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STAT Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/23 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401700023-2 Bush decorates Gulf war heroes By Frank J Murray THE WASHINGTON TIMES President Bush presented ;Medals of Freedom yesterday to Gen. Nor- man Schwarzkopf and Gen. Colin Powell, "the men that our heroes look up to;' at a White House cere- mony where he also honored his Desert Storm brain trust. "Under your leadership, America sent its sons and daughters to con- ftront anenemy abroad, and in the process you transformed a nation here at home;' Mr. Bush said to the two generals. Renewing a theme he hit hard at the war's end, ;Vic. Bush said, "Desert Storm marked the end of an era of self-doubt and lingering uncertainty about America's staying power and sense of purpose:' At the East Room ceremony, at- tended by ambassadors from many of the coalition nations that fought with U.S. troops, Mr. Bush noted that the medals usually are given at the end of a career to honor the recipi- ent's life work. But he said he made an exception because "Desert Storm was such a watershed event, so unique, so singular." He also gave Medals of Freedom, the nation's highest civil honor, to Secretary of State James A. Baker III, Defense Secretary Richard Cheney and National Security Ad- viser Brent Scowcroft, whom he called one of the unsung heroes of the Gulf War. "He was at my side, poor guy, throughout the crisis, quite literally from the early mornitrg hours on Au- gust 2nd until vtctor~' Mr. Bush said. The president also presented the prestigious Presidential Citizens Medal to the six members of his "small group" of advisers who tracked every jog of policy through- out the crisis. "Despite the modest name, the contribution made by the 'small group' to our success in the Gulf was really nothing short of monumen- tal;' Mr. Bush said as he presented medals to: Deputy National Security Ad- viserand CIA director nominee Rob- ert Gates; National Security Council regional specialist Richard Haass; Adm. David Jeremiah, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Deputy CIA Director Richard Kerr, who skipped his oneymoon to stay on the job; Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and nominee for ambassador to Germany Robert Kimmitt; and Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. In addition to.his "small group;' Mr. Bush ga~~e Citizens Medals to Deputy Defense Secretary Donald Atwood and Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, recall- ing the tatter's "mission to Israel, cane in hand, amid the torn and twisted ruins on streets shattered by a Scud attack:' TM Washmptort Post TM Maw York Timis TM WaeMngto~ TImN TM Wsul Straat Journal !`~!~ ~ Clrlstlan Salanoa Monitor Naw cork only Haws USA Today Tt1a Chbapp Trltwrra Oata Psga Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/23 :CIA-RDP99-014488000401700023-2