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January 11, 1972
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/05/14 : LOC-HAK-19-6-28-4 '~)vIEIvIORAND~(1M ~ ~ NATIONAL SECURITY.., COUNCIL ENSITIVE MEMORANDUIvI FOR DR. K15571VGER,/ 1 FROM: Phil. Odeen.;~ SUBJECT: Economic Intelligence 35879X ACTION' Januaxy 11, 1972 In June the President directed the President's Foreign Intellgence? Advisory $oard (PFIAB) to study the adequacy of the. collection 'and' dissemination of foreign economic intelligence.. The xeport was submitted to the President following the Board's Decerxxber meeting. Surnrnary The Board believes economic intelligence has not received sufficient attention since World Wax II, reflecting the unquestioned economic donninance of the U. S. and our attention on political and zriilitary ,matters. This situation has changed drastically ~ recent years as a xesul~ cif the rapid economic progress of West Europe, Japan and othex nations. Given these developments, we can no longer afford to neglect economic intelligence. The $oard has recoxnrnended actions affecting the collection effort, production of intelligence, and dissemination. In brief, they conclude: -- Much grea:~er attention should be given to collection. This includes greater use of NSA's capabilities, clandestine collection, and upgrading the quality of people i.n our embassies concerned with economic and business affairs. -- The fractionalisation o? economic .responsibilities within the U.5. government and the lack of security clearances, storage facilities, etc., has severely limited the dissemination of economic intelligence. 'There has been no systematic effort to get available S,r,~:r~ ~-?"SENSITX"V~E HANDLE VIA COMINT CONTROI.~ SYSTEM'ONL~Y No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/05/14 : LOC-HAK-19-6-28-4 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/05/14 : LOC-HAK-19-6-28-4 SECRET /SENSI~TIV~E,_ intelligence tb officials who need it. It has. also not been available. to the business and. industrial. community wha need it in order to furthex U,S. overseas business and trade interests. - . Based an these findings:, the, PFIAB recommended a sez?ies of actions to revitalize economic intelligence, develop xequirements, allocate resources to improve collection and pxoductian and deterxxiine v~iays to 'make this intelligence an effective tagl of our international economic policy. The Director of Central Intelligence would have prime responsibility for this effoxt. Actian The Board recamxnends that you send their findings and recomrnenda- bans to the key U. S. government agencies involved, for review and comment. We have reservations about some aspects of the Board's recomnnendatians, in particular the problems involved in providing intelligence to CJ. S. business interests. But before we xeview the matter in detail, agency views should be elicited. A memo fox your signature asking for .agency views is .enclosed (Tab A). I recommend signature. Sob Horm.ats cancuxs. I have also discussed this issue with Andy Marshall by phone and he concurs. RECO1yTMENDATION That you sign the memo at Tab A. SECRET /SENSITIVE HANDLE VIA COMINT CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/05/14 : LOC-HAK-19-6-28-4 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/05/14 : LOC-HAK-19-6-28-4 THE WHITE HOUSE WASMING7oN SECRET/5ENSITIVE/NOI"ORN ~ Fcbxuary 8, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOII The Secxetary of State The Secretary of the Treasury The Secretary of Gommexc~ The Director of Central Intelligence The Director, Office of Management and Budget The Assistant to the President for International Economic Policy Economic Intelligence The President dixected his Foreign Intelligence Advi.soxy Soard to study U. S. collection and dissemination of foxeign economic intelligence and to submit its findings and xecommendations to him:. A copy of the PFIAS xepoxt is enclosed, and the President requests youx caxnments on it by March 1, 1972. cc; President's Foreign Intelligence Ad-ra:s~y 13oaxd .? HANDLE VIA C OMINT SECRET/SENSITIVE/NOI:'ORN CONTROL SYSTEM ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/05/14 : LOC-HAK-19-6-28-4