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Document Release Date: 
February 27, 2007
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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1977
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PDF icon CIA-RDP99-00498R000300090031-9.pdf79.91 KB
Approved.For Release 2007/03/01 : CIA-RDP99-00-k?993 17 February 1977 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Media Request 1. Godfrey _ g, through his secretary, Betty Kay invited Admir ~ {Prone: at the re ular rea These are r m - a.m. at e eraton Carlton on weekdays. There is no regular day of the week for them; they are-held when convenient. From 25-30 newsmen usually attend. The guest does not make a speech but.engages*in a Q&A session, which is all on-the-record. 2. The Sperling breakfasts are well-known in Washington, 3. Because Admiral Turner already has specific interview requests plus invitations to meet with editors of the Washington Post and the New YorkTimes Washington Bureau, I recommend Admiral Turner honor the interviews, Post and Times, prior.-- to doing this breakfast. However, I believe he -the breakfast. He may want to wait until-he has his feet on- the ground as DCI. 4. I told Miss Kay that the Admiral was not doing any interviews until after he is confirmed--if he is confirmed..- . She mentioned as a time frame the 2nd or 3rd week in March I did not commit to a time frame but-told her someone would call her before and/or after the Admiral returns from Naples. I will call her before and mention that we can't commit to a time frame now, but that someone will call upon the Admiral's return. 5.. This then needs follow-up. .Y .Cv .mss ' 700 V A r6 _ or R'P~asP 20 /0 01 : CIA-RD~9-0498ROODS0009SOM-'J` des.. ?