your request. Sincerely, Jeanne W. Davis Staff Secretary Mr. David Belin Executive Director Commission on CIA Activities within the United States Washington, D. C. 20500 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 A politic l vulnerability of. th6'rejgine lies in the person of Castro hiss if, It,..-Is not clear whether the re- z ? could. continue to operate for lon,j without hira. There is lao Vestion that the .bureauc~aey operates relatively freely, and probztbly nakos tx by dccision~ without consulting Castro. However, it is equal;;'.;.: ::At c Ca s tro personality and his appeal to the Cuban o,, ~s an i ortcnt element in Lmi-iitainiiii:r, No Objection to Declassification in Part2012/04/18 : LOC-HAK-455-5 2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 fi r thx re; .ne if i the rOLit uicht collapse f the the cr hand, the bureaucracy tray now be so firmly entrenched that it' could function inc:e nc:ontly, ? althhouib ata:aittoc ly with- out the,, greo ofpopul.ar 4port now enjoyed. Further, by uatnC Castro 4 a,'pa tyr itir_iiGht be possible to generate at least a to nporary , Suupport for his s ccecsor. }~O kT'a. ~.1 1 f S-, t Y H '3 7 Ll 1 ~ - '.F {h 80 A to ?th+er possibi ty attendantupon the death of Castro ~rould. l tt y. attitude of t e PSP. The party would like to assure Castro s a'uore h;Wand` doninant r le in the Cuban Goverment. tbe party death tfthtv force., or enco ace/into a precipitate move to seize power. t 1f tf s? bappened i would probably have an adverse reaction on lutin ` Aterican opinion Castro were ro oved from the scene r lack of this central rallying point. thou principally at the goverxriental level 8 ., . Ca s control of Cuba is highly deb endent upon nags turca,~tions for l opagoncla and utilization of his' r.Unetic ned3.a e S r lGekr"YjA? FaaY law h'of the vo .tazy, cuppo t now accorded the reCixae. appetal drf A am, ~. ~a r ;-radio and 1eNrisidn'se'rvices would c?o much to re- Destruction`,, No Objection to t ova this 'po orful and cohesive force. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 1. As of 1 April 1961 the total Cuban alien population in the United. States was 116,,700, broken down as follows: of four years from date of issuance and provided for multiple entries into of the break in relations. Most of-these visas were valid for a period Cuban passports) by the United States Consular Service up until the time Cuba. These alien Cubans had been issued visas (stamps placed in their 22 200 13600 ll ,700 5900 We continue to inspect and to admit temporary visitors and students from approximately 100,000 such multiple entry type visas are outstanding. the United States during the period of validity. It is estimated that and no Cuban has been returned to Cuba against his will since January: 2. Since no current information can be obtained about given indi- -viduals in Cuba, the Service has honored every request for refugee status 3.959, when .the Batista regime fell. aliens except tb t their residence cannot be computed for citizenship . purposes and they may not leave and re-enter. the United Stated' at will. now is not"to'their advantage onto the long range interest of this country or to Cuba. Asrefugees they have the -rights and privileges of resident -large part the professional middle class. To give them permanent residence return to Cuba when governmental sanity is restored. They represent in 3.' Most refugees still live.. in a hope and expectation that they will :Secretary of State. Since. January 19, 1961, through April 22, 1961, the citizen or.permanent resident alien except on the express approval of the 4. Following the break with Cuba, the Secretary of State published regulations preventing the departure from the United States of any U.S. following have departed: Nation Florida 65,000 26,000 etc., in status 29,500 20 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 United States citizens (with permission) 192 Cuban resident aliens (with permission) 4 5 Resident aliens who elected to abandon residence 328 ~. In.order to restrict the hitherto unrestricted international movement of Cuban nationals with consequent flow of vital information to the Castro government, the attached recommendations are made to strike a balance between our national security interests and our sympathy for the ,. true refugee, Recoeendations 1. Cuban holders of visitors visas who apply for admission to the ' United States and who seek temporary admission shall be admitted for a maximum period of one month. Those who seek refugee status at time of admission shall be paroled into the United States indefinitely (sec. 212(d) (5) of the Act). 