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November 3, 1971
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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0 MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY CO to4kie-ec ? ACTION 34319 SECRET/NODItS. November 3, 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: DR. GER t\ FROM: HARt D H. SAUNDERS :44 SUBJECT: Mrs. Gandhi's Visit to London-- British Briefing Attached at Tabs B, C and D are the complete reports on Mrs. Gandhi's talks in London, including those mentioned to you by the British: Tab B: The UK briefing on the Heath-Gandhi talk as recorded by State. The UK counsellor has since briefed me, so my summary for the President reflects my notes as well. Tab C: UK telegram on Home-Gandhi talk. ? Tab D: UK telegram on advisors' talks. Immediately following at Tab A is a summary for the President if you wish to send it on to him as background for his discussion with Mrs. Gandhi tomorrow. If not, treat it simply as a summary for your own use. RECOMMENDATION: That you send the memo at Tab A. summarizing Mrs. Gandhi's talks in London on to President as background for his talks with her. NSS, DOS Reviews Completed. --SE-GRE-11-/ NOD IS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0 V. 1401141420.3ht tCOA VIt0144 4B PIXN 141NIT A. l',46151.140Wilt re. Gandkii;* AIM as folly a stants is Prritaps t interesting genera rbs.:vs$1n s that, at 'least ia her rueetiag with P'.isass ,i41. sister Wrath, able sipposrs to me, li.e4re twit* straightforward *ad realistic. L. sit importantly,. elm seetz4od willies to esplisso OW problem with hito rather Aiwa *inapt), stating the famtliar lapilli* polities* a* she 4W a her ?:Aker aesailias, IA bile this pr,ttaces glotenter picture .1 tht eltnation, t *141V1 aggetits that it way h* possible tor yes to lava a t*Akeir.WCtiNtO dialog** with her. lhe itillowtag are the snags potato that were Cloadhl at some points ger the impressi feting evitalia were beyond her esstro Sho *skid ski cittl nest see bafir 410 coutd bold bath some liter zahlaot wistsbere. bikes the inalaa Parliament restatuts its seottioas, there will be attests deminitto IN,- action atril the loareat ihat this W4titta ragitti gams to yap. Site lamet?eit IWO the people have no tileh 4,f what a prolongint War wool4 mean sad she *coif: re her opinion that -4 war caw/ it spnalsi km draws ,sat. She sa4 hat a** rots*** tor goiag ahaa4 wish kir tosetga tour was to try 14 &mites some Ws war twit*. kite rettsgeet are atilt rose the border from Pakistan, Nose are solos hath, Mthaa*b some vs*** tusii re-croon itt 4rd*r to emplott the system. hey seen. to he motivated Ally by toar **Aber than pt sasstderstiose. She folt chat as *Goa as csuiditioas torero sale ta East Pakistan Lb.! world go task. limy Ad sot **cm conntraeti, tor the moot part, with the political aataso f a settlemont tataat Pikiatast. h*y ar*, lioiscrects, cssatieg groat social straits* No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0 iu lanlia. The gweenerient is noir charged '.tt Ivbig the etisigess a better life than most indiaut home. -India has given the guerrillas thor minimum help recestary Itaiv* U kteneusstion that the government has let d.;eita 1,115 Ileagts movement. limy are. however, getting a lat L asiiiiitanea tram otiewitera. tiastgla Donis leaders ere very ,motlonal, and this reares it very 4Lfftcult CIE ass tpritereav.ost xnfluenee Limn* in* S vitt* had **Sea bar whether I,u.ji lease wattid 54. $ok sassmr. wok& MS** At telt that even utigbtbtreynadiatad if ha MIA t a deal with Thriya C;ar lest tha*tsnal 1Vagall Aadeptestleuct. Ai; the same time, she .upse so realistic chasm* ,44f a dialogs* without MOS. (Wir advisors, ,rt **pewit* izotartreationit, seemed les* catavirital thie paint sad sewed to tee room tar tal/ts with ,titter leader* samehow they 47-ohlti be carried with :tosjits's toleiteing*) tit niRster lirath lashed be* what reeisit she wanted. ,Ae *54 Af (Aid not know. litbstievar thot rsitult was, it wAtick ? k t 0141 ?e ctatitil6 ?4 s, inderradeat 35005 sh prointitly is* quite ieftist out, elf with a moderate Joycean. tin* ? tilmitoatiiiiit ?MAO" Lb i.'41114 tie 44 toest weoszkic ditficsity. Ot .4 the present 4i4uation ;* serious tor isalta th?$ rause* ti5uti mounts* --tihe 414044,4 ihat Yitiya knows *bat is rosily going ,ta Ernst Pakistan, ot eke could not see a seCE*SSOT sib* would oe better* ditutt4 would at worse. ?*Whoa asked f her the proposal toe wtthdrawal ?4 troop** she **lowed no resentment fat ths idea. Sill* said that for military reasons, Tinslitia trona* would fled it dtiflealt ts withdraw is a *bort Valots* **re wore is scalar witb.triktssi, ohs did sat *wow isoso this propossi cottl4 be tar *4 through, end she doubted that there would be a major withoirsysi, 4ito, moat tee ?how the L.- Add help. {as you Show* Tatty* seems 5e talking *boat art :ski/a %hot twitlitdsitsisir ) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0 ptot 4344 %otrilgtibigAian the *cot cba pt4cy 7411101041144itth t 1INS.9111T t4 ettpitiVrt 'ibat explained the tient** treaty. true sister 4;4 hitt ? i lc* dot eritted further, god her znosaveilie to expiate puediel si,14 eivorkd to ?ertnin propelled* int zoo stli, 1*-4,101 dltficolt lot support. I vs41 take s ass'Ua wUh you. 4i taleing poierte arc included ctith the re ending raw. stparnteiy. aliSsueutersdnet Warn No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/08/07: LOC-HAK-18-1-28-0