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Document Release Date: 
May 4, 2010
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Publication Date: 
July 9, 1971
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/04 : LOC-HAK-254-4-13-1 i ~ a SOCIAL ~NS~1'tu1GTIC~: SECRET secrc'~' CfAS3IFICATION ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/04 : LOC-HAK-254-4-13-1 L1AC ~ GP5 ~ . , , , '~gL ~ ~A PAGE3 T~'Y 4 ~~. 19'11 mG No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/04 : LOC-HAK-254-4-13-1 ~ _____~ ~ .4..,:w.,.~ . , ;, ~ , ., +, TH8 'WHITS HOV88 WA~flt~felx'f~71 BECRI~ ~rvrail-~a~.w~mvM ~Ll~1~G ~ ' Duly ~, 1971 M~MaRAN~U`M FOR Ci~I~T]~RA~+ F#AICI ~FR~Mr ~ ' William L. $tearman SUgJ~CTs Aetditional Communist~Clarificatton of the ~'7 Polnt?"~ privatel conversations with the French, and in further' public stet?- dents, the Communist side has provided additional alartttcation a! the "T-point" proposal. ~: , Political and NEtlitaxY_Linkage, . , xn r~onve~aations with Froment=Mes4~ri,ce,, Madame $inh ion June 18) and Xuan'~''huy (on June 21) stressed the indivistbtltty of poxttical and ? military considerations in any settlement. The day after she made her "7-point" proposal, Madame Binh told Schumann that while theca two aepe~ctw~ arm linked, withdrawal could be nettled itrst, while the V4etnaznese? ~etart their study of political problems. She added that the Vietnamese elections provide Preesi~ dent Nixon with an excellent opportunity to start moving toward a settlement o~ th~- war, taut i~ the U. S. retains '~`hte~tt in power, it would show President Ntxan does not want peace. Lit the .July 8 sex~sion, Madame Binh accused the U. S? o~ using the "S~-tgon Admtntstration" to impt,ement its policteas of "aggression" and V'ietnamis+5ation. She thus associated the C~VN with two~o~ then punt one .withdrawal demands (end t'he U. S. "war o~ aggression" and stop. Vtetnamiasatton]. ~J r t7? Aid Xuan Z'1~uy and Madames Binh both told Troment.Meux ca that~witk~~ d~aw~l included canazntc and military aesists~nce~? ~Tuy satd thby ware >irtn~ withdrawal in a ge~ne~ric senro, meaning the tc-tal rt?ppage SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/04 : LOC-HAK-254-4-13-1 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/04 : LOC-HAK-254-4-13-1 ' ~ ~ ~ ai ae~ rirt~-aaa to ~ha pa Brent Saigon regime by all n~-tionr an the U. ffi. ride. ,~ ' ?Thuy a come c by Le ; i~o mated that economic asrtrtance could be dir~curse~ ettalcen ;her (part-Thiea) adminirtrattan. (Thtr tollawr the 1 Luc Tho on July B.) Altha~-gh theee,~tatr-mantr preceded the'~7~potnt" propvral,' they ' , undaubtadly reprer~ent the prerent Cammunirt pvrttton. ' The PRG~ apaka~rnan an ~'uly ~ rts-tad "'wtthdrawal" {under ba i~aidne) did nc-t tncl,u;de equtpxnez~t turned over to the GYN. Thtr~ relate~- to point three ~rtatur of Ytetnamewe r,r~nad t'arcer) snd would be dealt with later: ' Timin v~ the "7' Paints" On Jul ~~ Mat Yan Ho gavo ~"rench raprerantattve in Hanai 9urtni .the ~pllrrwing~rearonr why the '!7 pvtnt+~" had bean prerented nowt ? ?~ ,pi- new wtthdra~wal d~-ta war needed Atha earlier one hatvin~ bean avertakon); The tmmtnenae of the South Ytetnamers ~reridenttal elactic~nr~ .,; The favorably international and A,rnerican climate. Sb co~temded tti-r-t xe~acti~ot~i af' the "'~ pvintr" would reriou~ly comW pltcate~ T;hiau'r reelection. He denied that NLP election statements either ~fava~ed or opporad General Minh.. ~ . ~SfCREd No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/04 : LOC-HAK-254-4-13-1