2. O the time of admission all visitors visas shall be cancelled. Those presently in the United States as visitors shall have their visas cancelled at the time of departure. '3? At the expiration of one month Cuban visitors who do not desire to return. to Cuba may be given refugee status on application therefor. 4. . AU applicants for refugee status shall, be fingerprinted and biographical. data furnished with the prints to the FBI.. Biographical data shall.be; furnished to other selected intelligence and law enforement agencies. . t* receipt of information from a reliable source that a Cuban national is engaging in activity in support of the.Castro Government ,formal. deportation proceedings shall be immediately institutea under the adminis- trative warrant of arrest. Cuban national shall be issued an immigrant visa during the f. ,No existence of the present Castro regime. 7. Legislation shall be sought to confer permanent resident on any Cuban national who shall have resided in the United States for a period of five years subsequent to January 1, 1959 and been physically present in the United States during that period, retroactive to the date of his actual entry. CONFIII0ENTIEAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 VI 1l 1f 111'UaAV A Jli 1Lo t Department of St;te . Regulations (22 C. F. R. 53) and for resident aliens to depart (22 C.F.#.46) shall be authorized only after full interrogation 8. Permission for United States citizens to depart for Cuba under' and investigation by Immigration Departure Control Officers, upon Depart- ment of Justice recc mnendation, and solely for reasons deemed strictly in the national interest. CO R1DEHTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18 : LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 Action 1 e. hscUssed the support of refugees, and noted sent to HEW the President's d1rective that levels of and CIA support should be reported to tiro t a$th recomnndata.ons for their itur)rovr;i,}emu L, w id U.Ei fsCaa7 4' Ulat S.c.ta GUI-D- t -SLho l bcs o +..ai and overt., The President also, directed that the adiustm nt of Cib ins to life in the united States should be given particular attention ? by the apart] ent of lib lth, Education and Welfare. No Objection TOP SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 2+46. U, S.: POLICY O*?1AR1) CLTRA (Continued) Action l:ema sent to Justice and CIA Noted that the Attorney General and the Director of Central IntelliCence would examine the possibility of stepping up coverage of Cc tro activities in the [hitcd Noted the Presidcnt'a request that the'A t t orney Genera], should prepare , reco;nendationc regarding Control of Cubans entering or residing in the United States. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 ;~- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 TC3:~ w r'>,:~ ": i ,March 11, 161 F%M0i%A.'.: ~ !' O1.W1 P. LXu .110i^ivi7 Ci11 C*LirB , . ~.tz ch 1!, 1 PATINA!.. 4:MCUIUTY C A IO+i 7Nf MO''ti- f4 f'; UM =TO. 31 The Pres. teat directed that the fo11owiug action., be tak4n; 1. Every offer t a::=:d be znaie to a si t fs: txinyic Cubans in for4 mfny vim. now anci stroap, political or sn: ation. r d in con- jurctlaZL with thia a f.:t a -mount o.` ,ptblicity u ~b::?!d be zoti t for ti:: po.2tica1 1t'.cZcrs of org niaatto erq eciaUy than; vo may be actiro p .ticir ~.:ta Ina ni:;t ary 1.3a of fiber 1o:8 Action: Cczztral 'xl'fte i-en C A. yw?l 2. The Unftrd Statva. Govermr_cat mt:.st have ready a 'v to paper cz Cuba, rs d shoulu also be ready to give, cpp: or. rizts assistance to Cubit pzarlotc i a sir i?ur effort. Ac4"4oz: Arthur Sc:.lCmin er L-a cooperation with the Lapa;tz c :t cf s te.:. 