ANGOLA (S/S-7506733)

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DOS Review Completed.i No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 SECRET DEPARTMENT OF,STATE Washington, D.C. 20520 MEMORANDUM TO AP - AMBASSADOR DAVIS INR. 7-AR. HYLAND S/P - MR. LORD SUBJECT: Angola (S/S-7506733) SS SENSITIVE AF (S/S-7506894) (Tk rh,rtl 14714- Wfi Pei '1 Pt.Pw' 11- ?%L PIL(11 5 til.' ApJrietl? AO? 1;t? I The $0.0retary has approved the recommendation contained in Option 3 The Secretary ---j7T---Meenal?T---------jt?norlOapprOveCYfOtaptiori 2 B on refugees. cc: S LSE LPB S/S Frank Ortiz Deputy Executive Secretary No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ACTION MEMORANDUM S'S SEC/TI? - NODIS TO: THROUGH: FROM: The Secretary P - Mr. SiscoAf . AP - Nathaniel DavigklA INR - William G. Hyland:etii-* S/P - Winston LorduMr Angola I. The Problem The shakiness of the truce between two of Angola's principal liberation movements (Zaire-based "moderate" FNLA and Marxist-orien- ted MPLA) has pointed up the continuing potential for widespread violence in Angola. Portugal's role in such an eventuality is un- certain. We must decide on a U.S. position in light Of this situation. / /At what level, if any, should we become involved in resettling Angolan refugees returning from neighboring countries? 11. Background/Analysis The Current Political Scene The recent outbreak of fighting in Angola between FNLA and MPLA re-emphasized Angola's political fragility. On November 11 the Portuguese are planning to hand over power to an .SECRET NODIS XGDS 2 and 3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: L0C-HAK-104-5:377 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET - NODIS - 2 - independent government, the make-up of which is still much in doubt. Three armed liberation movements are now uneasily joined in a transi- tional government, and are strongly tempted to settle their differences by force. Agreement on the pre-independence regime was reached in January. The recent breakdown of order was patched up with a shaky truce which established some additional ground rules. The transitional arrangements explicitly recognize the continued existence of the liberation movements' separate armed forces and, in effect, simply establish a framework for political competition. .The contenders for power are: FNLA (Holden Roberto). Based on Bakongo tribal areas of northern Angola, and the strongest of the liberation movements in mili- tary terms. Its principal external patrons are Zaire and, to .a lesser extent, the PRC. Roberto is a "moderate" in the sense of being a pragmatist who is willing to take aid from any- one, but he also has been accused of being "racist" (anti-white) and "tribalist." rinurban areas, with an appeal to intellectuals, parties of similar orientation, however, the has long received Soviet aid. As in African foreign policy significance is difficult to measure. but inferior to FNLA in military strength. The depth Of the MPLA's Marxist commitment and its MPLA is radical and Marxist in orientation, and MPLA (Agostinho Neto). Strongest MPLA sympathizers largely control the media and are responsible for the tone and content of its product. Highly unflattering stories of FNLA atrocities are already an element in the interna- tional perception of Angolan developments. (Attachment) -- UNITA (Jonas Savimbi). The least known movement, but perhaps the one with potentially the most popular support, because of its strong base SECRET - NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET - NODIS - 3 - among the Ovimbundu