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Document Release Date: 
September 1, 2010
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Publication Date: 
December 23, 1970
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Nam G~.ran No uojection to ueclasslrlcatlon in cull 2u-IU/UWU1 . LUCK-hAK-1U-b-L2-U SECRET /SENSITTIVE/EYES ONLY MEMORANDUM FOR:-. DR FROM: W. KISSINGE R R. SMYSER, (S. jgned) SUBJECT: A: Few Observations o 'rom . y Trip situation in Vietnam and Cambodia. The following are some additiona Pacification Resulting You will by now have received a. report. from Al Haig on the security personal notes to supplement his more thorough survey. warfare and the recognition that the Communists may be dtawxi but:are, "calm, " a pregnant term which reflects both the. low current level of Most Vietnamese we saw characterized the cur rent .state of the war as not out.. commerce flow more freelyf longer hears bombs and artillery every night- in Saigon. Trade and Roads once closed are open, insome cases 24 hours a day. One no Communist mistakes -- has gained control of much of the countryside... It is clear that the government --- profiting from massive U. S. help. and ..of the infrastructure are still considerable. The North Vietnamese Army But it would be foolish to take too much comfort from all this. The assets are now pretending to be. part of. it in order to survive for a better day. irony in the fact that the cadre who had sworn to destroy the CVN apparatus to secret meetings;. in order to justify their absence-to, attend such meet ings, cadre have to pretend they were abducted. There is also a subtle in abdt tioxxs iii. some II Corps provinces reflects Viet'Cong cadre travel ilustrative of Viet Cong difficulties is the story that the recent increase are gone. Large units are. broken up. The great cadre structure which once ruled much of South Vietnam, at least by might, . has been decimated. The life of. the Viet Cong has become harder. " The sanctuaries. and based SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/09/01 : LOC-HAK-10-5-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/09/01 : LOC-HAK-10-5-22-0 SECRET/SENSITIVE/EYES ONLY dation. apd compromise are often preferred solution to political problem. feeling alone is a significant power factor In a -society where accolT=0-6 feeling in South Vietnam that the Communists could rise again. This could significantly increase infiltration. And there is still a general saying thistle s:ig n icaut as an indication that they may not forever believe because- of their.Tet losses. The fact that at least some Vietnamese are the government, told-us flatly that the. Conununlats could no longer win spirit of the religious holiday. One Vietnamese, hardly a supporter of urt the Communists badly, killing their best cadre and violating the Covucver. we'also heard from several Vietnamese that the Tot, offensive. We have a' number of programs but it is difficult to`see bow they will all; better, we have no really clear guidelines as to where we 0 from here. .. a Viet Gong resurgence. One major difficulty is that. at this point, while the situation is a great deal. must defeat. them in the kind of political contest cif: which we know very large scale military contest. We are now, entering the phase where we . to accomplish. the results.we want. We have.done what we know how to do..... defeated the Communists: in a South Vietnam, particularly in. M and IV Corps. To that extent., these it. is now also clear that the Cambodian operations increased security in the other hand,:: we must recognize that Cambodia 'eould become .-hindrance operations ,constituted a direct benefit. to. cur pacfication program On to' pacification i,f 'tees many ARVN soldiers. a?r$ sent there for too long.. have real reservations about sending any of their. forcea to Cambodia. for Two South Vietnamese generals with whom I discussed this. appeared to shy. length of 'tlrne.- They felt that it would hurt :pacification in-their home allocation, but it.seems tome much more. important on balance to keep areas. We will have some. difficult decisions tomake regarding resource CarnbO.dia. on our side. than to worry about some possible minor losses in our.HES stati sti+c s: SECRET/ SENSITIVE/ EYES ONLY:' No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/09/01 : LOC-HAK-10-5-22-0