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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1 111, 17/ MEMORANDUM FROM SUBJECT: 34240 AGT4ON November 4, 1971 G Helmut Somenfeldt NSW on US-Soviet lacidents at Sea Talks Vanier Secretary Warner has submitted his report to the President on th.s outcome et tit* opening round of US-Soviet talks on incidents at sea. Ho states that the Soviets will condition their final approval of the fet.s.efs. understaadings upos the outcome of a fellow-on round of talks is which they would expect some US seconursodatioa of their air-to-sir concerns. As NSDM UQ does not provide for such secosomodatior, he recommends that a follow-on study be undertaken to address the air-to-air probloso sod to permit a Prosideotial decision on the desirability of further US-Soviet talks aimed at a more formal understanding. While 1 personally believe it is probably in our interests to push forward with the Soviets toward a more formal uaderstanding, I think the :Wye:ketoses and risks will have to be properly vented within the Government. I coacur with Warner that a follow-on stady will be required to permit a decision on this matter and to ensure that the U$ negotiating position La say follow-on round of talk. would adequately protect our operational and intelligence interests. 1.1 you agree, the NUM for your signature at Tab G would direct an NSC Ad Hoc Group chaired by Defoose to develop the study for SRG con- eideration by December IL Medd eisjLont that the NE41.1 has been drafted second round of te,jy.s. U /on with to this int the NUM and memoranda will have to be redrafted acco;dionlv The memoratacluen for year snorts:re to War his report sad advise Jahn that the President study be undertakes. NAVY, NSS, Review Completed t Tab B would ac ? directed that a follow-on No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1 The m.rnorandw Ur your signature to the P1.0014010 at Tab -4 forward. Warner's report (mottos that you have acknowledged it) and advisee the President that you have issued a NS81?1 calling for the follow...a study. If yoo approve the NUM, Dick Kennedy will do the se...wary checks with State amid Defense before It is released. JIC COM/4EN DA TION That yea saga. l) The rnsnorasdum to the President at Tab A Z) The memorandum to Warmer at Tab B 3) The NUM at Tab C. 1 Kennedy ADC;hc bk;CR ET 0 0#,Z4 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1 iiIIL TiNOTOAN MMOItA FROM: SUBJECT; 342110 INFORMATION (DC0-61,11.1L't c7 (c--/ 7 THE P 'WENT Henry A. Kissinger/Si Next Step in US-Soeiet Incidents at Sea Talk* In eccerdance with NSDM ItO, and Iltedikt cover of & concurring memorandum from Secretary Laird. Under Secretary of the Navy John Warner ha* sub- mitted a report (Tab A) on the results of the *petting round of US-Soviet lecideats at *ea talks. At the conclusion of the initial Chairmen of the two delegations aligned an adlatferendium understanding emending all major US objective,. Warner notes that tkie favorable outcome was ia part poosible because of Soviet willingneee to defer to a possible future round of talks those issues which the U$ delegation was not prepared to discuss (issues largely involving aircraft-to-aircr*ft problems beyond the scope of Warner's aegotiating instructions). Secretary Warner believes that the Soviets will condition their final approval ef the understandings upon the combined results of at leeet two rounds of talks. They will expect the next round to take up *send* items of primary concern to them, and they will expect some US accommodation beyond that permitted by the US Delegation's instructions for the opening round. 'kith these considerations in mind, id arrasr recornmesids that you call for a ettedy of the political and military factors involved in continuing the iacidenta at se& talks with the Soviets to provide the haste for a decision on this matter. I agree that we shonid bogie pr.i*rleg for a pose/hie second round of talks. I think there OM be no doubt that a second round will be required if we are to reach a more formal vaderstending with the Soviets. Accordingly, I have issued NM requesting State, Lsefenee, CIA and the Joint Chiefs to review the ad referendum*. vaderstandieg to eddress the advantages and risks of pursuing the talks with the Soviets, and to prepare a recommended US position for a follow-on routed of talks -- including the Mr-to-air issue -- for con* sideration by the Senior liteview Group in early December. S*CRETiNO7C611 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1 LT INO OWN 1 have *not J or a note exprossiag your roport. There to no need for nay action on your ADC11ft:hc:111 4/ 71 SE T/14 row; *clatter' for his at thin tirno. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/04/23: LOC-HAK-18-1-36-1