of the central highlands. UNITA is militarily the weakest of the three, but Savimbi is a skillful politician who has re- cently been moving closer to FNLA; he is unlike- ly to accept a permanent secondary role, however. Savimbi is a pragmatist, with no apparent deep ideological commitments and of varied past political associations, who wants to win. He has Characterized himself as a "moderate African socialist." -- The Portuguese. Presumably a factor of diminishing influence, although their role will be of major importance until independence. They have shown a bias toward MPLA in the past but their major interest is to disengage from Angola. By the end of April their troop strength should be down to 24,000. Portuguese settlers (about 350,000), once politically potent, now seem to have no choice but to leave or throw in their lot with the liberation movements. Many, possibly a majority, favor UNITA. Prospects The recent clashes in Luanda may have been intended by FNLA as a show of force to im- press Portuguese officials and the MPLA and to improve FNLA's security and bargaining positions. Alternatively, they may have been the first move in an attempt to destroy the MPLA's military capacity. In either case, the fighting illustra- ted the continuing willingness of the parties to use force to improve or defend their relative power positions. In general, the outlook appears to be as follows: -- Further fighting in Angola is probably inevitable and there is a high risk of prolonad (though possibly spasmodic) violence. -- There is still a chance--however , slim?that the struggle for.power in Angola SECRET - NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 TAM,01 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET - NODIS - 4 - will be political rather than military. The willingness of the three movements to submerge their differences long enough to negotiate the Alvor agreement with Portugal was a major achievement. Last week's cease-fire agreement, with the implied intention of both sides to try once again, is another in the series of Portuguese initiatives that have so far held off uncontrolled violence. If that violence can be forestalled until the political process is set in motion, elections might result in an FNLA- UNITA alliance which might hold together long enough to permit a relatively peaceful post- independence political evolution. The Portuguese probably still hope to effect some kind of peaceful transition, but are likely to limit their role. They are prob- ably willing to continue to act as middleman and mediator. They are probably unwilling to enforce order through sustained use of their own forces, which might prove unreliable in any case. Lisbon apparently has considered inviting the UN to perform some kind of peacekeeping (or observing) role, in order to hasten its own dis- engagement. In any case the Portuguese are not expected to remain involved after independence. -- If civil war breaks out, and barring outside intervention, the FNLA may have the military force to defeat MPLA. The Portuguese could reverse the balance if they intervened on MPLA's side, but their willingness to do so is doubtful. -- In a prolonged conflict between the two mOvements, each would probably have to have foreign military assistance. Civil disorder, SECRET - NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET - NODIS 5 therefore, will tend to draw in outsiders, al- though the extent and effect of such involve- ment is not forseeable at this point. -- Roberto would probably approach .Mobutu, the PRC and the U. S. Since