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January 11, 2017
Document Release Date: 
September 1, 2010
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Publication Date: 
December 23, 1970
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/09/01 LOC-HAK-10-5-24-8 MEMORANDUMFOR; DR. KISSER J0 19N H. aou)RI E The main points in response t quest. ar( ;s follows He is an attrac- tive, active, forty-five year old politician, a. Roman ' atholic., and does .nto speak.,English. He is described by U.S.,: oicials who have: dealt with him as more forthcoming and direct than most Korean. politicians,. a Proven vote getter with a persuasive manner and an eloquent, oratori- cal.style. im like s to be called the ('Kennedy of Korea. ri. -Despite the widespread. favorable reaction to Kim' 5 opening campaign s peeches ,. his prospects for victory net May appear at this time to be. marginal at best. In comparison to. President Paric's De :ocratic-Republican Party,- the mostly. conservative New Democrats are poorly organized and short of money. . Moreover, Kim. cannot count on even. the unswerving support of all of his own party. --The issue of U. S. troop reductions in Korea appears. likely to have only a marginal impact on the election. President Park had opened himself to the charge that he created undue strains in: relations with the ..Americans by his initial strong stand that any cutback of U. S.roops in Korea at this time would be tantamount t4 inviting. Pyongyang to re_ sump open hostilities. The emotional. impact of this issue has by now largely dissipated, however, and the talks on modernizixng South I organ . forces have helped to recreate an atmosphere of mutual cooperation. .-Kim cannot make too much of an issue of -t3. S. troop reduI ions. without the risk of offending the nation's 625, OOOwman military estab- lishment. For Kim to insist that these reductions endanger thy: nation's security would, at the very least, imply criticism of the country' a armed forces, and could ;expose him to charges of giving .aid and comfort to the enemy SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/09/01: LOC-HAK-10-5-24-8 25X1