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r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 iVRE~RTS PUBLIC AFFAIRS STAFF Newsweek Time U.S. News 3 Wond Report W ETA 'R ad i D - P~- ntE~wa ak. Date ~ (p ~'~(; / qqS WETA Radio NPR Network Washington, D.C. HaoADC718T $ZCaR?T All Things Considered arlr February 26, 1995 5:00 PM w John Ford Exhibit at CIA JACKIE LYDON: The film director John Ford was born 100 years ago this month. Most o! ue know him as the master craftsman o! American Wasterna, with either John Wayne or Harry Fonda playing the hero, as in the 1946 film "My Darling Clementine." [Clip of dialogue from "Myi Darling Clementine"] LYDON: But Ford, perhaps the most influential director aver to coma out of Hollywood and certainly one o! the most award- winning, had a lessor-known side ac a master craftsman o! oscar- winning espionage. A new exhibit has just opened on his work, but you won't gat to sa? it because it's at the CIA, at its massive gray complex in Langley, Virginia, behind two security checkpoints. Four of Ford's golden Oscars stand is a little glasla case theta. ThQ CIA wanted to honor Ford for his time with the Ottice for Strategic Bervices, or OSB, the CIA's precursor in World War II. As head of the OS3 film/photographic team, Ford invented aerial camera techniques and combined stock footage with new film to make what might today ba called docudrama. Tha Navy had asked Ford for help alter Pearl Harbor. LINDA MCCARTHY: John Ford took them at their word when they told him, "We wa Nt you to do an accurate portrayal o! what happened at Pearl Harbor. And, of course, there ware some recriminations back and forth: Why did it happen? And John Ford explained on film some or the situations that lad up to pearl Harbor. And that' weren't particularly flattering, to be perfectly candid. And that was deemed a little too accusatory for that era. CONTINUED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 Z so, what they did do was shorten the film down to 34 minutes and show it in defense plants a? kind o! a morals-booster, patriotic type thing. And it worked will. LYDONr Amorals-booster? Pearl Harbor? MCCARTHY: Mmm-hmm. Go qst ~e1q. That sort of thing. You know. Turn the cheeks on gem hers. they call him right aft r the bombing and esay ~ ~ Coma a arbor? Did damage," or what? nd view the 1~tCCARTHY: what hs did was take official that was shut and then intsrspers? it with miniaturemsetupsohe~d dons in a Hollywood film studio. So ha kind of blended the two and created that genre that you see vary -- a lot of today. lie was kind of a pioneer in that. So that~s what he did. JOHN FORD [narrating film]z on they came, wave attar wave, boldly, fearlessly. They had little to tear. They knew that our task forces were at sea and they ]chew their disposition. LYDON: Legs step back a minute hats in terms o! where we are. Moet of us think of John Ford, of course, as the director of "Th? Searchers" and "The Quiet KanN and the Westerns that ha built into an American institution. How did ha get started with the Office of Strategic Services? MCCARTHY: The man who headed it, William J. Donovan, was a phenomenal creature in and of himself, and ha had this particular magnetism where he could draw the likes of a John Ford or the baseball player Moe Hang or avers Julia Child, the French Chsf . Sha worked for OSS. He had this magnetism that these people would follow him to hell and back because they knew he had a perfectly good, logical reason that would pay off in the end it they did so. LYDON: The baseball player Moe Herg spied in Europ? for the OSS. Chef Julia Child worked as a clerk. John Fords missive had a double purpose: survaillanca and deception. He mounted enormous film cameras, the Mitchells, in thQ belly of Allied aircraft and took surveillance fi]aa. Hut it was also deception. Hs was making aerial sweeps of the Normandy coastline at places the allies were not planning to land. Ford~a crew nicknamed their airborne film technique ippy-dippy intelligence. MCCARTHY: Thss? are people that had been making Westerns over in Hollywood, all of a sudden were providing aerial data that led to things like Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy. And the other thing he did was document the actual process of the invasion. CONTINUED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 Donovan knew, Roosevelt knew this was a historic moment. It was the largest armada ever put together of its kind in history and it probably will never be matched, to its likes, again. And they wanted it documented. So Ford and his film/photographics shot most of the U.S. Government film that you sea as reflecting D-Day. LYDON: Do we have any pictures of the films he took, any frames? MCCARTHY: Thies is a sweep that was don? of the Normandy coastline on the 19th of May, 1944. And, of course, D-Day was June 6th, 1944. So they're doing the sweeps. Not only is he sir vinq as a diversion, but you see that is an actual picture. And what you have there is a picture of Hitler's Atlantic Wall, the barriers. The sticks right there with the gi2mos on top are actually mines. And this is something crucial. Zf you're goin to send man in boats aboard there, you need to know what's there.q So they used that to say, ?Okay. Maybe we don't want to actually put them right there. We'll put them a little further south." LYDON: So we've got posts marking minas in the Atlantic Ocean... MCCARTHY: Mmm-hmm. LYDON: ...ofr the beach of the Normandy coastline. MCCARTHYs Exactly. And I dare say that there would have been a lot more casualties if they hadn't done this sort o! thing. And they knew that. LYDON: How do you feel about the fact that only a few people can see the material that you've assembled? It's a restricted viewing. MCCARTHY: That does sadden me, as a student of history and someone who enjoys these personalities for what th?y are. Sut I must say, I whipped around here from cleaning a case just to be able to talk to you in hopes that ~ could share it with a bigger audience. So, while I have to be selfish out of security constraints, I try very hard to share it when I can. LYDON: Well, Linda McCarthy, thank you very, very much. MCCARTHY: It was my pleasure. You folks read about John Ford. He's a fascinating fellow. FORD [narrating lilm]: At x:55 A.M., hell broke loose, man- made hull, made in Japan. CONTINUED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 4 LYDON: Though the CiA exhibit isn't o Ford's Oscar-wiru~inq 033 lflm, "December 7th, ~' pe-as released inlite original form on videocassette last year. The full- been banned by the Navy as a security risk for SO years film had Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6 P 1 f KUI`'I P.3r3 son i c PPF RADIO 'NREPORTS 4701 WILIARD AVENUc, SUITE 2 ~ g. CHfVy CHASE, MD 208.5 (301) 656.4068 STAT ~~, ~~ ~' ~ 301 ~. ~ -, l l~l J STAT FROM~.~,R~E? ROB RTOrn,~ , , ~~s--?__ (ACCOCrT EXECGTTZpE1 PRONE ly 301-656 1~ pages (Including cover)' occ ews ? ?VNR $ ~ Oriny a ce ' O^ Se~~nents In Coio- ~, g,-w e Y cW YGk~` jC.~Gp O C ~-:.. _ -._. . r. ~ ~'J^ :~uc: y Vrdco NCH ~B~Si~.~'.i ~~,'l?~iT? ~ .~ .' }.. _., r`_ ? LOS A;~ ~ r ~ ~-,, WERE wAT~-H~NG OUT F_OR YOUR ADVERTISING SERVICES PU6CIC R ' 1960,-P~etie~l ~ ' av-oma-~~;~ 1~,ews hla!r~c....: ? CCmmQr~ c' : JrCr.. - `usrom,2ep R@se0?c~es ? Medro Tour. ''r ack~n9 F~1 ION5 SERVICES ? ^e'work, C:;~o!e 8 ~ l h Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/22 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401980001-6