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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP99-01448R000401580010-0 ANNNORN. draw mixed. rewew "As a manager and leader, he Improved morale, was extremely successful," said Ray but he avoided Cline, an intelligence specialist at the CIA and the State Department for 30 years. He also served as an tough dec1S1011S "informal consultant" for Bush At By Stewart M. Powell and John P. Wafach EXAMPER WASHNGTON 6t/iEAU WASHINGTON - As director of the. Central Intelligence Agency, his only independent executive post in the government, George Bush proved himself adept at deal- ing with Congress and staff mem- bers, but less adroit at choosing aides and making.certain tough de- cisions. That is the verdict of people who watched Bush at close hand.during his 356 days as CIA chief in 1976. To his supporters, he buoyed agency morale in tba wake of con- gressional disclosures of miscon- duct, improved relations with Con- gress and exercised a canny prag- matism that bridged differences within the agency. To his detractors, Bush selected buddies as lieutenanta,ducked tick- lish personnel decisiona,.,and al- lowed hard-line conservatives to shape the agency's traditionally in- dependent assessment of Soviet ca- pabilities. With polls showing him ahead of Democrat Michael Dukakis in the. race for the White House, Bush's performance as CIA chief executive is being examined for insights into the nature of a Bush presidency. He himself once described the CIA directorship as "the beat job in Washington." the CIA. "He didn't stay very long, so I wouldn't overdo it, but he cer- tainly improved the quality of esti- mates and the morale of the agen- cy. A different view emerges from Carl Duckett, the CIA's deputy for science and technology who was let go by Bush after three months. "I never saw George feet he had to understand the depth of some- thing," Duckett said in a Washing- ton Post interview. . "He goes with the flow, looking for how it will play politically." Ford's nominee - Bush, a former Texas congress- man, was President Richard Nix- on's ambassador to the United Na- tions, chairman of the Republican National Committee and U.S. en- voy to China before President Ford nominated him as CIA director Nov. 3, 1975. Bush took over at agency head- quarters in Langley, Va., at a criti- cal time. The agency was involved in a furor after reports on Capitol Hill that it had conducted unautho- rized surveillance of U.S. citizens, mounted assassination plots against foreign leaders and staged The Washington post The New York Times The Washington Times The Wall Street Journal The Christian Science Mon_ ito New York Daily News USA Today ----- The Chicago S AN Tribune ~R4 i ~..MIN~~ CA~ Oats 0~cT Ig44 other questionable covert activities in the Nixon years. Nixon even sought to. use the CIA as part of his attempt to cover up Political espionage in the Water. gate scandal. CIA Director William ,Colby, a career professional, finally was forced to step down. . Bush quickly endeared himself to the agency's estimated 15,000 employees by taking their side. . "About three days after he got there, he read some (critical) story in the paper and turned to his asso- ciates and said, 'What are they do- ing to us?' Colby recalled. "Us! Us! He had the place in the palm of his hand from then 'on." Bush deepened agency loyalty with attempts to resist Justice De- partment requests for. documents detailing the role of former CIA chief Richard ~Heli i in the 1973 overthrow of a democratically elected Marxist government in Chile. Its new chiefs almost nonstop appearances on Capitol Hill helped restore the CIA's relations with Congress. "He really tried to work hard with Congress," said Donald'Gregg; a Bush aide at the CIA who is now his special assistant for national security affairs. Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee, paid tribute ,to Bush when he resigned to clear CONTINUED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP99-01448R000401580010-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP99-01448R000401580010-0 *.., the way for President-elect Jimmy Carter's CIA director, Stansfield Turner. "You might say Bush was one of the best we had," Inouye said at the time. "The morale of the intelli- gence community has been in- spired by Bush's leadership.' z, Questions about personnel Beyond-repaMng the CIA, Bush added $500 million to the techno. logical intelligence budget, a move that led to better spy satellite pho- tography in later administrations. But his record at the CIA was marked by personnel problems. In- siders complained that his choice of deputies reflected preference for aides with whom he felt personally comfortable instead of tough-minded lieutenants who would challenge the status quo. At least two major Bush appointees were said to be "in over their heads." Turner, the four-star Navy ad- miral who succeeded Bush, com- plained that senior CIA officials provided a "disturbing lack of spec- ificity and clarity in response to my questions" and that briefing books were "too long and detailed to be useful." Nor did Bush tackle, the tough personnel cutbacks. Internal CIA studies recommended such trims in order to streamline the agency after the Vietnam War and to trim its budget, then estimated at $1 billion a year. (The agency now employs an estimated 25,000 people world- wide with a budget estimated to range as high as $5 billion a year.) For instance, the espionage branch recommended that Bush cut 1,350 jobs within that division over five years. Yet Turner said that when he took over, "no action had been taken." Critics also note that Bush took no action against CIA employees who had helped former CIA agent Edwin Wilson. Wilson was con- victed of crimes in arranging arms shipments to Libya. Nor did Bush remove from the CIA payroll Jordan's King Hus- sein, despite a recommendation by the agency's general counsel that Hussein's $750,000 secret retainer be suspended. Team A, Teats B By far the most controversial Bush legacy at the CIA was the alleged "politicization" of its tradi- tionally independent assessments. of Soviet capabilities. In what became known as the "Team A, Team B" approach, Bush invited a panel of conserva- tives, led by Harvard history Pro- fessor Richard Pipes, to challenge, CIA analyses of intelligence on So. viet military strength. Bush subsequently adopted fea- tures of the outsiders' stark assess- ment - in effect doubling CIA esti- mates of the share of the-Soviet economy devoted to defense. That appraisal, substantiated by addi- tional CIA intelligence, helped jus- tify the buildup of U.S. nuclear forces upder Presidents Carter and Reagan. Cline, the former CIA analyst, called the study "realistic," but added, "From the point of view of technique, it left something to be desired." The "B-team" practice was end- ed shortly thereafter by Turner, who said, "Pitting extremists against one another can only lead to poor results." After being rebuffed in his offer to stay on for the first few months of the Carter administration, Bush left Jan. 20, 1977, Inauguration Day. Later he returned to the agency as a private citizen for a visit. When he entered the executive dining room, a waiter told him that kitch- en workers would like to see him. Bush greeted each one by name, and an aide recalled, "That kind of personal touch is still revered there." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/25: CIA-RDP99-01448R000401580010-0