Mobutu's ability to provide substantial additional equipment to the FNLA may be inhibited by his deteriorating economic situation, he would probably facilitate a request to the PRC, which has already provided significant train- ing and equipment to Roberto's recruits in Zaire. Neto will probably turn to the USSR. The USSR, most probably, would provide assist- ance but will attempt to keep its involvement indirect to avoid any prejudice to its delicately balanced policy toward Portugal. -- Outside influence could affect developments in Angola in other ways. Zaire is a key actor; Mobutu would undoubtedly play an important role. Cabinda could be a major irritant in Angola's relations with its neighbors. -- Prolonged civil strife might trig- ger an African peacekeeping effort or. an UN- sponsored effort that would be heavily influenced and monitored by the OAU countries. The Portuguese already have raised with Secretary General Waldheim the possibility of a UN observer or peacekeeping role in Angola. Such interven- tion presumably would have to recognize a special role for countries in the region, e.g., Zaire, Congo, Zambia, and Tanzania. III. Problem of Refugees One area in which increased U.S. activity has been proposed by Ambassador Hinton is in helping to resettle refugees in Angola. Over a half a million are now living outside SECRET - NODIS' No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET ?-? NODIS - 6 - their country. The UN is now developing a pro- gram which, if the Portuguese Government and the three nationalist movements comprising the Angolan transitional government concur, will help bring them back. Most of them are now in Zaire, and most of these are believed to sympathize with Holden Roberto's FNLA. Ambassador Hinton strongly favors overt U.S. assistance in the refugee effort and has proposed that this take two forms: 1) a U.S. contribution to an international resettlement program headed by the UN inside Angola; and 2) unilateral U.S. assistance (e.g., trucks) to transport refugees living in Zaire and other neighboring countries back to Angola. He argues that the latter program will enhance the political fortunes of the "moderate" FNLA by facilitating the return of several hundred thousand of its adherents in time to register for Angolan elections scheduled for October-- something the cumbersome UN Machinery cannot accomplish. While Mobutu would probably like to help Roberto return at least some of the refugees, Zaire's tight financial situation makes it difficult for him to do so on a decisive scale. Further, movement of refugees in the numbers suggested would create serious problems of assimilation upon their return. . ? XV. U.S. Interests in Angola Angola is the most econorically promis- ing of Portugal's African territories. It is sub-Saharan Africa's second largest oil producer, the world's fourth largest coffee producer, and SECRET - NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET - NODIS - 7 - is a major exporter of diamonds, cotton and iron ore. U.S. investment totals about $400 million, including some $300 million by Gulf Oil in Cabinda. Gulf produces over 150,000 barrels a day, half of which is exported to the U. S. .Several other American oil companies have promising concessions in off-shore areas south of Luanda. Regional and strategic interests must also be considered. Events in Angola affect not only southern Africa but central Africa as well, where Zaire in particular, as well as the Congo and Zambia, are involved with contending Angolan political movements. Zaire and Zambia