3. Th; L*;artnc::t. of Ett-to v.,11l 'r :sent .". ecor-i ma..-datio- with 7rc~pect to t3 dcmarcbe las the Qt .::i ,a,t1ou cs \merlc.:: eta:: ~, 1ooI iz ; toward a un :ed dome d for prompt fw ca elections is Cu t'30 with a ?ropriato r afe j-uar ds and o_rpartciziity for m11 p:.trictic Cuml=ns. Action: Department of State. d.. The 1 rero:dcr: e;,: acts to a':t!1o:ize U. S. ecp ort for uppr..; riz to rrarnbcr of patritic. Cu:;ana to rett;,:a to th-,Ar homeland. He balicvcs that U n-* best a. sIUo p3r.,a, 1ro.rn the pair.: of view of cozy' !>Ined M. Ilitary, ps:itic:.1 an -1 piycitoloi*ical cci=ldo rat Iona. bas not yet bccapreaented, and ..(.w propospla arc to be con- certed pro::aptly. Actioa. Cc tra1 1..,:eU1 c ::. t1 AMcncy, With appro, r irta cnasultation. McGcors o 1 ndy ? TOP w::C!~":T copy No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 74, D17 m .-I 'f. dip:U 2 , 1~~t 1W ~~f,7-'IG:~?%3 Y r ~?"'"'?~'''s~! A CTIO~ 2 t'..,'~'Z. .h~Drt"` j 4.""y r `r. ..w ec:or s Cw4ral UBIE'C{i Co o c of Cast-o Acri YIi1*4 I thi tcd;Sta:e* L- ?midir- ho necowd of Ae.!tns Yom t A-pril MZ. 1P1 a~..i p .-7 . i srr.+ ~~,, .,~ f't-w-.?n? i K~,i M ,. a v n?r?~ 'w?+*i+ ~y c?'.~~ '4ww ~~~ ~ots::c~3., a...w'~,.. .. f~i ..+. t. ~wr.:i. +?+.y~w~ i!i?:vv rjnv, ~r.Fs ~ Lrrhil?.' ~w.w.w.Ar 1r ~~ v.+r~1p `s 'i ~w~' 1???~y ?yi~ t ho .my~l-l w ''j..~r~~~vvra/1-M /rp V~ ?~? 4 M./4Y4~ ?~ jYr..w i/.+~ ~+r.s.Lrrr>?SL`- 4~V'M ~yy~~ {{~~ yw ~ y / Tyy t r~ /.[ M \~ 1 L:w ir.?w~~rL~r ~6R.:~,?J~ ~.~ ~i~ w'nYf Vru~~ . Agg*rxy vt'au? d? t`:..o +r Z'6!). c1f to *.L"trrJttL..ffi in VG Uzb.itzr2 ..,Y..4C,Lt yy?' aA ~~. 'rWl ai this c' ? nn.. Rr -oGt Cbu.~ M 1....I A/ "fo+~w~ ?l a4,zt(il or~ ~7 tY.. "MN T0 v1D cc: flrornley Smith Mrs. Lincoln f. r ~\ Meal 1310 filet ,+ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 MEMORANfl NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL CONFIDENTIAL w.y w err rww~ TOP SECRET ATTACHMENxS MEMORANDUM FOR: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJEC'I`s May 9, 1975 SECRETARY KISSINGER BRENT SCOW CROFT Jeanne W. Davie Add-on 2434 ACTION Rockefeller Commission Request for Material on Cuba and Dominican Republic, 1960-64 Following the decision last evening not to provide David Belin with the collection of NSC material on Cuba and the Dominican Republic, I -notified Belin by telephone. His reaction was polite but predictable. He asked that I reply to his letter in writing today, since he planned to prepare a report on "this episode" for presentation to the full Commission when it meets on Monday, May 12. Subsequently, Dick Ober and I have reviewed all the material once more to see if any of it could be considered to. pertain, even indirectly, to domestic intelligence activities or assassination.. We have identified seven items which could conceivably be so construed, and we recommend that you consider making these available to Belin. His argument has been that a review of the files by interested parties (CIA or NSC employees) which produces nothing would lack credibility. Although we may find this personally insulting, it could carry some weight with Commission members. Producing these seven items, harmless in themselves, will present evidence of our, bona fides and may de-fang Belin's argument. I have prepared a reply (Tab I) to Belin's letter (Tab II) which encloses the seven documents, refers him to Presidential Library contacts for CONFIt ENTIAL .TOP SECRET ATTACHMENTS (continued) No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 CONFIDENTfAL TOP SECRET ATTACHMENTS the Bundy and Goodwin material, and tells him the question of access to Special Group and Special Group Augmented material is still under review. That you approve my letter to Belin at Tab I. RECOMMENDATION! has produced no material pertaining to domestic intelligence activities or to assassination. That my letter be revised to indicate that a review of the NSC files ATTACHMEN'T'S Ube concurs. TOP SECRET No Objection o Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 CoiiSS7N ON CIA ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE MITED STATES Washington, DC 20500 Nelson A. Rockefeller, Chairman'.' John T. Connor C. Douglas Dillon