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Document Creation Date: 
January 11, 2017
Document Release Date: 
October 21, 2011
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Publication Date: 
October 8, 1971
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PDF icon LOC-HAK-17-4-19-8.pdf79.04 KB
WASHINGTON ENT'S FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOAR This memo supplements earlier information that I communicated orally to Gen. Haig pertaining to a prospective story by the N.Y. Times covering Bill Sullivan's dismissal by J. Edgar Hoover. There is little doubt in my mind that the article will be published in one form or another. Ben Welles appears to be very well informed from a variety of sources, is convinced that Mr. Hoover should be forced to retire and that the pressure from the Times will further that objective. His editors at the Times are putting the heat on Welles to submit his article. I believe that their objective is also to discredit Hoover and force him out but probably for other reasons than that asserted by Welles. There is also the possibility that the Sullivan case will be supported by liberal Democrats whose motivation will be to (a) discredit Mr. Hoover, and (b) to embarrass. the administration. This would provoke a reaction on the part of Hoover's friends of the right wings of both parties. Through Deputy Attorney General Martian, I have kept the Attorney General informed of the situation as I have learned it. If he is not already knowledgeable, the President should be made aware of this potentially "hot potato." From our June meeting, the President is aware of the PFIABs views of the importance to the National Interest of more aggressive clandestine exploitation of foreign intelligence within the U.S. Sullivan. has been a strong advocate of such action. His talents and dedication will be sorely missed. recommendation is made at this time. In view of the obvious political ramifications of the problem, no specific SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/03/07: LOC-HAK-17-4-19-8 I k c& - No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/03/07: LOC-HAK-17-4-19-8 THE WHITE HOUSE c . No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/03/07: LOC-HAK-17-4-19-8 November 9, 1971 1 EMORANDUl "OR: JOHN HR CC8MA1 Dr. .1 .insiinger asked that the attached copy be forwarded to you. SSl'l lV. ", :teg:ll/ 10/71 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2012/03/07: LOC-HAK-17-4-19-8