have significant economic ties with the territory. Our strategic interests are marginal. U.S. naval vessels on rotation to and from COMIDEASTFOR have found it convenient to call at Angola ports for bunkering and ship visits. While these calls have been infrequent (last year there were four), the limited availability of other ports of call in southern Africa, and our reluctance for political reasons to call at South African ports, make it desirable for us to continue to be able to call in Angola. V. Alleged U.S. Role in Angola The United States has long been accused of interference in Angolan internal affairs. Even when we were being wrongly charged with aid- ing Portugal's military effort there, we were concurrently alleged to have been helping at least one of the nationalist groups (FNLA) to the detriment of the others. For its part, Gulf Oil has been accused of political manipulation in Cabinda. Since decolonization began, these charges have proliferated. Even well-meaning states like SECRET - NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 ,??????=MME,MMW=MIX No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET - NODIS -8- Zambia (which has played an otherwise construc- tive role) have cautioned the U. S. and Gulf against dabbling in Angolan politics. Ranking members of the Portuguese Government apparently believe we are supporting the FNLA. On March 27 a member of Portugal's Revolutionary Council told a U.S. official that the recent fighting in Angola showed a clear pattern of foreign inter- vention, adding that Portugal would not tolerate such interference. His clear intimation was that the U. S. is supporting the FNLA. VI. Actual U.S. Role We have consistently maintained a public posture of non-interference in Angola's affairs. SECRET - NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 sECRET/NooIS -11- 2 Opticin 2: Overtly Assist in Repatriating Amplan Refugees. A. Unilaterally provide trucks, relief supplies, etc., to Trove refugees back to Anola in time to reg- ister 16r elections. (Ambassador Hinton's proposal): Pro: -- Would bolster Roberto's chances for gaining political power through elections. SECRET/NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 i I 5X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET/NODIS -12- ? -- Would increase our influence with Roberto. -a Would please Mobutu. -- Would avoid the cumbersome UN mechanism for refugee resettlement and possible obstruc- tion of a UN effort by the MPLA and/or Portugal. Con: -- Would compromise US posture of impartiality and noninterference among Angolan factions. -- Would require very substantial inputs to '? assure refugees were adequately cared for once they returned to Angola. -- Might encourage Roberto to resist coopera- tion with other Angolan factions. -- Could increase chances of forceful reaction by MPLA and thereby increase chances of civil war. -- Could serve as pretext or inducement for other powers (e.g., Soviets, Portuguese) to it:Crease aid to MPLA. OmO.. Might not be liked by UNITA, thus lessening our favor and influence with Angola's other moderate faction. -- Would be logistically difficult and expensive ? to mount a meaningful program in short time available. ? B. Contribute to a longer-term UN refugee relief/ resettlement program in Angola. PrO4 Would. help "moderate forces of FNLA more than other Angolan elements, but under UN cover. SECRET/MOMS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 SECRET/NODIS - 13 - Would probably be acceptable to other Angolan factions, including elements of MPLA, and to