Erwin N. Griswold Lane Kirkland Lyman L. Lemnitzer Ronald Reagan Edgar F. Shannon, Jr. April 17, 197.5. Mrs. Jeanne W. Davis Executive Secretary National Security Council 375 Old Executive Office Building Washington, D.C. 20506 Dear Mrs. Davis: In connection with the inquiry, of our Commission, it is necessary for certain members of the staff to have access to-all files and documents relating to operations affecting Cuba and the Dominican Republic during the period 1.960-64.. In particular we would like access to the records of the National Security Council, the Special Group, the Special Group Augmented, and the files of Mr. McGeorge Bundy and Mr. Richard Goodwin for this period. Access to these files will be restricted to me and two members of my staff, Marvin Gray, Jr., and Mason Cargill. Because of the severe time pressure under which we are operating, we would like to begin our examination on Friday morning, April 18. Thank you for your cooperation. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 Sincerely, David W. Belin Executive Director No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 Rob Roy Rat iff No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 Mrs. Davis, NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL 1960-64 I would certainly recommend against granting Mr. Belin access to all SG and SGA files on files h ese Cuba and the Dominican Republic. T are not segregated by country and contain information I would consider not applicable to his imeddiate interests. It would also establish a precedent which might affect access to more recent files. On the same basis, I would question the necessity for some "NSC Staff member" to examine the files--but, of course, defer to General Scowcroft and Dr. Kissinger on this. I would support denial of access to the files, with the possibility that we could h the supply excerpts de(1ing directly wit subject of paramount interest to Mr. Belin to the Commission Chairman. Vyl, I have had related correspondence with General Scowcroft and will remind him of it in connection with the submission of your 7 May 1975 Re Rockefeller Commission Request for Material on Cuba and Dominican Republic, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 THROUGH: GENERAL SCOWCROFT NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL May 8, 1975 Jeanne W. Davi v Rockefeller Commission Request for Material on Cuba and Dominican Republic 1960-64 ACTION 2434 MEMORANDUM FOR: SECRETARY KISSINGER. vnUmited access to the SG and SGA files., Belin has now narrowed the latter request to material on possible assassination targets in the two countries. He is still insisting on access to the files (for himself personally, not necessarily his staff) on the grounds that a 'selection of material by a CIA representative would not have sufficient credibility. Iunderstand Rob,Roy Ratliff .has reviewed the material recently and has made some items and Special Group Augmented. I have discussed the request on the phone with Belin and various of his assistants, explaining that a good bit of the material is in Presidential Libraries, not here, and indicating some of the difficulties in granting relating to operations affecting Cuba and the Dominican Republic during the period 1960-64. " In particular, he wants access to all of Mac Bundy's and Dick Guu w:tn.'s files and to the records of the T SC, Special Group Dave Belin has written me (Tab II) requesting "all files and documents available to General Scowcroft. 'There appear to be five options in dealing with the latter request: 1) Grant Belin personal access to SG and SGA material on Cuba and the Dominican Republic; .Z) Have the SG and SGA material screened by an NSC staff member for -relevant items, which would then be supplied to Belin, after review by General Scowcroft. CON FIDEN TOP SECRET (continued) No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18 LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 7NF'iDrNTLAL .TOP SECRET ATTACHA,IENT$ Offer to let Belin read the items.identified by Mr. RMftsrr excerpts dealing _ - '-_ -w " OUA files, but agree to'- supply ?v, with the subject of r? xm ice President as chairman of