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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 EN ON-FILE NSC RELEASE THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEETING WITH NATO SECRETARY GENERAL JOSEPH LUNS SECRET State Dept. review completed pages 1-7 I. PURPOSE Tuesday, May 21, 1974 3:30 p.m. (30 minutes) The Oval Office From: Henry A. Kissinger This meeting will permit you to reaffirm to Luns the importance the United States attaches to the North Atlantic Alliance as the cornerstone of Western strength and U. S. foreign policy. Since your last meeting with the NATO Secretary General at San Clemente in June 1973, US-European relations have been influenced by the difficulties encountered in the drafting of the US-EC and NATO Declarations. Luns (biography at Tab A) is a forceful proponent of Atlantic cooperation and in two and one-half years as Secretary General has chaired Allied councils with a firm hand. Nevertheless, he is concerned lest our bilateral relations with the Soviets, MBFR, problems in US-EC Nine relations, economic and other pressures on Europe's new generation of leaders, and sentiment in the US favoring troop reductions erode the NATO partnership. Your purpose in this meeting will be to: -- emphasize that the Alliance remains of paramount importance to the United States; -- stress the need for meaningful and continuing consultations as part of the Alliance process; -- commend Luns on the excellent leadership he continues to bring to NATO councils; - encourage the Secretary General to provide the leadership required to produce a NATO Declaration containing a strong statement.of the. principles of. Atlantic partnership. SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 with me and Secretary Schlesinger. He attaches the importance to his meeting with you for the review it permit of Alliance and East-West issues of current i on May 24. While in Washington, he has discussions an honorary degree from)iope Colle.tre in Holland A. Background Luns has come to the United States to r BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS & PRESS PLAN ceive Our effort to reinvigorate Atlantic ties remains centered on completing a NATO Declaration. The new text which the British circulated in NATO May 15, after general dis ussions with us, is a good statement of the principles of Atla tic partnership. It will be important to encourage Luns' leader - ship in achieving a declaration reflecting the need fo enhanced consultations among the Allies. French sensitivities should not stand in the way of efforts by other Allies to improve the useful- ness of the Alliance consultation process. Luns agr es with No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 this viewpoint. Luns ma ask your views -on the possibility of Navin a Western summit in Brussels perhaps immediately prior to ur Moscow visit and it will be important to note the need first t produce a declaration with meaningful substance in time for te June 18-19 Ministerial Meeting in Ottawa. Luns is well aware of your position on maintaining the US troop commitment to Europe and of the domestic pr )ems involved. He has been a staunch supporter of burde sharing and our effort to prevent force reductions pursuant t the Jackson-Nunn amendment. The latter problem is cl se to resolution, at least for fiscal year 1974, thanks to t e US-FRG offset agreement and to anticipated military purchases in the US by the other Allies. Improvements in European forces are the most important aspect of burdensharing; we exp ct the Allies to do more in this area. On East-West negotiations, Luna' prime concern is that the Alliance play an active coordinat rht T+articula._ ly-with respect to_both_CSCE_..and MBFR. European partici Lion in force reductions remains a prime Soviet goal in MBFR, and some means of assuring Moscow that such reductio s will take place will be a key factor in persuading the So iets to accept US-Soviet reductions in a first stage. Our pril 30 S No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 proposal that the Allies consult in NATO on the elements of an acceptable outcome of stage II of CSCE after which decisions could be made on the timing and level of the Helsinki finale is an earnest expression of the desire of the US to keep the Alliance at the center of detente efforts. Luns will, of course, welcome your views on your forth- coming summit talks in Moscow. Participants:. Secretary General Luns, and General Scowcroft. C. Press Plan: The meeting will have been announced, and there will be a press photo opportunity. (At mid-day on May 21, Luns will have a press conference with the Overseas Writers Club. On Thursday, May 23, he will have a press conference at the Council on Foreign Relations in Chicago. On these occasions, he can be expected to refer to his meeting with you. ) III. TALKING POINTS NATO and the NATO Declaration . The Atlantic Alliance remains the cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. 