Portuguese as well. Would limit risk of political over-exposure, and preserve US public posture of noninter- ference and impartiality. Might induce other governments to make similar contributions. Con: -- Would be long-term process that would not do much to meet Roberto's immediate pre-election needs. -- Would have less favorable impact on our rela- tions with Roberto and Mobutu than would unilateral US effort, since our assistance would be submerged in international program. -- Might in any case be blocked or seriously impeded by MPLA, with or without Portuguese help. 25 SECRET/NODIS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification rn Part 2016)11-/29 :11(3-C-HAI-704.72377? Department of State =mill CONFIDENTIAL 3598 . PAGE .01 LUANDA 40352 01 OF 02 0314472 51 ACTION 0.416 !NO OCT..01 EUR..12 IOj SQ..I? GH5.4o1 PM.04 NSC.05 SP?02 CIAE 00 ounE.00l INN.d7 muewoo PA..01 DSIA.106 PR81.011. SAM.I01 L..02 SCCT..0! 5Y.0* OPR 02 H.002 All41 'US3S.00 /004 W R na5457 App 75 FM AmCONSUL LUANDA TU SECSTA1E WASWX 33BI #11 INFO AmEmbASSY K H INSAsA AmFMBASSY LUSAKA AM"BASSY LUSAKA AmFmBASSY LONuoN AmFMBASsy pRgTpAIA AmCONSUL LOuRtNCO mARUUES AmFmSASSY FARO UsmOs/ON Usuu NEn vORK CINCLANT FOR OLAD CINCEO FUR FuLAn 069602 CONPIDENTIALSECTION/OF 2 LUANDA 0352 Ea% 116522 US TAGS: MIL1 PINT POEV AO SUBJECT: ASSEZSHENT OF LUANDA VIOLENCE SUMMARY,.FNLA AND mPLA'ACCuSF. .tACH OTHER OF PROVOKING THE PErENT WAVE Of VTDLENCE IN LUANoA THAT TOOK OVER ?OW LIVES, FNLA PERFoRMV, ,ADLY IN ITS ATTEMPTS TO TEACH KFLA A LESSON, ANO MANY INNUCENT PEOPLE Re.RE KILLED OR HURT. P.NLA Has BEEN EDUALLY INEPT IN: ITS PUBLIC RtLATIUNS FFFoRTS. SINCE THE CLASHES. THE PROSPECT IS FOR CoNTI.NUn-YIOLENCE IN LUANDA, BUT CIVIL. WAR IS NOT IMMINENT. ENO SUMMARY... li IN THE IMMeDIATE AFTERMATH OF THE VIOLLNCE IN LUANDA MPLA FERVOR AMONG GHETTO DWELLERS IS AT A RIrN PITCH ANI) STORIES ABOUND OF -CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 ,-:.;7.?:_lre77.7".? ? ? ? ? ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 Department of State IELEERAM CoNFIDENTIAL PAGE 02 LUANDA 00352 01 OF 02 031447Z FNI A ATROCITIES. MPLA HAS MADE THE MOST OF THE SITUATION BY TAKING REPORTERS TO sEE SOME OF THE VICTIMS AND HAS ISSUED A COMMUN/QUe GIVING ITS SIOE OF THE STORY (SEPTELl. MPLA MAINTAINS THAT FAR FROM PROVOKIN(, IT NA s BEEN THE VICTIM uF MANY PROVOVWTIONS. FNLA. MEANWHILE, hAS MAOF AN LFFORT TO PHI OUT ITS SIDE OF THE ST(IRY, BUT HAS aHOWN ITSELF TO ae INEPT AT PUBLIC RELATIONS, PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL_ HEMBmR JuHNNY EDUARDO TOLD THE FOREIGN PRESS ON APRIL TO THAT ENLA wILL NOT TOLERATE LIES AdOuT ITS ACTIVITIES? fmg mEANT STORIES ABOUT MASSACRES) ANC THAT Il HA THE FORCE TO ExPet. ANY. OFFENDER FROM ANGOLA. FouARD0 CAME ACROSS To THE LARGELY UNSYMPATHETIC AuDIENCE AS SOMETHING OF A bOONs HE SAL), "NE ARE NOT MAKING THREATS, WE ARE TELLING You HO w IT WILL BE." mpf.A HAS TOLD ME THAT THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE MASSACRED NEAR tAXITO WAS SEVENTY, AND THAT A NUMBER OF OTHERS ESCAPED, WHILE. 411 ? 