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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 27, 2007
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Publication Date: 
March 25, 1977
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PDF icon CIA-RDP99-00498R000300090020-1.pdf48.24 KB
Approved For Release 2007/03/01 :CIA-RDf~99-004988000300090020-1 STAT AG `~ ff7;if{ ~~l MEf~IORANDUi~1 FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Inspector General FROh~1: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: CIA Relationship with Harvard University 1. After reading the minutes of the morning meeting of 22 March about the proposed statement by Harvard on relationships with the CIA, I instantaneously picked up .the phone and called. President Bok. I made the usual arguments to him emphasizing: (1) that I thought they were going overboard and vrould contravene the ind~ividua7's right to freedom of association; and (2) that it was unfair to single out the CIA as distinct from other intelli- gence agencies and let alone as distinct from business communities and other activities. 2. President Bok indicated he thought this eras to be a statement of general principles. He didn't think it eras intended to prevent "any relationship." He thought that it should proscribe cer~tair; kinds o-F activities on the campus. The President indicated that Harvard had taken a position with the Church Committee that the Congress should not legislate control over the role of academia with the Intelligence Community, but that the academic institutions should discipline themselves. Thus, they need to put out some statement. 3. I indicated my concurrence in their putting out a statement on the quality of relationship and that it should cover not only the CIA but all other activities that academics might have ~vith non-academic institutions or organizations. 4. The President indicated that he thought I had been misled, perhaps by the summary of tr?2 state~~~ent vrhi ch I :~ras ti~rorki ng from vrhich indicated there tivould be a proscription on "any relationship."