the C ary interest directly to the 5) Deny any access to or material from SG and SGA ' es. 11itr. Ratliff recommends p ? p may wish to discuss Ions 5 or 4. If you select the 'matter with the Vice President. tions 4 or 5, you We have identified uit q e a number of relevant NSC 1960..64 period which we believe might be documents for the oa a classified basis. made available to the Co ' The list and the documents are at xYamis lion documents are in a separate' folder because of their b' Tab A (The ulk. j I have prepared a reply ferrite them y to Belia's letter forwarding the g to Presidential Librar' SC records. and to address the question of access to SG and SGA record ?f my reply, to reflect your decision among the options. g ph MOMNlENDA TIOIYS II That you approve transmission of the documents -Rockefeller Commaission. at Tab A to the Approve Approve except for Disapprove Zy That you indicat e your preference as to the re ilea :ecial Group and Special access to GroupAugmented files: 9 t for option l ..;. Grant Dave Belin personal access to all SG and SGA files on Cuba and the Domi nican Republic C0NFID r'N T1A TOP SECRET Approve . A AcflmENTrC No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 -PONFME~N VW NSC Staff m xnber to scr e e n SG and SGA files for relevant mat i er al, which would to Be1in after review by then be supplied General Scowcroft. Approve Preferred. Staff member - Offer to let Helm read the items iden ' tlfied by Mr. Approve Ratliff. - Deny any access to the SG and SGA -files, but ag a to supply excerpts dealing with th e subject of Primar interest directly to the Vice President as y of the Commission. Chairman Approve Deny any access 'to or material from SG and S GA files. Approve 3) That you approv t e he draft letter at Tab I wi final paragraph reflecting your decision on Recommendation 2. Approve As amended Prefer Steve 1 w, Rob R-gtliLf...,and -CONFIDENTIAL fiOP SECRET ATTACHMENTS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 Dear Ur. Bolin: j polta ize; qtr the delay in responding to your April 17 letter requ~st3.ng acc~ezs~s_to ."all files and documents relating to operations affecti.guhs d `te Dominican Republic during the period 1960-64:' As I have ,ef, ;axd tGo,,yRu a nd.your assistants, thisr required extensive research in. ~ivC L--1-JLeP, Lore of which are maintained outside of Washington. Pp r pp xi ! J({~ ~j} r specific requests, we have reviewed the NSC material for the ;$pd dicated and have identified the documents on the list at TO W fp?par rEelevant to your enquiry. Copies are attached. 1ve uo tpp belonging to either McGeorge Bundy or Richard Cgq&wla. W #p;-stand both the Kennedy and Johnson Libraries have files fi 51 pp g from Mr. Bundy, and the Kennedy Library has Mop identifird as those of Mr. Goodwin. In addition, we understand there is so material 9.p Cuba and the Dominican Republic in the Eisenhgwer Libgaryy: Access to these collections is, of course, subject . to the terxxi pf.fb ipStru exit of :conveyance. You may wish to enquire directly of tht Libra .es concerning the availability of this material. A list of Ft. idgntial Libtat contacts is at Tab B. ~t t~2t cannot grant unlimited access at the staff level to the rap-gzdq q1, Group or the Special Group Augmented. 4 r }~o reflect HAK's decision on the matter. [Balonc 8 d ` ad$ 'to res.t,? Sincerely, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 NS,C 5902/1, 2-16 59 with Notice of Recission, 1'-2-62 -- U. S. Policy Toward Latin America Memorandum. for, NSC, 8 / 5 / 6 0 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba Memorandum for NSC, 5/4161 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSAM 10, 2/6/61 Bundy Memo to SecState, 2/13161 -- Cuba and Dominican Republic NSAM 19, 2/15-/61 --'Embargo on Imports from Cuba NSAM 23, 2/21/.61 -- Embargo on Imports from Cuba NSAM 31, 3/11/61 -- Cuba NSAM 44, 4/25/61 -- Caribbean Security Agency NSAM 42, 4/25/61 -- Assistance to Cuban Refugees NSAM'43, 4/25/61 -- Training of Cuban Nationals NSAM 45, 4/25/61 -- Coverage of Castro Activities in the U. S. NSAM 46, 4/25/6.1 -- Attitude of Various Governments during the Cuban Crisis NSAM 47, 4/25/61 -W- Soviet Assistance to Cuba .NSAM 54, 6/26/61 Service of Cuban Volunteers in U. S. Armed Forces NSAM 100, 10/5/61-- Contingency Planning for Cuba SAM 153, 5/15/62 -- Policy Statement 'on Dominican Republic 25X1 -NSAM 220, 2/5/63 (and amendment of 12116163) -- U. S. Government .NSAM 194. 