11THEPs WERE wuuNDED. MPLA DENIES ROUNoINGO GHETTO OwELLERS AND Accuses FNLA OF. BREAKING INTO MANY HOMES TO SEARCH FOR EVIDENCE ? THAT THE INHAsTIANTS sYmPATIiIZED wITH THE MPLA. SUSPECTS WERE ? ARRESTED, BEATEN AND IN SOME CASES. KILLED, FNLA IS ALSO?ACCUSED OF ? KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE TdROUGH /NDISCRIMINATE ATTACKS ON THE .CHFTTOES 'WITH ...MORTARS, BAZOOKAS AND GRENAUES. THE NUMdER OF DEAD IS STILL NOT KNOWN], BUT THE POPULAR PERCEPTION IS THAT MANY HUNDRES HAVE BEEN KILLED. I HAVE HEARD ESTIMATES RANGING FROM ?FIVE HUNDRED TO. TWO THOuSANO. ONE SOURCE wHO CLAIMS TO. HAVE VISITED tHR HoRGUES AND HOSPITALS USES A. FIGURE OF 450 DEAD. ? THE FIGURED liSFu BY THE MPLA IS 200. SOmE REPORTS SPEAK OF THE METHOD USED . DURING THE 19.81 SLAUGHTER NORTHFRN ANGOLA WHEN BODIES WERE ?? DISMEM,E040, THE $TuMACHS SLIT OPEN AND TmE Limbs INSERTED IN THE COLT? AS A wARNING. A PORTUGUESE NEWSPAPER THE OTHER DAY .CARRIED ?? A STORY WITH THE HEADLINE THAT "UFA IS bA0(/". A REFERENCE TO FNLAIS ?FoRtiSit NAmE, JOHNNY EDUAROO TOLD REPORTERS THAT UPA HAS INDEE0 RETURNED ANU THAT FNLA IS NOT ASHAMED OF THE NAME. THOSE KILLED .?By OA IN i964 WERE EaEm/ES OF THE PEOPLE w EXPLOITERS, IN WAR ...pEnPLE ARE GOING. TO Be KILLED. 4, WHATEVER THE FTs, MANY HAVE DIED AND FEELINGS OF RAGE, 'FEAR, AND FRUSTRATION EXIST IN THE GHETTOES. THE FACAOE OF ? COoPERATION AT THE TOP LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT IS GONE, TO BE REPLACED BY OPEN HOSTILITY AND SHOTING MATLHES AT MEETINGS, NO PROGRESS HAS BEEN mA0E TOWARD FULFILLING THE MARCH 28 AGREEMENT 40 TO RELEASE PRISONERS, DISARM OvIL/AN$ ANu WITHDRAW EXCESS .CONeIGENTIAL t? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 ; - No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 7 a Department of State TarieR CONFIDENTIAL ? PAGE 03 LUANDA 00352 01 OF 02 031447Z ? TrinUPS FROm LoANOA, MPLA SAYS THAT ITS PRISONS ARE OPEN FOR ? INSPECTION ANO THAT IT STANDS READY TO LET THE PRISONERS GO ANY 'TIME ENO oeclus TO CCUPERATt. JOHNNy EDUARDO SAID ON APRIL 2 THAT FNLA WILL NOT BEGIN AN EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS UNTIL MPLA RELEASES MTGUEL SEBAST/A0, BROTHER QF JOSE PEORO, WHOM MPLA ? EXECUTED DURING THE VIOLENCE. FNLA CLAIMS MPLA IS AFRAIU TO RELEASE HIM BECAUSE .HE KNOWS TOO MUCH AwOUT MPLA ATROCITIES. ? 5, ON THE QUESTION OF THE ORIGINS OF THE VIOLENCE, FNLA CLAIMS IT WAS GoAUED TO ACTION BY THE CONSTANT PROVOCATIONS OF MPLA9 THIS IS A CERTAINLY 1RUE IN THE wROAO sENSE: MPLA HAS GIVEN FNLA CAUSE MORE THAN ONCE To TAKE REPRISALS, THERE IS SOME EVIDENCE, HOWEVER, THAT FNLA MADE A OECIION TO ACT ON ? MARCH 72..23, FNLA HAS BEEN SAyING FOR u4ENS, IF NOT MONTHS, THAT UNLESS MPLA CEASED ITS pRovocATIONs IT WOULD HAVE TO ACT. 411 THE MORE TImE THAT WENT BY WITHOUT FNLA ALTION, THE MORE ITS LEADERS muST HAVE FELT THEY WERE LARN1NL, THE IMAGE OF PAPER TIGERS. I IMAGINE THEY LEI THEIR FRUSTRATIONS GET THE BETTER OF THEIR JuOGMENT. ? B. IN ONE SENSE FNLA PROBABLY CAME OUT THE LOSER FROM THIS LATEST putiro OF VTOLENCE, FNLA TROOPS DID NOT 0ISTINti-UISH THEMSELVES BY T4FIR AdILITY TO SEEK STRATEGIC 015JEClIVEs ANO HOLD THEM, NoR nul THE ORGANIZATION oEEm Ti) HAvE ANY OBJECT/VE OTHER THAN TO KILL AS MANY MPLA ELEMENTS AS POSSIBLE. THIS MAY HAVE BEEN ALL THEY WANTEO TO Do, BUT PPLA IRREGULARS SEEMED ON A NUmdER OF OCCASIONS TO HAVE THE UPPER HAND AND FNLA WAS REDUCED TO FITS OF RAGE ANO WILD ASSALJLIS RN ANYONE IN S/GHT, THE GHETTOES PROVER TO EX HOSTILE TERRIORY FOR FNLA AND IN WHICH IrS FORCES BLUNDERED ABOUT TRYING VAINLY TO SNUFF OUT REUSTANCE, MPI.A SENTIMENT, ALWAYS STRONG IN LUANDA'S GHETTUES, HAS BEEN RETNPURCED dY THE ACTIONS KUE FNLA TROOPS. FNLA THREATS To WRING ' MASSIVE P0RCEb TO EA ft IN THE EVENT OF FUTURE TROUBLE HAVE A WRAVE ? RUNG, BUT I n&UoT THEY WOULD i)E. CAPABLE ENTIRELY OF WIPING OUT RESISTANCE, AND ThEY MUST REALIZE THAT IRIS IS THE CASE, ? STILL, THEIR STATC.0 STRATEGY AT THE mOME%T IS THE APPLICATION OF ? EVEN GREATER ookce UNTIL mPLA NO LONGER REPREsENTS A THREAT TO FNLAIS FREiDuM OF OPERATIONS AND JUST AS ImPoRTANT, CEASES TO INSULT THE FNLA LEADERSHTP. IF THE PNLA GuAL RAS TO INSTILL FEAR IN THE POPULACE, THEY SUCCEEDED, IF THEY RULEU ALONE FEAR WOULD BE 'SUFFICIENT TO KEEP THE POPULATION UNDER CONTROL. UNFORTUNATELY CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 "ow?? -Y" Department of State ram 1/4 CONFIDENTIAL POI 04 LUANDA 01352 01 OF 02 031.147Z? FOR PNLA, THEY DO NOT HAVE ALL POWER AND AT SOME POINT IN THE NEAR FUTURE, AFTER THE SENS! OP TEKROP PASSES N Wt CAN EXPECT MORt -SMALL SCALE ATTACKS BY Kn.