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Document Release Date: 
February 28, 2007
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Publication Date: 
January 30, 1978
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PDF icon CIA-RDP99-00498R000300090053-5.pdf60.49 KB
Approved For Release X007/03/01 : CIA-RDP99-004988000300090053-5 STAT 30 January 1913 f~lu'~ORAl~lCU~f FOR:. Director of Centra] Intelligence ,FROl9: _ _ ,~; -; Herbert E. iTetu -~~ ~' "`~" Assistant to the Director ,. (Pub]ic Affairs) 5GBJECT: Godfrey Sper]ing breakfast ~- T. As~you know, you will have breakfast with Godfrey S~-erling tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.r~. at the Sf~eraton-Carlton. This is your third visit, having appeared before on g Au^ust and 9 F+arch T977. I know you are farm 1 i ar with the forma t. S}~erT i ng 1 ir~i is attendance to newspapers and excludes the wire services and radio and tele- vision networks.' Attached is a Tist (which is not complete as of T63!~ hours today) whichrcontains several of your old friends, i.e., R ~nd Evans and Charles Bartlett. Also attending wil] be David M~rtin of AlEt~lSt~EEK, Chris Ogden of TIf~!E and Joe Fromm of U.S. ~9E~tS A,~ID WORlD REPORT, a]i of whom figure prominently in the stories appearing in their magazines today. _ _ _ ~:--2.: I would strongly suggest that we take the initiative and the offensive to talk about what has thus far been accomplished and --"~ your plans for the futurm. I think the stories we would hope to see ;, - ~; -~; cage :aut .of the< breakfast: woul d tal k about the .Turner team, i . e. , the Executive_~Order has_-been si ned-- ou now have your own team in =~~~- ~-~place: ;s Earluc~i,~ bowie,` 3~ctiahon, Blake and Dirks. '' ~ ~ 3~." Let's make i t upbeat, positive, moving into the future, ~r__... '~~` ~`~teaving-the problems and unpleasantness of the past behind us. tl%~i, ..'Attachment ._.,.}..-..,, Yr ~'~ ..,`I~.A.. ._:~ ,~fvf. i.ti? ;~3~-_ ;~_:A/DCI/PAO/HEHIkgt/30January.: ]9?!3: ~;.~; Distribution: Orig - Addressee w/att 1 - ER wo/att 2 - A/DCI/PAO Herbert E. Netu STAT