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Document Release Date: 
October 9, 2009
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Publication Date: 
November 26, 1971
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No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/09: LOC-HAK-294-9-3-3 ACTION Nov. 26, 1971 MEMO FORS HENRY A. KISSINGER FROM: AL HAIG Attached is a memorandum from you to the President passing along the results of a conversation between Director Helmer and Senator Stennis on the intelligence reorgani- zation. The President had told Helms to discuss this subject with Stennis. ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY SECRET AMH:TKL:ms :11 /26 / 71 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/09: LOC-HAK-294-9-3-3 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/09: LOC-HAK-294-9-3-3 INFORMATION SECRET MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PRESIDENT I,I FROM: HENRY A. KISSINGER SUBJECT: Director Helms' Conversation with Senator Stennis Director Helms sends you the attached memorandum reporting on his meeting with Senator Stennis pursuant to your telephone con- versation. Director Helms believes he has "pacified" Senator Stennis on his concern that the military would take over the Agency under the now Intelligence management arrangements. The DCI met with Senator Stennis in private on November 22 and then appeared before the Armed Services Committee for three hours on November 23. Senator Stennis' primary concern derived from his fear that there would be an increase in military influence over the CIA because of the injunction that Deputy Director Cushman, a Marine Corps General, assume a greater role in the running of the Agency. Senators Symington and McIntyre have expressed the same concern. Senator Symington went ahead with his effort to put a ceiling an intelligence spending despite Director Helms' explanation to him in the hearing of what the management changer were designed to aansmplish. Director Helms notes that it is abundantly clear that Senator Stennis and Senator Symington are "at daggers drawn" over senatorial supervision of CIA and the intelligence community. The DCI also reports that Senator Stennis is irritated at not having been consulted about the intelligence reorganization in advance and that underlies his intention to examine carefully the now arrangements. Attachment SECRET HAK :AMH: TK L:ms :11/26/71 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/09: LOC-HAK-294-9-3-3 No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/09: LOC-HAK-294-9-3-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 24 November 1971 Pursuant to our conversation on the telephone Saturday, I believe I have "pacified" Senator Stennis on his concern that the military would take over the Agency under the new intelligence management arrangements. I had a long private conversation with the Senator on Monday, then appeared before the Armed Services Committee for three hours yesterday. Senator Stennis' primary concern derived from his fear that there would be an increase in military influence over the CIA, because of the injunction that the Deputy Director (a Marine General) assume a greater role in the running of the Agency. As Senator Stennis put it to me on one occasion, nI don't want the military running the CIA any more than I would want Helms commanding an arms in the field." Senator Symington and Senator McIntyre have expressed the same concern. Senator Symington went ahead with his effort to put a ceiling on intelligence spending despite my careful explanation to him in the Armed Services Committee hearing of ?what the management changes were designed to accomplish in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the foreign in- telligence effort. It?ie abundantly clear that Senator Stennis and Senator Symington are at daggers drawn over senatorial supervision of the Agency and'the intelligence community. Underlying Senator Stennis$ intention to examine care- fully the new arrangements is his irritation at not having been.consulted about these steps in advance. He did not regard -prior.notification as in any sense adequate. We have aireac~r gone to work one this matters, and I would hope that we will be able to anger satisfactorily his. mazy questions, legal, and otherwise . L Richard Helms act Dr. Henry A. Kissinger Director The Honorable George P. Schultz Admiral George W. Anderson, Jr. No Objection To Declassification 2009/10/09: LOC-HAK-294-9-3-3