* ACTIVISTS, CCP* 'DENT l'AL. ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 , Department of State 'wpm nalerr,,, rt CONFIOENTIAL 3595 PAciE 01 LUANOA 00352 02 OF 02 03171IZ 51 ACTION AF 06 INFO OCT.'01 EURI12 IO?.10 OMB.?01 PM ea 58 -15 CIAE-00 DODE-00 INR-07 NSAEIIOO PA0.04 OSIA?05 PRS4.01 5AM-01 L-02 SCC1.01 SY.0* OPR-02 H,e2 A0.01 USS3-00 /084 W NSC 05 SP 02 R 001845Z APR 75 FM AMCONSUL LUANDA TO SECSTATE HAsH0C 3382 iNFO AMEmeASSY KINSHAbA AMPmRASSY LUSAKA AmFM9ASSY LOPOON AMFmSASSY PRETOR/A AHCoNsUL LOUPENCO NARQUES AMFMRAssY PARIS USHISSION )SUN mEw YORK CINCLANT FOR POLAD cINcEuR FuR PuLAD 093617 CnNEIDEATIALSECTION 2 oe 2 LUANUA 0352 7. MPLA, FOR ITS PART, IS FRIGHTENED. THEY HAVE SEEN WHAT IS /N STORE FGR THEm IN THE EVENT OF RENEwEu HOSTILITIES ANO ALTHOUGH THEY CAN COUNT ON THE SuPPORT OF HUNDREDS, PERHAPs THUUSANDS, OF GUERRILLA FIGHTERS IN THE SLUMS, THEY ARE ALSO AWARE THAT MUCH OF THE LEAOPPisH/P WOULD BE WIPEn ouT AnuSTINHu NETOIS HASTY DtPARTURE FOR EUROPE A FEw OAYS AGO muST DE ATTRIcioTEu TO EARS FOR His PERSONAL SAFEIY. THE mPLA CENTRAL COmNITTEE COmMUNIUUE OF MARCH 30, PuBLISMED ON APRIL 2, REITERATES THE STANUARD ANTI-IMPERIALIST HASH AND ADOPTS A TOUGH LINE, EIUT AT THE VERY END APPEARS A CALL FOR A NEw SUmN/T MEETING OF THE THREE. PRESIDENTS OF THE LIRERATION mOYEmENT*. ' Re WITH RESpFCT TO INTRA-mPLA DIFF*RENCES, THE CURRENT LEADERsHIP .HAS BEEN 5TPENGTHENEP, AT LEAST FOR THE SHORT RuN, bECAuSE THE 111M, RANK ANU FILE PERCEIVE AN IMmEDIAlE THREAT AND wILL SUPPORT CUN.4 CONFIOENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29 : LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 - No Objection to Declassification in Part2010/11/29 : LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 ??,.. A 4 4 4 Department of State CONFIDENTIAL ? PAGE W2 LUANDA 00352 02 OF W2 b31711Z FRoNTATION AT ALL LEVELS, FOR ThE LONGER TERM, THE PROSPECTS OF TP, F ANORAuF FACTIONS, OR ACTIvE REVoLT, TO RESUHE ACTIVITY IN THE WA Aft ENHANCED ANO THE CuRRFNT CONFUSION OFFERS Pit. HIGH COmmISSIONER A CHANCE TO TR,' ANu NEWITIATE THEIR REENTRY INTO THE ? PARTY LEADERSHIP. THEY SEM UNSUITED TO ThE ROUGHT ANU TUMBLE OF ANnOLAN LIBERATION POLITICS, HOWEVER. AND NO ONE mAs HAD MUCH ?SUCCESS TN GETTING THEM TO TAKE ANY INITIATIVES, 0, THERE EXISTS THF THESIS HERE THAT MPLA, Em8OLDENED BY THE TURN OF THE LEFT IN PORTUGAL (LUANDA b303), INCREASED ITS EFFORTS ? To ppoVoxE A VIOLENT GONFkONTATION WITH THE HOPE OF GAINING TWO THTNGO THE REMCvAL OF THE TOO IMPARTIAL mIGH COMm1SSIONER ANO A REVISION OF THE ALVOR AGREEmENT, ACCOROING TO THISJHEORY, HELA MIL;1APT COMmANDER IU C4RR.4RA RETURNEo FROM LISBuN WITH THE IOU ? NEWS THAT THE mPLA:COoLo txeEcT NO SUPPORT FROM THE ARMED FORCES mOvEmENT AND TT THE PORTUGUESE TROOPS IN ANGOLA WOULD NOT COME TN OM THEIR SIDE, DESPITE THIS kFPOKT, OR PtRHAPS BECAUSE OP IT, THE MPLA ?LFADERsH/P DECIDED TO SET OFF A wAvE OF VIOLENCE WITH THE TOPA OF FOPCING THE PuRTIAAJEse To TAKE A HAND IN MATTERS. THEY NuPt0 THROUGH THE CREATION UF A ChAoTIC SITUATION TO wIN A NEw HIaH comHigsIuNERs 6Hu