2. At the same time, I strongly support European unity in which Europe works confidently and cooperatively with the US directly and within the framework of the Atlantic Alliance. I have, as you know, been disappointed at the response of European Allies over the past year to our proposal for redefining the basis of Atlantic cooperation. I favor moving ahead to complete a NATO Declaration for con- sideration by ministers at the Ottawa meeting rune 18-19. However, it is essential that the declaration contain a clear reaffirmation of the need for full and-timely consultation. SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 we have welcomed your support for our proposals to broaden and strengthen the process of NATO consultations. I recognize that the obligation to consult is reciprocal, and We do not rule out eventual completion of a US-EC Declaration, if the Nine so desire, but for now a NATO text offers more prospects of early agreement. The last text of the US-EC draft conveyed to us by the EC members would need considerable redrafting, particularly on the issue of prior consultation, to make it acceptable to us. 1. I fully intend to maintain U. S. troop strength in Europe, in the absence of reciprocal reductions. Domestic U. S. support for our troop commitment will continue to be affected by the Allied willingness to more equitably share the burden. U. S. Troops in Europe The US-FRG offset agreement, together with likely military purchases in the U. S. by the other Allies, should enable us to meet the immediate requirements of the Jackson-Nunn amendment. 3. Continuing European efforts to improve conventional forces will be necessary to sustain the American commitment over the longer term. CSCE and MBFR I am pleased with the high degree of Allied cohesion to date in negotiations on MBFR and CSCE and recognize the importance of close consultation between the Allies to harmonize approaches to both issues. On CSCE, given the many issues yet to be resolved, we do not believe the Geneva stage II negotiations can conclude before the end of June, at the earliest. We believe the Allies should reserve final judgment on the level of a third stage CSCE meeting pending a clear indication of the Geneva results, but believe the Allies should consider what results would warrant a summit gathering. This should not be the subject of discussion, however. SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 Soviet reductions in a first phase as a step toward a common ceiling on ground force manpower. continuing to seek Soviet agreement to the principle of US- position along lines at present under discussion in NATO, On MBFR, we favor a steady development of the Allies' Soviet Summit 1. Plans for my meetings with General Secretary Brezhnev in Moscow toward the end of June are proceeding. 2. 1 view the talks as an important opportunity for political con- sultations on US-USSR relations -- this reduces the chances of miscalculations and strengthens the chances for greater stability. Clearly, SALT poses the most difficult question to be dealt with -- we are considering an extension of the interim agree- ment plus an agreement on MIRVs. NATO will be fully consulted throughout. As in the past we will continue close consultations with the Alliance on the prospects we see in the negotiations. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 ~ ' May 16, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR MAJ. GEN. BRENT SCOWCROFT THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: The President's Meeting with Washington. O.C. 20520 NATO Secretary General Luns The President has agreed to receive Secretary General Luns May 21 at 3:30 p.m. for a half-hour call. He will be greeted at the White House and escorted to the President by the Department's Deputy Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Stuart Rockwell. A complete schedule for Luns' visit to the US, May 17-25, is attached. Luns will wish to discuss the Alliance against the background of uncertainty which has characterized US-European relations over the last several months and will welcome assurances that NATO remains the cornerstone of our policy. The President last saw Luns in April 1973, the month in which the Secretary gave his Year of Europe speech proposing a redefinition of Alliance goals. Attached for the President's use is a background paper and talking points. George S. 5pringsteen Executive Secretary Attachments: 1. Background paper. 2. Talking points. 3. Schedule for Luns' Visit to the US. 4. Biographic sketch: Luns. 7409472 DEPARTMENT OF STATE SECRET r_nc No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2 The president will most with NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns on May 21. at 3:3() p.rn. Mr. Luns is in the United States to receive an honorary degree from Hope College in loilaand.Michigan later in the week. The President and the Secretary general welcome the opportunity afforded by this meeting for an exchange otviews an the broad range of issues ol curriut important. to the Atlantic Alliance. Lit"?a' E Can you be more specific an what they will talk about? There is no set agenda for the meeting. However, as I have said. the President and the NATO Secretary General will in all probability be cooking at a number of s+abje is of interest to the NATO member countries. While I can't go any further than this at present. we will hope to have a readout for you on the meeting. Q g, Sfl ; What are the chances that they will be exploring the possibilities of a Western summit -- i aaybe before the President goes to Moscow -- to belaacs the Moocow talks and to prepare the way for a European Security Summit? BNSW:ER: There are no plans at present for a Western Summit. (FYI: The President last addressed this in his Houston remarks on March 19.) On the subject of the European Security conference, the U.S. position. as you know, is that procedural considerations will have to await the results of the substantive negotiations. Those negotiations are stilt underway. QU TIQ4 -rheen did the President last meet with .tuna? A,k(_: I believe they last met in June 1973 at San Clemente. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2009/11/24: LOC-HAK-280-4-4-2