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Document Release Date: 
March 22, 2007
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Publication Date: 
July 26, 1980
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STAT Approved For Release 2007/03/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498ROO0200 AR'IC7_,.E AF ON PaO o J ' WASHINGTON, "July 25 -The House Select-Committee on Intelligence today .approved a bill. that would make it' a crime to disclose the idetitity'of a "covert agent"' of a United States intelligence agency: There has been relatively little contro- versy'about provisions .of the measure that would'punish present or former gov- ernment officials who used knowledge ob- tained from 'secret documents' or., from their official 'p'osition to: disclose 'such identities. But the House panel also voted today-to extend the criminal penalty-to- those who make an effort "to identify and __ NEW YORK TIMES 26 JULY 1980 ? 4sLLL, we tea stauve impair or' impede the foreign intelligence course or the inte Igence agency s id activities of the United States" even if it couTd support the House bill but would they have 'not had authorized access tol press for "slightly different" language' classified information.. when the Senate Select Committee .on In-1 Committee members made clear that telligence takes up a similar bill Tuesday! the intent of the. measure was to punish afternoon halt ?the work of such people as ::: Those, who back 'civil Iiberty, caused . Louis Wolf,`the editor of the?.Washington-, have said that the attempt to include based Covert Action Information Bulle- journalists who have not. had access to tin;- which'i:says it has 'published: the classified information might have a chill-' names of some 2,000 Central Intelligence ing.or unconstitutional effect on freedom Agency: operatives to inhibit and to stop- of the press. and freedom of speech. the C.I A.'s'covert intelligence activities-. Definition Is Broadened owever; ,the Justice: ;Department earlier thisyearexpresseddoubts that In another, unexpected developm'rt the*H Keuch,`a.deputy associate 'attorney- gen- eral.said today in a telephoneinterview -that;thedepartment still did not support the House committee's version :The Justice Department believes; off s cuts; said,::that'the'-`.'intent ta impair or impede ',.clause in today's bill will be dif- ficult to and focuses on sub- >jectivepolitical-cpinions, which are pro- 'tected by theFirst:Amendment ouse committee alsa oroadened the l definition of a "covert' agent". to include! "an agent of, or informant to, the foreign counterintelligence or foreign counterter-j rorism elements of theFederal Bureau of Investigation"'. Two spokesmen for the American Civil Liberties. Union;- Jerry-'J Berman and Morton H. Halperin; said that this might .make it illegal_to identify.F.B.I; inform ants-and infiltrators who spiedon dissi-! dent litic i o n a po I rga iz tions vithin..the , United: States if the bureau asserted that it believed such, organizations had clan- destine ties to foreign intelligence or tern rorist groups '- Another - provision of -, the House Bill would--. apparently.' Presi=. dent -to;.review-?..regulationsz that have J'given? some,governmentvagencies'?the. right-' toarefuse:?to!.provide t,-cover".'. for clandestine agents of the'Central Intelli-. gence?Agency::Boththe Peace Corps and. -the- u nited--States' Information, Service have contended-since the.1960's that they have such immunity ; :, ::=Adm. Stansfield:Tlirner; theDirector of '-Central- Intelligence;,-testified:,his - year that:;he; opposed' measures: `that- restrict =the institutions 'and agencies'_tliat 'might be employed as covers for agents i `3Therehave been strong And" in some' cases; unabashedly=:ernotional?Idemands in punish: Mr- Wolf and a for: ,mer.-:Central`'Intelligencet=agent;' Philip Agee :for'publishing-the names.,of C:I.A:: agents! However; in?both,of-the intelli- :gene ;committees anz;agreement was reached:earlier, thus .year ;to, shelve' an ;`agents identities bill" .because,of?-the' First Ainendmentproblems'itpo,ed Then :, early this month Mr: Wolf said ;afa news conference i&Jamaica.that N Richard Kinsnian-and14 other. persons listed as',members of the;:United`States -embassy staff-in= the Caribbean country were C.I:A_`officials?.`Subsequently,:.Mri Kinsman's house,wasattacked.with.sub. ,machine guns and grenades, although no one was injured - s-, -This,, according tv ^ several sources close the: situation;: stirred.Gongress ~oncemore~r,l Tr:}:Y sti,a' n