CouLu NOT 6F. ANY WORSE FkOm THEIR POINT OF WIFw. NO mATTER who HE AS, THAN GENERAL CAROusu, THEY MIGHT ALSO RE ABLE TO NEUCTIATE A PDSTPONEHFNT OF EUXTIONS FOR A CONSTITUENT ? AsSEMbLY. TN *WItm THEY seLIEvE THEY WOoLO MAKE A POOR SHOWING, IF THEY CAN BRING THE OTHER PARTIES Tu Tut ALVOR AGREEMENT TO THE ? BARGAINING TAbLE. THE REASONING GOES, THEY wi.L.L MA Ke SOME cuNcEss, IUNS IN RETURN FOR THEIR DEmANDS, THEY w0uLu COUNT ON PORTGOESE SUPPORT TO ACHIEVE THIS END. MPLA MIGHT, POk INSTANCE GIVE UP THE minANIZATInks yNavoN AS POPULAR POE, WHICH Ib ANATHEMA TO .NLA ? ANO WhICu IS THE EASE OF MPLA PARAMILITARY SUPPORT IN THE GHETOES. ?THE CONCESSION WOULD BE MtANINGLESs, AS THE BASE WILL REMAIN INTACT TINDER ANY NAME. IF THE FNLA AGRE,Fs TO A POSTPONEMENT OF THE ELECTIONS, IT Is SAID, UNITA WILL GO ALONG IN ORDER NOT TO STYMIE A SETTLEw meNT. EVEN IF NO SUCH MPLA PLAN Fx/STS, THE RESoLIS OF ALL THAT HAS GONE ON MAY WELL 6E :A CHANGE IN THE FRAHEwORK WITHIN WHICH ANGOLA WILL HOVE TaHARD INDEPENDENCE, THE ONLY WAY OUT OF THE IMPASSE WILL BE NEGUTIATIONS IN wHIe4 EACH SIDE WILL AGKEE TO GIVt OP SOMETHING. FOkEIGN MINISTER MELD ANTUNES IS DUE TO RETURN TO LUANDA APRIL 3 TO LENO A HAND., HE WAS DuOTED IN TANZANIA AS SAYING 41, HE WOULD RETURN Tu LUANOA BECAUSE THE TRUCE HE HELPED NEGOTIATE ,CONFIDENTIAL 1,01 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29: LOC-HAK-104-5-3-7 No Objection to Declassification in -Part 2010/11/29 : LOb-HAK-104-5-3-7 g$v o. Department of State tc.- m CONfIDENTIAL PAGE 0 LUANDA 16352 02 OF 02 031711Z suwAS NOT WORKIN6? VERY WELL" 10 ONE QF THE DANGERS Now, ASIDE FROm A REPETITION OF THE FNLA/ MplA CLASHFSi IS MOB VIOLENCE 8Y MPLA AcTOISTS AGAINST WHITES ANn THEIR RUSINESSES. FNLA IS IDENTIFIEo wITH WHITE INTERtSTS IN ITHF mINLS OF mPLA ADHERtNTS AND THE POSSIEILITY OF DEsTRUCTIVE ACTIVITY IN THE EuROPEAN SECTLPS OF LUANDA IS NOW GREA'ftR THAN AT ANY TIME IN THE PAST. SOME FNLA OFFICIALS HAV t MOVEu INTO NEIGH. BORHOOOS WHERE MANY FORELiNERS, INCLuDING CONSULATE PERSONNEL, Llvt AND THE OANGER OF PHYSICAL HARM Tn EMPLOYEES AND DEPENDENTS HAS RISEN COPmESFONOINGLY, If. CIVIL WAR IS ON EVENYONtIS miNo, BUT THE RISK IS PROBABLY NOT ilkmurei HIGHER NUW THAN IT HAS BEEN THESE pAST FW MONTHS ANO DESPITE THE CHARGE?) .41 SPHERE A tiENERALIZFO ARmEu CONFLICT IS NOT IMMINENT, NETTHER mPLA NOR uNITA HAVE LARGF cONTINGtNtS OF ARMED TROOPS, BOTH ORGANIZATIONS HAVE MANY HEcRuTTs IN TRAINING, eUr 1HEY DJ NOT CONSTITOt EFFECTIVE E/GHTINe; F ORCFS. FNLA HA4 THE IRUOPS, dUT ? LACKS THE ABILITY TO TRANSPORf THEM OLICKLY AND IN LANGE NUMBERS, 414F. POLITICAL COCKPIT WAS AND IS LUANUA, IT IS MERE THAT MPLA HAS OEmONSTRABLE NIL/TAY AND PARA MTLITAHY POWER AND IT IS HER THAT MP 1A HILL AsseRT ITSELF. mpols BEST CHANCE TO NEUTRALIZE FNLA06 MILITARY MIGHT ANO UN/TAS mucT0RAL STRENGTH IS TO GAIN CONTROL OF TF YNSTITUT/ONS IN ThE SOCIETY . KEY MINISTRIES, LABOR, THt WIA, bANKS, TO ANHE A FEW . AND THE PRINCIPAL BATTLEFIELD FOR TO'S STRUGGLE WILL dE LUANDA, mPLA CANNOT AND DOES NOT WANT TO FIGHT A CIVIL wAR; uNITAiS POLICY TO WIN POwEN INCLUDtS EvENY STRATtGEM ?UT CIVIL WAR, FNLA OFFICIALS CONSTANTLY TELL Mt THAT IF PuSnE0 Ino FAR THEIR STRATEGY WILL OE To ASSUME INTERNAL SECURITY FUNCTIONS IN AS MANY AREAS OF THE COUNTRY AS NECESSARY, THE LESSON THEY LEARNED IN OIANOA DURING THE LAST DAYS OF MARCH IS THAT ENUNCIATION Of THE POLICY IS EASIER, THAN 1HE EXECUTION, THE nuTLooK IS FON CONTINUED TENSION AND RECURRIN6 VIOLENCE IN LuANuA. KILORAN - :CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/11/29 : LOr:-Haw_inn c ?