10/2/62 -- Policy Loward Non-Bloc Ships in Cuban Trade NSAM 200, 10/28/62 .... Acceleration of Civil Defense Activities NSAM 208, .12/6/62 -- Cuban Overflights `NSAM.213, 1/8/63 -?? Interdepartmental Organization for Cuban Affairs Shipments by Foreign Flag Vessels in the Cuban Trade No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 dP SECRET ,Program . NSA- 274, 12/20163 -- Cuban - Economic Denial NSA- 311,' 7/10164 -- Review of the Problem of Assurance Against An Missile Crisis in Cuba Y Memo from NSC Staff, 611/61 -- References to Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Topics for Future Discussion or Consideration NSC Action 21b6. l~-~1b-59 ...? 'I- 4.'k- WSC State Department Memo, 6/20/62 -- Status of Compliance with NSA- .153 Y NSC Action 2177, 1-14-60 U? S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2178 1 NSC Action 2195, 3-17-60 -- U. S, Policy Toward Cuba 14-60 -- U S. Policy Toward the Dominican s.epuui.ic NSC Action 2191. 3.10.60 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2213, 4-7-60 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2206, 4-1-60 U. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2212, 4-7-60 -- U. S. Policy toward the Dominican Republic NSC Action ZZ01, 3-24-60 _ _ U. S. NSC Action 2217, 4-14-60 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2218, 4-14-60 w.. U. S. Policy Toward the Dominican Republic NSC Action S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2229, 5_5-60 -- U. S. Policy Toward the Dominican Republic NSC Action 2239. 5-24.60'.-- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2259, 7-7-60 U. S Policy Toward Cuba and the Dominican Repuffic NSC Action 2261, 7-15-60 -;'U.S. Policy Toward Cuba .NSC Action 2269, 7-21-60 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba Action 2273. 7-25-60 -- Meeting of the OAS With Respect to Cuba and NSC A +h.. nnminican Republic No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 _ pP SECRET NSC Action 2283, 8-12-60 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 228x, 8-12-60 -- U. S- Policy Toward the Dominican Republic NSC Action 2309, 9-29-60 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2322, 10-20-60 -.. U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2329, 11-7-60 -- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2370, .1-5-61 -.. U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2403, Z-9-61 --. Discussion of Crisis Areas NSC Action 2406, 4-22-61 U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2413, 4-29-61 U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2422. 5-16-61 .- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2457, 10-20=62 Soviet Strategic Missiles ..in Cuba NSC Action' 2458, 1021_62 -.. Soviet Strategic Missiles in Cuba NSC Action 2459, 10.22-62 -- Soviet Strategic Missiles in Cuba NSC Action 2463, 4-2-63 .,.- U. S. Policy Toward Cuba NSC Action 2486, 5-2-64 Overflights of Cuba NSC Action 2487,.5-5-64 Overflights of Cuba NSC Action 2492, 7-28-64 -- Ninth OAS Foreign Ministers Meeting No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18 : LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18 : LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18: LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9 rCTUrNTIAL LIBRARY g ACcS r JFK Library Mr. William moss Bowdin Street Sr. Archivist for Nat'l Waltham, Mass. Security Affairs 617/223-7250 l4egan Desnoyers, Asst, or 742-1777 LBJ Library Mr. Charles Corcoran 2313 Red River St. Archivist Austin, Texas 512/397-5137 DDE Library Dr. Wickman, Director Abilene, Kansas Dr. Don Wilson, Asst. Dir. 913/263-4751 Dr., George Curtis, Super- visory Archivist (for class. documents)- EST LibraryDr. Zabrist,.Archivist Independence, Mo. Mr..Lagerquist, Supervisory 516/833-1400 Archivist .,.Mr. Barry Clark No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/18 : LOC-HAK-455-5-2-9